Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 011 Singles' Day

Chapter 011 Singles' Day

"Hua Ying, have you finished it? The sisters are waiting. In the warm cabin of the two, Ling Yu was packing her makeup while urging Yue Huaying, who was still doing something in front of the computer.

"Okay, okay... What's the urge? It's not about going on a man's date. Why are you in such a hurry?" With a crack, Yue Huaying, who stretched out, finally turned off the computer. Looking at the drawings in her hand without much change, Yue Huaying could already guess what Aunt Zheng's face would look like tomorrow.

"I'm not in such a hurry for a date. This is a once-in-a-century absolute bachelor's day. The bachelor at 11 o'clock in the morning can't pass, and the 11 o'clock in the evening can't be missed. Hurry up, there is still an hour left." At this time, Ling Yu, dressed in a fashionable skirt, walked into Yue Huaying's room with a makeup mirror in one hand and saw her "baby" sitting in front of the computer in family casual clothes. Ling Yu said angrily.

"Huh... Today, our little Lingyu made a gorgeous transformation? It's a beautiful dress." Looking at the black skirt on Ling Yu, who is both sexy and **, Yue Huaying's eyes lit up. It seems that Ling Yu is now full of spring and goes out wearing a skirt for the first time in 21 years.

"Don't get out of the way, change your clothes quickly." Ling Yu blushed for no reason, but he immediately supervised Yue Huaying.

Three minutes later, Yue Huaying came out of the room.

"You, you, just go out in this outfit?" Ling Yu looked at Yue Huaying only dressed in a clean and tidy, but absolutely indescribable ordinary purple coat appeared in front of him. Ling Yu couldn't believe that the person in front of him was dressed so casually for such an important festival.

"Yes, is there anything wrong with this? It's not about going to an important banquet. All right, don't talk too many. It's getting late. Let's go." In order to block Ling Yu's mouth, Yue Huaying pushed Ling Yu out of the door.

There was nothing we could do. Ling Yu could only walk out of the hut halfway. Singles' Day was still very lively. Yue Huaying still didn't forget to put on her black-framed big-eared glasses before going out.

After a while, the two came to a large auditorium of the Singles' Day party spontaneously organized by single employees of Siying Company, which is also a welfare policy of Siying Company for its employees, because this auditorium is in the Siying Building.


"Huss...what's wrong?"

A silver-white Rolls-Royce phantom drove out of the Siying Building. Leng Ming sitting in the back of the car suddenly saw the figure of two black and purple girls in the hall not far away. The passing face made Leng Ming feel that the girl in purple seemed to be a little familiar. However, the next second, Leng Ming was relieved. If she was her lover, the divine seal on her forehead would definitely tell her.

"It's okay. Let's go." The silver-white Rolls-Royce Phantom continued to move forward.

And on the craziest night that only belongs to Singles' Day, Yue Huaying followed Ling Yu to spend a happy carnival night in Siying's company.

Ling Yu, who was originally happy, saw a trace of loss on his excited face after the carnival night.

Yue Huaying looked at Ling Yu's performance and guessed that Ling Yu finally began to be a girl Huaichun.

No matter how strong, powerful and powerful a woman is, she needs a strong or broad shoulder to shield her from the wind and rain. Ling Yu dressed so beautifully today to find his white-haired prince in front of all the male bachelors in the company. Unfortunately, these people still failed to make Ling Yu care.

Looking at Ling Yu's somewhat lost look, Yue Huaying was also thinking: When will his prince come to pick her up?

Because of Ling Yu's wine, the small building on Huaqiang Road has not heard Ling Yu's "wolf howling" for the first time in half a year, and because of Ling Yu's "wolf howling", everyone is also concerned about this. Although the "wolf howling" every morning makes everyone unhappy, it is usually cute and likes to help. What happened to the owner of the howling of helping others stop her voice from destroying everyone's ears.

This may be what everyone said: Habit becomes nature.

The two women's polite words made their mouths soft when they went out this morning.

"Yue Huaying, what about the design drawings and plans you modified? Why don't you bring it here?" When Yue Huaying began to step into the door of the design department, a familiar voice came into Yue Huaying's ears.

Yue Huaying looked up, and Zheng Yuanjie, with a sunny and spring face, had already stood in front of her.

"Good morning, Minister."

"What's good? Speaking of serious things, what about the design drawings and plans?

"Oh, here, I took it back last night and changed it. Do you want to use it?" Yue Huaying responded to Zheng Yuanjie while looking for drawings from her folder.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Didn't I tell you yesterday that the big boss wanted to see our plan today? What are you linger about? Bring it here." Zheng Yuanjie grabbed the design drawings and plans in Yue Huaying's hand and walked out before opening it.

As he opened it, he said to Yue Huaying, "Now the big boss is already waiting. Do you think I'm in a hurry? You are still so calm, and..." When the patterns and plans on the drawings were still presented in front of Zheng Yuanjie as yesterday, she frowned together and could kill a fly.

"You..." Zheng Yuanjie, who was five steps away from Yue Huaying, looked at Yue Huaying with an angry look that she had been "played" by others.

Yue Huaying had already guessed Zheng Yuanjie's angry appearance and said to her, "Director Zheng, I still think my plan must be liked by the big boss, so I didn't change it. Please forgive me."

Zheng Yuanjie looked at her watch and looked at Yue Huaying, who was really calm. Not to mention how angry she was. In the past, Yue Huaying would not have known how she was scolded by herself. But now it doesn't work. Now the big boss who doesn't know what his personality is but certainly doesn't seem to be easy to get along with is still waiting for his plan. Otherwise, he will scold him very well, but he should leave Siying.

Zheng Yuanjie gave Yue Huaying a look of "How are you, let's see how I deal with you when I come back" and left with her footsteps and twisted her bucket waist.

At this time, the men, women and children of the whole design department looked at Yue Huaying with pity and encouraging eyes, because they already knew what Yue Huaying's future path would be like. Unless the big boss showed mercy and liked Yue Huaying's plan, Yue Huaying would be doomed. However, according to the past situation, this seems difficult.

Although Yue Huaying's heart was also mixed at this time, since she also chose such a road, she also figured out the consequences.

With a trace of trembling, Yue Huaying also returned to her seat and began this difficult moment with confidence in her work.