
Chapter 281 Ghost, Ghost!

"Nanke is really too generous! Zhengtai thanked me in advance. However, Zhengtai has always been not happy to owe others. There was a warm and unusually firm voice in front of him.

Everyone looked up and saw Fang Zhengtai coming up accompanied by the department manager. Mrs. Fang came to inspect the restaurant, and he also wanted to check the loss.

"Brother Zheng!" Phil. Nanke came forward and said with an apologetic face, "Your restaurant is terrible. It's all caused by Nanke's hand. Nanke is ashamed. If you don't accept my heart, I won't be able to eat and can't sleep.

The two shook hands and made a noise for a while. Finally, in order not to let Phil. Nanke felt guilty, and Fang Zhengtai promised to charge 100 million US dollars.

Jing Phil. After Nanke and others sent out of the restaurant, Fang Zhengtai returned to the third floor. He is clear about the loss of the restaurant, so he plans to go back to the office to browse the recent financial statements, and then draw up a plan to start the maintenance of the restaurant.

Founder has a habit. He goes to the office and likes to take the stairs, because it is only on the third floor and not high, so he regards it as exercise. Because the department manager organized employees to repair overnight, most of the lights in the corridor were turned off except for the elevator to be unobstructed, and only the wall lights at the corner of the stairs were on.

There are no guest rooms on the third floor. They are all office space. In addition to the chairman's office, there are also the finance department, personnel department, public relations department, etc.

It has already passed the off-duty time, and most of the staff have rested, but the finance department and public relations department are still on the lights. Department managers and some supervisors are still working overtime. Between the chairman's office and the finance department is the public relations department.

The corridor was a little dark. When Fang Zhengtai walked through the public relations department, the door suddenly opened and a slender leg wrapped in flesh-colored stockings came out of it.

This is a beautiful lady. From her brown curly hair, towering nose bridge and deep eye sockets, it can be seen that she is a mixed-race beauty. The beauty is the manager of the public relations department, and her English name is Anna.

Anna just stepped on one foot and suddenly saw a tall man. She was shocked. The light in the corridor was relatively dark, and she was short-sighted. She was about to shout, but suddenly stopped. Oh, it turned out to be the chairman. Because we often meet, Anna's figure is still very familiar with Zhengtai.

Anna was very embarrassed because she had a bag of sanitary napkins in her hand. Because she only cared about work, she didn't pay attention to her period. The girl blushed. She hurriedly hid her hand behind her, bowed to Fang Zhengtai and said, "Good morning, chairman! It's so late, why don't you rest?"

"Oh, it's Miss Ann. I have something to deal with. As a girl, don't work too late. You can't finish your work. You have to rest when it's time to rest. Girls staying up late is very bad for their health.

"Thank you for your concern. I'm about to finish my work." The girl's face became more and more red, and her heart kept pounding.

Anna has been working in the "Blue Wei Fantasy Century Restaurant" for less than a year. At first sight, she was impressed by Fang Zhengtai's handsome appearance, cold temperament and elegant demeanor. Anna fell in love with Mrs. Fang, but she could only secretly fall in love with her heart, because she was just a college student. Moreover, she also heard that the conditions for Master Fang to choose a spouse for her grandson were quite harsh. The girl not only had an angel's face, the devil's figure, high quality and high education, but also the door to be the door, and herself Born in Hanwei, how can you be worthy of the chairman? Anna has a low self-esteem.

At this time, Anna was surprised to hear Fang Zheng's words full of concern, and her heart was like a deer.

"Dong..." Anna wanted to say a few words of concern and then report her work results in the hope of attracting the attention of Mrs. Fang Zheng. She didn't expect that Mrs. Fang Zheng had already walked in the direction of the office.

Anna is extremely disappointed. I heard that the chairman originally had a childhood sweetheart girlfriend, but I don't know why the girl threw herself into the arms of others. He must be very sad. Alas! Anna sighed in her heart, then put away her lonely feelings and turned to the bathroom.

Fang Zhengtai sat in front of the office desk, picked up the financial statements, browsed them, then picked up the signature pen and began to sign. He had just signed the first page and was about to turn to the next page.

"Ah!" The girl's sad scream cut through the silence of the night. Founder stood up from the office desk too violently and said, "Shila". Due to the force, more than a dozen pages of the report were torn up.

"Bad!" Fang Zheng shouted secretly, and before he had time to think about the report, he raised his legs and ran out. Just as he turned around, his arm swept the laptop again. Seeing that the computer was about to fall on the floor, a white hand suddenly reached out, firmly grasped the computer, and gently placed it on the table. Then, the hand brushed on the paper, and a whole report that was almost torn off was immediately intact.

"Wow", with the sound of clothes, "brushing", a dark shadow swept out of the door.

Managers and supervisors who were working overtime also pushed the door out and ran in the direction of the sound.

Just as Fang Zhengtai was about to run to the door of the women's bathroom, there was a loud bang, the door was knocked open heavily, and a tall figure came out.

"Who is it? Stop!" Fang Zheng roared so loudly that he hurried to touch his pocket and remembered that the Italian *92F pistol was still in his office.

Fang Zhengtai got up and chased in the direction of the shadow. The speed of the shadow is quite fast, and it just disappears as soon as it flashes. Fang Zhengtai ran to the top of the stairs to look up and looked down. He didn't know whether the shadow ran upstairs or ran down.

The department manager and several supervisors rushed over. The department manager asked nervously, "Chairman, what's wrong?"

These people who came here are all men.

"Let's go and have a look. Anna may have something wrong." Fang Tai turned back and stood outside the door of the bathroom.

"You go in and have a look!"

"Yes!" Several men broke in.

The light in the bathroom went out. Several men went out of their pockets and touched their waists. They were looking for mobile phones or lighters. Shit, someone hit the lighter. With the light of the lighter and several mobile phones, they saw Anna falling in front of the sink.

"It's Anna!"

"She fainted!"

"Quickly, carry it out!" Fang Zhengtai ordered.

Anna was taken to the health room for first aid. The medical staff rescued for more than ten minutes before the girl woke up.

When the girl woke up, her face was pale, and her body was trembling. She said vaguely, "Ghost, ghost, ghost! Monster! What a terrible monster!"

It seems that she is scared. However, it has been three years since the opening of the restaurant, and this has never happened. Who the hell is that shadow? Are there any guests who coveted Anna's beauty and want to plot evil? It's unlikely. This corridor leads to the logistics department, and there are usually no guests in and out, unless the person goes downstairs.

"Dial to the service desk and ask if there are any suspicious people going out." Fang Zhengtai ordered.

"Yes!" The department manager answered and began to make phone calls. Putting down his mobile phone, the department manager looked frightened. "Report to the chairman, the service desk said that there were no guests going out."

Listen to the chairman, it seems that a man broke into the women's bathroom. As we all know, Anna not only works well, but also has the best beauty. Shouldn't it attract the attention of some perverted guests? The department manager became more and more confused.

It's strange! Fang Zhengtai looked confused.

"You can take me to the bathroom again!" Fang Zhengtai walked as she walked and fiercely at the department manager, "How did you become a department manager? How dangerous it is to leave a girl on the night shift!"

"No, no, no, no, I have never forced girls to work overtime." The department manager was so scared that he sweated coldly. He wiped the sweat on his forehead and continued, "Anna has a strong personality. She has to finish her work every day before she can leave. So, her performance is the best.

Fang Zheng stared at the department manager fiercely and said, "Even so, you shouldn't turn off the lights in the corridor. Even the lights in the bathroom are turned off."

"Yes, yes, it's my subordinate's fault. I just wanted to repair the restaurant, but I didn't expect..."

Fang Zhengtai waved his hand and interrupted the department manager: "I know that you are a serious and responsible good manager, but we should be considerate of everything. We would rather make less money, or even not make money, and ensure the safety of guests and employees."

"Yes, yes, I understand!"

The department manager took out his mobile phone, hurriedly ordered the maintenance staff to stop the repair, and restored the power supply. Accompanied by the department manager, Fang Zhengtai walked into the women's bathroom.

The bathroom is also quite luxurious, and its decoration style is not much different. In front of several equally Indian-style dressing mirrors, there are several sinks, one of which is still on. Anna should have suddenly seen something while washing her hands. Because of shock, she fainted and didn't turn off the faucet.

Fang Zhengtai stepped forward, turned off the faucet, looked up, and saw the wall behind him in the mirror. There was a dark stain on the moon-white marble wall. He hurriedly turned around and suddenly stopped, as if he had stepped on something under his feet. As soon as he raised his foot, the department manager had picked it up first and handed it to him.

"Chairman, this is Anna's bag." The department manager said.

"Pray it first."

Fang Zhengtai walked to the wall, and with a bright light, he saw a blurred mark on the wall. The department manager also came over.

"Huh, how can it be so dirty? I'm sorry, chairman. It must be that the cleaner's job has not been done well. I'll call the person in charge. The department manager intends to dial.

Fang Zhengtai waved his hand and said, "This has nothing to do with the cleaner. You see, this mark is wet, which means that it hasn't been printed for a long time."

"The chairman was so careful that his subordinates didn't see it." The department manager blushed.