Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 078 Pluto, Pluto


ming hu looked disdainfully at the attack of the three people with only one remnant of shadow left, and it did not pay attention to the attack of the three people.

I saw theming hu's four big feet staggered back and forth, with his mouth slightly open and his head held high to inhale.

"Roar..." Once again, he roared from Pluto's mouth to Xuanzhen and the three people who were very close to him.

This time, it is no longer the symbolic roar of the Minghu. At this moment, the roar of the Minghu has become a substantial attack. A wave of sound waves like air waves swept the earth from the mouth of the Minghu, and a wave-like dragon swept the three Xuanzhen at the distance between the Minghu and Xuanzhen.


After a burst of smoke and dust, three huge collisions spread into the ears of the four women behind the underworld tiger. As the smoke dissipated, the original gravel and overgrown ground turned into a smooth mirror in the direction of extending forward in the place where the underworld tiger was located, and the figures of Xuanzhen also disappeared in the four women. In the eyes.

Don't bring this, do you?

The four women looked at the scene in front of them with surprised eyes. Just now, Ma Wenyu and Ma Xiaoxiao have been the opponents of Xuanzhen, but now the three of Xuanzhen have been blown away by the breath of the big tiger in front of them? It was really difficult for Ma Wenyu and Ma Xiaoxiao to believe that what they saw was true, but the real scene on the scene told the four women that everything they had just seen was true.

Of course, the four women will not believe that the three Xuanzhen were destroyed by the roar of the Minghu. If so, the strength of this big tiger can be equal to the immortals in heaven.

Sure enough, in less than ten seconds, in the rubble 20 meters away from the four people and one tiger, three figures flew out. Xuanzhen and the three appeared in front of the four women again, but at this time, the three looked so gray, and the white on their faces did not know that they were themselves. The zombie itself is still white as white as those dust.

"Where on earth are you from? How can there be such a strong power?" Xuanzhen didn't believe that the three of him would be blown away by a tiger in one breath. He looked at the leisurely and confident Hu and roared a little hysterically.

"Cut... Didn't I tell you? I'm from the underworld. Don't you have ears?"

"Underworld? What the hell is that place? Why haven't I heard of it? Are you from hell? I just felt the breath of death on you." Xuanzhen frowned and said that he had never heard of the underworld, but the big tiger in front of him did exude a strong dead breath that was different from himself but similar to him.

"The hell? Are you talking about the old man Yan Luo? When he saw me, he still wanted to call me an adult. Don't play the piano here. Besides, why do you ask so many questions? Anyway, you have to die. You know so much and can't be brought to reincarnation. Minghu also said a little impatiently.

At this moment, Minghu is also very unhappy. Why don't people in the world know that he, the famous Lord Minghu in the underworld, knows the old man Yan Luo? Can't you compare with him? When it comes to status, his status is the "lower" of one person and the "top" of ten thousand people (as for this upper and lower, only Minghu himself understands it). How can he compare with a small Yan Luo? Speaking of handsomeness, when I transformed, I was much better than Yan Luo's old face with orange skin.

Suddenly, Minghu was upset for no reason, and he felt the need to find some ignorant people.

Minghu looked at Xuanzhen and the three people's eyes were no longer casual before, and a tyrannical smell appeared on Minghu's body.

"Call you adult? Who do you think you are? Do you dare to compare with the King of Hell as a little tiger? What the hell are you?" Xuanzhen still doesn't believe what Minghu said, because from the situation shown by Minghu at the beginning, Minghu is a splashing animal with a little short circuit on its head. Xuanzhen will not really think that the king of hell will be a tiger subordinate, and this tiger is at most a mount of a big man. .

"Who do you think you are? Do you think it is necessary for me to explain it to you so clearly? Even the emperor Haotian in the sky, I don't pay attention to it. What's more, are the three of you just ordinary little zombies? I think your blood owner is a mature zombie, right?

"Do you know us zombies?" Xuanzhen's gray blue eyes shrank into a pinhole and looked at theming hu.

"Isn't it just a zombie? What's so strange? It's not that you haven't seen it. Do you think you really jumped out of six reincarnations? Minghu said disdainfully, "Look at the gray eyes of the three of you and you know that you are ordinary zombies, but it's strange that you can only be bitten to prepare for the third-level zombies of the formation of blue eyes. It seems that your strength in your lifetime is also good in the world."

"Where the hell are you from?"

"Do you want me to continue to explain the classification of your zombies?" Minghu did not answer the mysterious question, and his head seemed to be a little short-circuited.

"You should be a second-level green-eyed mature zombie; a first-level red-eyed complete zombie; the legendary silver-eyed zombie and the legendary eternal zombie with golden eyes that you have never seen before. Am I right? Little zombies? Zombies at your level can be said to be immortal. Zombies at level 6 and 7 are those zombies that die when the sun shines, right?

"Oh, why did I forget again? I should have killed you, but I'm still chatting with you?" Minghu counted his toes and said a lot of self-spoken, and then suddenly thought of something and looked at Xuanzhen again with a fierce face.

Seeing that Pluto was so "cute" and a little stupid, even the four women behind Pluto had to roll their eyes. What is this big tiger in front of them? It's true that it's powerful, but it seems that its IQ is still a little kid.

However, this time, theming hu did what it said, and its head was not short-circuited. It only saw its front foot stride, and a gust of wind pressed under it. A tyrannical and Xiao killing breath also instantly pressed on the three Xuanzhen with the action of theming hu. Xuanzhen's clothes were also blown by this gust of wind pressure.

"Be careful..." Seeing that the Minghu was serious, Xuan Zhen also warned his companions to be careful. As the three retreated, they formed a small triangular formation and looked at the Minghu as vigilantly.

"Boom..." With the last foot of the Minghu, a circle of colorless ripples passed from the right foot of the Minghu to the direction of the three people.

And with the end of Pluto's final pressure tactics, Pluto's attack really began.

In an instant, the Pluto, with a huge body five meters long and more than one meter high, was not affected by the huge volume of its body at this moment. The Pluto tiger stared at its hind hoof, and the Pluto with a huge body turned into a white-black streamer to attack the Mao Zhenxing on Xuanzhen's right hand.

It seems that even Minghu knows that persimmons are looking for soft pinching.

"Mao Zhenxing, be careful..."

However, before Xuanzhen's words reached Mao Zhenxing's ear and finally transmitted to his brain and finally to the torso to carry out the action, the huge body of Minghu had reached the place where Mao Zhenxing was. Before Mao Zhenxing could make any reaction, his body comparable to fine steel was patted by Minghu with a tiger's claw. When he hit the ground, the tiger's claws, the size of two adult palms, were now pressing on Mao Zhenxing's chest, and Mao Zhenxing's body also made him half trapped in the stone slab because of the speed and powerful attack of the Minghu.

Although Mao Zhenxing, who was patted by the Minghu, was struggling hard, whether he got up or waved his ten-centimeter-long black claws to scratch the Pluto's big feet, it had no effect. He was still pressed into his humanoid pit by Minghu. Although Mao Zhenxing's claws can destroy gold and broken stones, their claws have no left or right effect when they are grasped on the feet of the Minghu, because the feet of the Minghu are protected by an invisible mask.

"Hey... Little zombie, don't struggle. Do you think your little strength can struggle out of the little master's tiger claws? Don't bother. It's impossible for your little paws to touch the little man's fur. Minghu pressed Mao Zhenxing with a proud face and said, as if his head was ready to short circuit again.

"Mao Zhenxing, hold on, we're here to save you." Seeing that Mao Zhenxing was suppressed by theming hu without any movement, Xuanzhen, who had jumped away to avoid the attack of theming hu, immediately launched an attack on theming hu.

And Yuanye on the other side also waved his claws on his hand with blue veins on his face and head to attack theming hu.

"Be careful..." Yue Huaying shouted in the distance worried about the safety of the Tiger.

"Hey... Do the guy who doesn't have the ability to compete with Haoyue? Thank you for reminding the hostess. Xiaohu is fine. Minghu twisted its head and smiled humanely at Yue Huaying, but he was still so disdainful of Xuanzhen and Yuanye who attacked his right side.

I only saw that Minghu did not turn around at all, and his body did not move at all. He did not move at all for Xuanzhen and Yuanye, who were about to reach his side. However, the absence of movement of its body does not mean that there is no movement in other parts. The black and white tail of the two-meter-long human arm is shaken, and the black and white tail sweeps away like lightning in the direction of Xuanzhen and Yuanye.


Two figures flew backwards and two loud noises made, and the rubble pile more than ten meters away from the crowd once again raised a ball of white smoke.

"Hey... Do you want to sneak up on the young master? Don't look at how many pounds you have?" Minghu said a little to Yue Huaying.

And with the closing of Pluto's words, its right foot pressed hard again, and Mao Zhenxing's steel-like body was pressed to the ground again by Pluto.
