Fate Creator

Chapter 042 Encounter

Just when Ben Huairen proposed that everyone leave this place as soon as possible, Shangguan Qing stopped everyone's action.

"Don't act blindly, not to mention we don't know where to go now. And our main task now is to find the purple grass, and we haven't found any of them so far!" Shangguan Qing frowned and walked back and forth in front of several people of Liu Yi.

After hearing this, Jiang Hu sighed, sat on the ground, and said with his chin in his hand, "That's right, it's very dangerous to walk around blindly like this. I think it's better for us to have a planned action."

"Then let's contact you now to determine the next plan so as not to be in danger." Liu Yi laughed.

"In this case, I will make sure that they are there, and then see the whereabouts of the dragon salivary purple curd." Ben Huairen took out the yellow crystal as he spoke. When several people's yellow crystals gathered together, Ben Huairen put it into a circle, and then Yuanli penetrated into it and put his own thoughts into it. In a short time, a message came from there.

When one word after another emerged from the yellow crystal stone, several people spelled it carefully. Oh, it turns out that they are also in danger, but now they are safe and sound. Jiang Hu read the message.

"Brother Huairen, ask them about the whereabouts of Longyan Zi Ningcao!" Liu Yi laughed.

"Good." When Ben Huairen passed on his thoughts again, it took him a long time to reply. You can't ask for it!!"

"What?" Jiang Hu opened his mouth in surprise, "What do you mean? This unscrupulous free son is cheating!" Jiang Hu directly complained.

"Well, don't worry about it anymore. We are already in the ancient world. Is it useful to say so much?" Shangguan Qing said impatiently.

When Ben Huairen and Liu Yi heard this, they didn't say anything for a long time and were thinking about something.

Seeing that the two were silent, Jiang Hu said urgently, "What should I do now? Are you talking?"

"The most important thing now is to fill your stomach." Ben Huairen said happily.

Liu Yi looked at Jiang Hu and said with a smile, "Yes, the most important thing now is to fill our stomachs."

After saying that, he returned to the Yuhuang God Needle and took out dry food, water and other things.

Throwing things to Ben Huairen and others, Liu Yi guided his thoughts, hooked his power, changed his formula, and clicked on the position of Yuhuang's divine needle.

Yu Huang's needle sensed the call and shrank sharply.

The sound of " coaxing..." made the place tremble violently. Jiang Hu, who had just taken a sip of water, felt the energy fluctuation behind him, and the water spit out directly.

Then he looked at the quickly downward Yuhuang god needle behind him in horror and said, "Yuhuang's god needle is going to fall down. Run!"

ran out directly regardless of the other few people.

He ran far but found that there was no movement. He turned his head and looked behind him, but saw Ben Huairen and Shangguan Qing smiling.

With away the Yu Emperor's needle, Liu Yi shrugged his shoulders and smiled at Jiang Hu.

Jiang Hu touched the back of his head awkwardly, and then laughed, "I just tested your agility, but I didn't expect it, alas!" Then he learned from Feng Yi's appearance, and then said, "The baby is a good baby, but his reaction is a little slow."

Ben Huairen and Shangguan Qing, who were laughing forward and backward, lay directly on the ground.

"Ha ha, let's go now!" Liu Yi smiled and then walked into the distance.

Jiang Hu looked at the still smiling Ben Huairen and smiled stupidly. He slowly walked behind Ben Huairen and kicked Ben Huairen's buttocks. Ben Huairen was kicked coldly, and suddenly a dog gnawed the mud. Seeing Ben Huairen like this, Jiang Hu leaned closer to Liu Yi and laughed crazily.

"Hang, you fat, fat, fat." Ben Huairen hurriedly got up to chase Jiang Hu, trying to avenge that foot. Shangguan Qing shook his head helplessly. Then he walked to Liu Yi's side and walked side by side.

The sunset set, pulling out the long tired figures of several people, leaving only the depressed footprints.

Clouds flashed in the sky, changing their bodies, playing with cloud yarns. The front is still endless, and there is no life at all.

Several people's feet are full of lead water, staggering forward looking for a different scenery.

A high-sounding sound penetrated the space and entered the ears of Liu Yi and several people. Liu Yi looked up high. I don't know when there were a few black dots in the sky. As the black dots continue to dilate in the pupils of several people, a sense of tension and oppression arises spontaneously.

Liu Yi and several people looked nervously at the enlarged point and raised their vigilance!

For a moment, the shadow covered the sky and covered several people in an instant. Then flash to one side. It turned out to be a eagle. I didn't expect there to be such a big eagle!" Jiang Hu looked at the mountain-like sculpture and sighed.

I saw two men and a woman walking down from the sculpture, all with red hair and blue eyes.

The man is handsome and the woman is beautiful.

One of the men arched his hand to Liu Yi and said, "Excuse me, few little brothers, have you heard a loud noise!"

Liu Yi smiled and said, "We walked all the way without hearing any noise. I don't know what you are looking for. Can you tell me one or two?

"Ha ha, it's nothing. We're just curious." After saying that, I will leave. When he flew to the carving body, he turned his head and said, "This place was originally a land of bloody thorns. For some reason, the thorns disappeared. Even so, you should leave quickly. It's dangerous on this night!"

Jiang Hu sneered and said, "You think we were scared."

The man who hasn't spoken roared, "Kid, who are you talking to? You want to die!"

If you want to lower your back, you will be stopped by the girl and said, "It's not appropriate to grow branches outside the rules." Then he turned his head and looked at Liu Yi and others and smiled, "Don't be careless in the dangerous place. Let's say goodbye."

After saying that, he wined at the people around him. The eagle spread its wings and turned a few times before it disappeared. Only the dust is left all over the sky.

"Damn it." Jiang Hu covered his face and cursed.

Ben Huairen looked at several people who disappeared in the sky, regardless of the dust, and shook his head slightly and sighed, "It's so beautiful! What an enchanting smile!"

"Enough, don't dream here." Shangguan turned Ben Huairen's body around,

Open your eyes in anger.

"I said it's beautiful, it's nothing to you!" Ben Huairen looked at the woman who had just disappeared, looked at Shangguan Qing, shook his head, and sighed.

"I saw you come and leave from that woman, but your eyes didn't leave her at all. Is it so beautiful? Isn't the person around you beautiful?" Shangguan Qing walked around the green silk and pouted.

"I don't feel it!" Ben Huairen laughed. Shangguan Qing was so angry that he wanted to argue. At this time

Jiang Hu hugged Ben Huairen and said, "Brother Huairen, I know you are the most righteous and the best. Tell me what the woman just now deserves your attention." Jiang Hu looked at Ben Huairen obscenely and said with a smile. Hearing Jiang Hu say this, Ben Huairen also laughed. Then the two talked and laughed at each other, walked slowly and discussed with each other.

Shangguan Qing walked to Liu Yi and whispered, "Is that woman really that beautiful?" But his eyes looked at the back of the two obscene people in front of him.

"What?" Liu Yi was stunned and looked at Shangguan Qingdao.

"Nothing." Shangguan Qing turned his head and said. Then he lowered his head and walked forward. Looking at the lost back, Liu Yixin said, "It seems that it's really wrong to praise other girls in front of a girl!"