
Chapter 234 Men's Wedding Dress

Today is the first day of the Chinese New Year. Yu Fei wishes his relatives a happy New Year: I wish you all a happy holiday, good health, a happy family and all the best! Special thanks to Xiaolang No. 1, Blade Woxing, Mei Nongying, Rabbit dd Waha, set fire to the grass and other red envelopes. Yu Fei felt very guilty and felt sorry for everyone. He coded a chapter in a hurry and now uploaded it to his relatives. There may be mistakes and omissions. Please forgive him.


Not long after sitting in Rolls-Royce, Fell. Nanke dozed in his eyes, and he leaned against the backrest and fell asleep. This trip to the "Half Moon Hall" not only ruled out the suspicion of Xing Wei, but also witnessed the sincere support of the "Half Moon Hall" brothers, Phil. Nanke was in a particularly good mood. He drank a lot of wine, at least three or four bottles of "head horses". Fortunately, he forced part of the wine out with internal force when he went to the bathroom, otherwise he would not wake up long ago.

When Rolls-Royce drove into the mansion, Phil. Nanke hasn't woken up yet. Shen Haochen and Nangong Yingxue had to carry him in.

"Oh, my God, there is alcohol all over my body!" Locke exclaimed, "Your injury hasn't healed yet. How can you drink so much wine?"

In the sound of shouting, Phil. Nanke still didn't wake up, and he slept quite deeply.

Until Phil. Nanke was carried into the room, and Xing Wei turned back to the "Half Moon Hall". Xing Wei was still worried. Before returning to the "Half Moon Hall", he gave Shen Haochen a few more words, and then left Shen Haochen and Nangong Yingxue behind.

Locke looked at the drunken Phil. Nanke is very sad. Phil. During the period when Nanke left, although everyone was safe, the blood hunt had been missing. Locke was very worried. He kept calling his mobile phone, but Blood Hunter's mobile phone has been turned off. Locke couldn't help but get anxious.

"President Blood Moon, where do you think Blood Hunt will go? Will he be in danger?" Locke thinks that the blood moon follows the blood hunt for the longest time and should be better known.

Xueyue shook her head and sighed, "Alas, the boss is unique. He often leaves silently for several days. However, before he left last night, he told me that someone had broken into the mansion and he suspected it was a blood clan. I think the boss may have found the blood clan and tracked it. Because he said that he was born to hunt blood.

Bad! Locke exclaimed in his heart, would the mysterious man who appeared last night be a blood clan? Yes, it should be blood clan. Blood hunting must have smelled, so he tracked it. Fortunately, blood hunting is a demon clan, and he has an artifact in his hand, so there should be no danger.

Rock was a little relieved. He looked at Phil again. Nanke: The thick eyelashes cover the eyelids, and the slightly raised corners of the mouth hang with a childlike smile. This guy breathes evenly and sleeps sweetly. I think he has a good dream. You slept soundly, but I don't know how worried I am. Fortunately, you came back safely. Phil. Nanke's rotation made Locke's hanging heart half relieved, but he couldn't help complaining a little in his heart.

"Blood Moon, you must be more vigilant and trouble you and your people to be vigilant. I estimate that the blood clan will sneak into the mansion again tonight. Their target is most likely to be Ye Feng. Locke met Phil. Nanke fell asleep and had to give orders instead of him.

"Okay, I'll go." Blood Moon hurried out.

Locke held the deformed mobile phone and walked out of Fair. Nanke's room, he wants to see Ye Feng. As soon as he walked out of the door, he looked up and caught a glimpse of two young Orientals standing outside the door.

"You are..." Locke felt that the two people were a little familiar, but he didn't remember where they had met for a moment.

"Hello, my name is Shen Haochen. His name is Nangong Yingxue. The head of the prison asked us to stay and take care of the chairman." Shen Haochen replied in a hurry.

There is a "Half Moon Hall". Any member of the organization must be called Fair in any place other than the "Flying Whale Gang". Nanke is the chairman, and the purpose is naturally to cover up his true identity. It's just that some people are special, such as the Four Heavenly Kings and Phil. Nanko's personal bodyguard, they are used to calling him Fell. Nanke is the "head".

Oh, it turns out that they are the bodyguards who follow Xing Wei.

"Hm, my name is Locke. Benjamin, you can call me Locke." Locke shook hands with two young men. Although Locke did not remember Shen Haochen, Shen Haochen was very impressed by Locke. Last time I went to the port with Xing Wei to pick up Phil. When Nanke was in time, Shen Haochen remembered this handsome blonde man and the Pluto with long hair and short hair. Although these two little brothers are big and seem to be young, they are really lucky to be brought by the master! At that time, Shen Haochen was envious for a long time.

"Then please stay here first and don't let strangers approach you. If you find anything abnormal, please report it to me immediately. Oh, by the way, my mobile phone number is 001-αατ-110-φφω. Locke gave orders to the two young people.

Shen Haochen and Nangong Yingxue looked at each other and immediately stared like a wooden chicken. Shen Haochen thought to himself: Oh, my God, who is this handsome man who looks like a star? How can he have such a strange mobile phone number?

Locke looked at the two stunned young men and immediately understood. He smiled apologetically and said, "My mobile phone is newly developed and has not been on the market yet. Its number is a little special. Well, tell me your number, I'll dial it, and you can save it."

The two young people came to their senses, and Shen Haochen hurriedly said two strings of numbers. Locke dialed the two numbers. Two young people saw that their mobile phone calls showed a series of strange numbers, and they had to believe it.

When Locke walked to Ye Feng's room, he heard a noise in Qier's room, and there seemed to be a lot of people listening to it. Locke estimated that Ye Feng should also be in Qier's room. Seeing that the door was empty and did not knock on the door, he raised his leg and stepped in.



With the men's cheerful laughter and the laughter of women like silver bells, the scene that came into Locke's eyes was extremely miserable: Qi'er's room was messy, and all kinds of men's dresses, women's wedding dresses, skirts, etc. were lost everywhere.

Pluto wore a snow-white wedding dress, wore flower ornaments, stood up his high chest, stepped on the cat's walk, twisted his waist, and shook it step by step. The water-blue eyes rippled. While winking, Pluto learned Qier's tone and said strangely, "Brother Feng, would you like to marry me?"

"Hahaha..." It was the big-horned stars who laughed. It is also terrible that the bighorns are actually wearing wedding dresses, but they are too tall, and the wedding dresses are tight by them, just like miniskirts, how weird they are. They also smeared rouge, gouache and so on each other's faces. Their lips were red, and their faces were either red or pale as if they fell into a jar.

And the girl who is laughing is none other than Rose.

Locke's lips trembling with anger. He pointed to Pluto's head and shouted, "Hades, have you had enough? Look at what you have become. Are you... still like... my boss?" Locke originally wanted to say, "Are you still like Pluto?" Because Rose was present, he didn't dare to say it.

Pluto turned to Locke, put on a pose, and said angrily, "Didn't you say that? Ben... people will also get married. In addition, Brother Nan said, let me learn from it and wear this when I get married.

"You..." Locke was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Hahaha..." The bighorned stars laughed again.

Rose saw that Locke was angry, so she took away her mouth covering her hand and smiled, "What are you angry about? Look how cute they look! "Gigling..." She laughed again.

"There's nothing you can do!" Locke stared at Pluto fiercely. Just when he didn't know how to clean up the current situation, the blood moon broke in.

"Why are you here? It made me look for a long time. It's really getting more and more outrageous. Look at your appearance. You're not human or ghost. Get out. Watch the night!" The blood moon shouted harshly.

"Yes, my subordinates are obeying!" As soon as the bighorns saw the star king, they immediately bowed their heads and obeyed. They hurriedly tore off their dress. There was a big horned star who couldn't take it off. As soon as he was anxious, he tore up the wedding dress with a bang.

"Wait for the boss to come back and see how he will deal with you!" The blood moon stared at the big horned star fiercely.

The big-horned star grabbed the wedding dress, wiped their faces and lips randomly, then kneaded the wedding dress, stepped on it under their feet like a rag, stumbled for the door, and the big-horned star walked at the end and almost fell down. Locke saw that it was Hector E, and this guy actually stepped on a pair of high heels on his feet.

Xueyue raised her feet in high-heeled leather boots and kicked it according to Hecter E's buttocks, "Bum" "Ouch!" Heckett E pretended to scream and crawled out of the door.

Locke sat on the sofa and looked at the messy bedroom. He couldn't laugh or cry.

As soon as the big-horned star man left, Pluto was no more interested. He tore off the wedding dress, took out the two veils hidden in his chest, and threw them on the floor.

"Fun, so funny, things in the world are really interesting!" Pluto was noisy enough, felt satisfied, and sat down on the sofa.

Locke took a fierce look at Pluto, then looked at the beautiful police officer and said, "Miss Rose, when did you come back?"

"Oh, I just arrived." Rose sat down next to Locke, with a smile in her big green eyes, "These hairy guys are actually members of the Blood Wolf Club. Oh, I didn't expect you to get rid of the Blood Wolf Club. Come on, where is the cold-blooded military adviser? Why didn't I be with you? Before, you were as good as wearing a pair of trousers.

It turns out that you are thinking about him. Unexpectedly, the reincarnated Ruoxi will also abandon me. Maybe I am destined to be alone. Locke suddenly felt very frustrated. He lowered his head and said glanguly, "Brother Nan has drunk too much and is falling asleep. Would you like to go and see him?"

"Huh, who is going to see him? I'm not going!" The pink little mouth pouted, and Rose turned her head aside.

Obviously, he fell in love with Brother Nan, but he didn't admit it. Locke muttered in his heart, and he had already heard it from Rose's tone, and the little girl was happy.

"What should I do now? The bedroom is a mess. Hades, it's all your fault!" Locke was very angry. He had nowhere to vent the fire, so he vented his anger on Pluto.

"What's none of my business!" Pluto pouted, "Miss Rose asked me to try it on."

"What? Rose, how can you..." Locke was surprised. He wanted to say, "How can you help Zhou do abuse?" He didn't dare to say it. He was afraid of annoying Rose. He still remembers what the beautiful police officer looked like when he was angry last time. If he got angry with the beautiful woman, he would lose a fat beating.

"Oh, I did let them try it on. This batch of dresses was brought by cousin William. My cousin wanted to give them to Ye Feng and Anqi. Unexpectedly, I was late. Ye Feng and An Qi had already ordered the dress. Since it was delivered, I don't want to take it back. It happened that those hairy little ones passed by, and I let them try them on. Unexpectedly, they were interested in wedding dresses. Alas, it's a pity that cousin William's painstaking efforts. Rose sighed.

The good things were ruined. Locke was distressed when he saw that those dresses were made of extremely good materials.

"Oh, by the way, where are Ye Feng and An Qi? Have you seen them?" Locke suddenly became nervous.

"They are discussing the wedding with their parents. You don't have to worry. It's here, what should I do? When Anqi saw it, she had to think that she had been robbed by robbers. Rose frowned.

"Alas!" Locke sighed and said helplessly, "Do it, Miss Officer."

"What? Let me clean it up?" Rose's eyes widened, "Miss Ben has never done housework."

"That's because you didn't marry anyone. If you marry Brother Nan, will you let him do housework?" Locke replied rudely.

"Hmm! Who is going to marry him? Rose gave Locke a white look, but began to move in her hand.

Hey, she really packed up. Women are all animals that are right and wrong. Locke muttered in his heart. He could see it from Rose's happy expression.

"Hades, there is also your 'merit' here. Come here and clean it up together!" Locke ordered.

Pluto didn't make a sound. Locke turned his head and found that Pluto had twisted his buttocks and swayed out of the door. Alas, Qi! Locke sighed in his heart, and he had to bend down and clean up the mess with Rose.

Locke cleaned up and thought to himself: I thought that Pluto could recover his magic power. Looking at the situation, he is still the same, and my back has never been painful, and it seems that my wings can't grow. Locke was frustrated.