Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 150 Noble

"Make way... make way..."

Just as Leng Ming and Yue Huaying were staring at each other affectionately, there was a stern rebuke on the broad official road, and with this burst of shouts, there was a fierce running sound of something behind Leng Ming and some overturning things and some people's panic.

In Yuehuaying's eyes were four black unicorn monsters flying behind the three. The four black unicorns looked ferocious and looked like a collection of unicorns, horse faces and sphinxes, and the black clouds under their feet and the gorgeous decorations on the carriage pulled behind them made others at a glance. It is known that the origin of these four giant beasts is extraordinary and the identity of the owner of this carriage is not low.

However, what Yue Huaying felt at this time was not to appreciate the beautiful carriage, but to make Yue Huaying angry, because the four giant beasts dragged behind them and occupied nearly one-third of the entire official road. The stallers and pedestrians who had no time to avoid were turned over, and some business travelers who passed by. Yue Huaying really didn't know that she could still encounter the scene she had seen in the novel before.

When the carriage and horse raised a stuffy smoke beside herself, Yue Huaying said in a disgusting tone, "It's really immoral. It's so immoral to make the carriage so fast in such a place. What if it kills? Didn't their parents teach them how to be human?

"Shh..." An old demon near Yue Huaying quickly motioned Yue Huaying to stop her mouth when he heard Yue Huaying's muttering.

"Old man, are you all right?" Yue Huaying saw the old devil who fell down and quickly came forward to help him.

The old demon carried simple luggage, and beside him was a young girl of eleven or 12 years old. The young girl blushed slightly when she saw the strangers Yuehuaying and Yuehuaying, who were noble and dressed in gorgeous clothes. At this time, an old man and a young man's dress was very much like an ancient profession of singing music and performing for a living.

"Ha ha... Girl, you are so kind. I'm fine."

"It's okay, old man. What do you mean by calling me silent just now? Is there anything else that can't be said?" It's really okay to see the old demon, Yue Huaying asked strangely.

"Hey... In fact, it's not surprising that such a thing is customary in the imperial city. Didn't you see the sign on the carriage? That's the carriage of the Marquis of Awa. The road we are taking now belongs to the territory of the Marquis of Awa. It is normal for the Marquis of Awa to fly there in his territory. The old demon said to Yue Huaying in a very common tone.

"However, even if this is his territory, it has to be divided. If there is no one, it's okay for him to tear down here, but now there are so many people and they are all old people like you and demons who don't have much force. What if he kills people?"

"Life? Ha ha... There is no life for ordinary people like us in the eyes of the nobles. In fact, the Marquis of Owa is quite good. The owner of this carriage should be his disappointing son, Baron Ottersman. When the old devil said this, he carefully looked around and saw that his words did not attract anyone's attention. After the passers-by around him were still on their own way after this episode, the old demon continued:

"So I just asked the girl to stop talking to you. Baron Ottersman is a real dungster. Relying on the status of the Marquis of Aohua, he is invincible in the imperial city, and he has just obtained the title, which is even more lawless. Fortunately, he didn't see his aunt. Mother, your face, otherwise the girl and this prince may have trouble.

"Trouble? You don't say that he will rob people's women in the light of day, will you? Yue Huaying asked in surprise with her very unbelievable glasses, and this was the only most reasonable explanation for the trouble in the old demon population.

Yue Huaying really can't believe her ears. She actually thinks that there is such a ridiculous thing in her infinitely beautiful "home" in her heart. Is this still her infinitely yearning "home"?

Yue Huaying looked at Leng Ming with a trace of doubt, and she wanted to know the truth from Leng Ming's mouth.

Leng Ming also nodded.

Seeing Leng Ming, she also admitted that what the old demon man said existed. Yue Huaying was really full of anger, because she was the princess of the demon world. She didn't want such a thing to exist in the place where she lived. Yue Huaying said in an angry voice, "Old man, does the Marquis of Aohua care? Doesn't His Majesty the Demon Emperor care about these things?

Marquis of Owa? His Majesty the Demon Emperor? Girl, this is your first time to come to the imperial city, right? You used to be in the countryside, right? What makes Yue Huaying feel more strange is that at this time, the old demon looked at Yue Huaying with the eyes of aliens.

"Uh... Yes, it's my first time here. Why? Can you see that I am not from the imperial city? Hearing the old demon ask Yue Huaying like this, he secretly shouted "bad". If even people in such an ordinary demon world knew that they were not from the demon world, wouldn't they encounter a lot of inspection before they returned home?

Yue Huaying looked at the old demon with a little trembling and asked.

"Ha ha... I can't see it, but I can understand it by listening to your tone."

"The tone? Do I speak strangely? What did the old man say?

"Usually, only the nobles in small places will not oppress the civilians in their territory, because these small nobles live on their tributes, and under the great leadership of His Majesty the Demon Emperor, most nobles are heroic and of good quality. They will not do such a thing. And some nobles used to be civilians. However, in large cities, especially in imperial cities, the aristocrats here are all great aristocrats, all noble families that have been inherited for at least 100 years and thousands of years. Therefore, these noble masters enjoy the treatment of nobles at birth, and have almost forgotten the fine traditions of their ancestors, so there are some good and bad. The descendants made some angry and resentful things. Of course, this part is a very small number. Most of the noble young masters and masters will not embarras us ordinary people as long as they do not harm their interests. So, as soon as you say this, you know that you are not from the imperial city or even a big city. People from remote towns should come to the imperial city to participate in the grand event, right?

"However, even in this case, there should be no robbery of women, and this is still near the imperial city. Doesn't anyone care?"

"Yes, of course, someone is in charge, but this is the business of nobles. How can it be our turn to take care of it? These noble young masters will definitely not let their elders know if they do such a thing, and they will definitely be punished if they know. And many times, as long as they don't really do it, these noble young masters will either spend some magic crystals (the currency of the demon world) or someone will come out to help these noble young masters with the blame or something, so many times it's like this. Just like now, no one is injured and nothing big happened, so we Just think of it as nothing happened. After all, this is not a big deal. You will not be used to living in the imperial city in the future. Moreover, where does His Majesty need to take care of such a thing? If that's the case, Your Majesty won't you be exhausted? Under the leadership of His Majesty the Demon Emperor, our demon world has such a prosperous scene.

"I, I won't live in such a place." Yue Huaying still said angrily. She really didn't think that there would be such a trick in here. No wonder she would make such a person fly and domineering. Yue Huaying is also angry about the loopholes in these mechanisms.

"Shh... girl, be careful. Now the imperial city is preparing for a grand event. You can say this outside, but you should pay attention to it after entering the imperial city, otherwise you will be imprisoned if you are not careful. That's all for the old man's words. Let's go ahead. Pay attention, girl. The old demon man still said with concern for Yue Huaying, and then followed the large army that went to the imperial city of the demon world.

Yue Huaying couldn't calm down for a long time after witnessing the old demon's words. She was really in a bad mood at this time.

Looking at Leng Ming, Yue Huaying said angrily and aggrievedly, "Ming, do you think the demon world under the leadership of your father is really so bad? Why do I feel so sad?"

Leng Ming stroked Yue Huaying's beautiful hair and said with a warm face, "This kind of thing is common in the six worlds. Even in the Eastern fairyland and the Western divine world, those places that are self-claimed to be fair, fair and Eden also have such a dark side. Haven't you heard the media oppressing those on those on earth? Is it about people or beating people? However, you used to like to teach these social moths that bully the market. Don't you remember?

"Before?" Yue Huaying fell into the memory, but there was no memory in her mind. Yue Huaying shook her head and said, "I don't remember."

"It's okay. It's nothing if you don't remember. As long as you know what to do in the future, we will teach him a lesson if we encounter such a thing in the future and let him know that even if he is a nobleman, he can't bully anyone. He is born equal, right?"

"Yes, when I encounter such a thing in the future, I must let these social moths know what the law of the demon world is and what is the mainstay of a country and a society. It is not these nobles who only know oppressors who can mess around. There are laws of the demon world, me and my father, and I can't mess with them. With Leng Ming's comfort and prompt, Yue Huaying's eyes flashed again and showed confident eyes in the direction of the carriage that had just run away.

Since you are back, let yourself regain the glorious image of the former princess of the demon world.

"That's right. Well, let's go into the city. We haven't been home for so long. My father-in-law should wait. If you hadn't come into contact with the people, things and things in the demon world first, so that I wouldn't feel abrupt when I go back, I would choose the location in the imperial city."

Yue Huaying smiled at Leng Ming and said, "Thank you, Ming..."

"No, all right, let's go. Don't let them wait."

"En..." Yue Huaying's little hand took Leng Ming's arm again and strode towards the imperial city with a happy smile. It seemed that she had forgotten all the unhappiness just now.