
Chapter 290 Two Grooms

Seeing the girl's puzzled look, the teenager said again, "Rose, I'm also your brother. I came from 100,000 years ago..."

"Nonsense! You have read too many time-travel novels!" The green eyes were angry, and Rose buckled the board machine.

"Wash", a bullet shot out. Seeing that the bullet was about to hit the person, it made a muffled sound like encountering an invisible wall, and then fell to the ground.

"You...Who the hell are you?" Rose's green eyes were wide open, and Rose was frightened.

Blood Hunt took a step forward, bent down to pick up the bullet and said, "You see, the bullet can't hit me at all, because I'm not a human. And you, you can jump from the 37th floor without injury, which shows that you are not all human beings, at least you have powers.

"How do do you know?" The girl stared at the blood hunt, just like seeing a ghost, she became more and more frightened.

"Well, it's a long story. I'll tell you later. Now you just need to know that I am your eldest brother. Oh, self-introduce: My name is Blood Hunt, and Ye Feng is your second brother. His name was Cologne in the last life.

"The last life? Cologne, my second brother, how can it be? Rose curled her lips and said, "People die in the dust, but there are piles of bones and ashes. How can there be any previous life?"

"Don't you believe it? OK, I'll prove it to you again." With that, Blood Hunter pulled off the wig cover and shook it with his hand. With a "hoo", the hair cover turned into powder and flew away.

"Oh, my God, you are really not human!" Rose screamed because she saw the sharp ears standing on the cheeks of the blood hunter.

"Shh! Sing a little." Blood Hunt made a gesture.

Glancing at the two people who had walked to the door of the church, Blood Hunt said, "Let's go. You may never see your second brother again." Involuntary, the blood hunter grabbed the girl's hand and leaned up. With a "hoo", it sounded like two falcons, and the two "flies" to the roof of the church.

"My God, you can still fly!" Rose is surprised and envious.

"In fact, this is not what humans call 'flying', let alone 'light kung fu' in oriental kung fu. This is an illusion called 'wind control'. You would have done it too, but you lost this ability when you were reborn as a human in this life.

"Really?" The big green eyes are full of doubts.

"Of course it's true. I'll tell you when I have a chance. Shh, don't make a sound. Let's go down and have a look. Grabbing the girl's hand, the blood hunt floated down from the roof.

When Ye Feng rushed to the door of the church, she was stopped by the gatekeeper. Sir, there is a wedding ceremony here. You can't go in!" The gatekeeper is an elderly man, dressed simply and his hair is already gray. He is a national E.

"Let me in!" Despite the obstruction of the gatekeeper, Ye Feng will break in.

"I'm sorry, sir, please show me. If you don't, please don't tell me you can't go in." The gatekeeper's words are sincere, but they are too strict to refuse.

"Can't you... see? I'm the groom!" The amethyst-like eyes were wide open, and his fists were clenched, and Ye Feng was angry. If it hadn't been for the old age of the gatekeeper, he would have punched out.

"Groom?" The gatekeeper looked at the young man in front of him doubtfully.

"Give it, this is our request. He is with me." Then Fang Zhengtai came and handed it over for an invitation. Worried that the gatekeeper would obstruct it again, Fang Zhengtai handed over her business card again.

"This..." took a look at Fang Zhengtai, and then looked at Ye Feng. The gatekeeper hesitated. He also saw that although the young man who claimed to be the groom had a poor image, he was noble and thought that his identity was extraordinary, but he didn't know why he made himself like this. After hesitating for a moment, he looked at the business card in his hand and looked up at the Founder. The gatekeeper waved his hand and said, "Go in."

In St. Mary's Cathedral, the priest is reading the oath: "Miss Anqi, would you like to marry Ye Feng as his wife, live with him according to the teachings of the Bible, be one with him in front of God, love him, comfort him, respect him, protect him, and protect him as you love yourself. Whether he is sick or healthy, rich or poor, he will always be loyal to him until he leaves the world?

The butterfly-like eyelashes flashed, and Qier looked at Ye Feng shyly, gently opened her red lips and said, "I..."

"Anqi, you can't promise him!" A sad cry resounded throughout the church.

When people raise their eyes and look in the direction of the sound, "Oh, my God!" First, there was an exclamation, and then the church was quiet, as if people's hearts could be heard.

When he saw a elegant Ye Feng standing beside Qier, Fang Zheng was extremely surprised. He rubbed his eyes and turned his head to ask his bodyguard, "Sevi, I saw two Ye Feng. Are my eyes dazzled?"

Sevey said lightly, "Chairman, your eyes are not blossoming. There are indeed two Ye Feng."

Fang Zheng looked at the two Ye Feng in a daze, and he didn't remember to sit down.

"Feng...Brother Feng..." Looking at Ye Feng beside her, and then looking at Ye Feng standing at the bottom of the steps, Qi'er immediately stunned like a wooden chicken.

"" Looking at the two grooms who looked exactly like, the priest's mouth moved a few times and could no longer speak.

"Brother Nan...he...he appeared...he finally appeared..." I don't know whether it was because of nervousness or excitement, Locke actually stuttered.

Fell. Nanke waved his hand and whispered, "What are you nervous about? If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move. If the enemy wants to move, I will move first.

"Hmm...I understand." See Phil. Nanke's face was full of calmness, and Locke had to sit down again with his buttocks that had left the seat.

"What's going on?"

"Are they twins?"

"Which one is the groom?"


After a brief silence, people whispered and buzzed.

An Qiming and Irina looked at Ye Shuhuai and his wife doubtfully. Xue Zijing opened his big mouth, and Ye Shuhuai stared at his round eyes. When he saw the questioning eyes cast by his relatives, Ye Shuhuai took the lead in reacting.

" Bauhinia, Bauhinia..." Reach out and patted the back of his wife's hand and looked up at the two Ye Feng. Ye Shuhuai muttered, "Do we have two children?"

"What? Two children?" Xue Zijing came to his senses and immediately raised his eyebrows and glared at Ye Shuhuai, "You should ask yourself, how can you ask me about me? Didn't you give birth for me?" Xue Zijing suspected that her husband was unfaithful to him.

Ye Shuhuai hurriedly smiled and said, "You know Bauhinia. The descendants of our Ye family are born infatuated. In order to pursue her brother-in-law, my sister went to Northern Europe to be a peasant woman; in order to marry my brother-in-law, he would rather give up his status as a young master and teach in the valley; I treat you like Feng'er to Anqi. For you, I also left my hometown and went to the United States with you? After scratching his scalp and seeing that his wife still didn't give herself a good face, Ye Shuhuai sighed, "Alas! Bauhinia, you have to believe me, just as I believe you. Of course, I also remember that you only had one child. I remember that when Feng'er was born, except that her pupils were purple and her hair was millet-colored, all the place was white. His skin is white and transparent, like a ball of snow, no, no, more like a piece of crystal. Oh, by the way, there was a natural vision. Not only did the withered flowers bloom in the garden, but the sky was full of red maple leaves. You said that our child must have been the prince of flowers flying in the maple leaves. Therefore..."

"Oh, my God!" Xue Zijing fainted with a scream.

Relatives sitting under the stage are in a mess. Some people ask long and short questions, some help pinch tigers and people, and some call emergency numbers. As soon as they saw their mother faint, An Qiming and his wife also hurriedly got up and ran over.

When he saw another Ye Feng appear, Ye Feng on the stage immediately became nervous. He pulled Qier over, protected her, and said harshly, "Who are you? Why did you pretend to be me?"

Ye Feng, who was originally standing under the stage, immediately jumped on the stage and shouted, "Nonsense! I'm Ye Feng. Do you have any evidence to prove that you are Ye Feng?

The two Ye Feng began to fight, and both said that they were Ye Feng.

Fell. Nanke sat behind An Qiming, that is, the second row, so he could see it clearly. Sitting at this angle, he could only see the side of Ye Feng. He found that Ye Feng's body was shaking slightly. Looking down, he saw spots of blood on the white suit trousers and continued to go down. He saw blood flowing from the trousers tube, which had dripping onto the silver upper. He was injured, which seems to be very good. What caused him to be injured? Which one is the real Ye Feng? The amber eyes narrowed, holding the chin in the right hand, and gently tapping the table with the left finger, Phil. Nanke was lost in thought.

"James, you and Ye Feng are classmates. You have been classmates for four years. You should always recognize which one is the real Ye Feng, right?" Locke stabbed William next to him. James.

Ah? ...Alas!" William, who had stared and opened his mouth wide. James returned to normal when he heard Locke's question. He sighed and said, "Ye Feng and I are indeed the best friends, but I have had my own studio during college. I have been living outside the campus, and we are also busy with our studies and careers. Only on some important days will we see each other. Noodles. Now, these two Ye Feng stand together. Look, they not only have the same appearance and clothes, but also the same height, fat and thin. How can I know which one is Anqi's husband? Oh, my God!" James exclaimed, "Feng's dress was made by me working overtime that night. I thought it was unique, but I didn't expect anyone to design the same dress! My design drawings must have been stolen, it must be like this!" James suddenly dulled his eyes as if he had lost his soul.

took a look at Locke and William, who looked almost exactly the same. James, Shen Haochen curled his lips and muttered, "I thought there were two prime ministers, but now there are two young masters named Ye Feng. There are more and more strange things!"

Look at James and look at himself. Locke wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh. He was just thinking: it would never be a coincidence that two Ye Feng appeared. It must be a conspiracy trick played by Will or Founder. They tried to destroy the wedding, and they didn't know what to do with Brother Nan. Raise your eyes and look at Phil. Nanke, see Phil. Nanke fell into meditation, and Locke couldn't disturb him, so he had to look at the two Ye Feng on the stage.