
Chapter 126 North Sea Monster

When Locke rushed back to the city that didn't sleep, night had come. At this time, at the beginning of the lanterns, thousands of lights dotted the nightless city, making the sleepless city not only beautiful, but also quite magnificent, just like a palace.

Rock ran to the office. Cologne used to work there, but there was no one in front of the office desk. He asked the official on duty again, and the officer on duty said that he had not seen the city owner for most of the day.

Strange, where did Cologne go? Locke muttered in his heart: Forget it, let's go to Telly. Thinking of this, he went to Teli's room.

The door of the room was closed. After knocking on the door for a long time, no one answered. It's really strange. Where are the people? Locke had to walk towards the back garden. Finally, he saw Tri. The old man is sitting in the Falling Flower Pavilion.

"Old man, have you always been good?"

"I have seen Pluto!" Trit hurriedly got up to salute.

"Why, haven't you found Qi'er yet?" Locke sat down beside the old man.

The old man shook his head and showed a tired face. I think he was too busy.

"Old man, have you seen this helmet?" Locke took out the golden helmet found from the bottom of the sea.

"Oh? What is this?"

Terly took the helmet over and looked at it carefully. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he said, "This helmet is very expensive, and there are two Capricorns carved on it. Could this be the helmet worn by the legendary Capricorn God of War?"

"The helmet worn by the Scorpion God of War?"

"Yes, yes, according to what I heard, the legendary Capricorn God of War is a golden armored God of War. Has Capricorn been reincarnated?"

"Is it him who reincarnated as a scorpion?" Locke suddenly remembered the figure he saw in the undersea ruins: Is that person the reincarnated scorpion god of war?

"Have you ever seen the Capricorn God of War?" Trit hurriedly asked.

"No, no, no!" Locke shook his head and said, "I just doubt that I found someone near this helmet, as if I had seen someone."

So Locke told what he saw in the undersea ruins.

He twisted his beard, meditated for a long time, and then said, "Maybe it's really the God of War, and maybe it's better if he can find the God of War. Maybe he can stop Pluto from colliding with the earth."

"If that's the case, then I'll go to the bottom of the sea again. I think that person should live at the bottom of the sea."

"If the God of War could be found earlier, it might have relieved Pluto's crisis."

"Let's have a try. Oh, by the way, have you seen Tanatos? I want to take him with me."

"No, I haven't seen him for a whole afternoon."

"It's really strange. What did he do?" Locke's heart was faintly uneasy, "It's not too late. I'll go to the undersea ruins again."

"Well, Pluto, be careful, go early and come back early."

"Don't worry, old man."

Farewell to Tri, Locke walked to Russy's room. Since Ruoxi appeared in the "falling flower pavilion" last time, Locke has left her in the city that sleepless. Locke knew that Ruoxi could feel his heart for Qier when he was by his side. He didn't want to hurt the little girl's heart, so he restored Ruoxi.

"Du Du Du" and he knocked on Ruoxi's door.

The door opened, and a handsome little face appeared. Ruoxi is much thinner, and her green eyes are no longer the brilliance of the past. Maybe the little girl misses her brother. Alas, after so many years, I don't know how the xiao is. Locke's heart became more and more uneasy.

"Brother Locke, you're back!" Ruoxi's face was surprised, "Come in and sit down. Huh? What do you have in your hand? She saw the helmet in Locke's hand.

"Oh, this is a helmet I found in the ruins under the sea."

Helmet? Show me!" With that, she took the helmet over. She turned over and looked backwards, shouting, "Pure gold, so domineering! I think the person wearing it must be a general. I admire the general the most!" The little girl stroked her helmet, looking like she couldn't put it down.

"Ruoxi, have you seen your brother? I'm looking for him."

"No, I haven't seen him for most of the day. Who knows where he has gone? He is always so busy. Maybe he went to deal with official business. Well, I'll let someone look for it." With that, Ruoxi called the guard, and after a few words with the guard, the guard went out.

"Brother Locke, look, do I look like a female general wearing a helmet?" With that, she put her helmet on her head and said, "Oh, my God! What is this?" Bang, accompanied by Ruoxi's scream, the helmet fell to the floor.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Seeing Ruoxi's frightened face, Locke asked puzzledly.

"I... I saw myself." Ruoxi looked pale, "I also saw the eldest brother, the eldest brother... He is burning in the fire.

"What? How could such a thing happen?" Locke also panicked and thought, "Is there something wrong with Xiao?" How did you know?"

"I... I saw it from the helmet.

"Is this a magical helmet?" What will I see if I wear a helmet? Will you also see Xiao or Qi'er? Locke picked up the helmet and put it on his head uneasily.

Locke saw some messy pictures, in which there was a general in gold armor and a general in silver armor. They seemed to be leading the troops to kill, and heard shouts in their ears. Those sounds seem to be far away. Is it really the Scorpion God of War? Locke was first excited, and then disappointed, because he didn't see Xiao, let alone Qi'er.

"Strange, strange, so strange!" Locke said to himself.

"Brother Locke, what did you see? Have you seen the big brother? Brother, is he in danger? Ruoxi shouted anxiously.

Locke shook his head and said, "I didn't see the xiao, but the two gods of war."

"Two Gods of War?" Ruoxi showed a puzzled look.

"Since I can't find your second brother, I don't think I can wait any longer. I'm going to the ruins under the sea."

"Ruins under the sea?"

"Yes, that's where the helmet was found. I have a feeling that this helmet may be related to the missing person.

"Let me go with you."

"Okay, but you still have to become a golden sword."

"It turns people into a golden sword again!" Ruoxi pouted her small red lips, looked at Locke resentfully, and said, "Well, just let me follow you."

"Brush", a golden light flashed, and Ruoxi turned into a golden sword and got into the scabbard.

What about this helmet? Locke turned the helmet upside down and looked at it. If there is, it's better to make it smaller. Thinking of this, he made the helmet small and hung it on the handle of the golden sword, just like a decoration. He feels very satisfied.

When Locke reached the coast, the night was completely dark. There is no moon tonight, and even the stars have hidden in the thick clouds. It seems that it is going to rain.

Locke couldn't care much. He put down the boundary, flew into the sea, and moved quickly to the deep sea surrounded by a halo. The surrounding dark tide is surging, and the sea looks quite quiet, and even a fish can't be seen. Locke was deeply puzzled. At this moment, the underwater scene in his eyes is different from what he saw when he was with the fishman.

There must be something weird, you have to be careful. Soon, Locke saw those trees-like corals, and they shrank their colorful arms as if they were frightened.

What on earth happened? Locke had a bad feeling in his heart, and he accelerated his speed. Soon, I faintly saw something similar to a building, which should be the ruins at the bottom of the sea.

Suddenly, the sea shook sharply, and a large dark shadow rose from the back of the building.

"Oh, my God, what is that?" Ruoxi poked her head out of the scabbard.

"Hide in, I don't know what it is." With that, Locke opened his red pupils and saw some shining light in the dark shadow. Isn't it the sea monster mentioned in the fish population? Why don't I go and have a look first and then make a plan?

Locke continued to approach. He saw that it was a super huge sea monster chasing something that looked like a boat with two blue lights on it. Locke suddenly felt that the thing was a little familiar.

"Oh, my God, that's the dragon chariot!" Locke exclaimed.

At this moment, the sea monster's arm has been put on the neck of the double-headed dragon and is dragging the flying dragon chariot back, probably trying to swallow it into his stomach. It's too late to think about it, Locke's magic. Locke, who was in the boundary, burst into light, rolling like a huge sun, roaring and hitting the body of the sea monster.

"Boom", a strong light broke out from the bottom of the sea, and the sea surged violently, and the sea monster was shaken a few times, but it was so huge that it did not let go of its arm.

Locke was anxious and thought to himself: I have hurt Micah. I can't let Miller get hurt any more, otherwise I will be too sorry for the two brothers. He was about to use the "hell fire". At this time, the Pluto ring on his left index finger suddenly burst out a strong black light and shot at the sea monster. The sea monster is fixed as if it had been fixed.

The dragon chariot got rid of the shackles, shook it a few times, and then rose to the surface of the water.

Locke took a look and saw that the sea monster was extremely horrible. It had seven heads that looked like snakes and dragons, each with protuberances similar to sharp horns, and there was a blood-red snake letter in each mouth. The head in the middle of the sea monster is below, with a human face, an eye on its nose, four human-like arms, two huge wing-like fins on its back, and walking, beast-like limbs.

"Who are you?" Locke questioned within the boundary. He knew that this was not an ordinary sea monster, at least a sea monster with tens of thousands of years of practice.

"I'm a monster in the North Sea."

Sure enough, the sea monster spoke, and it was the mouth on the man's face that opened his mouth. As soon as it opened its mouth, the sea surged violently.

"Go back to the North Sea and don't come out without my order. Otherwise, I will kill you!" Locke said in a low voice.

"Yes, Lord Pluto."

The strong light shot at the sea monster was taken back into the ring. The sea monster turned his huge body and went north.

Locke looked at the ring in his hand and thought: The Pluto Ring is so powerful that it can subdue the North Sea monster. Alas, I think Pluto suffered a disaster, and the magic power to seal the North Sea monster failed, so it ran to the world.

Locke rose to the sea. Just now, he saw the flying dragon chariot shaking. He was worried that Miller would be injured. Now, he suspects that the figure he saw in the ruins at the bottom of the sea is Miller. Is Miller the reincarnated scorpion god of war? No, I'm going to catch up and ask him. Maybe he knows where the xiao is. Thinking of this, Locke accelerated his speed.

When Locke rushed out of the water, he spread his wings, suspended in the air, and looked around, but he did not see the flying dragon chariot. Its speed is really fast. I think Miller should not be injured. Why don't I go to the Eastland to look for it? Thinking of this, he flapped his wings and flew east.