Fate Creator

Chapter 075 The Road to Alchemy

Seeing the dragon salivated purple condensed grass-shaped jasper dragon jumping left and right to escape, Liu Yi flew on the tripod in time. After standing upside down, he pressed the tripod cover with one hand, making the dragon unable to get out of the tripod.

In a hurry, Xiaolong mourned bitterly to touch Liu Yi's compassion. Helpless, Liu Yi was selfish and wanted to let it go, but after all, he couldn't escape the firm nerve in his heart.

Liu Yigang clenched his teeth, frowned, and firmly pressed the tripod cover. It suddenly accelerated the speed of the ejection of aura in his hand, and wisps of pure aura penetrated into the gluttonous tripod through the lid. The blue flame suddenly turned blue and burned more fiercely.

After a while, the jasper dragon suspended in the middle of the tripod and did not move.

Seeing that the green dragon gave up resistance, Liu Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said to himself, "The things in the world are spiritual, and then they are cultivated into spirits. Killing a spiritual object is like killing a person. Is the way of the strong man really done by killing?"

If you think too much about such a question, you will be more confused about the future. It's better not to think too much. Liu Yi got rid of distracting thoughts, stabilized his mind, and focused on alchemy.

The gurgling aura emerged like a spring and was introduced into the gluttonous tripod. The original red tripod was more dazzling at this moment, and the whole body was white.

The little dragon completely gave up resistance in the tripod, stopped swimming, suspended like a dead object in the middle of the tripod, but the aura on it was wrapped around him, trying to reduce the burning of the aura flame. This aura is not a human aura. It is completely two different substances, but everything in the world belongs to the five elements, either born or mutual.

The same is true of these two kinds of auras. People cultivate aura with fire, which is the thing from the most strong to the sun. They open mountains and stones and take the road of masculinity.

The natural aura of the spiritual body contains water seedlings, which is the carrier from softness to yin and the path of yin.

Xiaolong no longer struggled, not giving up resistance, but using his own aura to resist Liu Yi's aura flame. Seeing this, Liu Yi finally understood the truth that the thin camel is bigger than a horse.

"I didn't expect this thing to be really a treasure. I don't know how effective it is to refine it." Liu Yi thought.

Although it was a collision of ideas, Liu Yi did not stop his movements and still slowly input his aura. The blue flame jumped more fiercely and hit the dragon's body desperately, but the dragon did not give up its resistance. It still peeled silkworms and released its own aura in an orderly manner. The small body was completely shrouded by aura at this moment, forming a protective wave, circles resisting the flame burning, and the layers of ripples made the gluttony. The tripod trembled.

"I didn't expect that your small body contained so much energy. It's incredible." Liu Yi said to himself.

"Then let me see who consumes more energy." Liu Yi raised the corners of his mouth and smiled lightly.

Hold the heart field, guide the thoughts away, and accelerate the rotation of the heart. At this moment, the aura between heaven and earth is like a chain, which is wrapped by Liu Yi's heart and absorbed crazily.

During this period, it was transformed into his own aura by Liu Yi, and through the eight strange meridians, it filled 3605 swirls. It passed through Liu Yi's palm into the gluttonous tripod.

On the other hand, Liu Yi stimulated the mystery of the gossip star map, and the colorful colors disappeared, replaced by blazing white and black. The gossip of the black-and-white body hung down like a waterfall, completely covering the gluttony tripod. The trembling Taoyi tripod was completely silent, as stable as Mount Tai, and did not move at all.

Through the almost clear tripod, Liu Yi saw that the dragon stopped moving, but the dragon's heart still exuded aura, completely wrapping the dragon like a light shield. The dragon's original green body became pale at this moment.

"You can't use me, hehe." Liu Yi smiled cunningly. The input of Reiki has been accelerated, and the flame in the tripod has reached the extreme.

Liu Yijing swallowed the aura of heaven and earth, esconceived into the state of space, and integrated into the world.

It seems to have entered the road of reincarnation, looping over and over again.

At this time, the outside of the Taoist tripod is white and the inside is blue, and the Taoist lines on the tripod are distorted, as small as hair, and constantly sink into the tripod.

Liu Yi looked carefully and looked slightly shocked. The small snake with lines kept hitting the light shield protecting the dragon. Xiaolong is completely silent at this moment, without a trace of life fluctuation.

Liu Yi was happy, "It seems that it won't take long for me to refine it."

This world shines like the day. Although it is a hidden place, it can't hide the light. Liu Yi concentrates on alchemy and forgets everything.

Time passes minute by minute, and the cycle of reincarnation.

Seeing the peace in the tripod, Liu Yi was a little relieved.

Although the lines are as dark as ink, they can't hide the faint blue flame. The little snake cooperated with the aura flame and kept burning the dragon's salivary purple condensation grass.

The green light shield was covered with thunderstorms, and after a moment, it collapsed and collapsed. Xiaolong** faced the faint blue flame naked.

The weak body seems to be growing under the burning of flames, while the surface is slowly waxing, as if there are signs of melting.

Liu Yi was completely relieved at this moment. He got up and fell to the edge of the tripod. His palm still did not leave the tripod, and he was still slowly coming into the aura.

Suddenly, the dark gluttony lines are constantly entangled, devouring and entangling each other.

"What the hell is going on?" Liu Yi was surprised. Is the elixir about to be completed?

Liu Yi is also refining elixir for the first time. He doesn't know much about many situations. Seeing this, Liu Yi doesn't know how to choose.

The gluttonous lines continued, and slowly became larger as the lines around them engulfed and tangled them. In an instant, a black dragon was formed.

The dragon's body is constantly getting bigger, making Liu Yi nervous again. When the dragon body changed as thick as an adult arm, it finally stopped.

Liu Yi breathed a sigh of relief and continued to enter Reiki.

The dragon salivary purple condensation continued to wax, slowly condensing, and finally became a pool of white viscous material, suspended in the middle of the tripod like a small pool, crystal clear and transparent.

The black dragon opened its mouth and kept spewing black flames at the bright substance. "It turns out that refining medicine is like this, haha."

Seeing the action of the black dragon, Liu Yi understood that this was the process of alchemy.

With the acceleration of the entanglement of the black dragon and the acceleration of the frequency of flame spraying, the dragon salivary purple condensation grass is completely liquefied, forming the prototype of Dan. Although it is an elliptical shape, in Liu Yi's view, this is an achievement.

After a while, a crystal clear elixir was finally formed, "Is the elixir done?"

Now, Liu Yi still doesn't understand when to stop, and still keeps inputting Reiki to assist Black Dragon Alchemy.

"So, the elixir still hasn't been formed?" Liu Yi said to himself.