Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 161 Conversation

Although the queen and princess's travel under the imperial system in the demon world definitely have a lot of honor guards and guards, and even the road of travel has to be cleared to protect their safety, this time the sacrificial trip of Zibing and Yuehuaying chose a relatively hidden and pedestrian journey, which is also Zibing To protect Yue Huaying from outside interference, the news of Yue Huaying's return to the demon world has not yet spread.

And the entourage is not as large as before. Except for some necessary guards, Zibing did not bring many people. The group and the maids serving on the side are only 20 or 30. However, although there are only 20 or 30 people, they are also the elite of the elite.

The number of people is so small, which does not mean that Zibing is not worried about the safety of herself and Yue Huaying, and that anything is possible in the current period when the four forces of the three worlds are relatively **, but Zibing does not think that there will be any accident on a trip, even if there is any accident, Zibing Don't worry. Anyway, this is also the imperial city in the demon world and the most important temple sacrifice in the demon world. Moreover, Zibing herself also has the strength of the demon god. She doesn't think that she has the ability to protect Yue Huaying and let Yue Huaying suffer the same harm as before.

This time, if anyone dares to hurt Yue Huaying again, Zibing vowed that she would kill the enemy even if she caught up to the chaos of the six worlds.

Therefore, Zibing did not bring too many guards this time. Through her contact with Yue Huaying these days, she has roughly understood the thoughts of her "daughter" now. Her daughter does not like a lot of etiquette and rules of the royal family.

The group said that it was vast but not too vast to walk towards the sacrificial temple east of the imperial city. At this time, Yue Huaying and Zibing were riding a Fengluan frame, and this Fengluan was really a frame pulled by the phoenix, but the four phoenix in front of them was a black winged phoenix.

After Yue Huaying looked at the demon world that would definitely be regarded as her sister's, Yue Huaying's heart surged with warmth. Every time Zibing's eyes collided with her, Yue Huaying smiled gently, and Zibing also smiled with a loving smile, and all the words slowly communicated in the eyes between the two.

Looking at the magnificent sacrificial temple that had exposed a corner, Yue Huaying asked Zi Bing softly, "Mother, where have Ming and Shadow gone? Why haven't I seen them for so long?"

Hearing Yue Huaying's question, Zi Bing said with a smile, "What? Do you miss Ming'er? But it's the same. It's been three years since we haven't seen each other for a day, isn't it? Ha..."

"Where do I have it? Mother, you are so bad. They are asking you something serious. Why did you get there again? Yue Huaying said with a shy face, and her face was also stained with some red clouds.

"Ha ha... If there is, only someone knows it by himself, hehe..."

"Mother, you... ignore you." Looking at the joking and funny look on Zibing's face, Yue Huaying was really ashamed.

Zibing looked at Yue Huaying with a shy face and smiled happily. However, in a blink of an eye, Zibing also became serious and said with a little sad words, "Well, I won't make fun of you. Didn't you ask Ming'er where to go?"

"En, En..."

"He and your father have been discussing national affairs these days, and now the border between the demon world and the underworld is very unstable."

"Anstable? Are you saying that there will be another war? Yue Huaying also asked with a worried face.

Zibing also replied in a pointed tone: "It's hard to say, but the war will definitely happen, it's just a matter of time. For thousands of years, the five forces of the Ming, demons, immortals, gods and demons have been vigorously developing their own armies and preparing for war. Not long ago, the eastern fairyland and the western divine world gathered a large number of troops on the border, and there is friction with our border from time to time. War may really not be far away.

"Fairy? Divine world? Why do they have to launch a war against the underworld and the demon world? Is it necessary to solve some things through war? We didn't provoke it." Yue Huaying asked without thinking.

Although Yue Huaying, who lives in the peaceful era of the world, is already in the demon world and has strong strength, it is still everything in the world in her cognition. She really can't figure out why there is a war? Does it take time for war to solve things? Is there no legal principle?

Yue Huaying really doesn't understand.

Zibing looked at Yue Huaying with a pure face and said, "You'er, you're right. Many things should not be talked about by war, but many times, war can also become the ultimate solution to things, right? You must have seen mortals kill each other in the world, right? In fact, this is all the same reason.

"However, although mortals in the world have had wars, they are now also restricted by the United Nations. Is there no place to reason in the four worlds of immortals and demons?"

"Yes? Do you think it is possible? Don't forget that we are not mortals who have any power. What we have is the power to turn their hands upside down. No matter who they are, their ambitions grow with the growth of strength. Even if you don't have this ambition, can you guarantee that others don't have it? This is not a matter of slap or not. As long as someone has this ambition, war will be inevitable.

After listening to Zibing's teaching, although Yue Huaying still can't figure out why, she can understand a little. War really does not need two aspects, only one side, or only one person's ambition, that's enough.

"Moreover, this is only one of the reasons, and the more important reason lies in you."

"Me? Why?" Yue Huaying asked strangely.

"Although you haven't recovered your memory, I believe you have also heard Ming'er talk about the war thousands of years ago and why you fell into the world, right?"

"Emp, I know. Ming has told me, and I already know all about this." After thinking about it for a year or two, Yue Huaying nodded and accepted.

"So, do you think Ming'er and your father will let go of the murderer?"

"But, isn't I still fine now? It's not dead."

"Yes, Yinger, you really didn't die, but you did die thousands of years ago. If Ming'er hadn't used great magic power to gather your soul and send you to reincarnation, we would have really lost you. Therefore, whether you are the former Yinger or another Yinger now, this revenge must be revenged. At this time, Zibing also said with slight anger and sadness.

Feel the anger and sadness emanating from Zi Bing's body, Yue Huaying felt her heartache, and her hand holding Zi Bing unconsciously tightened.

Zibing felt the strength of Yue Huaying's hands and comforted Yue Huaying with a smile on her face and said, "Well, Yinger, you don't have to worry about me. The matter has passed, and now you are back."


"And you also know that Jehovah and Haotian used to be your pursuers. I believe that they have now received the news that you have returned to the demon world. Perhaps, they may not have launched a war for their love for you thousands of years ago. Thousands of years ago, they did so."

"But, but I didn't have the former Yue Huaying, or it's not exactly the previous Yue Huaying. How did they..." Talking about this in front of Zi Bing, Yue Huaying really didn't know what to say.

But they don't know, do they? All they know is that you or you are the princess of the demon world that haunts them. Moreover, Ming'er is known as the strongest first person in the six worlds. Do you think Haotian and the Lord will let Ming'er bully them? I believe that the Taoism and dogma you accept in the world show that the underworld and the demon world are unforgiving, right? If 'evil' is stronger than 'justice', do you think it is still far from war? There are a lot of people who are famous.

After listening to Zi Bing's last words, Yue Huaying knew that this was the top priority of the war. She was just an excuse for them to start the war.

Under understanding Leng Ming's situation at this time, Yue Huaying's heart is also worried about Leng Ming. Now, the enemy is in the dark and I am bright.

Seeing Yue Huaying's worried appearance, Zi Bing found that she seemed to have said too much. For Yue Huaying now, many things do not need her to bear. What she needs now is to make her daughter, Yue Huaying, truly turn back to her real daughter, which is what she should do.

Zibing took a deep breath and patted the back of Yue Huaying's hand again and said, "Well, Yinger, let's stop talking about these national affairs. Let's think about these big men. I believe they will solve them all. We women, as long as we don't let them worry in the back, right? You have to understand that you are not only the princess of the demon world, but also the imperial concubine of the underworld.

"Hmm..." Yue Huaying also nodded heavily, and the yin on her face gradually faded away.

"That's right. Believe Ming'er, he is not an ordinary person. The title of the first strong man in the six worlds is not in vain. Only he can resurrect you killed by the sun sword in the six worlds. This time, Ming'er and your father will definitely let those people get the punishment they deserve. The hell and demon worlds can't do whatever they want.

"Sun Sword? Are you talking about the golden sword that killed me? Where is it now? Hearing the four words "Sun Sword", Yue Huaying immediately remembered the golden sword that made her very painful in her dream.

"Huh... Yinger, do you still remember?" Seeing that Yue Huaying actually knew the color of the Sun Sword, Zibing was a little excited, and her eyes were much hotter when she looked at Yue Huaying.

Yue Huaying also understood the meaning of Zibing's eyes and said in an embarrassed tone, "I don't remember, but I often saw that scene in my dreams, so I know its color, but I don't know what it is called. I just listened to you. You are sure."

Hearing Yue Huaying's words, a burst of silence flashed in Zibing's eyes, but in an instant, Zibing's eyes glowed again. Since Yue Huaying will dream of the scene of thousands of years ago in her dream, this is a good omen. In addition, she has returned home now, and it must not be far from Yue Huaying to find herself.

Zibing nodded and said, "Well, yes, it's the sword. It's there now." Zibing pointed forward.

"Sacrifice to the temple?"

Looking at the direction pointed by Zi Bing's right hand, Yue Huaying's eyes were full of expectation.

Finally, I can really see the true face of Lushan's long sword that "killed" me.