
Chapter 266 Shark's Mouth Escape

Suddenly forgot the pain of his body, his left hand quickly poked out, his shoulders sank, and his carrying capacity to his arms. Lang Nanke clenched his teeth and tried his best to pull the cable into his arms.

With a "pumm", Lang Nanke fainted after trying his best, and at this time, the scorpion and centipede had been pulled to the door of the cabin. The bodyguards dragged the two Indian brothers into the cabin. One second later, the centipede's feet may become a shark's delicacy. Everyone in the cabin broke out in a cold sweat.

After that, the first sentence when Lang Nanke woke up was: "Legs...legs... centipede...your legs..."

"Head, my subordinate's legs are still..."

"Thanks to the boss, otherwise..."

The two brothers choked and couldn't speak.

Billcha's bodyguards are both admirable and envious. As a boss, regardless of his own safety, he will try his best to save his subordinates. That is to treat his subordinates as his own brothers. A boss with a chivalrous heart like this is difficult to find even with a lantern! Billcha's bodyguards appreciated Lang Nanke's character very much. They especially envied the two Indian brothers for following such a good boss.

Billcha doesn't understand Lang Nanke's approach. Years later, he once asked Lang Nanke at the wine table, "Why do you take the life of the bodyguard so seriously? Didn't they sell their lives to you when they followed you? Do you think it's worth it to almost lose your life for two bodyguards?

Lang Nanke said, "Of course it's worth it. They gave their lives to me because they trusted me and thought I was a person worthy of my life. Imagine, as the boss of an organization, if you can't even save the lives of your subordinates, do you still deserve to be their boss? If you give them money and give them beautiful women, will they stop the bullets for you? I dare say, absolutely not. No matter how many beautiful women and money they have to enjoy, they have to live. What you give them will only make them cherish their lives more, and there is not only money in the world, but also more important than money, that is sincerity. There is a good saying in Chinese, 'Give me papaya and repay it with Qiong.' They support me, and I treat them sincerely. Why don't they repay me with loyalty?

Lang Nanke's words made Bill Cha blush with shame. Compared with Nanke, I'm much worse! Billcha sighed, and he was also deeply inspired. Since then, Bircha has also imitated Langnanke. Gradually, he has gained the support of more party members, and his prestige in the mafia has increased day by day.

Lang Nanke stayed in Manhattan and recuperated in Bilcha's apartment. Fortunately, the bullet only hurt the skin and skin, not the bone.

Duro in North America. Peres also brought his men to the rescue, and on the way, his ship was also attacked by underwater submarines. After that, Dulo. Peres met with Xing Wei, and Edipps, three people in the FBI prison. In order to get more information about the leaders of the Flying Whale Gang, federal agents took extraordinary measures to interrogate the three heavenly kings. There are all kinds of methods. In addition to water punishment (that is, making people lie down and flush their heads), it is more common to freeze (that is, let them take off their clothes and stand for a long time to freeze), slaps and slap their abdomen. Later, the three heavenly kings were hanged on the chain for eight consecutive days. They could neither stand nor sit, let alone sleep, nor did they know whether it was day or night.

All the means of forcing confessions that he could be obtained have been used, and the information Richard got is nothing more than the following words: young and handsome, romantic, world-class martial arts, excellent shooting skills... For this reason, Richard let him once fight with Lang Nanke (in fact, it is still far away, at all I can't see clearly.) The members of the agent group combined with the confessions of the three heavenly kings and used the computer to draw Lang Nanke's avatar, but the image drawn by the computer is far from Lang Nanke himself.

In this raid, in addition to the organization leader on the fleeing, the three heavenly kings and the five King Kong were all arrested. Ricard made quite good results. He was praised by the relevant authorities for his reinstating his post and became the assistant director.

Lang Nanke lived in Manhattan for three days. While recovering from his injury, he secretly inquired about the situation of the "Flying Whale Gang" and the whereabouts of the king and King Kong. At this time, Lang Nanke has been salted around the world. Finally, with the help of Billcha and Chiki Hoshino, Lang Nanke learned that the three heavenly kings and five King Kong were captured by federal agents.

In order to save the captured subordinates, Lang Nanke returned to the alien space and asked Miller, who was a "ghost", for help. Miller gave Lang Nanke a "magnetic remote sensing locator" (magnetic European stone ring), a deformed mobile phone, and a "paralysis nerve bomb" (the size of a table tennis with a pull ring on it, similar to a miniature*. As long as the ring is pulled, the toxic gas inside will be released. If the air diffused into the air is sucked into the lungs by humans, the body will fall into a short paralysis state, and only consciousness is awake. It is actually the prototype of the fire electromagnetic gun). In addition, there is a small "magnetic levitation air chariot".

Driving a military Hummer deformed from a "magnetic levitation aerial chariot", Lang Nanke carried an offensive model*. He wore a gas mask, had a " paralysis nerve bomb, and held a Swiss SauerSSG3000 (a sniper rifle) and broke into the FBI alone. This is not a bragging, but a real fact.

When the military Hummer soared all the way into the federal prison, Richard was dumbfounded. Can he not be dumbfounded? An extremely ordinary Hummer looks like it was formed by Megatron. Even the M1940mm grenade launcher and AT-4 anti-tank rocket just flashed a spark on its body, not to mention the Gatling six-ball machine gun, which shot on the body of the military Hummer, like tickling it. It's like itching. At that moment, Richard was as if he were stupid. He stood in front of the window of the office building, holding a telescope, looked at the military Hummer as fast as a mad cow, and muttered, "That's not a Hummer, that must be a monster!"

With the violent explosion, the federal agents and staff present either flew flesh and blood or rolled to the ground, and all the prison guards died tragically. In this way, under Richard's eyes, Lang Nanke robbed the three heavenly kings and the five kings.

From the moment the military Hummer rushed out of the gate, Richard knew that he had met his opponent, and he was still quite a strong opponent. He guessed that Ben Xingwei and others must be the head of the four heavenly kings and the leader of the Flying Whale Gang organization - Lang Nanke.

Lang Nanke, I don't believe I can't catch you! Sooner or later, I will let you fall into my trap. I will not only make you lose convincingly, but also make you unable to survive and die!

"Squeaky", his silver teeth rang, Ricard's eyes spewed anger, and he clenched his fists at the military Hummer that had gone away.

Due to Richard's inability to suppress bandits, the FBI was almost blown up, and the relevant authorities were very dissatisfied. After that, Richard was demoted three times in a row and directly demoted to a federal agent by the assistant director.

In the days that followed, Richard. Lei worked hard in order to bring down Phil. Nanke, it's really painstaking. He sent dozens of excellent agents, starting from each hall, and entering the "Flying Whale Gang" organization in turn, but there were few success. Some of the people he sent in were inexplicably eliminated in less than a day, and the longest was less than three days. Later, he hit Tom again. The idea of Sears and Chiki Hoshino tried to sow discord, but in fact, on the contrary, he not only failed, but also promoted the three gangs to work together more closely. Since then, Richard vs. Phil. Nanke changed from hatred to admiration, because few gang leaders against him could escape from the palm of his hand.

Time flies, and in a flash, human beings enter the 21st century. In the 21st century, global counter-terrorism has entered a new stage, and the newly emerging terrorist organizations have become the focus of global attention and attracted the attention of relevant authorities. The Mafia and the Flying Whale Gang were removed from the top of the crime list and replaced by al-Qaeda. Richard was transferred to the CIA to deal with al-Qaeda.

At this time, the headquarters of the "Flying Whale Gang" has been Feal. Nanke moved to Bermuda, and at the same time, under the persuasion and inspiration of An Qiming, Fair. Nanke decided to do business. The Flying Whale Gang gradually transformed into commercialization and gradually faded out of the vision of the FBI. Until six months ago, Richard. Ray was transferred back to the FBI as assistant director at this time. Nanke has long been the chairman and XXX military adviser of the aviation and shipping company. However, Richard couldn't breathe. In the years of continuous "competition" with the "Flying Whale Gang", I have lost troops, and Phil. Nanke has been at large. In addition, Richard has never been with Fer. Nanke met head-on, and naturally he had no chance to see his true face, and Phil. Nanke knows Ritchard very well.

Once, when I went to Eastern Europe to meet the head of a country, before the plane was about to land, Richard received a text message: Dear Ray, don't take a picture, and the wrinkles on your face will not decrease. You always painstakingly try to deal with me. Not only have the wrinkles have increased, but even white hair has grown, and I It is clear that you have at least ten white hairs on the back of your head. Hahaha...

Ricard almost fainted because he was indeed looking in the mirror. He was not only looking in the mirror, but also trying to pull out the increased white hair above his head. As he took the picture, he thought: I'm just in my early thirties (actually 37), why did I suddenly have so many gray hair? He was sighing that the years were unforgiving, and he received such a text message. Ricard's lungs were almost blown up. After waiting for the plane to land, he personally commanded his entourage to turn around and look for things such as pinhole cameras and eavesdroppers. The plane was almost overturned by him, and still got nothing.