
Chapter 273 Life and Death

Richard stretched out his finger and pointed to Xing Wei and Edips in turn, and said, "Xing Wei and Edips, your two kings have been captured by ICPO and have enjoyed special treatment in federal prisons. Can you guarantee that they are not two-minded? Well, maybe there are ICPO undercovers among them. Shouldn't you also find him out and catch him all?

Angry eyes shot at Richard, and Xing Wei and Edips were very angry when they heard this.

"Hahaha..." Fell. Nanke laughed loudly.

Xing Wei's heart couldn't help trembling, and he could hear it. The laughter was full of infinite sourness and desolation. Xing Wei looked at Du Luo. Peres, the red blood thread pierced his eyes. Second brother, go well. Although I once doubted you, I never thought that you would be a federal agent. Thinking of our brother, after countless disasters, they were born and died together, and shared their wealth together. Now you are absolutely here. Going ahead of us, it really hurts the heart of the master and the feelings of our brothers. I know that you still have a group of brothers in your heart. If you have a spirit in heaven, bless our brothers and help the Lord out of trouble.

"Rai, do you still want to provoke discord? It's so childish!" Awe-inspiring flashed in his eyes, and his jade-white fingers pointed to the figure on the floor and sarcastically said, "Not only No. 4, but also No. 5 and No. 6 treat your subordinates as pawns and combat tools of the layout. You step on their bones to the top of glory. How have you ever cared about their feelings? There is a Chinese saying, 'Those who win people win the world.' You have lost your heart, and you dare to say that I will lose! Sneer!" Phil. Nanke sneered, "Your people have pointed a gun at my head for more than 20 minutes. I guess their hands are tired. I think so. Why don't we make a bet? You said that there are all your people around, so I will bet with you. Within ten minutes, if my people break up upstairs, you will lose. What do you think?"

"Papa", Richard slapped three times and smiled gloomily, "Okay, that's what you said. If you win, I will let you go. From now on, we will go side by side. But what if you lose?

"If you want to kill, you can do as you like." Word by word, powerful and loud, Phil. Nanke put on a righteous and awe-inspiring posture, which was really heroic and looked at death.

"I really admire you more and more!" A trace of cunning flashed in his eyes, and Richard gave a thumbs up and said, "Okay, it's a deal."

"Pang", the two sworn enemies high-fiveed each other.

Ricaud waved his hand to his agents and said, "Stay on the 13th, 14th and 15th, and the others go outside. If anyone has the ability to break in, bring them in for me. Remember, keep them alive."

"Yes!" Seven big men went out with guns. Now, except for the dead Dulo. Perez, there are still seven people in the room, Xing Wei, Edipus and Fair. Nanko, Richard and three agents. Although Xing Wei and Edipps have been out of the control of federal agents, behind them stood gunpoints 13 and 14 and 15 stood in Fair. Nanke's side.

picked up the glass on the coffee table and Ricaud stared at Phil. Nanke said, "Mr. Consultant, how about another drink? After all, it's not easy for you and me to sit together face to face.

Fell. Nanke didn't say anything, but also picked up the cup. Bang, the two of them touched another cup.

Now the number of people is almost equal. Even if there is no weapon in hand and the strength is a little different, our two brothers can block bullets for you, and you can completely get rid of Richard's control with superb oriental kung fu. Edipus looked at his boss, hoping to get from Phil. Nanke's eyes were hinted. Alas! Edipus sighed heavily in his heart. He found Phil. Nanke lowered her eyes and seemed to be thinking about something.

Ritzard turned around and went to the refrigerator to bring out two bottles of champagne. He filled the cup for himself, sat back on the sofa, raised his eyes, and found Phil. Nanke just held the cup and didn't drink, but looked at the body of No. 4. Humph, Phil. Nanke, you must not have thought that I dispatched the "African Star" known as the "shadow killer". Although there are many wine bags and rice bags among them, with the Ingrim submachine gun and McMillan TAC-50 sniper rifle in everyone's hand, as well as two M134 rapid-fire machine guns in my agent group, Even if you bring all the people of the "Half Moon Hall" to the restaurant, you will definitely die at my gunpoint. Hahaha... Richard laughed proudly in his heart.

Fell. Nanke looked at the figure on the floor. The red blood line rushed into the eyes, which was so shocking. His nose was sour, and his eyes were gradually hazy, and his thoughts drifted to seven years ago.

The sea breeze sobbed and the sound of the waves was like sobbing. A desolate and round sun slowly fell.

With the advent of dusk, the dark clouds accumulate thicker and thicker until they are integrated into a piece of darkness. There were bursts of thunder from far to near. Gradually, the wind blew more and more fiercely, and the waves of the sea were higher than the waves. The originally quiet sea was like a patient with sudden asthma, gasping violently.

"Kcha", a flash of lightning suddenly appeared from the cracks of the clouds, like a snowy blade, suddenly tearing through the dark night. The brief light flashed away, and then the ship under his feet swayed. And the fitness shadow standing in the bow did not even move. The sea breeze blew his black hair messy, and the open silver shirt was as sashimi as a flag.

He is like a white gull bird. He should have soared in the sky, but he was so tied by fate that he had to fight in the sea. Xing Wei looked at Lang Nanke's back for a while, and then raised his eyes and looked into the distance. The twilight has become darker and darker, and the dark clouds in the sky are as thick as ink. The storm seems to be coming. Xing Wei couldn't help but be worried. Looking back behind, the two cargo ships were bumpy in the waves, no less than two dead leaves struggling in the rapids.

Alas! It seems that the weather forecast is not accurate enough. Xing Wei sighed in his heart. After a few steps and came to Lang Nanke, Xing Wei said carefreely, "Head, the weather... is changing too fast. You have been standing here all the time. I'm worried..."

"Yes, boss, it looks like it's going to rain. Go back to the cabin and take shelter!" The surging waves and bursts of thunder shocked Edipus.

"There is no need to worry about me. To my brothers, be sure to be vigilant. I have a bad feeling that there may be trouble. Lang Nanke held up the telescope and said while observing the sea.

That year, Lang Nanke was 18 years old. On that day, Lang Nanke, Xing Wei, Edipus and three King Kong escorted three cargo ships to deliver a batch of weapons and equipment to a country in war in Africa.

Three cargo ships, each with a load capacity of about 30,000 to 40,000 tons. The cargo ship departed from the port of N City, M Province, Southeast Asia, and sailed at sea for more than 20 hours, and the weather has been sunny. In the evening, when the freighter sailed into the Indian Ocean through the Strait of Malacca, the weather suddenly became bad.

With the harsh roar, the waves became more and more turbulent, and the ships under their feet swayed more and more violently. The upright figure still stood stubbornly in the bow, always standing like a rock.

After Xing Wei and Edips exchanged glances with each other, they took out the walkie-talkie and gave orders to their brothers.

Gradually, it began to rain, starting with drops. Soon, the raindrops fell head-on like beans and crackled on the metal deck.

Xing Wei and Edips were in a hurry. They hurried into the cabin to take out their ponchos and ran forward to put them on their bodies.

"Head, go into the cabin!" Edipps asked again.

Lang Nanke was about to put away the telescope and go back to the cabin when he suddenly found a light flashing in front of him. What would that be? Is it a fishing boat going out to sea? With such a big storm, fishermen must be very dangerous. Although Lang Nanke is a mixed-race child, he adheres to his father's chivalrous heart. Lang Nanke raised his telescope to observe again. Soon, as the light increased, a huge ship appeared in the field of vision. Adjust the focal length and see more clearly. This is a warship. There is no national flag hanging on the mast, and I don't know which country it is.

"There is a warship ahead. Order the captain to turn left and avoid the other side." Lang Nanke said to Xing Wei.

"Head, the wind is very strong. It should be a deviation from the direction." Edipus also held a telescope to observe.

"No matter where it comes from, it's always good for us to be careful."

"Yes..." Before Edipps finished speaking, "Dad..." "Boom", the scarlet fire tongue rushed into the darkness, and bullets mixed with raindrops rushed over.

The other party not only set up a machine gun, but also violently bombarded the cargo ship with artillery. Although there is only one warship, the hull is huge, with a tonnage of at least 60,000 tonnage, and the firepower is quite dense, like a net, blocking the road ahead to death.

"Shit!" Lang Nanke cursed, "Is there a pirate or robber on my face? Why did you attack me?"

Edipps was a little nervous. He looked around and said, "Head, they have been waiting here for a long time. The other party's firepower is too strong. What should we do?

"I took a few good brothers to touch it and find a way to control the warship." Xing Wei said.

"No, it's too dangerous. If the weather is good, it may be possible to take advantage of the night. But now..." The waves roared and thundered. In the face of the angry nature, Lang Nanke felt the indiocre of human power for the first time.

If only the cargo ship could dive. If there is a chance to see the "ghost", ask him to build a cargo ship that can dive for me. Thinking in my heart, I suddenly heard Xingwei shout in my ear: "Head, be careful!"

"Bang", Xing Wei threw Lang Nanke down on the deck. A stumble hit Xing Wei's back, followed by a * hit the bow, the deck broke, and the turbulent sea surged up. Xing Wei's body shook and fell into the sea.

"Jing Wei!"

"Big brother!"

Two people on the deck exclaimed.

"Head, why don't we abandon the boat and escape in a lifeboat?" Edipus wiped the rain on his face and said anxiously.