Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 067 Who are you

"Miss Yue and Miss Ma, please follow me." Although Ma Xiaoxiao did not talk about any more topics in the second half, the car soon arrived at Siying Company, and the middle-aged man once again invited Yue Huaying and Ma Xiaoxiao to follow him upstairs.

The parking lot for high-level and VIPs of this company has been filled with all kinds of cars, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Farari, Rolls-Royce... Even the most inconspicuous Audi is A6. Looking at these luxurious formations, Ma Xiaoxiao really didn't know that a company's Christmas party needs so much. Money people come to participate.

Yue Huaying and Ma Xiaoxiao also followed the middle-aged man upstairs from a passage, but this passage was not a special passage for those VIPs. Those VIPs who watched the two women enter the passage watched Yue Huaying and Ma Xiaoxiao disappear in front of their eyes with envy and amazement.

Looking at everyone's reaction, Yue Huaying and Ma Xiaoxiao also seem to understand what the special passage they are taking represents, because there is a big man in black guard every few steps from the parking lot to the elevator in this passage to the elevator.

"Xiaoxiao, don't you think they look like those blacks. People from society?" Yue Huaying whispered to Ma Xiaoxiao.

Before Ma Xiaoxiao could explain, the middle-aged man leading the way in front of the two women had already opened his mouth and said, "Miss Yue, they are not black/social. They are just bodyguards or guards of the family. The owner of the company is a formal company."

Master? Are you talking about Mr. Bai?"

"Uh... Well, I don't know how to say this. Miss Yue, you will understand in the future." The middle-aged man knew that he had accidentally said something wrong and explained in a little panic. At this time, the three had also come to the president's elevator.

"Please..." The middle-aged man changed the topic and invited the two.

Yue Huaying and Ma Xiaoxiao don't say anything anymore, because it won't be long before they can know the truth from Leng Ming.

With the rise of the elevator, Yue Huaying's heart also became nervous. When she knew that she was about to face the truth, her heart was really a little nervous. Sometimes, Yue Huaying really didn't want the truth to come so quickly.

"Ding..." But what should come is still coming, and the door of the elevator has been opened.

"Miss Yue and Miss Ma, please. Mr. Leng is already waiting for you two at the venue. Please go in by yourself. I have to pick up other distinguished guests. I'm sorry."

"This uncle, please go ahead. Thank you." Yue Huaying said humbly, although she still doesn't know the name of the middle-aged man in front of her.

The middle-aged man left with a smile.

"Hua Ying, it seems that your cold identity is really mysterious. A strong consortium or family, huge network... This is comparable to those rich people in the world. I absolutely don't believe that he is just the chief designer of a company." Standing outside the elevator, Ma Xiaoxiao muttered.

"Xiaoxiao, but this is not necessarily a cold matter, right? Maybe this is all Mr. Bai's relationship. In her tone, Yue Huaying really couldn't believe that this was the identity behind Leng Ming, because such a life was too far away from being an orphan since she was a child, and Yue Huaying was a little afraid.

"Mr. Bai? Hua Ying, don't deceive yourself. Maybe your Mr. Bai is still your cold subordinate. It's just the card he played. Didn't you listen to the man just now? Master, what kind of family and powerful talents do you think will make their subordinates call their masters? Now it's a harmonious society.

"Maybe it's Mr. Bai's family? I don't think there is any deeper background. If he is rich and rich, he should not be able to visit roadside stalls as often as we do, right? And he is definitely not pretending. It seems to be very natural and he is also the kind of person who often visits small restaurants. Yue Huaying still wanted to excuse Leng Ming.

Ma Xiaoxiao looked at Yuehuaying, who had been completely captured by someone, and Ma Xiaoxiao did not defend anything. The IQ of women in love was zero.

"Okay, let's not talk about it. The reception is coming. We'll know later."

"Good evening, ladies. Welcome to Siying's year-end Christmas party. Please follow me." A beautiful etiquette lady in a cheongsam who was a little taller than Ma Xiaoxiao, who was 1.73 meters tall, said hello to Yue Huaying and Ma Xiaoxiao.

"Thank you..." Ma Xiaoxiao said elegantly, and her hand also pulled Yue Huaying, who was ready to say something.

"Hua Ying, is she from your company?" On the way to the venue, Ma Xiaoxiao asked in a low voice.

"Well, it's Xiao Qin from Xiaoyu's department and the public relations department. Although I don't have a deep friendship with her, I often meet her anyway. It's impossible that she doesn't know me, right?" Yue Huaying, who originally wanted to say hello to Xiao Qin, who was leading the way, was pulled by Ma Xiaoxiao, and now she also said doubtfully.

"Stupid, don't you remember that you didn't wear glasses? Have you forgotten what the glasses I gave you do?

"Ah...yeah, I almost forgot." Yue Huaying also exclaimed softly as if she remembered something.

"Do you think you are still the same as you used to be? It's the same. She doesn't know that you are normal. Don't tell them yet. Let's surprise you later. I believe that your desk must be full of flowers and love letters next Monday, hey..."

"Don't curse me there. Be careful that I copy your phone number and give it to them to see if you know it's wrong." Yue Huaying threatened fiercely.

"No, I'm joking." Ma Xiaoxiao begged for mercy, but she believed that Yue Huaying would do what she said.

In the quarrel between the two women, Yue Huaying and Ma Xiaoxiao also came to the main venue of the party. Here, many employees and VIPs of Siying's company have gathered. Everyone is communicating and socializing with friends who are not familiar with them.

The arrival of Yue Huaying and Ma Xiaoxiao also made many men and wolves in the venue **. Yue Huaying's nobility and Ma Xiaoxiao's sexy charm made some wolves ready to move.

Feeling the eyes around her, Yue Huaying felt uncomfortable all over her body. She had never received such attention; on the contrary, Ma Xiaoxiao was very suitable for such an occasion and there was no stage fright at all.

"Hua Ying, don't worry, show your confidence. I dare say that you will definitely be the most concerned person in the whole party. Don't lose our face." Feeling that Yue Huaying is a little timid, Yue Huaying teaches Yue Huaying well, because according to this trend, she will experience many such occasions after childhood.

Yue Huaying can only "be a person" at this time. No matter how timid she is and has not been baptized by the wolves from top to bottom, she has to slowly adapt, at least she needs to adapt tonight.

"Huh...Hua Ying, where's your cold one? You won't pick us up and leave us alone, will you? I'm not sure that the wolves who are ready to act will not come close to us. At this time, the two had already walked to a relatively sparsely populated corner. Ma Xiaoxiao, who picked up a cocktail, looked around and joked about Yue Huaying, who seemed to be looking for someone.

"Xiaoxiao, why do you say that? I seem to be a person who attracts butterflies."

"Hey... OK, let's not talk about it. Let me have a look, huh... It seems that there are high-level people in your company." Ma Xiaoxiao also looked around and admired some things he had seen.

"A master? What kind of master?"

"Fengshui, the overall design of your venue, including the decorations and decorations we have just walked all the way, should have been completed under the guidance of a master, right? It is very much in line with our feng shui theory. Look, this flower pot can not only block the wind, but also bloom in the waterscape. It is impossible for a master of feng shui to pose such a pose if he is not a little Taoist master. It seems that I have time to visit your company's royal master to learn from each other. No wonder our Ma family has never received an order from your company. It turns out that your company has its own master. When it comes to his old job, Ma Xiaoxiao talks about it.

But Yue Huaying can't understand a word, so she can only listen to it.

"Papa, Papa, Papa..." Just as Ma Xiaoxiao was expressing his unique opinions, a burst of clapping came into Yue Huaying and Ma Xiaoxiao's ears.

"It is worthy of being a descendant of the Ma's dragon clan, and I have a lot of views on this. How about it? What do you think of my design? Can you still get into Miss Ma's eyes?"

"Cold...is this designed by you?" Seeing Leng Ming appear, Yue Huaying's face showed the first smile from her heart tonight. Perhaps even Yue Huaying didn't know that she was smiling now and smiled sincerely.

"Yes, it's a small and talented design, how about it? Ying, isn't it good?" Leng Ming came over to the two women, and the three talked in a relatively sparse corner.

"I don't know much about this. If you want to discuss it, it seems that you have to find Xiaoxiao. She is the expert in this field. Leng, let me introduce her. This is my good friend Ma Xiaoxiao. As for her identity, you may also know, so I won't introduce her more. Xiaoxiao, this is the chief designer of our company, Leng Ming. Yue Huaying smiled and introduced to the two. She was also a little happy and worried. She hoped that Ma Xiaoxiao would not be too difficult for Leng Ming.

However, at this time, Ma Xiaoxiao's face did not have the excitement and relaxed posture just now, and he looked at the coldness that suddenly appeared in front of the two people with a trace of caution.

"Hello, Miss Ma, Leng Ming, is the chief designer of Siying Company and the person in charge of this venue. It's nice to meet you. We can discuss the topic of feng shui when we have time." Leng Ming smiled and stretched out his right hand friendlyly.

And Ma Xiaoxiao did not take over Leng Ming's friendship and did not stretch out her hand, because she was not ready to shake hands with Leng Ming at all. With a cold tone, Ma Xiaoxiao looked at Leng Ming and said, "Who the hell are you?"