
Chapter 104 Mutation

A strange fragrance came straight into the nostrils, which was a very powerful fragrance. Instead of struggling in kindness and resentment, it is better to wander in oblivion and let everything disappear from memory together with that beautiful face.

Raise your hand and gently put the fruit on your lips. Locke closed his eyes in pain.

"After I left with the xiao, I wandered under this tree for countless nights and stretched out my hand countless times to eat a piece of fruit, but in the end, I didn't do it. Although missing is a kind of injury and waiting is also a kind of pain, that kind of persistence makes me painful and happy. I love the scorpion, and I love the xiao more. They almost occupy all my life. With them, I have a hope. The yearning for them has supported me for thousands of years.

Locke stopped moving and thought: Can you be happy if you forget everything? It's too selfish to do this! The hatred of the parents has not been revenged, the hatred of the destruction of the land has not yet snowed, the curse of Qiu Bai has not been solved, and the resentment of Wufu has not been resolved. Do you want to avoid responsibility and deserve to be the son of the demon king Qi'ao? Locke suddenly hated himself and raised his hand. He threw the fruit in the wind.

"Son, you still have a long way to go. You should be as upright as your father." Papemius said quietly. She has a feeling that the child must have had an unusual experience.

"Your Majesty, I have something to ask you. I don't know if you have heard of it." Locke thought: Since Papemius used to be the goddess of heaven, maybe she knew something about Cupid's curse.

"Oh, what's the matter? Kid, tell me, as long as I know, I will tell you."

"You are the goddess of heaven. Do you know that 10,000 years ago, which goddess cast a spell on my clan, Qiu Bai?"

"Well..." Papemi Hughes thought for a moment and then said, "I haven't heard of it. There are many goddesses in heaven, and it may be difficult to find them. If only your father was here. He has a relationship with the gods.

"My father has a relationship with the gods?"

"Yes, your father is upright, open-minded and helpful. He is deeply welcomed by the gods."

"Oh, so what are the gods who are close to my father?" Locke asked curiously, hoping to get some clues from the gods.

Papemius said, "The nearest male god who walked with your father is Apollo. As for the female god, I heard that in addition to Dianyi, there is also Artemis."

"Dian Yi, who is she?" Locke asked strangely, because he had never heard of a god named Dian Yi.

"It's the goddess of ice and snow."

Oh, the goddess of ice and snow - Dian Yi. Locke remembered the name and thought: If you have a chance to meet Dian Yi, you must ask, and maybe you can know some clues from her.

"Your Majesty, you used to be a goddess in heaven. Why did you live in the jungle and become the queen of the elves?" Locke asked.

"Come with me and I'll show you something."

"Mother, what are you going to see? Don't call us either." The three brothers and sisters chattled around.

"Okay, okay, there's nothing you can do, then let's go and watch it together!" Papemi Hughes said with a smile.

So, four young people surrounded Papemius and walked to the top floor of the palace. I picked up the stairs along the spiral corridor, and it wasn't long before I came to the top floor. This is the top and largest of the whole palace, which is located in a huge canopy. Papemi Hughes pushed the door and walked in first. Everyone followed her and filed in.

Everyone came into the door and found that it was empty and there was nothing. However, Locke has felt that the whole room is full of huge energy.

Papemius recited a spell, removed the boundary, and the room lit up. This light was not the usual dazzling color, but the same soft green as the whole palace.

Locke was attracted by a mural on the wall. There is a beauty on the mural. The beauty was dressed in a white dress with long green hair. She sat by the stream as if she were combing her hair. Behind the beauty is a forest, where the bodies and heads of some animals are poked out of the forest. They are elk, grizzly bears, rabbits, lions and tigers and so on...

Who is she? She looks so beautiful! Locke couldn't help thinking.

"Mother, what is this?" Xiao shouted loudly.

Locke took his eyes back from the wall and saw a transparent cone with a cluster of green flames jumping inside. At this time, he finally knew that the green clouds he had seen above the jungle were the energy stored in this thing.

"Mother, what is this?"

"Mother, it's so strange!"

The two brothers and sisters in Cologne also shouted.

"Her name is Sylph, and she is the sister of the fire god Hewistos..." Papemi Hughes said altruly.

"Mother, how could she be like this?" Xiao's curiosity came up again and couldn't help interrupting his mother's words. In his thinking, the "sister" should naturally be like Ruoxi, at least she should have a personal appearance.

At that time, whether it was demons, demons, beasts, monsters, and even insects and ants wanted to have the same appearance as gods, because God had the power of life and death, had the right to live forever, and was the object admired by all sentient beings. Therefore, they do everything they can to cultivate themselves, hoping that one day they can have a god-like appearance and even have the right to live like a god. Of course, as the bottom of society, they can't see God, and their reference can only be human beings, because human beings are created by God according to their own appearance.

It's incredible that such a cluster of flames can be called someone's sister. Driven by curiosity, Xiao stretched out his hand and wanted to touch the thing called "sister".

"Wow", as soon as Xiao's finger touched the cone, it rotated and rotated faster and faster. Locke hurriedly stretched out his hand and tried to pull him over. Who knew, the two of them seemed to be stuck and could not break free. Locke hurriedly used his magic. He wanted to push away the cone, but the magic was rapidly losing, as if he had been pulled away from his body. Locke was shocked.

As the cone rotates faster, the cluster of green flames became bigger and bigger in the eyes of the two teenagers. Suddenly, a green light covered its head, followed by a huge suction. Locke and Xiao were sucked into the flames and disappeared.

"Ah! Brother!" Ruoxi screamed first.

"No, my God!"

"Empg! Locke!"

Papemius and Cologne also exclaimed. However, the two people disappeared out of thin air, and no matter how the three people called, they did not get a response.

"Is Sylph's seal unsealed?" Papemius shed tears and blamed himself, "Alas, this reckless child. Blame it all! It's all my fault!"

"Mother, what the hell is going on?"

"Did that thing eat them?"

The two brothers and sisters scrambled to ask.

"Who knows! Alas, whether it's a blessing or not, we can only look at their creation!" Papemius cried secretly.

The brother who was finally found disappeared inexplicably, and the two brothers and sisters in Cologne looked at each other in con's face.