Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 172 Conference of Western Gods

When the Huaying family was happy, on the Olympic God Mountain of the Western gods, in the temple where Zeus was located, the representatives of the 12 main gods and Titan giants representing the highest power of the Western gods gathered in a mysterious place in the temple. And in front of this mysterious hall, there are hundreds of large pieces of spiritual cards that seem to worship the spiritual positions of the ancestors, but these spiritual cards are all golden.

Among these spiritual cards, there is a broken spiritual card, and the eyes of everyone in the hall are all focused on the broken golden spiritual card.

Zeus, the lord of the gods, Hera, the mother of the gods, Poseidon, the god of war, Hermes, the god of theft, Hephaestus, the god of fire, Aphrodite, the goddess of war and wisdom, Athena, the god of light, Apollo and the goddess of the moon, and Rhea, one of the twelve Titans, Asia , Tess and other Titans looked sadly at the broken golden spirit card.

From the broken spirit card, you can faintly see several broken gold words with a little bit like soul breath, and these golden words can be combined to let people know that the words written on the spirit card are: Heppelin.

Yes, at this moment, the Western gods are mourning the death of one of the twelve Titans representing the god of light who sneaked into the demon world to try to assassinate the demon world and the purple ice and the abduction of the moon.

And Zeus, the lord of the gods, felt that the last trace of soul breath on the golden spirit card representing the soul mark of Heplin was completely dissipated. After the whole golden spirit card turned gray and white, Zeus, with a sad face, said to the gods behind him with a serious side:

"Everyone has seen that the Titan ancient god Hipple, one of our Western gods, sacrificed his life for the glory of our Western gods and let those who lived in the demon world be killed. And how should we, as Heperion's brothers, sisters and partners, repay him for everything he has done for us? How should we face the dirty and despicable guys in the demon world who killed our loved ones?


"Stepping down the demon world...Stepping on the demon world..."

Poseidon, the god of war, Ares, Hermes, the god of stealing, Hephaistos, Apollo, the god of light, and Artemis, the goddess of the moon, Titania and Tesis shouted crazily with a fever of war on their faces. However, several other gods and Titan ancient gods did not shout crazily like Poseidon and others, looking calmly at Zeus with a serious and murderous face and Poseidon and others who were shouting very much. Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom, frowned and looked at the people shouting war in front of her.

And Zeus, who had thought that the gods would follow his will, saw that it was only half of the number of people who responded to him, and there was a trace of frost on his face.

"What? Aphrodite, Athena, Rhea, don't you want to avenge Haiprene?

Aphrodite saluted Zeus and said, "Your Majesty, I am just a god in charge of love and beauty. The war does not belong to me. I didn't participate in the last war. Have you forgotten?"

In the face of Aphrodite's humbleness, Zeus knew that her answer was generally not unhappy. He looked at several people led by Athena and Rhea with a frosty face and asked, "What about you? Do you still want to maintain a neutral posture?

Although Athena is the goddess of war and wisdom, and her appearance also represents the war that may be coming, what she represents is a just war, not a war with so many conspiracies and ambitions. Although Athena represents war and wisdom, her wisdom is not much lower than the war she advocates.

Athena, who still had no intention of retreating, took a look at Rhea, who was consistent with her point of view and said to Zeus, "Your Majesty, have you really decided to start a war again?"

"Athena, what do you mean? What is 'I want to start a war again'? This time, as the ancient god of Titan, Hprene died in the demon world. Is this called the war I launched? At this time, Zeus's face was a little dark.

"But isn't it a big doubt why Hprene, as an ancient Titan, died in the demon world?"

"Athena, you mean that I let Heperion sneak into the demon world and then use his death to provoke the war between gods and demons, right?" A golden flame appeared on Zeus' body, and a sense of oppression pressed towards Athena.

Athena also flashed and said in very calm words, "Your Majesty, Athena doesn't mean that, but as a member of the Western gods, I don't expect our Western divine world to go to the old road 3,000 years ago and the demon world to fight again. And I have a hunch that this is not a real just war.

"So what?"

"So I decided to remain neutral with my subordinates, and I won't open the horn of war until I think it's a just war. So... Your Majesty and all the brothers and sisters, please forgive Athena's decision." After saying that, Athena saluted Zeus and Hera and turned away under the gaze of the crowd and the anger of Zeus.

In the face of Athena's angry departure, Zeus was very angry, but at this moment, he had no choice but to watch Athena leave the temple with her guidelines she followed.

Looking at Athena's disappearing back, Zeus' darkened face angrily looked at Rhea, the actual leader of the ancient Titan god. He wanted to know if Rhea's thoughts like Athena were no longer under his control.

When Rhea saw Zeus looking at herself, of course, she understood what Zeus said in his eyes. With a trace of respect, Rhea said to Zeus, "Your Majesty, we Titans will obey your instructions and assigns, but I don't want you to take us as victims of war, otherwise..." Finally, Rhea also looked at Zeus with her angry eyes to express her determination.

The ancient gods of the Titan and their subordinates themselves have more or less gaps with the twelve gods led by Zeus and their subordinates. In fact, Zeus took control of the Western gods from the ancient gods. Even if the two sides are now in the relationship between discipline and being disciplined, Many times there are a lot of intrigues in it.

Take the death of Hprene as an example, Rhea knows that there must be a conspiracy of Zeus in it, otherwise Rhea doesn't think that any Western god will be so stupid that only God will go to the demon world. Isn't she looking for death? And in the war 3,000 years ago, the Titan gods representing the ancient gods of the West have intentionally or unintentionally arranged by Zeus to kill many people. Rhea doesn't want to see her brothers and sisters become the victims of Zeus alone.

And Zeus also saw determination and anger from Rhea's eyes. In order to prevent the loss of the ancient gods led by Rhea and the combat power to which he belonged, Zeus, who was originally angry with Athena's departure, suddenly turned slightly better and said to Rhea with a flattering tone: "Ria ancient god, look What are you saying? How can we be disrespectful to you and the ancient gods? Don't worry, this time I promise to step on the demon world to realize our grand plan thousands of years ago.

Looking at Zeus's beating expression, Rhea despised endlessly. Others didn't know why the war 3,000 years ago was fought. Will they not know? Don't the gods here know? Only Zeus can deceive himself like this.

Although Ria wanted to think so, her face did not show it, but said with a look of "you understand yourself": "I hope so."

And Rhea also turned her head elsewhere and no longer had any words with Zeus.

Zeus saw that he had dealt with the Titans led by Rhea. Maybe there were still some small troubles after that, but he had also achieved his goal. In the future, he will do it later. Now he must at least ensure that his mobilization of the war against the demon world can take effect, otherwise, this is not just face. There is a problem that can't be solved.

And Zeus also has his own plans for his management, such as Athena and Aphrodite. As before, although the two goddesses remained neutral before the war 3,000 years ago, didn't they also fight for the kingdom of the Western gods when the war came? Moreover, after the war began, as long as they move their little fingers a little, don't the two of them and their subordinates also have to participate in the war obediently and be under their own jurisdiction?

Thinking of this, a conspiracy smile appeared on Zeus's face. He knew that everything was still under his control, and he was still the supreme power who controlled the life and death of hundreds of millions of Western gods.

Seeing that everything was developing in his own direction, although there was such a small mistake, Zeus still did not feel anything wrong. He looked at the Western gods in front of him and shouted:

"All the gods who are in charge of hundreds of millions of creatures in the West, this is the beginning of the war between our divine world and the demon world. This time, we must erase the demon world from the six worlds, let our great divine light shine on the demon world and all the dark corners, and make our glory become the faith of all people. Those who believe in me, eternal life, divine world, long live..."

"H Long live... Long live..."

"H Long live... Long live..."

The mansions standing on the same front with Zeus shouted, and their faces were full of expectations for war, and even neutral and semi-neutral people could only slightly agree with the gods, although they did not like war.