
Chapter 129 Heroes Save Beauty

Soon, four guards escorted two people up. The two were wrapped in a black cloak and tied like dumplings. They couldn't see their faces clearly, let alone whether they were men or women.

"Is it true?"

"I heard that it's a beautiful woman, and I don't know if it's true."

"Who knows? Shouldn't we get two more death row prisoners to deceive us?


After a while**, the discussion began.

"Let me kill them, I will avenge my brother!" Princess Dina showed her sword and wanted to rush to kill the "sacrifice".

"Dina, don't mess around!" A majestic voice stopped Princess Dina.

Locke looked in the direction of making a sound and saw a middle-aged man wearing a golden crown. I think it should be the lord of the Rising Sun Empire.

"Princess, please calm down!" The mage saluted Dina and said, "The princess's sword is immortal."

"Wow!" There was a burst of exclamation in the crowd, "No wonder there are more and more blood clans. It turns out that they can't be killed."

"What should we do?"

"Doesn't they all have to be sucked?"

"Oh, my God, I can't stay in this country anymore. I'm going to Middle-earth and join my distant relatives."


There is another wave of discussion.

"Don't be impatient, please listen to the mage." It was the young man who shouted blood hunting.

The crowd calmed down.

The mage Yangyang was compladened. He twisted his red beard with his hand and said, "Although the sword does not kill the blood clan, I can make the soul of the blood clan fly away. Throw them up!"

"Yes, Master!" The guard threw the two men wrapped in black cloaks on the altar.

"Fire candle!" The mage shouted behind him.

"Disciples are there!" The candle came forward.

"Get it for them!"

"This...this..." Yanzhu didn't seem to dare to untie it. Looking at the situation, he was afraid that people would run away.

"Hmm?" The mage stared, and the small eyes were at least more than twice as big. Yanzhu didn't dare to make a sound. He hurriedly untied the rope of one of them and tore off the man's cloak three or two times.

"Wow, beauty!"

"It's really a beautiful woman!"

"If only I could see the face!"


After a period of discussion, the crowd rose again.

A woman fell on the altar. The strong sunlight made her unable to raise her head. She lowered her head and covered her face with her hands. The long black hair spread behind her head and almost covered her upper body.

People pointed and talked about it, stretching their necks and waiting to see the beautiful woman's soul fly away. After waiting for a cup of tea, the beautiful woman still stayed on the altar.

"What's going on? Flaming candle!" The mage looked stunned, "Did you catch another human to fool me? You want me to make a fool of myself in public, don't you?"

"Disciples dare not, how dare they deceive you! There is another blood woman. Yanzhu was so scared that his legs and stomach trembled, and he ran to untie another person.

Locke understood that the master and apprentice knew the heel's heel's heel, so he put people in the sun. However, the woman was fine and did not disappear. She should be a human. I think they caught the wrong person. Locke almost laughed and thought: It seems that the master and apprentice are going to make a fool of themselves today.

As soon as the candle unbuttoned the rope, it didn't wait to pull off the rope. Suddenly, with a long roar, the sound sounded crisp and loud and resounded through the sky. Locke was stunned, and he felt a little familiar with the sound.

"Oh..." The sound is endless. Shasha", a slight sound of footsteps gathered from all directions.

"Protect the Lord!"

"Protect the princess!"


"Schoking", the guards pulled out their weapons and surrounded and protected the royal nobles in Chinese robes in the front of the temple.

"Run, the werewolf is coming!" After a burst of screams, people fled in horror.

At this time, the sun suddenly dimmed, dark clouds shrouded the sky, and many four-legged beasts with big tails surrounded it.

"Hahaha..." With a bright laugh, a fiery red figure jumped on the altar, kicked the candle, and pulled up the man in the black cloak. "Blood clan? It belongs to me. Her life is mine, and I will kill her with my own hands! Hahaha..." Another burst of laughter.

Princess Dina was stunned, the blood hunt was stunned, and everyone was stunned. They saw that the laughing man looked exactly like the general of the Protector. They not only looked exactly the same, but also wore the same clothes, and even had the same short black hair.

Locke was stunned first, and then he smiled. He saw the difference between the two. The man who laughed was golden and hairy. He was the sling who had been missing for more than 200 years. For a moment, Locke was so excited that tears rolled in his eyes. He really wanted to rush forward and give him a warm hug.

"Who is it? How dare you dare to destroy the ceremony!"

"Kill him!"


Dina and Blood Hunter jumped up, and the two of them attacked the eagle's body with swords and whips respectively. Soon, the guards also surrounded. Locke flew into the war circle. He couldn't let the shao be injured. How could he hurt his brother who he finally found?

The golden sword came out of its sheath. Ruoxi had already seen her eldest brother. She turned into a golden snake, opened her sharp teeth, and bit her brother fiercely. Therefore, there was a strange scene: a golden sword shuttled through the crowd, and everywhere it passed, there was a splash of blood.

The Uvos also joined the regiment. They bit with their fangs and grabbed them with their claws. Soon, the ground was covered with scarred guards.

"Smelly mask seller, what are you doing? Is it possible to be with him? Dina was so angry that she danced the bronze whip in her hand and sealed Locke's way. Papa, the crisp sound is endless in the ears. Dina danced the whip like a wall of iron, and she didn't give Locke a chance to move forward.

This girl is so cruel. It's better not to let me catch you, otherwise, I will draw your face! Locke thought hatefully.

"Give me an arrow! Shoot the demon girl of the blood clan. I don't know who shouted.

"Whiw", the rain of arrows all over the sky shot at the altar like flying locusts.

Does a woman who knows that she is not a blood clan still shoots arrows and even kills her own people? Locke was very angry. He jumped to the altar and waved his silver sword to block the arrows. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of the woman on the altar, who just turned her head to look at him.

Locke was shocked that the woman was none other than the missing Qi'er. Locke was overjoyed. He hurried over and was about to pick up Qi'er. At this moment, "Huhu", a mass of flames surrounded Qier. Locke turned his head and saw that it was the Yanzhu master and apprentice who were playing fire control. Locke hurriedly laid the boundary and cast a spell to drive away the flame on Qier's body.

"Qier, why are you here? We have been looking for you for a long time.

"Puto! Why are you? Come on, save Sister Lisa."

"Lisa, where is Lisa?"

"There, stupid!" Qi'er pointed to the side, and Locke understood that the one who had not been untied was Lisa. Locke pulled off the rope that tied Lisa in a panic. Suddenly seeing two beautiful women, Locke was so confused that he couldn't remember who he was for a moment. It was not until there was a "w" roar in his ear that he came to his senses. When he looked again, the eagle disappeared.

Locke's regret, he complained to himself in his heart: the brother he finally found disappeared before he could recognize him. How could he value sex over friends? He is so regretful that his intestines are blue.

"Hey, I said, where are the two beauties who just helped me fight? Which one of you saw it?" Locke had to ask the beautiful woman.

Lisa shook her head.

"What about you? You should have seen it when you came out first, right? Locke pinned all his hopes on Qier.

"Me?" Qi'er hesitated for a moment and said, "I seem to see those people retreat into the door." With that, he pointed to the palace door.

Has the xiao been captured into the palace by Dina? Locke was so anxious that he thought: Forget it, let's save the xiao later. The most important thing is to send these two aunts away first.

Rock pulled up two beautiful women, used his wind control skills, and escaped from the Rising Sun Empire like a gust of wind. Finally, when he arrived at a place where there was no one, he let go of his hand and secretly cast spells, transforming a big tree into a pavilion.

"There is a pavilion over there. Shall we go and sit for a while?"

The two beautiful women were shocked and nodded and agreed. Three people sat down in the pavilion.

"Qier, why did you come to the Rising Sun Empire? Do you know that the Trinationalist and Tanatos are going crazy to find you?

"Do you know each other?" Lisa looked at Locke and asked strangely. She saw that Qier seemed to be familiar with the masked man.

"Lisa, I not only know Qi'er, but also know you. I'll tell you later that I have some questions to ask Qi'er now."

He actually knows my name? Lisa looked surprised and thought to himself: Who is this person? The voice is so beautiful that I don't seem to have heard it. How can you know me?

"I... I'm sorry to worry you and Grandpa. My brother brought me to the Night Castle. He doesn't want to see the national teacher."

"Your brother? Dark Night Castle?" Locke was confused, "Who the hell is your brother? Isn't he missing? Did you find him?"

"My brother's name is Miller now, and he found me."

"Is Miller your brother? Didn't you say that your brother's name is Shura? Locke's eyes widened. He really couldn't figure out how Miller became Qi'er's brother.

"That's right, Brother Miller is Brother Shura. Brother said that he has died twice, and his current name is Miller."

"Wait!" Locke felt like a mess in his mind. "I've died twice, I've died twice..." He said to himself and suddenly patted his thigh, "Oh, I understand!"

The two beautiful women looked at Locke strangely and didn't know what he understood. Locke became a god of death. He remembered that after a man died, the dead were forcibly pulled back to the world by external forces before entering the underworld, and then attached to another dead person, so he came back to life, just a change of body. However, it is not easy to find a suitable body to resurrect. If his soul matches the body of the deceased, he is a normal person. If he rejects each other and forcibly adheres to the body, he will become an idiot and die again. Therefore, Locke guessed that Qi'er's brother may have died in an accident when he came to the earth world, but it's incredible that he died twice. Maybe it's because he comes from other planets and his soul is different from that of human beings on the earth. Locke really can't think of any other reason, so he can only think so.