
Chapter 244 Accompanying You Like a Tiger

"Bangbang", a series of cars collided together, some fronts were flat, some roofs were lifted off, some cars were smashed, "hoo", and several cars emitted thick smoke and burst out of fire tongues, scaring those owners to roll and crawl out of the door. They abandoned the car and fled for fear that the car would explode.

The overpass was in chaos, and the car owners were panicked one by one. Some people talked about it, and everyone thought they had been attacked by terrorists.

"Woo-woo", the police car made a sad long sound. In such a serious car accident, the police will naturally arrive as soon as possible.

Locke raised his dizzy head and shouted in surprise, "Oh, my God, how could it crash? Isn't your driving skills superb?" He thought it was Phil. Nanke crashed into another car, causing a car accident.

"Shh! Don't talk yet. Come with me!" Phil. Nanke shouted in a low voice, dragged Locke up and left.

Locke raised his foot and made another stumble. He almost fell to the ground.

"Oh, what is this?" Locke leaned over and picked it up. It was a leather shoe. Why is this shoe so familiar? He turned his shoes over and looked at the shiny metal in the groove of the sole. Pluto's shoes!" Locke was shocked and turned his head. He saw police cars from far and near, as well as messy crowds, and burning cars.

"Is Pluto chasing us? He...isn't he dead?" Locke's voice was full of crying.

"Impossible. Let's go!" Phil. Nanke dragged Locke forward.

"Are we still going to the banquet?" Locke found himself very embarrassed. He not only had a hole in his knee, but also had a shoe in his hand.

"Of course. Miss me, Phil. When did Nanke lose his trust?

"But..." Locke looked back at the sky-high fire and shouted again, "Brother Nan, look, what is that?"

A pause, Phil. Nanke stopped and looked back. He saw a black car rampaging like a headless fly. After it squeezed out into a pile of cars, more than a few police cars rushed straight to the overpass. This is a Porsche.

The window was rolled down, followed by the door opening. A man came out and shouted, "Chairman, get in the car!"

"Shen Haochen!" Phil. Nanke was quite surprised. He didn't have time to think much about it and didn't wait for the car to stop. He took Locke's hand and jumped into "Porsche".

"Bum", the door closed. Locke still carried a leather shoe in his hand. The oversized shoes did not fully enter the car, and the tip of the shoe was sandwiched outside the door. Phil. Nanke's strength was so great that his inertia caused Locke to fall out and hit his head on the seat. Fortunately, he did not faint.

Rubbed the painful head and looked at the shoes in his hand. The shoes have been torn. Locke's nose is sore: Pluto, don't die. You haven't helped me complete the mission of saving my ancestors. Why did you have the heart to leave me alone? The more Locke thought about it, the more sad he became. He held the rotten shoe in his arms and sobbed in a low voice.

Nangong Yingxue turned his head and took a look at Locke. He felt very strange and thought to himself: This little brother must have not experienced anything in the world. Shouldn't he be scared? He actually cried with a rotten shoe in his arms.

Fell. Nanke pressed his finger on his temple. When he fled for his life, his head was hit by a flying metal piece and felt very uncomfortable.

"Chairman, you are bleeding!" Nangong Yingxue exclaimed.

Fell. Nanke endured the pain and said sharply, "What is a little blood? You two actually appeared here. Why didn't you obey the order?

"Dong...Chairman..." Shen Haochen stammered, "I don' worried when I see you leave An's mansion, so..."

"Do you dare to follow me?" The amber eyes were like an ice sword straight to Shen Haochen.

The spine had a chill, and Shen Haochen said in a hurry, "No, no, no, my subordinates never dare to follow you. Yes... It's the three masters, and the three masters told us to protect you secretly. We dare not leave without authorization." While driving, he wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

No wonder the master said that the master was moody. It was really easy for him to turn against others. We are obviously kind. Shen Haochen's heart pounded.

"Hahaha..." Fell. Nanke suddenly laughed loudly, "Good follow! The bodyguards of this gang were all blown up, and it happened that you would replace them. However, if you think about it and follow me, you will lose your head at any time. Aren't you afraid of being blown to ashes?

The two young people straightened their chests and said in unison, "I'm not afraid. I'm willing to go through fire and water for the master!"

"What a fire and water! This master has approved, and from now on, you are my bodyguards. Target, Lanweika Fantasy Century Restaurant, go to the Hongmen banquet together!"

"Hongmen Banquet?"


The blood surged, and the two young men exchanged their eyes and couldn't help clenching their fists.

Fell. Seeing that Locke was still holding the rotten shoe, Nanke grabbed it and threw it into the corner and said, "It's not Xiaoha who died, it's Hector E."

"What, Heckett E is dead?" Locke was stunned for a long time and suddenly woke up. "Yes, the four of them sat in Maybach. Are they all dead?"

Fell. Nanke nodded sadly and said, "I'm sorry for the blood hunting, and I'm even more sorry for the blood moon, which caused her to lose four subordinates."

Locke suddenly opened his frightened eyes: "Oh, my God, fortunately I didn't sit in Maybach. You didn't let me ride Maybach. Have you guessed that it would explode?"

"No!" Phil. Nanke shook his head, "If I knew that Maybach was tampered, I would rather sit in alone than let you sit in."

"I..." Locke blushed and thought to himself: How can I talk nonsense? Of course, Brother Nan is not that kind of person.

"I made this arrangement to satisfy their curiosity. I didn't let you take Maybach to chat with you. Fortunately, you and I survived. It seems that you are really sent by God to save me.

"Sneer!" Locke curled his lips and said, "I'm still in the mood to laugh at this time. Think about who has tampered with Maybach. Isn't Maybach with Audi R8? They are all in Uncle An's garage. Oh, my God!" Locke exclaimed, "Isn't every car tampered with?"

"What are you nervous about?" Phil. Nanke glanced at Locke and said, "Someone wants to take my life. Naturally, they come to me. Of course, they will only tare with my car."

"Who on earth is so bold? Did he put * on Maybach?" Locke speculated.

"Well, the situation is not good." Phil. Nanke frowned. He held his chin in his hand, thought about it, and said, "It can blow up Maybach with excellent resilience. This method is not only poisonous and vicious, but also quite professional. I suspect it was done by federal agents."

"What, federal agent?" Locke's eyes widened, "This is too vicious! Do they really want you to die?

"I hope more people will die. My enemies are all over the world. Of course, the biggest ones are Interpol and federal agents. There are countless federal agents and international criminal police who died in the past. If they don't bring me to justice, someone will feel ashamed. Six months ago, the leader of al-Qaeda was killed, Richard. Ray was transferred back to the FBI as Attorney General for his "compressing bandits". He is my biggest enemy. I think it's not just this car accident, including the assassination on the plane, it's probably Ricard. Lei's instructions.

"Ricad. Ray...Ritchard. Ray, the name feels very familiar, as if he has heard it somewhere. Locke muttered.

"Of course you've heard about it. Rose said it. He is Rose's boss."

"Oh, I remember, at the Acropolis Hotel, yes, Rose said it. But you don't look like a bad person!" Although Locke was worried and surprised, he didn't forget to joke.

"Ha ha, don't I look like a bad person?" The corners of my mouth rose and pulled an arc, which was a sad smile. "When I was in North America, you could think that I was a bad person and refused to join my organization. If it weren't for my patience..."

Locke was very embarrassed and said, "At that time, I didn't know you were..." He wanted to say, "I didn't know you were Miller at that time." He saw Shen Haochen and Nangong Yingxue sitting in front of him, so he hurriedly changed the topic, "Don't you have a magnetic energy scanning system? Why didn't you notice it?"

"I'm too contemptuous, and I'm too confident. I think that the "Flying Whale Gang" can be out of the sight of Interpol and the FBI until it is in line with Baidao. Unexpectedly, he still won't let me go.

"But how did federal agents do it?"

"I think there are two possibilities: Maybach was either planted with a bomb before he drove into Uncle Ann's house, or he had passive hands and feet in the garage."

Hear Phil. During the discussion between Nanke and Locke, Shen Haochen and Nangong Yingxue only felt that their necks were cold, and their bodies were sweating coldly. Because "Maybach Zeppelin" was sent by Di Weilong, the deputy head of Xing Wei, if the bomb was placed before driving into the garage, then not only Di Weilong, our two brothers, the whole "half moon hall" brothers, and even the three church masters may be suspected. The hearts of the two young people were pounding, and they were already confused.

Fell. Nanke looked at the two young people sitting on pins and felt, and suddenly laughed, "Don't worry. I have witnessed the loyalty of my cousins for half a month last night, so you can rest assured."

"We..." Two young people blushed and their hearts beat, for Phil. They didn't know whether Nanke's words were nervous, worried or excited, because Xing Wei once told them before he left: "Although the master is very young, he is quite thoughtful. Although I have been with him for nearly ten years, I still don't know him very well. Therefore, you two should be very careful when talking or doing things. You are both talented students, and you should understand the truth of 'accompanying the king like a tiger'.