Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 054 Centennial Kuwata

"Who are we believe that you know better than anyone else, don't we?" The leader, who was still in the black flame, withdrew the purple token in his hand and said.

"I know..." When he saw the purple token wearing a Wenshi shirt, he knew the last thing he wanted and the person he didn't want to see appeared. Based on the previous information, he understood what the person meant, and all the momentum disappeared in an instant.

"Pan Bao..."

"The little one..." The man in a literary shirt replied respectfully.

"I believe your men have spread the words of the adults, right?"

"Yes, the little one already knows. However, are you really sent by adults? My men told me that the man was not an adult. In the face of the person, the man wearing a Wenshi green shirt that had just recovered from the shock, that is, Pan Bao, returned to his identity again. He didn't want his 100-year gain to be taken back for no reason. Even if he wanted to collect it... Pan Bao also had his own calculation in his heart.

"Yes, he is indeed not, but his identity is not a little ghost that you can look up to, and he is also the most powerful subordinate of the master. Do you still want to resist when you see the token?" The man in black said sternly that he had guessed Pan Bao's thoughts.

"I dare not, I really dare not face adults, but for those who hold adults' feathers as arrows, it is impossible for me to wait for death." Pan Bao did not buy the account of the man in black, and told the other party in disguise that what might happen next was beyond his control, and it was up to the other party.

"Huh... Don't be afraid. Do you think you can run rampant with a little advice from your master?"

"No, that's not what I mean, but you always want me to understand who you are? Is there any place for me to make adults feel that they have to take back everything I have? In Pan Bao's heart, he still has a little fear of the three people in black. He must know the identity and strength of the other party before he can move. A hundred years ago, he was not a person who could threaten and pinch whatever he wanted, let alone himself with his current strength.

"It seems that you really don't give up. Well, since you want to know so much, I'll tell you that this may be your causal cycle." The leader in black took a strange look at Pan Changmu's family and said coldly.

Pan Changmu did not faint at this moment. Although he was very scared and scared in his heart, Pan Changmu was more curious and expectant in the face of his unknown world.

However, when he saw the man in black wrapped in flames only a pair of unpopular purple-black eyes that made him feel that his soul was frozen in the nine secluded hell, he lowered his head, which had never lowered in 30 years.

Pan Bao is also very strange. Why do people in black look at ordinary people like their grandchildren strangely?

"Pan Bao, I believe you still remember your promise to your master a hundred years ago, but now you have broken this promise. Therefore, Lord Bai was ordered by his master to send me to take back everything from you. Remember, my name is You Twelve, the leader of the Underworld Guard.

The promise of a hundred years ago?

Hearing You Twelve's words, the memories of a hundred years ago surged into Pan Bao's heart again.

On that stormy night, when he was about to die after being chased by Japan's special high-tech and his own swornment, the figure and voice that he would never forget happened to appear in front of him. Those ninjas who were infinitely horrible and powerful for themselves were annihilated by wading in front of the men who suddenly appeared in front of them.

And his last words before leaving made Pan Bao remember even after a hundred years, as if it had happened yesterday.

"Pan Bao, this is the eventful time in China. Seeing that you are the first person I met in the world, you still have a little Chinese conscience and ambition that are not with the Japanese. I hope you can keep your useful body to keep the peace of China." While talking, I saw a purple-gold light flashing on the right index finger of the man in purple-gold black suit in front of Pan Bao. A light shot into Pan Bao's forehead. Pan Bao then found a mysterious formula in his mind, and this sudden scene reminded Pan Bao of the legend about ghosts and gods that had been circulating in China for thousands of years. Say.

"This 'ghostfu' was created by me when I was young. It can make you an immortal ghost, and it can also make you, who are seriously injured now, become a ghost. At least you don't need to worry that ordinary weapons in the world can cause serious harm to you in the future. However, you should understand that there are some guardians who are self-proported to kill demons. You still have to take it easy before you really achieve great success. I don't want my hard work to be in vain before I get paid off.

"Thank you, thank you, savior." At this time, Pan Bao couldn't understand what kind of shit luck he had taken. He was in vain as the leader of the Youth Gang. He quickly struggled with his seriously injured body and kowtowed to the person in front of him. Such a thing may not be encountered in eight lifetimes.

"My benefactor, I don't know how to repay you in the future? Or where should I go to find you?" How can Pan Bao not think about his future when he meets such a legendary person? Hurry up and find a stable backer for your future.

"I will naturally come to you when it's time to find you, depending on whether we have this fate or not, but I can clearly tell you that I can take back this ability given to you at any time. If you do something that people and gods are angry, I believe you should understand what the consequences are."

"Yes, I understand that I will work hard for the prosperity of China."

"Did you think about it yourself. If anyone comes to you with this token in the future, it will be when I come to you. I just hope you won't see this token in your life." An identical token in the hand of You Twelve appeared in front of Pan Bao.

"I remember it." Pan Bao replied with a little disappointment. He understood that he could not have a big backer.

"Your Majesty... We should go." Just when Pan Bao was disappointed, a white figure appeared behind the man in purple, and Pan Bao could not see his appearance clearly.

"Pan Bao, I hope you know yourself well." The man in purple looked at Pan Bao with a complicated look and the man in white behind him disappeared in front of Pan Bao.

Looking at these two "god" Pan Bao, who came and went in a hurry, did not know whether to describe his mood at this moment. Although he did not know who the person came, the "imperial" made Pan Bao understand how powerful his benefactor was. This emperor It's not the emperor of the feudal era.

With all kinds of complex moods, such as excitement, excitement, fear, worry, expectation, Pan Bao carried out the magic formula left in his mind of the man in purple and gold - Ghost Fu.

"Wah..." Pan Bao had just carried out the formula, and a faint layer of black fog surged on his body. With the help of this layer of black fog, Pan Bao's original knife and gunshot wounds quickly healed at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye, and two or three bullets left in Pan Bao's body were also mysterious. The black air was expelled from the body, and Pan Bao now felt the strong power he had never had in his body.

And Pan Bao also remembered the man named "Emperor" forever at this time.

A hundred years later, Pan Bao's "ghostfu" has felt that he had cultivated to great success, but now he has encountered the token that appeared a hundred years ago. Pan Bao really doesn't know how to describe his mood at this time. He doesn't want the foundation he founded in a hundred years to be taken back by people in one sentence. .

How's it going? Do you understand?" You Twelve did not disturb Pan Bao's memory. After Pan Bao woke up from his memory, he reminded Pan Bao.

"Are you talking about the man in white behind the 'Emperor'?"

"Not bad!"

"Then I understand, but what I want to know is what I did wrong? What made the 'Imperial' send you here? I think that I and my descendants have made enough contributions to China in the past hundred years. Of course, I don't think the necessary killing in the war is a violation of the promise to the 'emperor'. With unwillingness, Pan Bao is still trying his best to ask for himself.

"I don't know or want to ask what you did before. I believe you know best what you have done, but this time, haven't you forgotten it? Maybe your men will still remember what they did in Kangyuan this morning, right? Zheng Lie, who pointed to Zheng Lie, who was still curled up on the ground and looked at himself with unbelievable eyes.

"Is that why?" Pan Bao asked in an incredible tone.

"That's right, that's it. Do you think this is a trivial matter?" You Twelve thought he was a murderer, but he still disagreed with Pan Bao's understanding of life.

"They are just a group of humble human beings, and I just asked my men to scare them and didn't kill them. Is this also a violation of my promise to the 'Emperor'? I don't accept it."

"Don't accept it? Don't forget that you were a human like them a hundred years ago. Do you think how noble you are? Is this the emperor's original intention to let you have this ability by using abnormal means to force ordinary people to obtain their own benefits? Do I need to tell you one by one about the Hong Kong tycoon Li five years ago, the real estate developer Wang family ten years ago and those previous things? I don't think you will forget these things, will you? Do you dare to say that you didn't do these things? When You Twelve saw Pan Bao's death, he immediately gave these examples, and he would make Pan Bao die.

Listening to what You Twelve said, Pan Bao was speechless. At this moment, he was thinking about how to save his everything and his life. In the face of the mysterious emperor Pan Bao, he did not think he could resist in front of him.

How's it going? Is there nothing to say? Well, I won't explain so much to you. I've wasted too much time here. While talking, a bigger and thicker flame came out of You Twelve.

"slow..." Pan Bao said again.