
Chapter 147 Breaking into the Police Station at Night

Penris sat in the driving position. Anqi's silver-gray car, the "Audi R8", is like a runaway wild horse, galloping out of An's mansion and rushing to the highway.

Qier said, "Our plan is not thorough enough. I suddenly thought of a question. What if you are found by the military police and shot at you when you brought Brother Feng out?"

Pananya smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will block the bullet for your brother Feng."

"No, no, it's too risky!" Qier shook her head, "I think we should have weapons in our hands, yes, guns or arms. With guns, we will have less danger and more chance of winning.

"Firearms? But where can I get a gun? Pananya frowned, "I only practiced shooting during military training in college, and I haven't been exposed to firearms in actual combat."

"I can get a gun." Penris said.

"Can you?" Pananya is skeptical.

"You still remember Tom. Billcha?"

"The Yankee who is driving with you?"

"Yes, his father is a mafia, and guns are indispensable for their work."

"Oh, my God!" Pananya screamed, "You are mixed up with the mafia. If Dad knows, he will kill you."

Penris smiled strangely and said, "We may not necessarily be killed first. Sister, you came to N City just for Carlo. Is Dan here? As far as I know, Carlo. Dan is the most powerful underworld leader in N city.

"You... How do you know so much?" Pananya stared with frightened eyes.

"My good sister, if you don't want to know, unless you don't do it. Do you think my friends are all dry food? Panris said proudly.

Pananya is speechless. Qi'er understood. She also knew what the mafia and the underworld did. Neither of them was a simple figure. They took control of each other.

Qier quickly said, "Don't worry, I will keep it a secret for you. As long as we don't say anything, how can Uncle Pan know? Let's get some guns first. How much do you need? Just say it. With that, he patted his leather bag. There are various bank cards in it.

"Money is definitely needed. If Miss An hadn't been rich, I wouldn't have dared not say this. However, at present, the government has tightened control over guns, and it is more difficult to get firearms flowing into the black market. Therefore, the price will naturally be higher.

"It doesn't matter. As long as I can save Brother Feng, I will give you as much as I want."

"Well, I'm relieved."

Penris increased the speed. After running the red light several times in a row, Audi R8 drove onto the overpass.

"No, we are being followed!" Panaya turned her head and looked back. "As soon as we got on the road, I saw a black Lamborghini following behind, and now it's still behind."

"Hmm, your uncle! Dare to follow me? He doesn't know that I'm a racing driver, does he? The two ladies are sitting firmly. I'm going to get rid of it!" Panris snorted coldly. Turning the steering wheel with his left hand is good. It's his left hand. Except for the racetrack, he has always driven with one hand.

The body of "Audi R8" stands up, and only two wheels hit the ground. "Sss" flashed with sparks. It rubbed the bridge railings, squeezed out dense vehicles along the cracks, and rushed to the national highway.

"Bangbang", the wheels of the Audi R8 fell to the ground and made a turn in place. After crashing into several cars in a row, it rushed forward like a wild horse out of the rein. The back had no time to brake and hit the car in front of them. For a while, there was chaos on the overpass. Soon, the "Audi R8" rushed out of the city.

How's it going? Have you seen it?" Panris said proudly. He also whistled happily. He deliberately showed his hand to Qier, hoping to attract Qi'er's attention in front of a beautiful woman.

Qier repeatedly praised: "Brother Rees's driving skills are really superb!"

"What's so great?" Pananya curled her lips and said, "The tail is still behind."

"What?" Panris didn't believe it. He looked into the rearview mirror. Sure enough, the black Lamborghini was still as close as a ghost.

"Fusa Nima! Damn it!" Panris cursed.

Pananya frowned and said anxiously, "Can we talk about civilization?"

"What does 'grass mud horse' mean?" Qi'er asked. Although she can understand any language on earth, she can't translate this "mutant" dirty words.

"Ha ha, it means to be angry. He learned from those fox friends. Pananya explained and stared at her brother fiercely.

Penris increased the speed again. Now, the speed of "Audi R8" has reached 300 kilometers per hour.

"You still had hope to get rid of it on the national highway just now, but now, it's hard! Lamborghini is much faster than the Audi R8. Moreover, now that we are out of the city, the visibility is reduced. Beware of a car accident. The lives of our two beautiful women are in your hands. Pananya laughed at her younger brother.

"Hmm! I don't believe I can't get rid of it." Panris's stubborn temper came up. He also wants to play tricks and tricks, such as flying cars. However, that kind of action is relatively difficult, and if he doesn't do it, the car will be destroyed and people will die.

"Wait!" Qi'er said, "I think we may know the people behind. Why don't we stop and ask him why he is following us?

"Stop, are you crazy? What if it's robbed, aren't you afraid that your bag will be robbed? Pananya said anxiously.

"I agree with Anqi's opinion." Panris really stopped the car.

"Brother!" Pananya was anxious. She knew that her brother had always been reckless, saying that it was not too much to say that he had a simple mind and well-developed limbs.

"Sister, what are you worried about? If it's the mafia, I'll deal with it. Hey hey, it's natural for you to deal with it. Panris smiled cunningly.

"What if it's the military police?" Panaya is still worried.

"You are stupid. Are there any military police in Lamborghini?"

"Well, that's right." Pananya blushed and thought to herself: I still look at my younger brother.

"They are very self-aknowledge!" An imperceptible smile appeared on Fang Zhengtai's face. He put his mouth on the bodyguard's ear and muttered for a while. The bodyguard nodded, then dragged two packages from the carriage and walked forward.

Three young people got out of the car. Panaya held two silver projectiles in her hand, which were her common hidden weapons, and she was ready to attack at any time.

Three young people saw a tall man wearing gold-rimmed sunglasses coming with two bags of things.

The man put the two bags on the ground and said, "This is what our boss gave to Miss Anqi. The boss also said that after you save Ye Feng, he will hold a celebration party for you. He hopes to dance with Miss Anqi at that time.

"Who is your boss? Why did you send something to Anqi? How could he know that we were going to save Ye Feng? Pananya stared and asked like a cannon.

"Thank you for me. Please tell him that I will come to thank him when it's done. Qi'er nodded with a smile.

The man turned back. Soon, Lamborghini started, and it turned the car and drove back. The two brothers were stunned.

Qier smiled and said, "What are you still doing?" Hurry up and get the things in the car!"

The two sisters and brothers woke up like a dream, so each person carried a bag and carried things into the car.

"What is it? So heavy!" Panaya complained.

"My bag is very light!" Penris said.

After the car door closed, the two sisters and brothers couldn't wait to open the package.


"Oh, my.god!" The two brothers were amazed.

What did you say they saw? A package contains four sets of military uniforms, four military caps and several pairs of military boots. Another package contains four "UMP45", two "*", two "HKP7M13" and several boxes. In addition, there are "crimin tools" such as daggers, scissors, chainsaws and so on.

"Ha ha, pie fell from the sky. Our Miss Anqi is lucky enough to save a lot of money. Pananya is about to bloom.

Penris is even more excited. He picked up a "UMP45" and pulled the bolt, and shouted in his mouth: "Made in Germany, the magazine capacity is 25 rounds. Hey hey, Ye Feng is lucky. This time he is saved."

"Who on earth would give such a big gift? Anqi, you have a lot of face!" Pananya is envious.

Qier said softly, "It's Fang Zhengtai."

"What? Fang Zhengtai!" Both sister and brother's eyes almost fell out of their eyes.

"How could he know that we were going to save Ye Feng? They even prepared clothes and weapons for us. Will he count it? Panaya screamed.

"I don't know. Maybe he is like you to help Ye Feng. After all, everyone is a playmate when he was a child." Qi'er said while picking up a handful of "HKP7M13" and fiddling with it. She understood the principle and shooting method of firearms with only a little pounding. The HKP7M13 pistol is exquisite in appearance and has a small rear seat, which is most suitable for women. Qi'er put down "HKP7M13" and picked up another "UMP45", which is a kind of *.

"Well, he has a conscience." Pananya can't think of any reason, so she can only think so.

"But how could he have these things?" Penris asked puzzledly.

"It's needless to say that it was bought on the black market. Hey hey, maybe Fang Zhengtai has fallen in love with our Miss An Qi and wants to please the beauty. Pananya smiled evilly.

"Does he dare? I will beat him all over the ground looking for teeth!" Panris raised his fist and said viciously.

"It's not your turn to beat him, and Ye Feng." Pananya gave her younger brother a white look.

"Stop talking. Start dressing up and get ready for action!" Qi'er issued an "order".

Penris was kicked out of the car. The two girls put on*, put "UMP45" on their shoulders and put "HKP7M13" in their waists. Panaya also tampered a knife in her boots. After the three people changed their clothes, they turned around and drove to the city.

Soon after, they came near the N City Police Station. According to the advance plan, Qier stayed in the car to respond. Pananya's two siblings went to the police station to save people.

Qier looked at the Swiss watch on her wrist and said, "It's 12:13 at midnight. You should act quickly. Don't disturb the police. We will try to leave here before 1230."

"I understand!" The sister and brother got out of the car. Pan Naya took a set of * in her hand, which was prepared for Ye Feng.

Watching the sister and brother walk into the police station easily, Qi'er's heart was half relieved. As she prayed, she raised her vigilance.

The sister and brother went straight to the duty room. Under the threat of "UMP45", the military police on duty handed over the key to Ye Feng's cell. "Kkaka", Panris went down with a few scissors, destroyed the line of the monitoring system, and then punched the military police to the ground.

The two sisters and brothers took the keys and went straight to the cell. The cell where Ye Feng is detained is a single room, with not only beds, but also a bathroom and some other facilities. Anyway, Ye Feng is also the president of the group company. He is only the object of suspicion now. Naturally, he will not be imprisoned in a collective cell like an ordinary prisoner.

When Ye Feng, with a blue nose and a swollen face, saw Panaya and Panris, he was shocked.

"How did you get in? Hurry up, if you are found, there will be a lot of trouble!" Ye Feng urged in a low voice.

Penris stood at the door with "UMP45" and watched the surrounding movement vigilantly.

Pananya said hurriedly, "We are here to save you."

"What, help me? Nonsense! I didn't break the law at all. Sooner or later, things will come out. If I escape, the charge will be confirmed. In addition, Uncle An will also be implicated.

"You stay here until you die, because someone deliberately framed you and wanted to kill you. If you stay here, you will die at any time. If you escape, you will still have a chance to find out the truth."

"Impossible, who will frame me?"

"Fool, childish, there are many people who are jealous of you! Get dressed quickly. Anqi is waiting outside. If it's late, none of us can get out.

"Anqi is also here?" A look of surprise flashed in Ye Feng's eyes.

"Stop talking and change your clothes. The lives of the three of us are in your hands. Only when you go out and find the real murderer can you return your innocence, otherwise we will all be involved by you.

Ye Feng didn't want to go out. Hearing Pan Naya's words, he thought that An Qi was still waiting outside, and he also risked his risk, so he hurriedly changed into *. Pananya gave him another "UMP45".

Three people hurried out.

"Who is it? Stop!" A fierce shout was followed by the sound of the bullet being loaded. Pananya winking, and the three young people stood still.

"Hands up! Put down your weapon, or I'll shoot!" People saw the "UMP45" in their hands.

Ye Feng secretly complained. He had heard that it was the military policeman who led his arrest. It really echoes the old saying, "It's not that enemies don't get together." It seems that it is difficult to escape tonight, and this charge has been confirmed. Ye Feng's heart was miserable, and he was afraid that it would involve the two siblings and An Qi.

"Ye, I was going to kill you again tomorrow, but I didn't expect that you were in a hurry to die, so I had to send you on the road in advance." The military police pointed the gun at Ye Feng.

When Pananya said, Ye Feng still didn't believe it. Now through the mouth of the military police, he believed it. The military police have been bought. It seems that someone really wants my life. I have always abided by the law and do my duty. Who have offended me? He was puzzled.