Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 113 Ouyang Qing who returned to the child

" Uncle Ouyang, what nonsense are you talking about? Of course you are still alive. Do you think I'm dead too?"

"Real?" Ouyang Qing touched his head, looked at the decoration of the familiar room around him, touched his body, felt the heat from his body, and finally knew that he was still alive.

However, Ouyang Qing looked at Li Hua lying down and seemed to remember what made him feel afraid again.

"Hua Ying, she, she..." Looking at Li Hua, Ouyang Qing pointed to his former lover and the horrible ghost fairy lying in **, and said vaguely.

"Ouyang, Uncle Li is fine. Don't worry." Yue Huaying comforted Ouyang Qing softly. Yue Huaying understood how shocked Ouyang Qing with Li Hua, who had just been possessed by Yuhong.

"Are you really all right?" There was a trace of joy in Ouyang Qing's tone.

"Well... Now Ming is going to wake up the teacher. You can have a good chat with the teacher later. The ghost has been subdued."

"Really..." At this time, Ouyang Qing's face was really full of joy. "Huo" stood up and slowly approached the bedside with excitement.

Ouyang Qing's eyes also flashed with tears for the rest of his life after the disaster.

"Uh..." At this time, Li Hua also woke up slightly.

"Hua..." Ouyang Qing ran to the bedside and picked up Li Hua.

"Ouyang, where am I? Why did you shed tears? By the way, why do I feel like I had a nightmare? In the face of Ouyang Qing, who was suddenly so warm and sad to him, Li Hua was at a loss and couldn't figure out what had happened.

"This..." Seeing Li Hua's confused eyes, Ouyang Qing looked at Leng Ming and Yue Huaying with doubtful eyes.

Leng Ming smiled at Ouyang Qing and nodded to Ouyang Qing.

Ouyang Qing also understood the meaning in Leng Ming's eyes, so let Li Hua think it was a dream first.

"Hua... It's okay. You just fell ill and slept. Now you're all right. It's okay. It's okay."

"Are you really all right?"

"Mr. Li, it's really okay. Everything is fine. Have a good rest."

"Huh...Hua Ying, are you here? I haven't seen you for a long time. Who is he? Is it your boyfriend? Not bad." At this time, Li Hua saw Yue Huaying in front of the bed and said with a gentle and happy smile on her face.

However, Li Hua's eyes were a little confused at this time.

"Ouyang, why do I feel that I want to sleep so much?"

"Would you like to sleep? Then have a good sleep and get up. All right, have a good sleep. Seeing that Li Hua's eyes were blurred, Ouyang Qing also carefully laid Li Hua flat on **.

"Hua Ying, and that gentleman, please do what you want..." Li Hua fell asleep again before he finished speaking.

"Hua Ying, Mr. Leng, my wife is..." Help Li Hua cover the quilt, and Ouyang Qing asked Leng Ming with both gratitude and worry.

"Ouyang, let's go out and talk about it. Don't quarrel with the teacher."

"Well, good, good... Hua Ying is right."

The three walked out of the room gently, and at this time, the whole room became bright, no longer as dark and horrible as before.

"Mr. Leng, my wife..." As soon as he came to the living room, Ouyang Qing kept asking Leng Ming.

"Mr. Ouyang, don't worry. Mr. Li is fine. This is just a normal performance. After all, she has been occupied by ghosts for half a year, which is very harmful to her body and soul, so she also has such a performance. Mr. Ouyang, do you know what the soul I'm talking about? Seeing that Ouyang Qing was also an intellectual, Leng Ming kindly reminded that he didn't want to play the piano to the cow.

Ouyang Qing nodded and replied, "Although I used to be an atheist, at least I am also Chinese, but I still know some ancient legends about myths. However, now I really believe that there are immortals and ghosts in this world. Mr. Leng, you don't say anything. I'm not an antique.

"Professor Ouyang, you're kidding. That's not what I mean. I'm just asking casually. After all, intellectuals like you sometimes do prefer to get into trouble."

"Ming... Why do you say that about Uncle Ouyang?"

"Hua Ying, Mr. Leng is right. If it weren't for you, Mr. Li, who would have encountered such a situation and would definitely think you would have been a swindler to me. If Hua Ying were not our student, I would definitely beat you out. Mr. Leng's inquiry is also very necessary. After all, for many people, the legend of Huaxia is really just a legend.

"Well, I won't say more nonsense. Let's get to the point." After seeing that Ouyang Qing fully understood what he meant, Leng Ming stopped saying anything else and continued the topic just now.

"Professor Ouyang, because ghosts are yin and people are yang, Mr. Li's body has been almost invaded by the yin and ghost spirit of the ghost fairy in half a year. In addition, the ghost fairy is also a top practitioners in the world, so although I subdued the ghost, Mr. Li's body and soul It is already very weak, and it can be said that it is almost on the verge of dissipation.

"Ah... Well, then, Mr. Leng, is my wife all right?" Hearing this, Ouyang Qing's face became anxious again. He originally thought that his wife had completely recovered, but when he told Leng Ming, it was as if his wife was still about to die.

"Mr. Ouyang, don't worry. Listen to me slowly. Mr. Li really has nothing to do. Fortunately, although the ghost fairy has tried his best to destroy Mr. Li in the past six months, Mr. Li is a really good person and has a moral golden light that he doesn't even have some ordinary immortals. Therefore, although the ghost fairy is powerful, she can only slowly erode Mr. Li's three souls and seven souls. If he were an ordinary person, his soul would be erased by ghost immortals at the moment of being possessed by ghost immortals. Even those Buddhist monks or Taoist masters are possessed by ghost immortals, it is still a matter of time, and it will not last for a month at all.

"So that's it, Mr. Leng, what exactly is the moral golden light? Why is it so powerful?"

"Do you know that the golden light of morality is actually what we monks call 'merit'?"

Ouyang Qing thought for a moment, nodded and shook his head with a clear and not very clear look.

"The skill of mending the sky and creating people of the great god of Nuwa; the skill of governing water of Dayu; the skill of Jiang Ziya's sealing of gods... and so on, these are the so-called merits. Of course, Mr. Li's merits certainly can't be compared with these people, but it is also because she has been recognized by heaven for being kind to others all her life, so that she has her own 'merits'.

"How can my wife be comparable to these legendary people? Then our family is really lucky. Hearing the names of one of the Chinese legends in Leng Ming's mouth, Ouyang Qing was shocked and stunned.

In the past, Ouyang Qing would definitely listen to what Leng Ming said as a story, but at this time, Ouyang Qing had already replaced himself into it, and he was a witness of these capable people.

"Yes, Professor Ouyang, that's why Mr. Li can survive. Although the ghost fairy is powerful, it can't resist even a little 'merit' given to Mr. Li by Heaven.

"Well... I understand." At this moment, Ouyang Qing really understands.

"As for why Mr. Li woke up but didn't remember what she had done for more than half a year, that's because I temporarily sealed her memory or I have deleted some of her bad memories in the past six months, so let her regard it as a dream. After all, you also know that the blood left on her mouth, this pair The kind teacher Li will be a big blow, although this is not done at her will.

"Ye, I know, I will bury this in my heart and become my secret secret."

"Of course, I will also deal with all the people involved. They will only know that Mr. Li just had a car accident and then had some complications and diseases such as histease due to bacterial infection. There is nothing to say about her being stained with unclean things." Leng Ming looked at Yue Huaying and said with a smile.

Of course, Ouyang Qing understands that Leng Ming did this for Yue Huaying. When Yue Huaying met a real man, she was really grateful to Leng Ming. Otherwise, although Li Hua did not have this memory, he could also know some things that happened to him. In that case, it would be very complicated and troublesome. Of.

"However, Mr. Leng, do you want me to tell you the names of those who know that Li Hua is stained with dirty things?"

"No, don't you remember what I did? And only two or three people really know, right? As for others who rely on you to fulfill what you have said, you should understand the principle of the causal cycle. Of course, I can help you with all the things, but some of the reasons I planted have to be borne by myself, don't I?

"Yes, I understand. I know how to do this. Cause and effect, heaven, are really wonderful things." Ouyang Qing nodded and agreed while sighing.

"Well, everything is well now, Professor Ouyang, you don't need to worry about Mr. Li Hua. Maybe Mr. Li is still very weak this time. You just let her move around at home and let her go out to bask in the sun after a month. After all, she hasn't been out during the day for a long time. Now her body has been recuperated by me in the process of subduing ghosts and immortals, which is also a blessing. There is no problem for Mr. Li to live to be 120 years old. Well... this is for you." After saying that, Leng Ming took out an elixir the size of a chopstick head and put it on Ouyang Qing's hand.

"Mr. Leng, is this...?"

"This is a solid Peiyuan elixir, because although you have not been possessed by the ghost fairy, you have been attacked by her yin qi in the past six months, and your body is also a little wrong. Eating this can eliminate the damage of the ghost fairy's yin qi to your body. Of course, it can also help you strengthen your body. You can't let Mr. Li live to 120 years old alone, can you?

"This, this..." Hearing this, Ouyang Qing was even more shocked. Is it the fairy medicine in his hand, the kind of elixir that can increase people's life expectancy?

"Shh... Professor Ouyang, as long as you know this, I know it. As for other things, you also know what to do?"

"Well, well... I understand, I understand." Ouyang Qing took the elixir in one bite.

As soon as the elixir entered, Ouyang Qing felt that the elixir instantly melted and turned into a fragrant spring into his throat. The refreshing spring instantly turned into a warm stream flowing to his limbs and bones. Ouyang Qing immediately felt that his body was much more relaxed. Originally, some elderly people such as rheumatism and arthritis The disease also disappeared in an instant.

Feed this change in his body, Ouyang Qing firmly believed that he was eating an elixir.

"Ouyang, take a look again." At this time, Yue Huaying handed Ouyang Qing a mirror.

Ouyang Qing looked at the image in the mirror and almost dropped the mirror to the ground.

looked at Leng Ming and Yue Huaying with unbelievable eyes and said, "Mr. Leng, is this also me? Is this also the effect of that elixir?

"Well, of course, you are not rejuvenating. It's just to make your hair darker and look younger. In fact, his greatest effect is to strengthen the body, which is just an addition."

Ouyang Qing looked at his already white hair again as bright and dark as a 20-year-old young man; his originally wrinkled skin was tight and smooth again. At this time, he was alive in his 40 years old.

Thinking that he was 20 years younger, Ouyang Qing felt that he could be comparable to the "immortal wife" of RB, who was hot on the Internet some time ago, because Ouyang Qing knew that his wife would definitely become as young as himself.

Looking at the mysterious and powerful Yue Huaying's boyfriend, Leng Ming, Ouyang Qing knew what to do. He knew that all this would become the biggest secret in his life and would not be touched by anyone, even his wife.

Because Ouyang Qing guessed that Leng Ming, even if he was not a fairy, was the legendary man with high magic power.

This is also why Ouyang Qing chose to eat the elixir in one bite instead of holding the elixir for some institutions to do research without the curiosity of intellectuals and the mentality of contributing to the country.

Because this is Leng Ming's view of Yue Huaying's face to take care of his two elders like this, otherwise any immortal would care about the life and death of an ordinary person?

And this thing will kill many people while saving people. Ouyang Qing doesn't want his whole family to fall into a vortex that he can't bear for a while, and it will also confuse the whole China and even the whole world.

Ouyang Qing can also think that since he can see Leng Ming, there must be a person with the same status or more powerful as Leng Ming in the world. Ouyang Qing does not feel that an ordinary person can compete with such a person to negotiate or something.

At this moment, Ouyang Qing thought a lot, and he also knew what he should do and say to the outside world in the future.

Ouyang Qing stood up and said to Leng Ming with a serious and sincere face, "Mr. Leng and Hua Ying, I'm here to thank you two for taking care of my family on behalf of Li Hua. I understand everything. Don't worry, except for the three of us, I won't let her know today."