
Chapter 160 Four photos

Locke was "detained" to the ward. The doctor applied medicine to his neck, wrapped a circle of white straps, and gave him another injection of tetanus, and told him to lie down ** to recover from his injury.

Locke's heart is like grass. How can he lie down? As soon as the doctor stepped out of the threshold, he crawled down to the bed. Before he reached the door, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror.

My appearance is so scary: there is also a slight red color on the bandage on the neck, which is blood oozing from the gauze. The oblique scar extends from the cheek to the corners of the eyes, lying on the face like a centipede.

Alas, I have become ugly, and such a face can't scare Qier. Locke gave up the idea of going to see Qi'er. He lay down and looked at the ceiling.

I don't know which gods Zeus sent. Has it reached the 18th century? Alas, it's not a big deal to stay here. You have to find a way to see the "ghost". Thinking that the "ghost" is a human from an alien planet, he must have mastered the way to travel through time and space. And Pluto, he promised to help me, and I have been wandering on the death line, and I haven't heard any news from him. Is it too far apart? After all, the time gap of 100,000 years is also quite large.

Thinking about it, Locke fell asleep. When he woke up, it was already evening. He was awakened by hunger, and his lunch was honored by him, and he still hasn't got any water.

Lock sat up from **, stretched out, shook his head, and the pain in his neck disappeared.

The doctor came in and planned to change the medicine. When he removed the gauze from Locke's neck, he saw the wound that had healed.

"I didn't expect this medicine to be so amazing. You have to thank the master for using the best wound medicine from ancient China on you. OK, you don't need to take medicine anymore. You can move freely. The doctor went out.

Locke jumped out of bed and was about to go out to find something to eat. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of two figures snuggling together outside the window. At this time, the afterglow of the sunset just projected on the window. The two people in front of the window were bathed in the orange sun.

Locke went to the window and stared at the two people. They are a man and a woman. The man wears a white T-shirt, navy blue jeans and a long figure. The woman wears a grass green dress with a slender waist and slender legs. The girl's hair is black and waves behind her head, hanging straight to her waist.

Who are they? Locke couldn't see his face, only the back of the two people. Locke walked out of the door. There is no one guarding the door. I want to come to Phil. Nanke withdrew the guard. He must have guessed that he would not leave. This man was quite scheming and seemed not to be underestimated. Locke was thinking about it when he suddenly heard a gentle female voice.

"Brother Feng, let's go back. It's time to change the medicine."

Locke looked up and saw the girl walking away with the man's arm. The man crumbed his waist and covered his chest with his hand. It seemed that he was injured.

"Sir, this is your dinner."

Locke was about to follow him to have a look, and the maid who delivered the food came. She held a tray in one hand and a food box in the other. It was the maid who delivered lunch. She looked trembling and didn't even dare to raise her head. She should be scared.

Locke hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, I was in a bad mood at noon. I shouldn't have been angry with you. You can put them on the table."

After a hurried bow, the maid put down the food and retreated.

Locke glanced at the table, and the dinner was almost the same as the lunch recipe, but the wine had been replaced by a "head horse". He sat down in the chair and picked up the bottle first.

This is a good bottle of wine, dark amber, crystal-like transparent. Locke poured a glass for himself, took a small bite, and couldn't help praising, "Well, good wine! It tastes mellow and fragrant. Then, start eating with a knife and fork. He is too hungry.

"Why, don't you feel bored when drinking alone?" It's that lazy voice. Locke didn't even raise his head and still ate by himself.

"Do you want me to accompany you?" That voice begged for nothing.

"Don't come in. I'll have an appetite when I see you." Locke finally made a sound.

"Tut, this bottle of 'head horse' was given to me by the President of Africa. At least it has been stored in the cellar for more than 300 years. I haven't tasted it yet. I will be distressed if you drink it alone."

"Puff!" Cough..." A mouthful of alcohol spewed out, and Locke almost lost his breath. "'re not dead yet. Why do you always have a ghost? Can't you let me stop eating this meal?" He is simply crazy.

"What I said is true." Phil. Nanke grabbed the "head horse" in his hand, poured a glass for himself, then sat down beside Locke and raised the cup, "Locke. Benjamin, Fell. Nanke toasts you. After drinking this glass of wine, you are my brother, my own brother. He stared into Locke's eyes and said very seriously.

"Ha ha, I have a lot of face. You are really generous."

"Of course, whether it's the Arab crown prince or the African president, they will toast me. In my eyes, they are not bullshit. But you are different. You are my lifesaver, and you are the God in my mind..."

"Hahaha..." Locke laughed violently, "You haven't drunk yet. Why are you drunk? Don't you just want to pull me into the water? You'd better die that heart." He drank wine by himself and didn't take Phil at all. Nanke is in his eyes.

"You are really smart! Isn't it a waste that such a smart mind can't be reasonably developed and used?

"I won't promise you unless you help me go back to the 18th century as soon as possible."

"Well, I promise to take you to see the 'ghost' in three days. As for whether the 'ghost' will help you or not, it depends on your luck. I won't speak for you unless you drink this glass of wine.

Locke slanted at Phil. Nanke glanced at it and said, "Is this also a threat? Well, it's really bad to satisfy your wish and meet a beggars like you.

"Bum", Locke finally raised the cup and Phil. Nanke touched a cup.

At this point, Locke put down on Phil. Nanke's overdone, the two of them talked while drinking and eating. From and Fair. In Nanko's conversation, Locke knew the "Flying Whale Gang" and understood Carlo. Dan, Tom. Billcha and other people in today's underworld, as well as the "business" they run, and some things that happened between them.

Dangfei. Nanke talked about Carlo. When Dan was doing, Locke couldn't help laughing. It turns out that Carlo. Dan happened to be seen by his girlfriend Panaya when he went to Athens to meet his mistress. Panaya chased Carlo. Dan, from Athens to Malaysia. When Carlo. When Dan and his mistress were messing around in the hotel, they were finally found by Panaya, who was followed. Panaya took Carlo. Dan dragged him out of the quilt and made him slap himself ten times, Carlo. Dan did not agree, but was beaten into a pig by Pananya and was finally forced to write a self-criticism. This incident has become a popular joke.

The first sentence some gangsters said when they met each other was: "Have you written a self-criticism today?" How many reviews have you written today? ......

After that, Carlo was scared. Dan hasn't been out for more than a month and dares not touch women for half a year.

"I can't believe it, like Carlo. A figure like Dan was actually cleaned up by a woman. It seems that Pananya must not be a simple woman.

"Isn't it simple? It's so tough that even we men are much inferior to her. Phil. Nanke suddenly lowered his voice and pretended to be mysterious. "This woman has a lot of stories. Let me show you something." With that, he took out four pictures from his underwear pocket, pointed to one of them and said, "Look, she went to prison with her brother for this beautiful man named Ye Feng."

Fell. Nanke put the picture on the desktop. Locke took it one by one.

Looking at it, his heart pounded up, and then his eyes widened, and his pupils became more and more red, like two red lanterns, and his mouth opened into an O-shaped shape, enough to stuff two eggs. ( Ha ha, it's a little exaggerated.)

"Isn't it just to see Anqi? Is it so exaggerated? However, I understand. After all, besides me, you have more than one rival. Phil. Nanke curled his lips and said sarcastically.


"What's wrong with them?" Phil. Nanke asked puzzledly, "Isn't it just robbed a person from prison? What's the fuss? At the beginning, in order to save the 'Four Heavenly Kings', I drove a Hummer and broke into the FBI alone..." Fell. Nanke boasted about his glorious history. When he found that Locke didn't listen at all, he had to stop talking.

"They are so much like my friends." Locke muttered.

So, what kind of people on these four pictures will surprise Locke so much. They are the suspects wanted by the police on the Internet: Ye Feng, Anqi, Panaya and Panris.

These four pictures are Carlo. Dan brought it.

Locke was surprised not because he saw Ye Feng, who looked very much like Cologne, and An Qi, who was exactly like Qier. He was surprised to see Panaya and Panris.

Oh my God! Locke exclaimed in his heart: Did Zeus send out the two gods of war? Because Panaya and Panris look exactly like Athena and Ares. But how did they appear in the 21st century? Unexpectedly, he will go to prison. What's more puzzling is how Athena and Carlo. Dan is entangled? As we all know, Athena is the goddess of war, the goddess of wisdom, and the goddess of virginity. How can she pursue men?

is a mess, it's all messed up. Locke thinks too much. Suddenly a flash of light: Oh, I see, I think about what happened to them when they traveled through time and space, causing them to lose their memory or magic power. In that case, I don't have to be afraid of them. Locke's heart is a little more peaceful.

Fell. Nanke looked at Locke's changeable face and suddenly said, "This matter was originally a secret of the gang. No one knows except me and a few hearts and abdomens. I'm heartfelt to you, and you shouldn't hide anything from me."