
Chapter 202 Suspicious Cloud Again

Locke asked the lizard man in a spiritual dialogue, but he hadn't received any message for a long time, so he had to give up.

"Let's sit down, don't worry. Taste the craftsmanship of the blood moon and the wine here, and then I'll tell you. Blood Hunter said.

Blood Moon comes with vegetable salad, baked potatoes and sweet potatoes and rice, as well as pastry rolls, as grilled fish and meat skewers, etc.

"Oh, it's so rich! It's more delicious than I thought. Phil. Nanke was full of praise while eating.

"It feels like home! You are just like a family." Locke squeezed his eyes at the blood hunt and said, "President Xueyue, sit down and eat together!"

"You don't know that they can only cook and can't eat, because... Er, they don't like meat." Blood Hunter said.

"Then eat vegetable salad." Locke greeted the blood moon.

"I've already eaten, and I'll still make a bar for you." Blood Moon puts wine glasses for everyone. Four red cups are made of wood, each with four feet and an arc-shaped handle, which is quite exquisite and clever, not only showing a crystal glazed blood red, but also carved with ancient text-like patterns.

"Long saliva glass! Why is it with you?" Locke was extremely surprised.

Fell. Nanke glanced at the barrel of wine and those glasses. Since the "dragon glangue" appears here, it means that the suitcase in the scorpion's hand is also here. Is it the blood hunting instigated his subordinates to kill the scorpion and take the suitcase? Phil. Nanke felt very uncomfortable. He looked at his ring again, which was still as usual and did not emit light or trill. According to the situation, the "key of time and space" should be here. It must be hidden secretly and the energy has not been leaked out, so the "magnetic eolite" did not feel it.

Blood Hunt smiled and said, "These cups are indeed longands. Didn't the eldest brother think that Ye Feng was "hijacked" by me?"

Locke blushed and said, "I thought you were dead, so I didn't expect that the key of time and space would be in your hands, let alone Ye Feng would be with you."

The blood moon fills the cup for everyone.

"This wine is saliva!" Locke moved his nose. He didn't have to taste it. He just sniffed it out. Because "agave wine" is different from any kind of wine, although it also has the taste of grapes, it is extremely fragrant.

Fell. Nanke didn't say anything. The scorpion was still being rescued, and he didn't know if there was any hope of recovery. He was unhappy, just lowered his head and drank stuffy wine. The original unique "dragon saliva wine" slipped into his throat and was not tasted by him.

Blood Hunt said, "Yes, this barrel of wine is indeed dragon water wine, and Ye Feng is indeed the real Ye Feng. He smells like flowers. You don't have to doubt this."

"Oh? May I hear of it." Phil. Nanke raised his head and was surprised. He glanced at Locke, and Locke also looked confused. Unexpectedly, both of them guessed wrong.

Blood hunting took a sip of "dragon saliva" and said, "It's a long story. After several tossing and turning here, although I lost the ability to transform into a king of Wufu, the demonic power has not disappeared. Ha ha, now I should only be regarded as a half-demon. As soon as you entered Mount Likavitos, I smelled a familiar smell. Well, that's the smell of blood. I thought it was Will who came. I saw my brother-in-law, Locke. I don't know if he still remembers me. Therefore, I enabled the key of time and space and used the 'instant transfer' function to move the temple out. It turns out that the eldest brother didn't forget me..."

Locke is a little embarrassed. Of course, he knows what's going on, because when he first met blood hunting three years ago, he had not traveled to a different world 100,000 years ago, so naturally he would not have memories of blood hunting.

"I found that you are looking for 'Yao', and 'Yao' is an artifact to deal with the blood clan. I thought you found Will, so I followed you down the mountain..."

"Have you been following us?" Phil. Nanke was surprised and thought: With my kung fu, if someone followed me, I wouldn't have found it.

Blood Hunt smiled and said, "Because I'm a half-demon. When you were walking on the ground, I was on the roof..."

"So that's it, then you go on." Phil. Nanke understood, because he knew that "demon" was also a form of life, with some special abilities that could move far away in an instant, as fast as a wisp of wind.

Blood Hunt continued: "I'm not the only one following you..."

"Ah! Who else?" Locke was very surprised.

Fell. Nanke said, "If I guess correctly, it should be an 'invisible man', right?"

"What invisible man?" Blood Hunt has a confused face.

"Hehe, I'm just talking casually." Phil. Nanke laughed dryly, "Go on, who followed us?" Alas! Phil. Nanke sighed in his heart: Even if blood hunting is a demon clan, he should not be able to see the "invisible man" with his ability.

He must have hidden something from me. He is still doubting me and lacks trusting me. A look of pain flashed in his dark eyes, and Blood Hunt looked at Phil. Nanke glanced at it and continued, "When you went to Monastira Square to look for 'yao', you were followed by the blood clan..."

"What, are we being followed by the blood clan?" Phil. Nanke was extremely surprised. Locke was even more shocked. Phil. Nanke thought to himself: It seems that my work can only be used to deal with ordinary human beings, and it is probably useless in front of other life forms.

"Yes. In that coffee shop, I smelled the blood clan. I speculate that the target of the blood clan is Ye Feng, because Ye Feng is my younger brother, that is, the reincarnated Cologne. He should be instigated by Will. The purpose is naturally to avenge me..."

"Well, your speculation is very reasonable." Phil. Nanke first agreed, and then shook his head, "Won't Will revenge on Locke?" After all, it was Locke who killed Saya, Jess and Lensa and..."

"No, I won't." Blood Hunter shook his head, "Will should not recognize Locke because of his appearance and William. It's the same as James, and William. Amus is the reincarnated Micah. Once upon a time in the dark castle, Will and Micah were brothers and always had a good relationship. If he hadn't been forced by Saya, he wouldn't have turned against you..."

"So, what's wrong with the other Ye Feng? Also, how did my bodyguard Scorpion get hurt? Have you... seen it? There are still a lot of documents in my suitcase. Shouldn't it be with you? Phil. Nanke is still struggling with the scorpion.

"Another Ye Feng? Why, is there another Ye Feng?" Blood Hunter's eyes widened, "You just said that there are invisible people. Is there really invisible people? Did he transform into Ye Feng?

Locke looked at Fair. Nanke glanced at Phil. Nanke nodded. Locke told the story about the existence of lizard man and the suspicion that the lizard man was invisible.

Blood Hunter shook his head and said, "I have seen legends about ximarangya snowmen and North American Bigfoot on TV and the Internet. Maybe they are descendants of demons and demons. As for the lizard man, I haven't heard of it.

Ye Feng said, "How can it be so mysterious? It should be Uncle An who arranged someone to appear in court for me. Uncle An spent a lot of effort to help me clear my name.

Rock and Phil. Nanke looked at each other and said nothing more. Because Locke was the only one who saw the lizard man, and only Phil was found to have the "invisible man". Nanke, now the lizard man has not appeared, and the "invisible man" seems to have no trace, and they can't prove it or "he" at all.

Blood Hunter ordered Xueyue, "Go and bring the box."

When the suitcase is taken out, Phil. Nanke saw the password lock that was cut by the sharp blade. It must be a good thing. Humph, your banditry really hasn't changed, and you even dare to pry my box. Phil. Nanke is a little unhappy.

Blood Hunt picked up the cup and sniffed it, then smiled shyly and said, "At that time, I didn't know you were Miller. All I knew you were the leader of the Flying Whale Gang, the world's number one arms dealer. I know that the cup is in your box. I only took out these cups, and nothing else has been touched. I want to try these cups and want to know what's the difference in the taste of drinking 'dragon wine' with this cup. As for this box, I didn't take it from your bodyguard, but from the blood woman.

When you walked into Longjianjiu Lane, I found the bloodline men and women who followed you. In fact, there is only one wine shop in this alley that is about to close down. I want you to taste the real urblin, so I opened the key of time and space and transferred you to 2,000 years ago. When you came out of the Dragon Bar, I stole the barrel of wine. This is the bucket now. Because the wine is so delicious, I also want to try it, but you finished it. Fortunately, half a bucket of dragon's saliva was hidden by the greedy workers. I smelled it, so I stole the half of the bucket and poured it into the bucket..." Speaking of this, the blood hunter smiled mischievously. Locke even appeared in front of him, with a mouth-watering look of the man hiding on the roof.

Fell. Nanke muttered in his heart: I'm also strange. How could we drink that barrel of wine? It turned out that half a bucket was hidden by the workers.

"It's a pity that the wine glass was given to you by the boss. Without a glass, the taste of wine will be greatly reduced.

After I transferred you out, I hid in the corner to drink saliva. The mellow aroma of wine is really tempting. For a alcoholic like me, if you don't taste it, it will be worse than killing me. I was tasting wine when I suddenly found you coming back. I don't know what you are going to do. I'm worried that your departure will give the blood clan a good opportunity. Therefore, I stopped drinking and hurried to the roof and rushed forward. When I rushed to the alley, I saw my subordinates and your bodyguards..." Speaking of this, Blood Hunt sank his face, "Blood Moon, what's going on? Why did you and your people attack my brother?