
Chapter 124 People Who Have Died Twice

Miller sat by Micah's bed and was sad. More than 200 years have passed, and Michael has not woken up. He thought that Mr. Tuman could find Pluto and wake up Micah. Unexpectedly, Mr. Tuman has never returned. Are these all arranged by fate? Do we have to suffer endless torture from our brothers?

Miller looked at the stone in his hand. Ten thousand years ago, it sucked the teenager's blood and helped himself out of the sea of suffering. I have been looking for it for more than 10,000 years. Although I didn't find Magneto Stone and the teenager named Locke, I found the blood jade.

Miller said to himself, "Although I don't know why you appeared in his hands, you are my amulet. This time, you must be able to help me get out of trouble, right?"

Miller put away his thoughts, just like 10,000 years ago, he hung the blood jade decorated with colorful tassels around his waist. Miller thought that even if the man was dead, as long as he could be reincarnated, he would definitely recognize himself with this blood jade.

"Brother, are you worried about the second brother again?" A gentle and gentle female voice floated in.

"Oh, it's Qier. Where have you been again? I haven't seen you for a long time.

"What's more, don't you always run out silently? And it will be a year and a half after running. Qier pouted her small lips and suddenly flashed her big eyes.

"Well, you are still as naughty as you were when you were a child."

"Alas!" Qi'er also sighed.

"What's wrong, little girl? You were not like this in the past. Did you have a love? Did you get lovesickness?"

"I found my brother, but I still haven't found Brother Locke." Qi'er's eyes faded.

"What? Brother Locke? When did you have a brother named Locke? Miller's eyes widened, grabbed Qier's arm and shook it. "Tell me, where is he? What does he look like? Is it like your second brother, with blonde hair and wheat-colored skin?

"Brother, you hurt me!" Qier was about to shed tears and thought: Now my brother is very different from before. In the past, my brother was very afraid that he would get hurt, but now, he hurts me so much.

"I'm sorry, Qier, I'm sorry to hurt you!" Miller let go of his hand and said softly, "Your brother Locke must be very handsome, right? I think he must have blonde hair, right?

"No, it's not. Brother Locke has red hair and a pair of sharp horns on his head. It's so cool!" Qi'er looked intoxicated.

"Ah?" Miller looked disappointed and thought: It turned out to be the same name.

"So, can you tell me where you went? Do you know that my brother is very worried about you? In order to find you, I sent Lisa and her five brothers and sisters out.

Qier said mysteriously, "Brother, I went to the future world."

"What? You went to the future world!? Why?"

Miller's eyes widened. He did not expect that his sister would go to the future world, nor did he think about what would happen to the future world, because his memory has been stuck in the past. Even in the present, his heart is still wandering in the past.

Almost every midnight dream, Miller burst into tears. He can't forget the magnificent palace and the two teenagers who drank with him. He hates that he cheated Xue Lie, and even hates that he has not fulfilled his promise to Locke. Therefore, he just wants to go back to the past and change the past. If the past changes, everything will not happen today. The blonde teenager does not have to be burned, and he will not suffer from blood poison.

So, when he got the magnet on the key of time and space, he wanted to go back to the past and change the past.

When Miller arrived at the city that never sleeps, he saw Qier. Although Shura left the planet Hobbit 300 years ago, when Qier was still very young and just 50 years old, she had black hair and black eyes, which were the characteristics of the Hobbit, and she also had a "kischi of time and space" on her body, and the magnet in Miller's arms kept making trembling sounds. It had sensed The existence of the key of time and space. Therefore, Miller dares to be sure that the girl who is fling a kite with a tall man on the hillside is Qier. Qi'er is tall and beautiful. If that person sees the real Qi'er, he will be very happy, and he will definitely become his real brother-in-law.

However, when Miller wanted to take Qi'er away, she found that Qi'er had lost her memory and she couldn't even speak. Miller thought of himself. When he drove a spaceship to the earth 300 years ago, the spacecraft crashed, his body was destroyed, and the soul energy body traveled to 10,000 years ago and attached to a stranger's body. Miller speculated that Qier must have encountered some accident before reaching the earth, which led to the loss of memory and the ability to speak.

Miller took the "key of time and space" from Qier's hand and embedded the magnolite. He wants to go back to Atlantis 10,000 years ago. Only Atlantis' medical technology can restore her memory. In addition, he wants to find the blonde teenager named Locke. He wants to prevent him from entering Atlantis before the blonde teenager arrives. As long as the blonde teenager can't see him, nothing will happen in the future.

When Miller was about to implement his plan, the city owner of the city who never sleeps was whimsical and wanted to marry Qi'er. Qi'er was the person the blonde teenager liked. He would never let Qi'er marry anyone else. Therefore, Miller presented a gold ring to the city owner, which was coated with ecze. As a result, Qier fainted after putting on the ring.

After Miller drove the dragon chariot and activated the "key of time and space", he adjusted the time to 622, the year when the blonde teenager appeared in Atlantis. However, the pointer on the "key of time and space" can only point to the year, and its maximum span is one year, and the specific date and location cannot be determined.

So Miller went back to 10,000 years ago. When he walked ashore from the lake, he got lost. He didn't know where he had been. And how could Miller know that the blonde teenager hid behind the rocks dozens of meters away from him, and people heard his sigh and smelled the fragrance on his body. As a result, the two passed by. Miller drove the flying dragon chariot west, while Locke headed east. When Miller's chariot flew far away and saw the scorched Westland, he found that he had gone in the wrong direction. When he transferred the chariot and flew back, Locke had already met with Shura.

Later, Miller finally arrived at Atlantis. When he heard people talking about the queen's new golden armor commander, he knew that he was late and could not meet him in the same time and space, otherwise he would disappear and the whole time and space would disappear. If she disappears, then Qier will not wake up again, and her father and mother will lose their only daughter, and they will be in pain. And Micah, who hasn't seen him wake up yet.

So, Miller believed that these are all fate, which has already been arranged. Even if he has the "key of time and space" in his hand, it is useless, and what should still happen.

In desperation, Miller had to take a medicine to restore his memory. Ten thousand years later, he had to rush to save his sister. If it took too long, the ecze could fail.

When Miller rushed to the city that never sleep, he found that Qi'er had woken up. He thought that the eclipse had failed. In fact, Locke's magic destroyed the effect of the medicine and woke up Qi'er. And Locke didn't know that under the influence of ecscination and magic, he had hallucinations and kissed Qier.

"Not yet. He said that I can't be with Brother Locke because he found out that Brother Locke would die, and he also said that Brother Locke is from the future world. So I went to the future world. I have been looking for it for many years under the nickname of Angie. Later, I went to a city called Elegant. In a university, I saw a blonde teenager who was very similar to Brother Locke. When I found that he had a pair of red pupils, he disappeared. The school hasn't found it for many years, and I have met his parents. Later, I came back. I thought, maybe he is not the brother Locke I'm looking for.

Blonde teenager, red pupil? No, no, no, the teenager who has been the commander for himself has golden pupils, and he looks more like Micah. It must be Micah. Micah must be him. Maybe he lost his memory after his rebirth. For a moment, Miller's thoughts were confused.

When Miller saw his sister look depressed, he suddenly remembered what the man once said ten thousand years ago, "How's it going?" Even if it's an exchange! Blood jade is a bride price, and a silk scarf is a witness. If Qi'er refuses to marry me, you have to marry me, which can be regarded as compensation. Hahaha..." The evil face and a bright laugh, as if it were right in front of my eyes and ears.

Qier is here, but where are you? Fate, when will your joke stop?

"Bang", Miller punched the table, and the table was immediately covered with a layer of ice.

"Brother, are you angry?" Qi'er was scared. She had never seen her brother angry, and as a brother with a strange face, he looked so angry.

"No, no, no, Qier, don't get me wrong. My brother is not angry with you. I'm angry with my life.

"The breath of life?" Qi'er showed a confused look.

"Yes, all this is caused by fate."

"Originally, I didn't believe in fate, so I went to the future world to change Locke's brother's fate. I thought that if I could stop him from coming to this world, he would not die. However, I haven't found him for so many years. Brother, do you think he has come to this world?

"Well, I'm not sure."

"I have been looking for Brother Locke for more than 200 years, but I haven't found him yet. Does he not like me and deliberately hide from me?"

"Qier, you have to look far away. There may be many people called Locke in the world. You can like another Locke, and you don't have to like the long-horned one. For example, Micah, he is not your own brother.

"Brother, why are you the same as the national teacher? The national teacher made me like the man named Tanatos. You actually made me like another Locke. You didn't fall in love with anyone. How can you understand!" Qi'er was not satisfied and her mouth was pouting.

"Tanatos, have you seen Tanatos?" Miller's face was full of anxiety, "Tell me where Tanatos is? He hurt your second brother!"

"No way?" Qi'er looked at her brother doubtfully, "He has such a great ability as Tanatos who surrounds me like a fly? It should be the same name again.

"No, Tanatos is Death. He must have hurt your second brother. Mr. Torman said that only Death will use the underworld. Hahaha... Micah, you are finally saved. My brother said he would wake you up. My brother will go and catch Tanatos now. I'll go now.

"Brother! Wait a minute!" Qier was scared and thought to herself: Since my brother took me to the dark night castle, this is the first time I have seen my brother's smile, but my brother's smile is so terrible. My brother is worried about my second brother, the second brother who has been lying in **. My brother is better to him than me. Now my brother is not like my former brother at all. Alas, he must be mentally abnormal!

"No, I can't wait any longer. I've been waiting for more than 200 years. I've been waiting for more than 200 years. I can't wait any longer!"

"Brother, listen to me!" Qi'er grabbed Miller's arm.

Although Qier hated Tanatos very much, Tanatos was obedient to her. He not only sent her flowers, clothes, decorations and so on, but also accompanied her around. Moreover, Tanatos has been working in the city that never sleeps. He is just a human being. How can he be a death and how can he hurt his second brother?

So, Qi'er said, "It won't be Tanatos, it should be Pluto. Yes, it must be the injured second brother of the guy named Pluto. He always wears a silver mask. He must have done something shameful. Why don't he dare to show his true face?

"Puto! Tanatos! Hahaha..." Miller suddenly laughed wildly, "I finally found you. This time, even if I destroy this body and turn it into an energy body, I will catch you!" Miller laughed so much that tears flowed out. Bloody tears rolled down his cheeks and dripped all the way to the snow-white skirt.

"Brother! You have changed. You are no longer Qier's former brother. Brother Shura must be dead. He doesn't want me anymore! Whoo-hoo..." Qier fell on the table and cried bitterly.

"I, I..." Miller was at a loss and had to comfort him, "Qier, don't be sad. I'm your brother Shura. Haven't I already told you? I have died twice. If I were not Shura, how could I know what happened when I was a child, as well as the names of my father and mother? All right, all right, don't cry. Will you play with me? ..." Miller coaxed for a long time, and Qi'er finally stopped crying.

Although Miller said so, he was planning to go to the city that night.