
Chapter 293 Empty Scissors Leg

When the day was completely dark, Qier took two Ye Feng's hands and walked to Zhu Jinshu on the right, and Locke dodged to the float on the left side, because he heard the sound of "banging" in the carriage.

What happened? Isn't Pluto beaten? Locke hurriedly took out the car key and used the "remote remote start function" to start the engine. With a "boom", the engine started, and then the lights turned on. When Locke approached the door, the first door opened and the electric side pedal stretched out. Locke stepped up with his left foot, and he wanted to check the situation in the car.

As the sky suddenly darkened and the four-tailed snakes were unknown, they all left their seats and looked out of the window of the car. Some of them had put their eyes on the glass.

Penris, who fell on the sofa chair, saw that the door was opening and quietly moved out. Black Mamba also wanted to come to the window to have a look. He leaned sideways, pouted his buttocks, and a long leg reached into the aisle, just blocking Panris's way.

Penris raised his right foot and swept it at Black Mamba's calf. Black Mamba was caught off guard and turned over from the sofa with a "dong" sound and fell on his back on the floor. Black Mamba's long raised legs scratched the rose basket placed on the shelf. The flower basket fell down, and most of the branches escaped.

"Wow", Panris rushed over the black mamba and rushed to the door. He wanted to escape from the car in order to get out of the control of the four-tailed snake, so he had ten layers of strength when he got up. Panris's elbow swept the rose bouquet again. Unfortunately, the originally bright roses were destroyed, some floated on the sofa chair, some scattered to the floor, and several branches with petals and leaves plunged into Panris's suit and hung miserably on his elbow. At this time, Locke's foot had stepped up, and he had never thought that such a change would happen in the car.

"Bang, boneless!" Locke was knocked out by Penance and rolled several times. Locke rolled out ten meters away, and the fall made not only his eyes golden, but also his mouth and nose bleeding.

What flavor? So fragrant! He blinked Venus's straight eyes hard. When Locke opened his eyes, he found a rose across his face.

Shit, this guy is going to run away. Don't let him succeed! The scorpion, who had been staring at the float, found Panris, who was out of the car door. He secretly shouted in his heart, followed him into the air, jumped up, and hit him with a heavy fist on the head. Hearing the wind from behind his head, Panris easily dodged on one side.

"!" The scorpion was angry. With a sw, he pulled out the short knife at his waist, "brushed the brush", split, stabbed, flirted, cut, and the scorpion pressed step by step.

Penris was born wild and powerful. He has been following Tom. Bill Cha mixed up, and he was also quite familiar with Bill Cha's bodyguards. In the process of competing with those bodyguards, Penris learned a good job. He is especially good at "Western boxing" and "American kicking". He can kick from various angles, kick continuously with one foot, alternating two legs, and kicking sideways in the air. However, his kicking range is not very large, and his movements are not very chic. And Phil. Nanke's "yin and yang desperate legs" are different. Phil. Nanke's legs are originally slender. If they are stretched significantly, rotated at a high angle, and a continuous kick, coupled with lightning-like speed, they not only look chic, but also wonderful. It is easy to give people the illusion that they are flying, that is, as if they are flying.

Penris was tied with his hands and he could not perform "Western boxing", but his "American kicking skills" was maximized. Back kick, side kick, serial kick, air kick, Penance is like a whirlwind, not only rapid attack, but also quite fierce momentum. Although the scorpion held a short knife, it did not have the upper hand at all. Instead, it was kicked quite awkwardly. Several times, the knife was almost kicked out of his hand by Panris.

Inadvertently, the scorpion's knife hit Panris' wrist. Coincidentally, the rope tied to his wrist was cut off. Although there was blood on his wrist and heart-like pain, Panris was happy. He hurriedly threw off the rope and turned around to escape.

It's not good! Shen Haochen, who had been on close alert in the dark, shouted in his heart, so he jumped up and chased after Panris's back. A side flip, slender legs put on Panris' shoulder and twisted it hard, "Ouch!" Perris screamed, and he was thrown to the ground by Shen Haochen's "air scissors legs".

Although there is a tingling in the neck, the legs are fine. A carp stood up, and Panris turned over again. He was looking for the perpetrator. Before he could see who the person was, "bang", the scorpion had already flown up and kicked his leg. With a plop, Panris knelt down. The scorpion immediately rushed up and cut Penris's hands.

Shen Haochen held Perris's collar and punched him in the lower abdomen. "Oh," Panris bowed in pain, and blood gushed out from the corners of his mouth again.

"You are running! Run again, I'll break your hamstrings!" Shen Haochen said viciously. With a sound, he pulled out his knife.

"Haochen, stop!" Phil. Nanke shouted. Originally, he was going to rush to Zhu Jinshu. Locke just rolled over his eyes and heard a strange sound. As soon as he looked up, he was on the "Cadillac" headlights. He found that Shen Haochen was trying to "murder", so he dodged over and stopped Shen Haochen.

"Look at what you have done? I can't even look at anyone!" Phil. Nanke shouted, and then his face sank.

"I don't blame them. It's me. It's the door I opened." He pulled off the branches on his face, wiped a handful of nosebleeds, wiped away the blood from the corners of his mouth, and Rock shook himself up.

"Why are you here?" Seeing Locke's awkward appearance, Phil. Nanke was surprised.

"I'm sorry, Lord, it's our dereliction of duty." The cobra and rattlesman who came later looked embarrassed, and the two hurriedly twisted Perris.

"Big Ke? play with yin, you really let me down! Bill will be more disappointed!" Panris finally understood, and he stared at Phil fiercely. Nanke.

All the time, Fair. Nanko has a good reputation and influence in the underworld. Almost no one disrespects him, and Penris is naturally no exception.

"I didn't expect... Humph!" Panris snorted angrily and turned his head away. In an instant, the building standing in my heart suddenly collapsed. Panris despised Phil. Nanke is here.

The sudden total solar eclipse has caused Phil. Nanke was worried. He always felt that something ominous was going to happen. He was especially worried about Pan's sister and brother. He was afraid that the two gods of war would recover their divine power. Once their consciousness is revived, even if there are ten of them, they are not opponents. What reputation and face, go see God. In order to help Locke and Pluto catch the two gods of war, Phil. Nanke couldn't take care of much. He waved his hand and said coldly, "Shen Haochen, take good care of him. If something goes wrong..."

"Ah!" A girl's sad scream almost tore her eardrum.

The words "I only ask you" haven't been exported yet, Phil. Nanke has already jumped up. Pluto had already rushed out of the car door, and some people hurriedly ran in the direction of the sound. Cobras, rattlesnakes and scorpions that have not yet stepped into the car turned their heads. At this moment, a snowy light suddenly fell from the sky, almost covering the whole square.

People's eyes have just adapted to the darkness, and the sudden burst of strong light makes everyone very uncomfortable. Some people's eyes are blurred, and some people simply close their eyes and slowly open them to adapt to the strong light.

With a sudden shake of his arms, Penris broke free from the control of the cobra and rattles. With a click of his right wrist, the dislocated bone returned to place.

The two-tailed snakes were attracted by the girl's cry, and with the sudden burst of strong light, their eyes were blooming and their attention was distracted, so they did not notice the abnormality of the captives at all.

The scorpion's condition was not much better. His eyes suddenly stung, and he couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

At the right time, Perris raised his iron fist and hit the forehead of the cobra and rattle respectively. The two-tailed snake really fell down as soft as two snakes. At the same time, he raised his foot in the air and kicked it fiercely. There was a burst of dizziness, and the scorpion was kicked in the head and fell down.

Shen Haochen turned his head and looked at Zhu Jinshu, and the sudden burst of strong light made him so excited that he couldn't open his eyes. Shen Haochen hurriedly lowered his head. Before he opened his eyes again, there were a few strange sounds behind him.

Shen Haochen suddenly turned around. It would be better if he didn't look back. This time he just met Panris's fist and flying feet. Shen Haochen's forehead was hit by Panris's fist, and at the same time, he was kicked again.

"Bangbang", Shen Haochen retreated several steps, "poop", a mouthful of blood shot out and splashed on the "Cadillac" headlights. There was a colic in the chest cavity, and the whole body was sore, as if the strength had been dispersed. This boy's strength is amazing. If he hadn't practiced qigong and had more than ten years of martial arts skills, he would have died on the spot. Shen Haochen was shocked and looked like white paper.

Shaking his neck, which was still stinging, shaking his arms that were tied to a little swollen and painfully, "click", there was a violent sound in the bone joints, and suddenly a murderous intention surged in his eyes as blue as the sea. Panris raised his fist.

Is he going to kill me? We are Chinese, and even if we die, we will die with backbone. Clenching his teeth and enduring the pain, Shen Haochen straightened his waist. He turned his head and looked at Zhu Jinshu again. He wanted to take another look at the god-like figure before he died. To Shen Haochen's surprise, the strong light suddenly disappeared in an instant, and the surrounding area fell into darkness, and only the "Cadillac" beside him was lit.

"Chairman..." Before the words "Where are you" were said, a sweet smell surged up my throat again. The eyes are completely dark. After shaking his body a few times, Shen Haochen fell to the ground with a "bang".

Penris was stunned when he saw this. Originally, he planned to beat Shen Haochen. Seeing that the man was not beaten at all, he had to put away his fists. Feeling unbearable, he raised his leg and kicked Shen Haochen a few times.

Raising his eyes and looking around, Panris couldn't help cursing: "Fuck horse, what the hell is this? The black light is on fire, and my sister is too good at choosing a day!" As Perris vented his anger, he walked to Cadillac.