Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 052 Mysterious Black Hole

"Can you make it clear to me who he is?" Suddenly, the black skull floated out of the black cave and came to Zheng Lie's eyes and roared at Zheng Lie. The blue flame in his eyes seemed to have a trace of blood red, and Zheng Lie seemed to have been picked up by an invisible hand and floated in mid-air.

"Master, I don't know who he is." With a frightening fear, Zheng Lie answered the skull's words, and his pale face was bluer and whiter.

Although Zheng Lie is a ghost, he feels that his body is about to break up at this moment.

"Waste..." After not getting what he wanted, the skull threw Zheng Lie out.

Zheng Lie got up from the ground and knelt in front of the skull that had returned to the hole again.

"Master, I really haven't found out who he is, but it seems that he knows you."

"What? Know me? What do you mean? The skull felt strange when he heard Zheng Lie's words, and asked with a blue flame in his eyes.

"I don't know if he really knows the master, but he asked me to bring you a message." Zheng Lie said with a little fear. He really didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

"What are you talking about?"

"He said: Since the promise made a hundred years ago has failed, what should be returned should be returned."

"A promise a hundred years ago?" The black skull carefully tasted the meaning of this sentence. As time passed, the flame in the eyes of the black skull suddenly shrank into a little.

"You, tell me, what does that man look like?" Suddenly, the black skull nervously asked Zheng Lie, and his tone seemed to be very anxious, worried and scared.

Zheng Lie has been following the black skull for many years. It was the first time he saw his master like this, with an unknown and curious heart. Zheng Lie recalled the appearance of Bai Ying and replied, "He is very handsome, wearing white clothes all over his body, and as for the rest... There is nothing else... What's the special feature?" Zheng Lie thought about it carefully, but the image he thought had remembered in his heart became more and more blurred as he thought about it. Now there is no appearance of that man in his mind, and there is only a vague image left.

"No more?" The skull asked, what is this description? I don't know what the person is like at all.

"No, master, I still remember his appearance very well, but now the more I think about him, the more blurred his appearance becomes. I don't know why."

Hearing this, the black skull thought and seemed to see his skeleton bones wrinkled.

"Master..." Zheng Lie asked carefully when he saw that the skull did not speak any more.

"Uh... It's okay. Does he look like two sword eyebrows and a domineering face? The most important thing is that his eyes are purple and gold? Or is there anyone else around him? For example, a person who is more noble than him.

Zheng Lie shook his head and said, "No, he is the only one except those two women. Master, who are you talking about? He doesn't seem to be like this."

"Not him? Who the hell is that? As for who I said he is, I don't know his true identity. All I know is that he is strong and horrible. The black skull said in a memory tone.

"Then he is more powerful than you?"

"Me? Oh... Maybe blowing a breath in his eyes can kill me." The black skull said with a mocking smile. At this time, he completely forgot his anger towards Zheng Lie.

"Impossible, right?" Zheng Lie said in disbelief that he really didn't know that there was a more powerful existence than his master in the world.

"There is nothing impossible in the world. In fact, don't think how powerful we are, but you haven't met a really powerful person yet. Just like the Ma family in Hong Kong, Maoshan in the south, and Buddhism and Taoism everywhere; Sanshu; and Tantra in Tibet, these are our nemesis, and some of their young generations can destroy us. But now they have all withdrawn from the stage of society and hide behind us, and we are also very low-key, so you think we are very powerful. In fact, we are vulnerable in front of these monks.

"So... will the person you mentioned be one of them?" Zheng Lie still asked with curiosity.

Zheng Lie really doesn't know this, because over the years, he has only carried out the master's orders several times and the object is only to ordinary people, and has not met the so-called monks. The only person who met the Ma family has not had any accident because of the master's intervention. So far, Zheng Lie has also been very strange about himself. How on earth did the master let the Ma family let him go?

"I don't know, I just hope it's not him, otherwise... But according to what you said, it's very likely that it's him or his subordinates. Hey..." At this time, the black skull really forgot to teach Zheng Lie a lesson, and a sense of melancholy was clearly revealed from his mouth.

"Master, what should we do now? If it's him, what promise do you have with him and what do you want to pay back? What would we do if it weren't for him? With his strength, we don't know if we can resist it.

"I don't know, I just hope it's not him, otherwise..." Speaking of this, the black skull can't go on, because he knows what he will encounter if things come true, but he is still very strange. It's been a hundred years. Why did he suddenly appear?

"Zheng Lie..."

"Small in!"

"If you go on, all the ghost guards will give me a spirit of 120,000 points, and maybe someone will come to me in the next few days. If someone comes to the door and don't do it easily, report it to me immediately. If anyone dares not to obey the order, I will make him never live and die. Leaving aside the speculation of the man's identity, the black skull returned to his identity as the owner of the ghosts and said to Zheng Lie in a fierce tone that could not be refuted by others.

"Yes, master, I will tell you to go down."

"Okay, you go down first. I'll forgive you this time. I hope you remember your identity next time."

"Yes, master, I won't let you down next time." Zheng Lie retreated with a worried and desperate heart and disappeared into the rock wall.

Seeing Zheng Lie retreat, the blue flame in the eyes of the black skeleton flashed violently again.

"Hey... I don't know if it's an adult. I hope my hunch is wrong." With endless troubles, the black skull slowly disappeared into the black cave.