Fate Creator

Chapter 030 Seal Array

After a tense fight, the crisis in front of him was finally solved. Everyone breathed a long sigh of relief.

Just as Liu Yi and others were happy to get out of this predicament, they saw the old grandson and Liu Ao hugging and crying.

Although I don't understand why they did such a thing, I vaguely feel that there must be an unknown secret between them.

In a remote place, Lao Sun's head held up the spirit*. After solving everyone's safety problems, Lao Suntou sat opposite Liu Ao on a corner.

"On the full moon night, the family suffered unprecedented slaughter." Old Suntou leisurely talked about the sad past. When I woke up and looked at the people who fell in the pool of blood, I was heartbroken. Hurry up to check the clan, hoping that some people will stay alive. Unexpectedly, none of the people I investigated were spared. I was seriously injured and fled overnight. In Hippo Town, he tried to recover from his injury and revenge on the other hand.

Lao Suntou filled the pipe with tobacco. After igniting, he took a deep breath and then said, "After investigating the enemy unsucceed, I became a groom in the car in Hippo Town. The sea of blood has not avenged, and I can't face my ancestors after death. I have been looking for an opportunity to revenge and never forget that I am a descendant of the Li family.

That day, when Liu Yi and the others went to the car to hire a carriage, I thought it was you. Lao Suntou smiled helplessly: "Even if I can't take revenge in my life, I won't let the blood-washed family go away. At first, I didn't want to come to the ancient world, after all, I didn't take revenge. How can you lead yourself to danger? Whenever I see Liu Yi, I think of you. The old grandson looked at Liu Ao with a smile.

"That's why I'm here. I don't want to see these children died prematurely again. This is my motivation. Unexpectedly, Tianlian Li's family left your seedling. It seems that the great hatred is expected to be revealed. Lao Suntou talked about this old tears.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I will definitely kill the enemy and avenge the people of my family." Liu Ao looked at the old grandson firmly, with anger burning in his eyes.

"Speak quickly, how have you been here in the past two years?" Old Sun asked in a hurry.

"Thanks to General Liu Fei, he made me lost my way back. And help me find the culprit of killing my family. Liu Ao said righteously.

"How do you say this?"

"Because the murderer of my clan did not kill me in order to get the heavenly treasure book of my ancestors. And he also taught me martial arts. The purpose is to subvert God bless the country. They told me that killing my people was General Liu Fei of the country of God's blessing. I was eager to take revenge and burned the general's grain warehouse. I wanted to make a plan to attack the west. Before I assassinated the general, I was injured. When I fled to my residence. He was arrested by the general's men.

Liu Ao smiled awkwardly when he said this.

Then he said, "Later, the general asked Butler Hong to take me to the original residence. It made me see through the wolf ambition of my enemies. Unexpectedly, they found our tracks on the way, and finally escaped from the clutches after a fight.

After going back, the general recognized me as a godfather and recommended me to join Shengwu Church. Now the change of surname Liu is also to avoid the pursuit of the enemy.

"The general was far-sighted and admired me. You are also blessed by misfortune. So, do you know the identity of the enemy?" Lao Sun's eyes were hot, and he looked at Liu Aodao.

"Kill my people is the national teacher of Tatab. Grandpa, one day I will kill that thief and avenge the clan. Liu Ao said angrily.

"God's principles will not let the bad guys go free forever." Old Sun's head said leisurely with a dry smoke.

Liu Yi looked at Liu Ao and said, "Brother, I won't let you take risks alone in the future."

Liu Ao nodded, but his eyes flowed gently.

"Yes, family hatred, we will definitely let Tatab pay for it with blood."

Ben Huairen, Qingshu and the people around him said firmly.

Unconsciously, the sky is white. Old Sun looked at the crowd and said, "It's dawn now. Let's go!"

On the way to the village, there are ruins and dead bodies everywhere. It makes people feel like the end of the world. Everyone walked in the purgatory of the world, step by step was shocking. With lingering palpitations, I can't help sighing at the fragility of life. This single corner of the catastrophe is so thrilling that you can imagine what the result will be like when the seal array at the entrance completely collapses. That will definitely lead to the loss of life in the world.

Choose the experience of the ancient world is not only an affirmation of strength, but also makes people understand the cruelty of the world. What is the law of the jungle and survival of the fittest?

After a while, everyone finally saw the entrance to the ancient wilderness after the village, with a faint purple halo.

"It seems that this sealed array has been dilapidated. If it is not consolidated, it will soon collapse, and the world will definitely suffer a devastating blow." Lao Sun pointed to the faint purple halo and said.

"In such a dangerous place, there must be a large array of repression. The strong of human ancestors will also leave a way to repair the lines. I don't know what this repair method is?"

Ben Huairen stared at the broken array and said.

The old grandson bowed his head and meditated. After a long time, he said happily, "It is said that the method of cultivation in the wild continent has master and auxiliary, mainly attack and auxiliary. Attacking can kill all things can help all sentient beings. Only by combining the two can the supreme fruit be achieved.

Today, the upper-style auxiliary only has the gossip skills of God bless the country. The second is the Beidou array of the Seven Star Pavilion. These are all the techniques to suppress evil.

"That's not too late. Let's do it!" Liu Yi couldn't wait to learn how to repair the lines.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished my words yet." Lao Suntou stopped Liu Yi and said with a smile, "The extreme number is nine, and Yang is strong. Double Nine is the Double Ninth, which is the ultimate of the sun, which is also the most powerful momentum to suppress demons and monsters. Only with the strength of pure yang can it deter evil. I don't know which of you can evolve eighty-one suppression techniques in one breath? Old Sun looked at the expectant eyes of the crowd and said.


Everyone was terrifying, but they didn't expect to repair the array so complicated. What's wrong with this? Everyone is at a loss.

Old Sun's head smoked a dry cigarette and smiled, "In this case, then listen to my good words. Everyone does what I said, then this array must be completed.

"Laun, don't buy it. In such a crisis, the consequences of delaying for a moment are really out of control." Ben Huairen said urgently.

"OK" Lao Sun nodded and said with a serious look, "The auxiliary skills just mentioned are two, one is the gossip star map of the gossip number, and the other is the seven-star arch moon of the Beidou array. The first master gossip star map, followed by the seven-star arch moon. Repeat and overlap, each of which is nine. There is no gap in the middle.

You do your best. Finally, I will seal my eyes with Taoist lines. All right, let's begin!" The old grandson made way and said solemnly.

Liu Yi walked to the front of the purple pattern and looked at the official blue. Shangguan Qing nodded.

After seeing that Shangguan Qing was ready, Liu Yidan's heart was running, spitting internally, and his hands formed an array with the power of heaven and earth, and evolved the gossip star map.

The sound of buzzing wandered away from this area, and the magnetic force of the earth swarmed out, slowly expanding around with Liu Yi's hand as the center point.

When the size of the star map is generally the same as the seal array, Liu Yi stopped instilling energy. His hands are constantly changing, using the power of heaven and earth as the pen, slowly sketching the gossip star map. For a moment, the hexagram position and the fish of yin and yang are sealed. Liu Yi was overjoyed and kept printing with his hands.

The eight directions of Qian, Kan, Gan, Zhen, Kun, Duan, Li and Xun flashed with colorful colors and slowly rotated. The fish of yin and yang in it reversed.

The speed was getting faster and faster. Seeing that the time was ripe, Liu Yi turned his hands and pushed forward.

The gossip star map covers the broken seal array.

The two slowly melted together, and finally the gossip star map disappeared.

After the repair of the gossip star map, the purple light of the sealed array is obviously much brighter. Seeing this, everyone was overjoyed.

Shangguan Qing frowned and looked serious. When the gossip star map disappeared, his hands began to draw constantly.

At the time of his seal, Shangguan Qing's body was shrouded in a tiny layer of light, like the light of fireflies. Qingming Bingrun.

With the acceleration of Shangguanqing's speed, the seven stars shine brightly on Shangguanqing's body in the shape of spoons.

At this time, the spoon head converged on Shangguan Qing's forehead, while the spoon handle was fixed on the right heel.

With the indoctrination of Shangguan Qing's energy, the seven stars shine even more. Instantly separated from his body and settled in front of Shangguan Qing.

Shangguanqing is still evolving, and the seven stars surround the aperture. At this time, a bright moon rose at the center of the circle.

The reversal of the star and the moon, like a greedy black hole, devours everything.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Shangguan Qing, like Liu Yi, pushed the seven-star arch moon array to the seal array.

When the seal array was approaching, the seven-star arch moon instantly turned into a silver dragon and disappeared into the array. Rotate in the array and finally slowly disappear.

The purple light lit up a little more.

Everyone took turns to fight and evolved the number of skills. With the proficiency of the mastery of the magic number, the purple halo of the sealed array gradually became rich.

The final halo is filled with purple light. Then rotate at high speed.

The old grandson was overjoyed. He said, "It's great that the seal array has been put into operation. Now let me make a finishing touch for it."

After saying that, Lao Sun's hands flew, and his big moves were fierce and decisively bombard the seal array.

Each palm wind is immersed in the seal array with a golden charm.

Everyone was surprised and couldn't help admiring the strength of the old grandson.

The old grandson hit eighty-one charms in a row until the seal array formed a whirlpool.

Old Sun wiped away the sweat from his forehead and smiled, "It's finally finished."

turned his head and looked at Liu Yi and said, "I didn't expect that you knew how to seal."

"This is all taught by the tutors of the Holy Martial Church. As a number of techniques, you have to use different techniques in the face of different things. Liu Yi explained.

"People say that Shengwu Church is a paradise for talents. It doesn't seem to be a vain reputation." The old grandson laughed. Now that the array has started, we can enter. But don't take it lightly after entering.

"I haven't chatted with my grandson for a long time. As for me, I entered with Liu Ao." The old grandson looked at Liu Ao and smiled.

"Well, it's not too late. Let's go in now!" After saying that, he walked hand in hand with Liu Yi, Shangguan Qing and Jiang Hu to the seal array. When approaching the seal array, a force attracted several people. Seeing a flash of light, several people disappeared at the entrance.

After watching Ben Huairen and others enter, Qingshu did not neglect and pulled his group of people into the ancient world.

Finally, the old grandson and Liu Ao also entered the ancient world...

When everyone had already entered, suddenly a figure stood outside the seal array. The figure did not have to stay, flashing away, and followed the crowd into the ancient world of barbarism.