Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 159 Pardon

"Your Majesty, please calm down..." Feeling Yue Xiao's terrible anger, Aohua's body trembled even more. Now he doesn't care about Ottersman's life or death. Now Owa still hopes that Ottersman will be killed by Yue Xiao, so that he may be able to save his family.

"Anger? Aohua... Your son is really awesome. How dare you say such a thing? I'm really insightful.

But Butersman, who had already lost an arm, did not cry abnormally this time. His left hand covered the wound on the shoulder of his right hand, which was no longer bleeding but absolutely stinging his nerves, and choked in a low voice. Although Ultraman is dumpy and ignorant, he knows that now the demon emperor is punishing him. Even if he dies, he can't say a word.

"Your Majesty...I..."

Before Aohua could say something, Yue Xiao waved his hand and said, "Don't say it. You also know what crime you have committed. You can solve it yourself."

Hearing Yue Xiao say this, Aohua already knows what his ending is.

Without any hesitation, Aohua raised his right hand, and a thick black gas appeared on his palm.

"Your Majesty... Thank you for your kindness. I hope you can let Weichen's family go. Your Majesty, take care, I'm gone..." After saying that, Owa's magic right hand patted his forehead.

"Father..." Seeing Owa's self-judication, Ottersman shouted loudly regardless of his injury.

Now, Ultraman finally understood that he let his father die for his sins because of his dungry and waywardness, and tears of regret fell on his face. In an instant, Ultraman found that he had grown up a lot and matured a lot. However, now Ultraman feels that he seems to have grown up late, because it is at the cost of his right arm, the death of his father and perhaps the destruction of his family.

At this time, Ultraman could do nothing but cry silently.

If you want to die, you have to die, not to mention that you blasphemed the princess first?

At this time, Aohua closed his eyes tightly and quickly patted his powerful right hand on his forehead.


However, after a sound, the scene of brain splashing did not appear on such a festive day. Aohua, who closed his eyes and waited for death, also opened his eyes with surprise and looked at his right hand, which had no power, looking at Yuehua, the birthplace of the energy that had just been shot into the palm of his hand. Ying.

"Princess..." Aohua looked at Yueying who came slowly towards him with surprised and desperate eyes, and an unspeakable feeling spread in Aohua's heart.

"Yinger, you..." Yue Xiao also looked at Yue Huaying with strange eyes. He really didn't know why Yue Huaying saved Aohua at a critical moment.

Yuehuaying, who moved forward slowly, also looked at her father and mother close to her with contradictory eyes. She found it was really difficult for her daughter to face the two. However, Yue Huaying knew that she could not watch the Aohua family die because of such a trivial matter. After all, she also There is no loss, just a little anger, but now that the culprit Buttsman has lost an arm, he has been punished as he deserves. Yue Huaying doesn't want anyone to be stained with blood for this matter.

As her footsteps approached, Yue Huaying bit her lips tightly. She really didn't know what to call the two people in front of her.

"Uh...Your Majesty, this..."

However, before Yue Huaying could explain something about her behavior, Zibing, the demon queen standing beside Yue Xiao, staggered and wanted to fall, and her eyes were also full of sadness.

"Binger..." Yue Xiao quickly supported Zi Bing, and her face was also full of contradiction and entanglement.

"Your Majesty..." With a sad look, Zibing looked at Yue Xiao and Yue Huaying with a sad face. She really didn't expect that her daughter didn't know her. In addition to sadness, Zibing can now be said to be physically and mentally exhausted.

Of course, Yue Xiao knew why Zi Bing was and said with a comforting face, "Okay, I know, I understand, it's okay, believe me, believe in Yinger, okay?"

Yue Xiao communicated with Zi Bing with her eyes and cheered up Zi Bing. Yue Huaying did not recognize the two of them, but had not recovered her memory.

Zi Bing also understood Yue Xiao's eyes and nodded slightly: "Well..."

With the encouragement, comfort and help of Yue Xiao, Zibing stood firm again, with care, love, sadness, expectation... Countless feelings of waiting for her daughter for thousands of years as a mother appeared on Zibing's face.

Of course, Yue Huaying also saw a scene that happened in front of her, but she didn't know what to do. Although she understood that although Zi Bing was very sad, she really couldn't call her "father and mother".

At least now, Yue Huaying feels that she can't scream.

Looking at the tears and purple ice that looked a little similar to herself, Yue Huaying felt that her heart was also slightly hurting.

"Yinger, you are..." Although Yue Huaying has not recognized herself, Yue Xiao has already recognized Yue Huaying. At this time, he asked Yue Huaying with a doubtful tone.

In the face of Yue Xiao's inquiry, Yue Huaying summoned up her courage and looked into Yue Xiao's eyes and said, "Your Majesty, I don't know the rules of the demon world, but I know that there is no second time in a person's life. The person concerned has received due punishment. It seems that there is no need to involve others, right? So, can I dare to ask His Majesty to let him go?

"This..." Looking at Yue Huaying's thought, which was obviously different from her daughter thousands of years ago, Yue Xiao was also stunned. He really didn't know how to answer Yue Huaying's question.

Seeing Yue Xiao hesitated, Yue Huaying said again, "Your Majesty, I know that you will definitely say that this is related to the majesty of the royal family and the order of the demon world. If you let them go, what majesty do you have? Where is the legal system of the demon world? However, Ottersman only spoke a little disrespectful to me and did not do anything excessively. There is a proverb in us: Those who don't know are innocent, and now he has been punished as he deserves. If he punishes his family again, it seems that it can't be said, right? The law is not unreasonable, is it?"

Hearing Yue Huaying's standing struggle, Yue Xiao really had nothing to say and didn't know how to answer at this moment. The daughter in front of her was really different from her previous daughter.

Yue Xiao looked at Zi Bing with a trace of relief, and Zi Bing also looked at Yue Xiao with her own eyes and told Yue Xiao with her eyes: Make up your mind, this is our daughter's request!

However, before Yue Xiao made a decision, Aohua, who knelt aside, once again said to Yue Huaying with a moving face, crying, grateful face and a resolute face: "Your Highness, thank you for exoneration for me and my son, but as a person in the demon world, I have defaced your purity. If you deserve to die, let my death wash away the shame brought to you. I hope you will not embarras your majesty any more. This is what I deserve. Now I only hope that my majesty and the princess can treat my family well after my death. I don't expect any glory and wealth, but only hope to protect their lives, and I will die.

"What if I don't die for you?" Seeing that Aohua was so ignorant, Yue Huaying also frowned and said in a low voice.

Yue Huaying really feels strange. Who is desperate for death but doesn't want to live? Weird...

"This..." Hearing Yue Huaying's words, Aohua was also stunned and looked up at Yue Huaying with a sincere face. He really didn't know why the princess of the demon world did not pursue his son's great disrespect. This is really unimaginable.

At this moment, Aohua doesn't know how to answer Yue Huaying's decision. He can only look at Yue Xiao and let the supreme ruler of the demon world decide the final fate of himself and his family. Whether it is death or life, and Aohua will accept it.

Seeing Yue Huaying's resolute tone, Yue Xiao also knew what to do. After all, she didn't want to be popular on such a festive day. Although there was no taboo on blood in the demon world, it was still a little unlucky in the end. Moreover, Yue Xiao actually did not intend to kill Aohua, but under such circumstances and in full view of the public, she had to do so, and the words of Ultraman did make her angry just now. However, Yue Xiao's anger has gradually subsided, and with the steps given by Yue Huaying, Yue Xiao also understands. Owa won't die.

Yue Xiao looked at Yue Huaying and asked again, " Yinger, is this really your idea? Have you really decided not to pursue the disrespect of the Aohua family? You have to understand that you are the princess of the demon world.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I'm sure." Yue Huaying said in a firm tone.

And when she heard Yue Xiao say that she was the "Princes Highness of the Demon World", Yue Huaying's heart trembled slightly. The firm eyes that originally looked at Yue Xiao no longer dared to look at Yue Xiao and turned to the ground.

Hearing Yue Huaying's confirmation, Yue Xiao already understood what she should do, put aside his father's look and proudly announced to the ministers around him as the emperor of the demon world:

"Ohua committed murder, offending my beloved daughter, and the crime of plagiarizing the family and extermination. However, Her Royal Highness has the virtue of a good life, abandoning her previous suspicions and pardoning her death. But the death penalty can be avoided, and I will..."

"Hang live my emperor..."

"take the title of Marquis of Outlets Owa and be demoted to viscount; take the title of Outletsman aristocratic title and demoted to common people; in the Outlets family, except for Outlets Oval can get the title of aristocrat, all other noble titles are deprived. Outlets Owa was suspended for inspection, leaving only nine-grade official positions, and the rest of the positions were exempted to set an example.

"Thank you for not killing your majesty, thank you for not killing..." Hearing his charges, Aohua kowtowed gratefully to Yuehuaying with a happy tone.

This can be said to be the greatest favor that Aohua can get. What else can he ask for?

Ottersman also endured the pain of his broken arm and crawled on the ground and kowtowed in the direction of Yue Xiao and Yue Huaying and said, "Thank you for not killing me. Thank you for your kindness of the princess."

"My emperor is wise, long live; Her Royal Highness is benevolent, thousand years old, thousand years old..." The ministers around him praised again.