Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 049 The White Shadow of Taughty

"Are you from the Ma family?" Seeing the "Thunder Curse" with a trace of purple thunder and lightning in Ling Yu's hand, the ghost boss gritted his teeth and said with a complicated face.

Yuehuaying and Ling Yu, who were originally going to use the last trick to solve the immediate difficulties, felt strange when they saw the ghost boss's reaction at this time. How could he know the "Thunder Curse" of the Hong Kong Exorcism Dragon Clan? Isn't it impossible to have any ghosts under the "Thunder Curse"?

When the two saw the ghost boss's familiarity and fear of the "Thunder Curse" in Ling Yu's hand, Yue Huaying and Ling Yu were not in a hurry for a while. After all, the price this "Thunder Curse" paid for people without power was also quite high.

Just as Yue Huaying and Ling Yu were thinking about what to do next, the ghost boss's muttering appeared again in the haunted house:

"Impossible, you will never be from the Ma family. I have seen the little child of the Ma family. You don't have her spiritual fluctuations. You are definitely not from the Ma family, and the people of the Ma family are not as weak as you. Come on, who the hell are you? How can there be this charm? Or what do you have to do with the Ma family? The ghost boss shouted to Yue Huaying and Ling Yu in a complex and fierce tone, and felt a trace of fear in the ghost boss's tone while threatening.

Yue Huaying and Ling Yu looked at each other and finally said, "Do you know this charm? Do you also know the Ma family? What the hell are you?"

Yue Huaying and Ling Yu don't think that knowing the "Thunder Curse" and knowing that the ghost of the Ma family would be a lonely ghost they originally thought would be a lonely ghost, so it's a little difficult to do.

"Humph... You are not qualified to know my identity. You just need to tell me who you are? What is the relationship with the Ma family? Who gave you this charm? Maybe I will give you a happy time, otherwise... hum..." The ghost boss seemed to think of something, and his worried look immediately turned fierce, as if he wanted to kill Yue Huaying and Ling Yu.

Is that right? They don't have the right to know your identity, what about me?" Suddenly, a cold voice appeared in the haunted house.

"Who?" The ghost boss was shocked by the cold sound and quickly looked around, but he didn't see any people.

"Don't look for it, I'm here." While the ghost boss was looking for the speaker, a man in white casual clothes came out of the cabinet by the window not far from Yue Huaying and Ling Yu.

"Mr. Bai?" Seeing the visitors, Yue Huaying and Ling Yu shouted in surprise. They never thought that the visitors would be the big boss of their company.

"Hi... two beautiful ladies, how are you? Are you having a masquerade party or filming today? This five-color halo on your head is very real, more powerful than stunts. When did our company have such a strong stunt team? Bai Ying also said to the two women with a surprised face. Seeing him like that, he almost touched the five-color light of the triangle with his own hands.

"This...Mr. Bai, why are you here? It's dangerous here. You'd better go quickly." Yue Huaying, who didn't know how to explain, could only quickly urge Bai Ying to leave, and Ling Yu also looked at Bai Ying with a worried face.

"Is it dangerous? I don't think so." Bai Ying raised his eyebrows and smiled at the corners of his mouth.

"Who are you?" In the face of the sudden white shadow, the ghost boss was worried again. With his own strength, he didn't know when the man appeared in the room and seemed to suddenly appear by the window. He didn't believe that the person in front of him jumped in from the window. Even so, in the face of such a strange scene at this time, he doesn't think that the person in front of him is such a calm and funny person.

"Me? To paraphrase your words, you don't seem to be qualified to know my identity. Bai Ying touched her nose and said disdainfully to the ghost boss. As she spoke, Bai Ying also walked to the place where Yue Huaying and Ling Yu were.

"You..." In the face of the mysterious white shadow, although the ghost boss is very confident in his strength, he dares not move easily now, because there is a threat of "clear thunder spell" in the past, and then there is a mysterious man who appears mysteriously. The ghost boss really doesn't know what to do at this time.

However, Bai Ying ignored the ghost boss at this time, but slowly walked towards Yue Huaying and Ling Yu.

"Huh... why are you all kneeling on the ground? How can this work in a cold day? You can't shoot like this. It seems that this prop is too heavy. Don't worry, I'll take it away for you." Looking at the five-colored triangular light mask on the heads of Yue Huaying and Ling Yu, Bai Ying pretended to be stupid and said.

The ghost boss didn't move at this moment, but looked at Bai Ying with more complicated eyes. He really wanted to know whether Bai Ying was really stupid or pretending to be stupid.

Yue Huaying and Ling Yu also looked at Bai Ying with strange eyes. They also wanted to see how Bai Ying would "take off" this light mask.

"Uh..." Bai Ying supported his chin with his left hand, as if thinking, and then his right hand reached into the triangular five-color mask.

"Bai..." Ling Yu saw Bai Ying stretch out her right hand and scream anxiously, but when she saw Bai Ying's hand reaching into the mask intact, she couldn't say anything behind her at all. At this time, she was only deeply shocked.

"Pa..." A ringing finger rang in the haunted house. With the sound of this ringing finger, the five-color light mask on Yue Huaying and Ling Yu's head disappeared, and the 15 ghosts also turned into fifteen green smokes at the moment the mask disappeared and disappeared in front of everyone.

"Cut... It turned out to be a lighting effect. What did I think it was?" Bai Ying still pretended to be stupid, as if he didn't know what was going on in front of him.

However, only he felt good about Bai Ying's pretending to be stupid. The other two women present looked at Bai Ying in addition to shock and shock, and there was a trace of shock in the ghost boss's eyes.

"Huh... why are you looking at me like this? I will be embarrassed." Bai Ying looked at the two women and a ghost who seemed to be looking at the monster and said with a little embarrassment.

"Don't pretend to be stupid here. People here are not fools. Who are you? How can you break the master's 'five elements and three talents'? In the face of Bai Ying's silly play, the ghost boss was both shocked and angry and played tricks. No, it's not like this, is it?

"'Five elements and three talent array'? Is that thing a formation just now? I thought it was a lighting effect.

"You..." The ghost boss can be said to be angry now, but in the face of Bai Ying's mystery and unfathomable strength, he dares not make any changes. Now he is the only one left of the ghosts.

"Mr. Bai, stop playing." Ling Yu couldn't see it and said to Bai Ying. In fact, Ling Yu also wants to know who Bai Ying is. Why is the formation that is difficult to fight against Yue Huaying with Buddha beads disappear under the ringing finger of Bai Ying? Ling Yu looked at Bai Ying and felt that he was mysterious again.

What is the real identity of Bai Ying?

"Well... Since the beautiful women are begging, I won't play anymore. Hey hey... Miss Yue, Miss Ling, are you all right?" Seeing Yue Huaying looking at her eyes, Bai Ying's original playful look immediately disappeared, and the image of Mr. Bai in the company appeared on Bai Ying.

"We're fine." Yue Huaying and Ling Yu replied, looking at the white shadow that was different from the previous nonsense, they really didn't know which one was the real white shadow.

"Damn, don't you just think I don't exist? I will definitely let you know how good I am." Once again, the air-like ghost boss of the three white shadows saw that he was ignored again and said viciously to the three people. Although he feels that the white shadow is very mysterious and the "Thunder Curse" is very dangerous now, he has never been so ignored in the past 50 years, leaving his worries about the strength of the three people. He wants to teach the three people a good lesson, and a gust of wind blows from the ghost boss to Yue Huaying.

"Miss Yue and Miss Ling, I'm also a man anyway. Let me do this. You guys have a good rest." Bai Ying stood in front of Yue Huaying and Ling Yu for the first time, and the wind of the ghost boss did not even blow up the hem of Bai Ying's clothes.

"Hey... This guy, blowing is not like this. Let me teach you." Bai Ying opened her lips slightly and blew a soft breath.

"Wow...Wow!" The sound of the table and chair bench fell in an instant, and the ghost's body was blown to the wall like a kite in a typhoon. He overturned a large table and chair bench all the way.

"Impossible, impossible..." The ghost boss stood up with a shocked face and shook his head and muttered. He really didn't believe that his strength was so poor. How could he also have the strength of a ghost soldier? How could he be blown down in one breath?

"What's impossible about this? Look at your body, a little more wind can blow you into the sky.

"Who the hell are you? With my strength, even if you can't beat it, you can't be your enemy. Are you a god or a fairy?

"God? Xian? Humph..." Hearing these two words that had been taboo for thousands of years in the underworld, the white shadow, which was originally playful, instantly became cold. As his face became grim, the temperature of the whole haunted house seemed to drop below zero.

"But don't connect me with those sanctimonous guys. Your strength may be very strong in the eyes of some people, but in my eyes, I can kill you with one finger, but don't worry, I won't kill you today. Bring me a message to someone."

The ghost boss looked at Bai Ying with complex and frightened eyes. Although Bai Ying's words could be said to others, the ghost boss believed every word Bai Ying said, because at this moment he felt a machine that made his soul afraid lock him. The power of his whole body can't be mobilized, and the boss who locked himself can be sure that it is emitted by the man in front of him.

"Who do you want me to bring a message to?" The old ghost war said tremblingly.