Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 109 Ghosts appear

"Hua Ying...you, Mr. Li..." Speaking of this, Ouyang Qing already felt a little tearful, and there was a layer of water mist in his eyes.

"Ouyang, you..."

"I'm fine, Hua Ying. I just suddenly sighed. It's really okay." Seeing that he was a little gaffe, Ouyang Qing closed his eyes slightly, stroked his cheeks with both hands, and continued with a strong smile:

"I'm sorry, Hua Ying, I made you laugh."

"How come, Uncle Ouyang, is Mr. Li seriously injured?"

"Actually, others may not believe it, but I think you will believe it, Hua Ying, because you told me before that you have yin and yang eyes, right?" Suddenly, Ouyang Qing's eyes flashed a little light and looked at Yue Huaying, because now he finally remembered that Yuehuaying was different. Maybe she could help her.

"Yes, I have this ability, but many people don't believe it. Don't you either?"

"Yes, I may really believe it in the past, because I am an atheist, but what has happened to you, Mr. Li, in the past six months, has forced me to doubt or believe that there are ghosts in the world." Speaking of this, Ouyang Qing's face showed a shocked expression, and he also lowered his voice, as if he was afraid of being heard.

"Is there a ghost?" Yue Huaying and Leng Ming forgot each other. They thought Ouyang Qing was not bad, and they actually understood this truth.

"Yes, there should be a ghost, but I'm not sure, so I think Hua Ying is the only one to help." Ouyangqing looked at Yue Huaying with pleading eyes and said.

"This... Uncle Ouyang, please tell me the story of Mr. Li's situation first, so that I can judge what's going on. After all, ghosts don't exist."

"Well, well... I know, because this is also my suspicion, and I haven't really come to a conclusion yet. In fact, I don't know how to tell you. I believe you have heard that Mr. Li had a car accident six months ago.

"That's good, so as soon as I heard what my classmates said, I quickly came to see the teacher." Yue Huaying nodded and said.

"It was a stormy night. Your teacher Li went out to attend a student's wedding dinner. The student was from the suburbs of Shanghai. However, I don't know why there was a car accident when your teacher Li passed by a construction site. If the students who came to pick her up and saw her fall by the roadside, I don't know what would happen after that. Thinking that if Li Hua had not been seen in a pool of blood, Ouyang Qing did not know what would happen to him.

However, Ouyang Qing now feels that if there hadn't been so many things that made him feel afraid, Ouyang Qing would have hoped that Li Hua would have gone like that at that time, at least he didn't need to make chickens and dogs restless and make all the people concerned suffer as he is now.

And Ouyang Qing also believes that if her wife is still the original Li Hua, she also wants to go there at that time, at least she doesn't need to be as human and ghosts as now.

"Originally, I also thought it was just an ordinary traffic accident, so I would hand over the escaped driver to the traffic police to deal with, and your Mr. Li only injured some of his foot. We went home after the hospital examination without any internal injuries. But..."

But what is it? Uncle Ouyang?" Yue Huaying suddenly showed a little fear when she saw Ouyang Qing and quickly asked.

"But when Mr. Li got home, he seemed to have changed into a person. Even I ignored him, and then his whole body became gloomy, and his personality became obedient. He liked black and afraid of light, and the wound on her feet had never been good, but it was not aggravated. She asked her to go to the hospital to see her and she would not die. I can only follow the doctor's instructions to help her clean the wound to prevent infection or something. But half a year later, her wound is still the same. It's not good, not infected or aggravated, but now it smells a little rotten.

"Is it so strange?" Yue Huaying also became puzzled. According to Ouyang Qing, this is not a ghost killing method, and in half a year, Ouyang Qing has not died, and his own teacher Li has not died.

Strange, so strange!!!

Yue Huaying looked at Leng Ming with inquiring eyes and wanted to ask what kind of ghost Leng Ming was, but Leng Ming just smiled and motioned Yue Huaying to continue to listen to Ouyang Qing.

"Yes, and this is not the strangest. The strange thing is that every day and fifteenth day after that, I can see blood stains on her mouth every morning. And when I asked her what was going on, she either didn't answer or said she didn't know. Moreover, Mr. Li also likes to sleep during the day, sitting in the room or walking around with the lights off at night. Every night, you can feel a gust of cloudy wind when delivering food in. I basically dare not stay in her room at night.

Blood? Uncle Ouyang, could this be the blood stain on the teacher's leg accidentally on his mouth?

"I also guessed so, but later I tried to take those blood stains for testing and found that the blood types of those blood stains were different, and they were also very different from your Mr. Li's blood type. Hua Ying, do you think Li Hua will become a vampire or a zombie?

"Ouyang, where are there so many vampires and zombies in the world? Besides, have you ever seen vampires and zombies suck blood only once in half a month?

Ouyang Qing thought about it and felt that what Yue Huaying said was reasonable and nodded.

"Bear by the way, Hua Ying, I was curious later, so I went to ask Li Hua if there had been anything unusual in the place where the accident happened. Do you know what I heard?"

"What?" Yue Huaying also became curious.

"I heard that the original construction site used to be a hill, and the back was flattened as land for commercial housing. I heard from the old teacher there that when they flattened the hill, they found a transparent crystal coffin in the middle of the mountain, with a pair of silver skeletons. However, when they reported it and waited for it to be transported away the next day, they found that the crystal coffin and silver skeleton had disappeared. Hua Ying, do you think your abnormal phenomenon of Mr. Li is related to the crystal coffin?

"So mysterious?" This time it was Yue Huaying's turn to surprise her to hear such a strange story.

"Yes, so I guess whether you, Mr. Li, are evil."

"Didn't you find a master in this field to have a look?"

"I looked for it, why didn't I look for it? I secretly found a master who heard that he could communicate with ghosts and gods to help me, but as soon as the master saw Li Hua, he was so scared that he ran away, and I didn't have time to ask. Later, I called him and asked him, and he had been saying 'unspeakable, unspeakable', and his tone seemed to be scared. Three days later, I heard from my friend that the tall man had a violent death on a dark and windy night, so I felt that all this was very strange and strange.

"Well, haven't you communicated with your teacher for more than half a year?"

Ouyang Qing shook his head and said, "Very little, almost nothing. During the day, Li Hua was asleep and couldn't wake up at all, and I didn't dare to enter her room at night. Even if she dared to enter, she ignored me. Occasionally, at noon of the day when the sun is at its peak, she is in a semi-ly and half-museous state, but through several exchanges, I don't know what she means, but I can understand a little that she seems to say that she is so painful.

After listening to Ouyang Qing's introduction to Li Hua's "illness", Yue Huaying didn't know how to decide for a moment. It was the first time she encountered such a strange thing.

Moreover, Yue Huaying did not see the so-called ghosts or ghosts in Ouyang's house. Maybe she has to be really clear, so she can only make plans after seeing her teacher.

"Ming, what do you think?" There is nothing she can do. Yue Huaying, who can't think of a solution, can only find Leng Ming, the supreme leader of the ghosts.

"Ha ha... It's a small thing for me, but it's a little troublesome for your teacher."

"Mr. Leng, can you save my wife?" Hearing Leng Ming's answer, Ouyang Qing's face, which had little expression, burst into a rare excitement.

"Ouyang, don't worry, with him, any demon can solve it, because he is a big monster in the world."

"Hua Ying, how can you say that about your boyfriend?"

"But he is." In the face of Ouyang Qing's reproach, Yue Huaying muttered a little a little wronged and a little unhappy, and took a look at Leng Ming, who was smiling fiercely. She couldn't imagine that Ouyang Qing, who had always loved her, actually stood on the side of Leng Ming, because Leng Ming was indeed the biggest ghost boss in the whole six worlds.

"Mr. Leng, don't blame Hua Ying, but do you really have a way? I don't want to hurt you, because I have learned a lesson. If it hadn't been for Hua Ying being Li Hua's favorite student, I wouldn't have wanted Hua Ying to help her. Ouyang Qing said to Leng Ming with a serious face at this time.

"Ha ha... Mr. Ouyang, you worry too much. Hua Ying is really right. I am indeed a big monster in the eyes of others, hehe. However, you don't need to worry about your wife. I will deal with it. I'm still good at these monsters. As long as it doesn't become an immortal, I should be able to take it down. Leng Ming also said to Ouyang Qing with the most sincere and serious words.

"Really???" Hearing Leng Ming's words, Ouyang Qing really couldn't believe that his wife would have a good day, and rare excitement and light appeared on his face again.

What an endless road.

Leng Ming didn't say anything, but nodded seriously.

"Well, then we..." At this moment, Ouyang Qing was so happy that he couldn't find the north and didn't know what he should do.

"Ouyang, please take us there. If it is really as you guessed, this matter should be solved early, otherwise the damage to the teacher's body will be very great. Hey... I really don't know how the teacher has been in the past six months.

"Yes, yes, it's good to solve it early, Mr. Hua Ying and Mr. Leng, please follow me." Ouyang Qing quickly took Leng Ming and Yue Huaying to the room where he basically didn't dare to get close.

"Mr. Leng, this is the cheap room. According to the past, she should still be asleep now. Look..."

"It's okay, it's good to fall asleep, and it's daytime, which is good for us to do things."

"Yes, yes, evil is the nemesis of those things during the day, so we..."

Leng Ming nodded.

Under the instructions of Leng Ming, Ouyang Qing took the key and opened the room where Li Hua lived.

At the moment when Ouyang Qing just opened the door, a cold air different from Shanghai's winter came from the room, and with the arrival of this cold air, a rotten smell of meat corruption also drilled into the nose of Leng Ming and Yue Huaying.