Fate Creator

Brother 096 Chapter Deep Pool Ghost Face

I saw people wearing Taoist robes, wearing purple and gold crowns and stepping on soap boots. Long hair floats without wind, what a fairy-like posture.

The person came to Mo Yun in an instant.

"Brother Mo, you are here. The owner is very anxious!"

"Brother Yichen, don't be surprised. There is a little delay on the way. In this case, let's hurry up!" Mo Yun heard Yichen say that the owner was anxious, and his face tightened, and then his body emitted a fluorescent light, wrapping Liu Yi and running up.

"This is the alchemy masters you mentioned, Brother Mo." Yichen was surprised to see Liu Yi beside Mo Yun.

"Exact." Mo Yun smiled.

"Brother Mo, don't tell me. You won't find a stinky child to make everyone happy!" Yichen joked.

"How can you, haven't you seen the elixir?"

"Real people don't show their appearance. They have such achievements at a young age, and their future is unlimited." Mo Yun gave a thumbs up to Liu Yi and sarcastically said, but a gloomy color flashed in his eyes and disappeared in an instant.

"The seniors are flattered, and the younger generation is vulgar and can't get on the stage. It is incomparable to the orthodox magic of Yiyuan Fairy Mansion. Liu Yi didn't care about himself and said lightly.

"Well, just know!" Yichen snorted softly, and then looked into the distance and ignored Liu Yi.

"It seems that peers are enemies, which is true." Mo Yun shook his head helplessly and then smiled, "Boos work for the fairyland, regardless of each other, hehe."

In a while, the three people arrived at the gate of the temple, and saw one person standing between the gates of the palace, magnificent and magnificent.

A pair of eyes shine like stars, and the raised sword eyebrows are as dark as ink. The momentum exudes with majesty, giving people a sense of inviolability.

"I've met the lord!" Mo Yun and Yichen arched their hands.

"There is no need for much courtesy." The owner smiled cheerfully, "It's good to come." He turned his head and looked at Liu Yi and said in surprise, "This is the alchemy master you mentioned."

"Exact." Mo Yundao.

"Liu Yi has met the lord of the house." Liu Yi saluted quickly.

"Ha ha, he is so talented at a young age, and he is a talented person." The owner smiled and said, "That's not too late. Let's see how my daughter is first!"

Yichen heard the owner praise Liu Yi and disdained again. What does the little kid know? I don't know how Brother Mo found a child. A dust muttered.

"You must not be rude." The owner shouted angrily, "The visitor is a guest. Why don't you understand this? Are you confused?"

"I understand that the lord of the house is angry." Yichen replied quickly, but his eyes looked at Liu Yi fiercely.

"Forget it, let's take a look at Miss!" The owner waved his hand and then walked in.

Liu Yi's eyes and Yichen looked at each other and did not give in. If there is a landlord who can use it, Liu Yi is naturally not afraid.

Yichen knew that the owner could not attack here, so he could only hold it. But in my heart, I want to deal with Liu Yi.

Watching the owner enter, several people quickly followed and arrived at the lady's boudoir in a moment.

"Then go in and have a look!" The owner laughed.

"No." Yichen stopped and said, "How can the lady's boudoir allow ordinary people to enter? Isn't this humiliating a one-yuan fairy mansion?"

"Oh!" The owner smiled and said, "There is no patient who is not allowed to see the doctor. Don't think too much."


Liu Yi entered, and a faint fragrance came, refreshing. Several dragon saliva grass were shining and placed on the table.

A sandalwood purple bed is placed in the north, and the white silk curtain covers the bed.

Liu Yi walked to the bedside, and the owner quickly opened the silk tent.

A girl lay on **, frowned, her face was a little painful, and her chest fluctuated slightly.

The face is pink and flushed, accompanied by a small cherry mouth, and a pair of big eyes are slightly closed. Looking at the girl's painful appearance is really lovely. Liu Yi looked at it in a stunned manner.

"How about it?" The owner asked.

"Oh." Liu Yi knew that he was a little gaffe, so he quickly covered his forehead with his hand and said lightly, "It looks like he has been frightened." Liu Yi pretended to be old-fashioned.

"Nonsense, everyone knows this." The tone is stiff.

"Brother Yichen still listens to the little brother finish his words." Mo Yun frowned.

Liu Yi turned around and continued, "I don't know where Miss went before she fell ill?"

"I haven't been there, but I went around in the backyard. When I came back, I was sleepy and didn't get up when I lay down." The owner's face was full of sad clouds.

"How about taking me to see it?"


The owner put down the silk tent and took Liu Yi to the backyard.

The backyard is large, surrounded by rockery. A pavilion stands on the lake. The willow branches float around the courtyard.

Liu Yi looked around and found nothing. He shook his head and said, "It's impossible!"

"Has the little brother noticed anything?" Mo Yun looked at Liu Yun frowned and asked.

"I think he is just a mystery. If he can alchemy, he may not understand medicine." Yichen didn't like Liu Yi, and everything was against Liu Yi.

Liu Yi ignored the dust and thought for himself.

"Let me take a look!" After saying that, Liu Yi looked carefully at everything around.

When the owner saw Liu Yi inspecting the surroundings of the hospital, he quickly pulled Mo Yun aside and said, "Mo Yun, can he do it?"

"Since we want him, we should trust him." Mo Yundao.

"If I don't love my daughter, how can I let you bring her here? If the doctor is not good, I will still play tricks in front of me, I will make him unable to survive and die." The owner's face was gloomy and said lightly.

Liu Yi looked at it but still didn't see anything, and suddenly became suspicious.

"Oh!" Suddenly, Liu Yi saw that he did not inspect the rockery and suddenly became energetic and climbed up the rockery in a few steps.

The rockery is surrounded by rockery, but there is a deep pool inside, which is a little cold. The rockery blocked the light, and Liu Yi didn't see it.

"I can see what's going on here with the eyes." Liu Yixin said.

Then he turned his head to look at the house owner and others in the distance.

When the owner saw Liu Yi, he motioned with a smile.

Liu Yi was relieved, turned his back to the owner of the house, and then ran his heart and looked into the deep pool with his eyes.

Ten meters, 100 meters, kilometers, Liu Yi looked carefully.

Suddenly, a light green light flashed in the deep pool, sometimes bright and dark.

Liu Yi was happy and then continued to look down.

The thing in the deep pool seems to be aware that someone is looking at itself and slowly stretches its body.

A grimace looked at Liu Yi, looking at the ferocious face and the strange smile. Liu Yi was shocked and fell from the fake mountain.

"Bomb." A peaceful cloud held Liu Yi's body.

The owner quickly walked to Liu Yi and said, "What's the matter? What did you see?"

"Nothing. I accidentally stepped on it just now. Thank you for saving me." Liu Yi smiled awkwardly.

"Naturally, you can't tell the owner that this will be your own card in the future." Liu Yi thought to himself.

Liu Yi got up and bowed his hand to the owner and said, "I have a wonderful recipe for treating the lady. Please give me some time."

The owner was overjoyed and said, "Well, if you need anything, just tell me, and I will satisfy you." Then he turned to Mo Yun and said, "You accompany this little brother and send it to me at a speed."

"Yes." Mo Yun arched his hand.

Watching Mo Yun leave with Liu Yi, Yichen said, "I think this boy is a magic stick."

"It's not the best, but I won't let her go. Delaying the treatment time is a death penalty." The owner said fiercely, and then said to this dust, "I just noticed a wild atmosphere, which disappeared in just a moment. You send someone to stare at him and tell me if anything happens."

"Yes." Yichen nodded and hurried away.