
Chapter 139 The Conspiracy of Zeus

luo ke stayed in the underworld, acted as a god of death, and continued to accompany Pluto.

In order to pass the time and spare time at work, Locke not only taught Hupnos and the three judges to gamble, but also taught Pluto to play chess. As long as he had time, he gambled with Hupnos and the three judges. They mainly play dice and various cards.

So, why is Locke good at gambling? Because his uncle, the crown prince of a European country, is a gambling wizard. The crown prince often took his bodyguard to Las Vegas to gamble and often spent hundreds of millions of dollars. It is said that he has never lost, so he is known as the "god of gambling". The gambling uncle liked his nephew with a pair of red pupils. When Locke was very young, he wanted to take him away and let Locke inherit his gambling skills. However, the Benjamins disagree. They think gambling is unbehapprole. Nevertheless, the uncle, known as the god of gambling, secretly took Locke to a Las Vegas casino. Locke also knew those gambling tools, and in addition, he was born with a unique nature, and the scenes he had seen were remembered in his heart. At the same time, as the nephew of the gambling god, Locke has more or less inherited it. After a little inheritance has been transformed into reality by Locke's consciousness, it will be great.

So, in six shouts, Huspnos and the three judges often lost only one trouser and were forced to run along the riverside of the river. Locke said harshly, "Don't cast spells. Whoever dares to cast spells will let him run naked."

Whenever Hupnos and the three judges began to practice long-distance running again, the large and small officials of the underworld stopped on the riverside to watch the fun.

In addition, Locke also served as a coach and formed a mixed rock band with Hypnos as the lead singer and danced by Namisis, Eris and Cares. Because Hupnos' voice is very close to Jackson's voice. Therefore, the roar of "justbillie...justbillie..." was often heard on the bank of the Pluto River. Who made Locke's most admired star Michael Joseph Jackson?

As a result, the underworld of Yongye is as fresh as being injected into life. The officials of all sizes are quite enthusiastic about their work, and no one wants to leave the underworld.

Pluto just stopped to watch from afar, without restraining them and allowing them to make trouble. Because he knew that Locke's memory of two generations left him with too deep pain. He was so noisy just to misre himself and force himself to forget the past.

Alas! Maybe I shouldn't untie all the seals for you. Looking at the almost crazy figure, his water-blue eyes were full of melancholy.

In this way, thousands of years have passed unconsciously.

On this day, Pluto and Death played a chess game on the bank of the "Wangchuan River". They were killing the two gods inexcusable.

Suddenly, the god sent Hermes to the underworld. He came to convey the metaphor of Zeus and asked Pluto to go to Mount Olympus to attend the regular meeting of the gods.

Pluto was very surprised and thought: Haven't I been removed from the position of the twelve gods? Why did you ask me to go to the God's regular meeting? Humph! I'm not going. At the beginning, Zeus, his own god king brother, embarrassed himself in front of so many gods. Now, he called me to the palace again, and there must be a request from me, so I ignore it.

Pluto didn't say a word, just waved his hand and sent Hermes away.

Locke picked up a chess piece and said, "Your Excellency, you should go. If we don't go, how do you know what Zeus is doing?"

Pluto thought for a moment and said, "Well, it makes sense. Then you can go with me."

Pluto put on his mask and waved his hand, and the black chariots of the four horses roared over.

Lock jumped into the carriage, held Pluto's golden sword in his hand, and sat in the position of his deputy. The chariot galloped all the way through the Elysee Paradise and flew over the countryside of truth until it went out to the sun and headed for Mount Olympus.

The figure of Pluto disappeared from the gate of the Temple of Olympia. Locke's eyes are the majestic and solemn Temple of Olympia, and the sacred atmosphere creates a sense of oppression for him. Sitting in the carriage, he looked down at the thousands of trees and flowers in the world through the clouds on the mountainside, and suddenly felt like a different world.

He thought of Ruoxi, Qier, Cologne, Xiao, Miller and Micah. Alas, I owe them too much and want to make up for it, but I don't know if there is still a chance. Locke sighed in his heart.

In the evening, the regular meeting of the gods was dissolved, and Pluto finally walked out of the temple.

The black carriage was shrouded in an orange glow. Two gods sat in the carriage and looked down at the world under the sunset.

Locke looked at those neat houses, clear rivers, mountains, green trees and flowers, and couldn't help praising: "What a beautiful world! I miss those days in Atlantis so much.

Pluto was stunned and suddenly said, "If you are given a chance to leave the underworld now, would you like to leave?"

"Leave the underworld and where to go?" Locke looked at Pluto doubtfully, and then his eyes suddenly lit up. "Is it a general election? Don't you have to stay in the underworld as king anymore?"

"That's not true." Pluto's eyes dimmed.

"Do you seem to have something on your mind? Say it and listen. Just like in Atlantis, maybe I can help you."

"Today's regular meeting of the gods has restored my position as the twelve main gods."

"Well, you are one of the twelve gods. This is a happy thing, but you don't look happy. Why?"

"Because Zeus issued a divine metaphor, he wanted to send gods to assassinate a person."

Locke smiled and said, "Is it because they recognized my identity and came to assassinate me? That's why you are unhappy."

"No, Zeus let the people assassinated by the gods not be in this world. He heard Uranos' prediction that a great human will be born in the future ground world, and he can create a very powerful weapon. This weapon is the nemesis of Zeus' scepter and will make Zeus' authority ineffective. Zeus is worried that the birth of this weapon will threaten his position in the divine world, so he will send gods to the future world to find the person who created this weapon and kill that person before this weapon is created.

"Oh? Weapon, the nemesis of Zeus's scepter. Who on earth is Zeus going to assassinate? Who has such a great ability to threaten Zeus as the god king?

Pluto shook his head and said, "No god knows the name of that great human being. However, Zeus' weapon is his scepter, which can launch the 'Wrath of Thunder'. I think the weapons born in the future world must be able to restrain thunder.

"Weapons to restrain thunder?" Locke pondered for a moment and suddenly shouted, "Oh, my God! I know, I know who it is!"

Pluto looked at Locke doubtfully: "Do you know who it is? Where does he live? What's your name?"

Locke stabilized his mind and tried to stop his beating heart. He said, "The person Zeus is going to assassinate is my ancestor. His name is Benjamin. Franklin."

"What, your ancestors?" Pluto's eyes widened.

"Yes, in the 18th century, 100,000 years later, my ancestor, Benjamin. Franklin invented the 'lightning arrester'. The function of lightning arresters is to protect people and buildings from lightning. No, I have to stop Zeus. I can't let the gods kill my ancestors.

"Are you really sure that the person they are going to assassinate is your ancestor? Will there be such a coincidence?" Pluto doubted. He still doesn't believe it.

"I'm sure, of course I'm sure. My full name is Locke. Benjamin. Franklin, this is Benjamin. Descendants of Franklin.

Ah? How could such a thing happen!" Pluto was surprised, "I have to stop them from acting. If your ancestors are really assassinated, not only will your world be changed, but also you will no longer exist."

"So, who is it? Who is Zeus going to send to assassinate my ancestors?

Pluto shook his head and said, "Because going to the future world has to take great risks, no god is willing to go. Everyone has quarreled for a long time and has not decided on a candidate, which is also the reason why today's God's regular meeting has been held for so long. The gods discussed and discussed, and finally the nine main gods held the lot. As for the result, only Zeus knows.

"So that's it. It would be troublesome if you don't know who the killer is. No matter how much, when will I leave and how can I return to the future world? Locke's eyes sparkled with excitement, and he had returned to his heart. He wants to go back to protect his ancestors and misses his parents, as well as Qier, Xiao, Ruoxi, Cologne, Miller and Micah in the future world.

Pluto has guessed what Locke was thinking. He patted Locke on the shoulder and said, "I can understand your feelings. After all, you used to be human beings, and human emotions are supreme. Whether it is love, family affection, brotherhood, or friendship, they still occupy a considerable position in your heart. Alas!" Pluto sighed, "I know that you really want to return to the future world, but you are a god, and your divine power is far less than that of any of the nine gods. Moreover, we don't know how many divine killers Zeus sent. Moreover, we don't have the key to travel through time and space. It is extremely difficult to return to the future world. At most, you will lose your memory, lose your divine power, become a mortal, and even lose your life. Therefore, I..."

"You're worried that I will die, aren't you?" Locke looked at the water-blue eyes and suddenly smiled, "I've died several times. If I die, you can still save me, can't you?"

"If it is in this world, I can naturally resurrect you, but if it is in the future world, how can I revive you?"

"Can my soul come back?"

"The possibility is extremely small. Just like Shura, when he died for the first time, his soul did not return to his world - the planet Hobby, but crossed to our ground world 10,000 years ago. If you die in the future world, your soul may be annihilated and may stay in the underworld of the future world, won't I have to wait until 100,000 years later to see you? Besides, 100,000 years later, we don't know who will be the king of the underworld.

Ah? How could such a thing happen!" Locke was shocked. He lowered his head, meditated for a long time, and then said, "Why don't you go to the future world with me?" Locke suddenly raised his head and his eyes lit up, "Yes, let's go together! Although the future world is not as good as the previous Atlantis, the scientific and technological civilization is also very developed. Locke remembered his laptop and mobile phone... He hasn't used a computer for more than 10,000 years.

If I go to the future world, I will buy a batch of computers and mobile phones. I want to give every official in the underworld a computer and mobile phone. I can also spend 100,000 years between the underworld and the mortal worlds to chat with my parents and uncle... Locke is excited by his ideas.

Pluto shook his head and said, "I want to send you to the future world with my divine power. Only with the help of my divine power can you reduce your danger in the process of crossing."

"Oh, so that's it." A wisp of disappointment flashed in Locke's eyes. He hopes that Pluto can also go to the future world, take a look, and feel the era he lives in.

"However, you don't have to worry." Pluto saw Locke's mind. He raised his left hand and said, "Through the Pluto Ring, I can see you and understand your situation. When you are in danger, I will help you."

"Ah?" Locke's eyes widened and his face became extremely difficult to look. "So... when I'm in the shower, you... can't you peep?"

"Bang" "Ouch!" Locke frowned painfully, and his abdomen was punched by Pluto.

"Hmm! Who do you think I think is?" Pluto's face was shrouded in a layer of frost, "Only when you are in danger can I feel it. Even when you are happy with women, I won't know at all.

"I...sorry!" Locke lowered his head and whispered, "I... I think of you as Shura. Once upon a time, Shura and I..."

"However, it's not your fault." Pluto's tone softened, "After all, I'm Pluto, not Shura. Perhaps the reason why you are willing to stay is that you regard me as Shura. Forget it, go back to the underworld first, and I will help you return to the future world tomorrow. Anyway, the most important thing is to smash Zeus' conspiracy and save your ancestors.

Thinking of leaving the underworld, Locke's heart was extremely sad, and his tears almost didn't fall. Although Pluto is not Shura, Locke has been with Pluto for more than 13,000 years, and the two have already formed a deep friendship. If he separated at once, he really feels a little reluctant.

The red sun is inclined to the west, and the clouds are dyed gold. The carriage sped up and went straight to the underworld against the afterglow of the sunset.

Just as Pluto's chariot drove into the underworld, a man ran to the palace of the sun god. This man's name is Faotong, and he is the son of Apollo. When Faea heard someone say that he was not Apollo's son, he was very angry and went to ask Apollo to prove his background.

Faea entered the palace of the sun god and met his father to explain his intention.

Apollo said, "You are indeed my biological son. I can give you any evidence you want.

Fatong asked, "God the Father, please allow me to take the sun car once to prove my identity."

Apollo was surprised to hear this. So Apollo said, "The gods and horses pulling the sun cart are energetic, and you may not be able to control them. Coupled with the rugged road, when the car is about to board the air, the driver will be blinded by the sun, and they can't even tell where the sea is on the ground and where the land is. When going downhill, the speed is faster. Inexperienced people may lose control, and people, cars and horses fall into the sea together. It's too dangerous! Only I can control the sun car, and even Zeus can't control it.

Fae couldn't listen to a word about Apollo. He insisted on taking the sun car once before he was willing. In the end, Apollo had to agree to his request.

The whole body of the sun car is made of gold, only two wheels are made of silver, and decorated with precious olivine and diamonds, which will shine brilliantly in all directions.

The next morning, Fahetong couldn't wait to set out. The sun car was pulled by four horses. Pegasus hissed repeatedly and immediately rushed forward. At this time, the car was very bumpy and had left the original track. The hot sun car ran fast and rampaged through space, and the hot waves surged into the depths of the universe. At this time, Locke entered the passage through the passage formed by the beam emitted by the Pluto Ring with the help of Pluto's divine power.

Locke is moving forward quickly in the time and space turning the black streamer. Suddenly, a dazzling strong light burst out in front of my eyes, and the hot waves surged one after another. Locke, who is shuttling through time and space, encountered the strongest solar storm ever...