Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 169 Night, Color

"Yo... What are you two talking about here? So close? My father also wants to hear it.

Yue Xiao and Leng Ming have come to the place where Yue Huaying and Zi Bing stand. Looking at the intimacy between Yue Huaying and Zi Bing, Yue Xiao looked at Yue Huaying with joy and joked and said.

In fact, Yue Xiao has long known what Yue Huaying and Zi Bing talked about. What he said is just to ease the atmosphere at the scene, because every cell of Yue Xiao is excited and smiling at this time. Yue Xiao's excited feelings for Yue Huaying to go home at this time are not as purple. How much less ice is there?

"Father... Why didn't you show up earlier? If you and Ming came out earlier, she wouldn't die. Father, what's her name?

Although this should be the time to celebrate and have a family reunion, Yue Huaying can't raise more festive spirit at all, but has a lot of sadness. Looking at the unknown little girl among the three guards who died to protect herself and Zibing on the ground, Yue Huaying couldn't help crying in her heart.

"Her name is Ziling. She is the child I just selected from your grandfather's house to be your personal guard leader. Unexpectedly, she died under the sneak attack of the Western divine world. This may be her life. Yinger, you don't need to be sad for Ziling. In Ziling's view, it can protect you and let you return to the demon world again because of her death. I think she will be very happy to know it. And I also believe that Ming'er will give Ziling a good home in his next life, right? Ming'er..." Zi Bing also said sadly.

Yue Huaying looked at Leng Ming with red eyes.

Leng Ming looked at Yue Huaying with a heavy face and nodded gently.

With Leng Ming's response, Yue Huaying's mood was a little better. Although Ziling could not become her own guard or her sister in this life, Yue Huaying knew that she would definitely find her when Ziling's magic baby was reincarnated again.

Understanding everything in this, Yue Huaying also put away her sadness, because she has come back and gone home. She should not make Yue Xiao and Zibing too sad for the sneak attack of the Western divine world. She is the princess of the demon world and the daughter of the two elders.

Looking at Yue Xiao and Zi Bing, Yue Huaying officially saluted again and shouted, "The child has seen his father and mother!"

Seeing Yue Huaying at this time, Yue Xiao and made too many expressions, but said with red eyes, "Okay, okay, okay, just come back..." The feelings contained in Yue Huaying's eyes can only be seen by the parents who lost their children.

"Yinger, who else?" At this moment, Zi Bing gently opened her red lips beside Yue Huaying and reminded Yue Huaying.

With Zibing's reminder, Yue Huaying is entangled at this moment. She really doesn't know what kind of posture to face Leng Ming, her boyfriend in this life and her husband in her previous life. Looking at Leng Ming, Yue Huaying's face was full of shyness, joy, entanglement, anxiety, worry...

Seeing that Yue Huaying did not show any action to himself at this time, Leng Ming was excited. Although he knew that Yue Huaying was not as close to him as before, he also knew what Yue Huaying was thinking and thinking at this moment.

gently opened the eagle's lips and said coldly, "Yinger, welcome home!"

Go home...

Go home...

A "go home" made Yue Huaying's so-called entangled emotions that she didn't know how to face Leng Ming instantly disappeared, and bean-sized tears poured out of her eyes.


With a shout, Yue Huaying flew directly into Leng Ming's arms from five meters away and lay in Leng Ming's arms and cried loudly. And Leng Ming also hugged Yue Huaying tightly, holding Yue Huaying, the lover who once made him sacrifice his life and death and could do everything for his beauty.

A wisp of love, a wisp of love, a wisp of joy... spread around from where the two people hugging each other stood.

Yue Xiao and Zi Bing looked at the two people hugging each other in the field and were also in tears at this moment. Their hands, which had not been held together for a long time, were also held together again. The affection in their eyes seemed to make the two demon emperors and the demon queen standing at the top of the demon world return to the feeling when they knew each other when they were young. General.

Yue Xiao waved her hand and led the people on the field to leave the loving square. A boundary was also shrouded around the square after everyone left, and then, the palace guarded in black clothes guarded the outer perimeter of the boundary in the distance of the boundary, so that no one would disturb the two people in the middle of the square. Affection.

It's night...

At this time, there is a "human flesh" war in the mansion that belongs to the princess of the demon world. At this time, there are only two people in the largest and most luxurious courtyard in the inner courtyard of the mansion. At this moment, a man and a woman are performing a stormy battle between men and women in the huge **, one after another. The sound is echoing in the newly decorated and red room. And this mixed voice of men and women, which represents endless demand and ecstasy, did not leak anything from the room under the effect of the long-prepared boundary of Leng Ming, and everything was only heard by the two people.

In the middle of the night, the "storm" in the princess's house finally stopped, and the whispers and shouts that resounded for nearly three hours finally subsided after the "shout" full of satisfaction mixed with a man and a woman.

Night, still that night!

The moon is still so clear!

The wind is still blowing so quietly!




In the morning, when the first ray of sunshine of the demon world fell on the boundless land of the demon world, a figure woke up early in the room full of "smoke" and love last night.

Opening her eyes, what fell into Leng Ming's eyes was Yue Huaying's satisfied and lazy sleeping posture, feeling the strength of her body brought by the hands wrapped around her neck, and a strong smile appeared on Leng Ming's cold face.

Gently put the tender white arms wrapped around his neck into the quilt, but the owner of the arms did not know anything and showed any sign of waking up, and even his eyelids did not move so much. Seeing this, a feeling of pity gushed out in Leng Ming's heart.

"Maybe I was really tired last night, hehe..." Leng Ming said to himself with a smile in his heart, and I don't know whether it was Leng Ming's praise for him or really pity for Yue Huaying's fatigue.

Following the fiery red representing joy, Yue Huaying's tender white legs, which made Leng Ming love and hate last night, were also exposed outside the quilt, and were scattered on her feet in a posture that could absolutely make all men impulsive, which reminded me of this pair last night. Leng Ming, who seemed to be soft but had incomparable strength, made his waist still a little sore feet, felt a flame under his lower abdomen again.

At this time, the fire also slowly "burned" into Leng Ming's eyes, and the eyes, which were originally with an extremely clear color, were also filled with a trace of fiery red at this moment.

However, when a dazzling sunlight reflector entered Leng Ming's eyes, the fire in Leng Ming's heart gradually extinguished.

At this moment, there were no pieces of coldness on his body and felt that his firmness still surrounded by someone's "warmth" was gripped by a soft man. A feeling of swelling and pain came from his firmness to his brain, and the soft owner muttered vaguely: "Bad guy, want to bully again. Negative to me?"

After saying that, the beauty next to Leng Ming turned over and turned her smooth back to Leng Ming, and Leng Ming also felt that his strength slipped out of a warm place like the sunshine in March. A cold moment filled his nerves, making the strong Leng Ming involuntarily fight. .

Just when Leng Ming felt his firmness slipping out of a warm place, he heard the soft voice of the beauty beside him, which represented a sense of loss, and then the owner's breath of the voice calmed down again, as if none of this had happened.

Looking at Yue Huaying's gel-like back shining in the sun, listening to the sound of Shen's chanting that absolutely makes any man crazy and everything last night... Leng Ming really wants to experience the madness of last night and bring the beauty beside him back into the free life again. The situation. However, the brighter and brighter sunshine outside the bed once again reminded Leng Ming that it was getting late and it was time to get down to business.

With a slight loss, Leng Ming covered his undressed moonlight body in the fiery red quilt. He slowly got up and put on the purple-gold imperial robe representing his identity again under the sunshine of the demon world.

Looking at Yue Huaying, who still showed no sign of sobriety, Leng Ming left the gentle hometown that countless men would be reluctant to leave with a determined pace.

Shortly after Leng Ming left the room, Xiaoqi and Xiaojiu held a black magic princess costume and put it in the place where Yue Huaying could touch her clothes for the first time when she woke up, while the other person picked up the ground full of rags.

When the two finished everything and left this sunny red room again, the breath of Yuehuaying lying on ** was still so smooth.


"Gollum...er..." When a sound of hunger sounded in Yue Huaying's stomach, Yue Huaying finally woke up from her dream.

And when Yue Huaying, who slowly opened her eyes, felt the smooth body in her quilt and felt that her lower body was a little slippery, a sound comparable to the roar of a Hedong lion once again spread from this wide room to around the Princess of the Demon World.


"Bum, bang...Princess, princess, what's wrong with you?" A sound of breaking the door sounded, and Xiaoqi and Xiaojiu rushed in from outside the door and came to the bed with a concerned look at Yue Huaying, who didn't know whether she was shocked or ashamed.