
Chapter 301 If you have the guts, just fight with me

It turns out that he is a demon, a perverted vampire, and he can't let him hurt Brother Nan, absolutely not!

"Song", there was a gunshot, William. James buckled the board machine. Although he knew that ordinary bullets were likely not to cause harm to "vampires", he saw Vere's sharp teeth sticking out from the corners of his mouth, as well as Phil. Nanko's painful expression, he was worried that Will would be Fair. Nanke killed it, so he shot with the mentality of trying.

After firing the first bullet, James frequently buckled the board machine, and a shuttle of 15 45ACP bullets was connected into a line and went straight to Will's eyebrows.

As mentioned before, "First embrace" is a blood sacrifice ceremony of the blood clan. I will not repeat it here, just add a little. The process of "first embrace" is like sexual/love activities between human men and women. Both the bloodsucker and the blood sucker will feel wonderful and happy at the same time. For the blood clan, if he meets a human being he is interested in, it is like having love. He really wants to take the other party for himself, so he wants to turn him into his own kind, and the more he can attract human beings, the stronger the joy he gets when he first embraces.

Ville was extremely angry when he saw someone stirring up his good deeds. As his teeth shortened, he raised his head. In the shining blood pupil, he saw a string of bullets shot at him. Ville raised the "blood rune blade". The golden red seal runes that had been swimming around the "blood rune blade" suddenly gathered together and burst out a red light. In the center of the red light, a golden rune similar to a cross-shaped rune rotated. It highlights the red light, turning faster and bigger, and the strong light stimulates people to open their eyes.

When the red light disappeared and people opened their eyes, they suddenly found that there was no 15 bullet left, all of which were absorbed by the printed runes. As the printed runes narrowed, the "blood rune blade" returned to its original state, and the 15 bullets were spilled to the ground.

"Prince Micah, I miss you and my brother, and I don't embarrass you. If you interfere in this matter again, I will kill you together!" Ville said in a cold voice.

Who? Who is Prince Micah? William. James looked surprised.

Alas! Locke sighed in his heart. Poor brother, you have been reincarnated as a human, but Will still won't let you go. Blame it all! I was too obsessed with hatred. If I had let go of the Dark Night Prince, everything would not have happened later.

Raise your head and step forward. Lock Lang said, "Ville, I know that you hate me. Aren't you going to avenge the four princes? Then kill me. Originally, everything started because of me and had nothing to do with others. As long as you let them go, I am willing to die.

A trace of contempt flashed in his blood pupils. "Here we go," Will sneered. You begged me 100,000 years ago, and now you come to beg me again. Who do you think you are? The great devil, right? Humph, do you want to die? I won't let you die! I want you to see your friends and relatives die in front of you one by one!"

Ville waved his left hand, and the red "shadowless ghost rope" was like a poisonous snake, and suddenly rushed out, "kakaka", like a gust of Thunderbolt in the clear sky.

Locke's chest was hit by the "shadowless ghost rope" and was immediately miserable. Not only the fashionable Western-style dress was a piece of rags, but even the skin and flesh cracked. The original snow-white shirt was dyed red.

The severe pain made Locke's body tremble, his legs were soft, Locke fell to the ground, and his bright red blood flowed out along the corners of his mouth. The increase of pain made Locke's body tremble. He clenched his teeth and didn't let himself shout. Raising his head and removing the blood from the corners of his mouth, Locke supported his elbow and tried to crawl forward.

I saw that the skin that was as wheat-colored as myself was printed with blood marks, William. James fell to the ground with his cheeks in his hands and muttered, "No, this...too cruel!" He felt that the "whips" did not hit Locke, but on himself. Not only did he cut his skin like a knife, but also his heart was in pain.

Lock climbed forward in pain. A red blood stain was left on the ground he climbed over.

"Ville, you can do anything to me. I just ask you to let Nan go. 100,000 years ago, he was poisoned by blood. He has suffered the heartache for 10,000 years. Isn't that enough? Besides, he is Eliza's. Lisa is no longer here. Even if she is alive, she must not want you to hurt Brother Nan. If you do this, it will only make Lisa more sad.

100,000 years ago, did they come from 100,000 years ago? Who the hell are they? What on earth do I have to do with them? Am I in reality or dreaming? William. James fell into shock and confusion.

"Shut up! You are not qualified to mention Lisa at all!" Will shouted angrily. "K" he threw out the "shadowless ghost" again. But this time, the "shadowless ghost" did not hit Locke, and it was caught by a hand wearing a metal sheath.

"Ville, what kind of ability do you have to exert ** power on several human beings? If you have the guts, just fight with me!" There was a groaning, slightly magnetic sound. Locke is very familiar with this sound.

"Blood here! Ha ha...cough..." He only laughed twice, and more blood gushed out of the corners of his mouth, and his head suddenly lowered. Locke fell to the ground and fainted.

"Take good care of them!" Blood Hunter waved his hand, and Blood Moon and four bighorns ran over, followed by Angry Water Jiao and Rose.

Everyone raised Locke with seven hands and eight feet. Xueyue used his power to heal Locke's wounds. Four big-horned stars guarded Xueyue and Locke and were on close alert.

There is a darkness that can't be seen at a glance, and only the leaves of Zhu Jin tree emit a shining green light. Under the trees shrouded in green light, the fiery red Zhu Jin flowers are flying, which exude a charming fragrance. In the rain of flowers, a white windbreaker seemed to be still, while the person wrapped in the windbreaker was hugged by a tall man in black. Behind them is a flower tomb made of Zhu Jin's flowers.

"What are they... doing? ...Oh, my God!" Rose couldn't help covering her mouth after screaming. Her big turquoise eyes were full of horror. In an instant, the girl was as dull as a wooden chicken. She couldn't figure out the situation in front of her. She only felt that the scene was quite strange. It's a dream, it must be a dream! The girl pinched her nails to her arm. Oh, it hurts! It turned out not to be a dream. Rose frowned in pain. First, she was stunned for a moment, and the next second, she reacted quickly. Raising her arm, the girl pointed the gun at Will.

"General handle!" The angry water Jiao exclaimed.

See Phil. Nanke was restrained by the man in black. The angry water was first very surprised, and then extremely angry, because the posture was quite ambiguous. Who? How dare you be so disrespectful to the boss! Lifting up the sniper rifle, the angry water pointed the muzzle at Will.

"Shasha", with a slight footsteps, the man in black quietly forced up, and they * aimed * at Rose and the angry dragonfly.

The atmosphere was extremely tense, and both sides were facing each other with weapons. However, the number of blood hunters is very small, including the bighorns, less than half of the people in black.

"Jie Jie Jie", Will smiled strangely, "Blood hunting, you finally appeared. OK, very good! It's time to settle the general ledger. Come on, take good care of him!"

Ville punched at Phil. Nanke hit his chest. Bang, Phil. Nanke was hit by a powerful blow and fell out. The man in black standing behind Will rushed up and cut Fell back. Nanke's hands.

The chest is like a knife cutting an axe saw, and it is like a sharp claw peeling off the soul from the body. The throat tightened, and a sweet smell surged up. Cough, Phil. Nanke coughed out two mouthfuls of blood, and the pain made his eyebrows turn into a pimple, and even his face was pale without a trace of blood.

Am I going to die? I can go back to the planet Hobby and plead guilty to my father, mother, and the clan.

Looking at the head that has always been high in front of the world drooping, Rose is heartbroken. She turned the muzzle and pointed Ugilza at the men in black.

"Cousin, you shouldn't come here. It's too dangerous!" William. James approached Rose.

"Dangerous? Do I experience less danger? Don't forget that I am both FBI and ICPO. Instead, why did you take the risk of not preparing for your press conference? Rose stared at James.

"I'm here to attend my buddy's wedding. I can't imagine... Alas!" James sighed, put his mouth to the girl's ear and whispered, "A strange thing happened. Forget it. I don't have time to say this. If I can get out of here alive, I'll tell you. The current situation is that these people are probably not human beings. Don't shoot recklessly.

"I know the legendary vampire. I also know that ordinary bullets may not hurt them. But I must save him!" Sakura's lips bit tightly, and her turquoise eyes rose with misty water mist. Rose suddenly shouted, "Fell. Nanke, you still owe me an arm. You said you would return it to me. You can't believe it! You also said that your life is mine, and you can die for me. I don't want you to die. You can't die without my permission! Whoo..." The emotional levee collapsed in an instant, the hand holding the gun kept shaking, and Rose cried wildly.

Fell. Nanke's consciousness was already in a hazy state. Originally, he had the desire to die, so he did not intend to resist. When he suddenly heard the haunting sound in his ears, he suddenly woke up. Rose is still alive! She loves me, and everyone loves me! I am the master of the "Flying Whale Gang", and I have more than 100,000 brothers; I am the son of Lang Yunfei and the Pirate Queen, and I can't ruin their reputation; I am also the prince of the Hobby Star clan. I can't disappoint my parents, let alone be laughed at by the big-horned star...