Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 006 Color of the City VS Old-fashioned Outfit

Seeing that Ling Yu also became melancholy, Yue Huaying was embarrassed. She looked at her watch and found that it was almost time to go to work, and she was still the first to work. Yue Huaying did not dare to be late. After all, she was just a small designer, not like Ling Yu was a deputy manager of the public relations department.

"Okay, let it be. Hasn't 20 years been like this? Let's go. It's almost time. Don't be late on weekends. You don't know that the old pervert in our design department likes to catch our braids. After saying that, Yue Huaying took an ordinary black-framed big-eared glasses from the dresser and put them on. This was specially made by Ma Xiaoxiao for Yue Huaying and was added some magic power on the glasses by Ma Xiaoxiao. At this time, although Yuehuaying, who was originally charming and beautiful, was still the face, the unique temperament, elegance and aristocratic atmosphere on her body were completely covered up. She looked like an ordinary and slightly beautiful woman, and there was no original beautiful face at all. .

Ling Yu frowned when she saw Yue Huaying wearing the old-fashioned and disgusting glasses again: "I said, Huaying, now we are all out to work. Why are you still wearing that thing? Isn't it good to appear in your original appearance?"

"What does it look like? Am I not myself now? What else is different?"

"Your face is your face, but as soon as you stay in this pair of glasses, the temperament on your body and the light emitted by your body will be completely gone. It looks like an ordinary and a little rustic beauty. It's all Xiaoxiao. What can I do to help you with this? If you go to the company for an interview as you are, I don't think you can be just a small designer. Now you may not be the secretary of the general manager or the secretary of the president.

"Is this not good? Do you still want to help me receive love letters and fight in three days like in high school? Thinking of what happened in her freshman year of high school, Yue Huaying shook her head secretly and became more convinced that there was no degree on the bridge of her nose just to cover up her sharp glasses.

Although she was only a little girl at that time, she was already beautiful and beautiful. In that half a year, Yue Huaying received at least hundreds of love letters, including classmates, seniors, and even junior high school younger brothers, all of which made Yue Huaying cry and laugh. No.

Anyway, when you open your desk every morning, there will always be a few ingenious pink, red, sky blue and other love letters with the fragrance of roses.

Although the ownership of these things enters the dustbin every time, it also annoys Yue Huaying.

In particular, some social gangsters and so-called "big brothers" often have "accidental encounters" with themselves at the gate of their own schools, which makes Yue Huaying feel more worried and afraid.

In that half year, Ling Yu was initially excited or regarded Yue Huaying and herself to receive love letters as a kind of fun and conversation in life. However, with the escalation of "Love Letters", when those little boys, boys and social uncles began to often "invitate" them to chat, Ling Yu realized that sometimes love letters are not so easy to receive.

Then, when the two began to refuse the "invitation" and "chat" of all kinds of people, violence followed, and the protagonist of the violence was, of course, Ling Yu, a girl who likes violence.

However, where are those gangsters the opponents of Ling Yu, who has studied formal martial arts for more than ten years? Where is Yue Huaying's "little brothers"?

Finally, after a gang's eldest brother was "convinced" by Ling Yu's strong skills and the unfortunate events and strange events encountered every night, either he was accidentally hit by something or the guests in his field were often scared by something. After waiting for these strange things, the big brother finally believed that it was What is a mountain and a mountain high? He was relieved after he knelt down at the school gate of Yue Huaying and Ling Yu without choice but to beg for mercy.

The eldest brother finally understood that it turned out that beautiful women can't be like this.

Since then, the eldest brother has changed his face and started again. He founded his own small company when Yue Huaying and Ling Yu graduated from high school. Several years have passed now. I heard that the company of the former Jianghu brother has begun to go out of Shanghai and the whole country.

Since the big brother's kneeling behavior, all the good students, gangsters and even gangsters who think about Yue Huaying and Ling Yu have stopped.

Beauties want to have sex, but they also have to worry about whether they have a life to enjoy.

Thus, Yue Huaying and Ling Yu finally spent several months of quiet student life. During the winter vacation of the first year of high school, Yue Huaying, who asked Ma Xiaoxiao for help, finally received the black-framed big-eared glasses she has worn so far.

After putting on her glasses, Yue Huaying finally had a calm and stressful high school career, and no one bothered them anymore. After all, the title of "Queen of Storm" by Ling Yu is not for nothing.

During college, although Yue Huaying and Ling Yu were occasionally chased, they were impressed by Yue Huaying's coldness and ordinary and Ling Yu's violence, they once again went to society with zero love experience through three years of high school and four years of college (both graduated one year ahead of time because of their efforts).

And the qualification for postgraduates that countless college students yearn for also gave them to other students who really need it, because they are orphans, and they must earn their own money as soon as possible to repay their "home" who have lived for more than ten years and those "brothers and sisters" who are born as themselves.

Yue Huaying, who has just started working, still follows her five-year habit and is a must-have before going out - black-framed big-ear glasses.

Ling Yu really didn't care about her appearance when she saw Yue Huaying. She also had to admire this seemingly weak but extremely strong-hearted hair. Maybe that's why she attracted her.

"Okay, okay, I can't tell you, okay? Anyway, I am also very happy to be idle. After all, the society is not as pure as the school. What accident will happen to you? I can imagine that Xiaoxiao will kill a large number of innocent people from Hong Kong. Ling Yu thought that after following Ma Xiaoxiao to "do business" once, she would never dare to fight with Ma Xiaoxiao again.

It turns out that the girl who looks lively, cute and even a little harmless is crazy.

Hearing Ling Yu's words, Yue Huaying rolled her eyes and didn't say anything. However, Yue Huaying was very grateful to these two people who had been by her side and always cared about her childhood. Sometimes, does Yue Huaying think she is too charming? How can you find two close sisters who have no demand for themselves but can treat themselves wholeheartedly and take care of themselves in such a materialistic society?

Although God gave herself an unforgettable "nightmare", it gave it to her two friends who could make friends with life and death. Yue Huaying felt that God was really not mean to her.

PS: Thank you for your collection. I hope you can support me!!!