Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 039 Officials

Although Leng Ming repeatedly stated that he would have nothing to do and would not be involved in him because of the matter of You Twelve, Yue Huaying and others still looked at Leng Ming in their hearts, and there were still a lot of worries in their eyes.

"You don't need to worry. I'll deal with it. Trust me." Leng Ming gently grasped Yue Huaying's shoulder and said.

For thousands of years, he can hold the shoulder of his beloved again, and his heart has raised a ripple again, and his eyes looking at Yue Huaying have become more fierce.

Feed the heat from Leng Ming's palm, and Yue Huaying's face turned slightly red.

Leng Ming smiled, took his hand back, and gave up this feeling that he liked very much. He knew that he had to eat one bite at a time, and the road had to go step by step. He could not be too hasty.

"Ceng Ming, since you are so sure, I won't say anything more. In a word, if there is anything, we will definitely stand up and resolutely stand on your side. These people can do everything and commit armed murder in the light. I will definitely fight to the end. If necessary, I will turn to the media for help from the Internet. Chen Yuan knew that she had to do something when she saw that Leng Ming also had such strength and was involved in "Kangyuan". Not for herself, she must also do something for this group of orphans she loves very much.

Leng Ming, who knows how much his strength is, no longer explains anything. He just looks at the people who are worried about him. Leng Ming will not let Chen Yuan and Yue Huaying do something for themselves.

"That's all for today. I will arrange the following things. You don't need to worry too much. I will arrange everything."

"Okay, let's all go, Leng Ming, thank you." Chen Yuan said sincerely to Leng Ming, and the others who returned to the room also comforted some frightened children under Chen Yuan's arrangement. As for some older boys, especially the boys, they were still lying at the window and looked at Leng Ming excitedly.

"Grandma Chen, you're welcome. It's nothing."

"Thank you. Come on, let's go into the house and talk about it." Without further saying polite words, Chen Yuan invited Leng Ming into the room again, and there were still many things that needed to be discussed with Leng Ming.

"Ai..." Ling Yu, who followed, gently pulled Leng Ming's clothes and feet.

"What's the matter?"

Ling Yu approached Leng Ming and said softly beside him, "Ai...Mr. Leng, where have those hoodlums been taken by your people?"

"Do you care about them?"

"Cut...who cares about them? It's just that I don't want you to do anything you shouldn't do. This is in China, not your country M or Y. The energy in your family may not be useful here. Ling Yu said pointedly, looking at Leng Ming's eyes as if he already knew Leng Ming's next action.

"Ha ha..." Leng Ming smiled gently: "Don't worry, no matter what, it won't cause anything. Even if there is, it's a good thing I have done for China. And as for them, they went to the place where they should go. Leng Ming said with a mysterious smile.

"Do good deeds?" Ling Yu looked at Leng Ming doubtfully and asked.

"That's right, the sky can't be leaked!"

Facing the mystery of Leng Ming, Ling Yu looked at Yue Huaying, and Yue Huaying also shrugged her shoulders to say that she didn't know or understand.

"Cut... appetizing, don't ask, there is a time when you beg us. Huaying, let's go and play in our little paradise. Ling Yu, who couldn't get any information in Leng Ming, could only take Yue Huaying to the paradise and once haunted house when they were young.

Looking at the two women who were going further and further away, Leng Ming smiled gently. When the two women's figures disappeared at the corner, Leng Ming's face appeared again.

"Youjiu, how's things going?" Leng Ming said something unknown to the empty corridor again.

A black shadow appeared behind Leng Ming and said respectfully to Leng Ming, "Master, they have been sent down, and the traces have been cleaned up. At that time, there will be a reasonable reason to appear in front of the people and not cause some trouble because of the sudden disappearance of dozens of people. It's a matter."

"I don't worry about your work. As for whether their souls go to hell or heaven, it depends on their fate. Youjiu, tell Youming to find out about 'Kangyuan' for me. This time, you may have a good time.

"Yes...master!" Youjiu's figure slowly disappeared behind Leng Ming.

"Green Gang? I hope you haven't forgotten the promise you made to me a hundred years ago, otherwise, I don't mind letting you disappear into the long river of history. Thinking of the person he saved a hundred years ago, Leng Ming was full of disappointment in him.

"Ceng Ming... Why are you still there?" The door of Chen Yuan's office opened and said to Leng Ming.

"Oh, I'm coming." Leng Ming walked into Chen Yuan's office. He knew that Chen Yuan had something to say to himself.


At this time, four people were tasting tea and drinking in a villa in Changning District, Shanghai. On the periphery of this villa, many bodyguards in black were patrolling, and their waists were bulging. People with bright eyes can understand at a glance that there are guys in their waists.

"Mr. Pan, I don't know if your gang is sure to take back the orphanage? You should know that those old guys are not easy to deal with. I don't want this matter to be stabbed. A man in his fifties with gold-rimmed glasses and looked smart shook the red wine glass in his hand and said to a young man sitting opposite him in his 30s.

"Mr. Liu, you can rest assured that the reputation of my youth gang for hundreds of years is absolute. Although we have withdrawn from the historical stage and have been bleached, and the name of our youth gang can no longer be heard in real life, our youth gang still exists. Didn't you also find me for help? Pan Changmu, the current leader of the Youth Gang and the president, chairman and general manager of Panyuan Group, said proudly to Liu Feng, the helmsman of Jinling Group.

"Then you should be careful. Although those are just old women and orphans, I don't want to make too much trouble. Now the country is advocating a harmonious society. If it's big, it's not good for you and me. I don't want me to lead the team to arrest you personally." And a man in his forties sitting next to Pan Changmu and Liu Feng said in a low voice.

And for such obviously threatening words, Pan Changmu and Liu Feng did not have much disgust or anger, but said in a flattering tone: "What did Director Qin say? We all rely on you to have a mouthful of food. Isn't that what you said?

"Pan Changmu, especially you, don't think that your youth gangs have turned to legitimate business and our police don't have your record. I believe you know some things, but they didn't touch you because you don't have much harm and make a big contribution to the government, otherwise even if you have nine The head is not enough to shoot. Qin Qiang, deputy director of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau in charge of economic crimes, looked at Pan Changmu's proud look and said coldly.

"Yes, yes... Chang Wu doesn't understand. Without your greeting, my little brothers would have been in the game long ago. Chang Wu can remember this. If you need anything in the future, you will always talk, and Chang Wu will go through fire and water." Seeing Qin Qiang targeting himself, how can Pan Chang not know if it's good? He immediately changed his face and said.

And Liu Feng, who sat aside, also wink at the last of the four people and asked him to resolve the embarrassment at this time.

"Lao Qin, I'm not talking about you. Now we are all our own people. Why are you still putting on such a bad airs? If you have money, you can make money together. Can Mr. Pan and Mr. Liu still treat us badly? With the four of us, can't we deal with those old women and a group of orphans without parents?

"Yes, Director Qin and Secretary-General Li have said so. Isn't that a trivial matter? Now we want money, people, and people want power and power. Among other things, isn't it easy for those lonely old women? That land is worth tens of millions. Liu Feng also took the opportunity to flatter and agree with Li Zhijun, the secretary-general of the municipal government. He also understood that only Li Zhijun could be on an equal footing with Qin Qiang here.

With Li Zhijun's words, Qin Qiang is not so solemn, and his face is not so serious.