Fate Creator

Chapter 128 Essence of the Sun

Liu Yi integrated into the artistic conception of Xihe God. After some efforts, he finally learned the attack of Xihe God - the Dayang Sutra. Although it can't be as shocking as Xi and the great god using the Dayang Sutra, the Dayang meridian is still almost mastered. If you want to cultivate its essence, Liu Yi can't do it at present. Thinking about it, it is still in the sun wheel. In order to avoid long night dreams, Liu Yi sorted out his thoughts and prepared to walk out of the cloud bracelet.

When he turned around, an old voice interrupted Liu Yi's pace. Liu Yi suddenly turned around, looked around, and shouted, "Who is it?"

"Haha" the old voice sounded again, "You forgot me so soon!"

"Senior, is that you?" Liu Yi exclaimed, but he didn't expect to meet here again. Liu Yi looked around and found nothing. He couldn't help looking up at the top of the cylinder and saw that the crystal white bone was wrapped in a layer of golden film. The white bone stood upright inside. His empty eyes looked at Liu Yi. The two rows of snow-white teeth closed one by one and said slowly, "Kid, you have a good understanding. In such a short time It is also a material that can master the Dayangjing.

Liu Yi smiled helplessly: "Don't laugh at the younger generation."

"I'm serious, but I still hope you don't go against your promise and remember to promise me, and I've done everything I promised you." The old voice became weak. It's like a lamp that is about to go out.

"The younger generation dare not forget the kindness of the predecessors. I will take the opportunity to send you back to your hometown." Liu Yi nodded slightly and arched his hand.

"In that case, I'm relieved..." The old voice gradually weakened until it disappeared. The owner of this cloud bracelet has now reached the point where the oil lamp has gone out.

Liu Yi couldn't help sighing that life was short, and he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing. He turned to look at the white bone suspended on the top, saluted deeply, and then firmly turned to the blue passage.

At this moment, when he went back, there was no hot breath in the passage. Presumably, the Great Yang Sutra had dissipated with Xi and the Great God. Liu Yi was relieved when he thought of this.

Looking at the shiny things on the wall, Liu Yi was surprised and wanted to explore what it was, but because of the time constraints, he did not stay too much, but stopped paying attention to it after a casual glance. Liu Yi took a big step and walked out of the channel.

After leaving the passage, the Xuantie Gate appeared again, and Liu Yi turned around and looked at the slowly closing Xuantie Gate. After a while, the two doors merged into one and became a whole again.

"It's amazing!" Liu Yi was surprised, so those who want to build this world in the cloud bracelet must not be idle. With the combination of the two doors, the mulberry tree block that Liu Yi had previously put into the outline of the mulberry tree block slowly floated towards Liu Yi.

Liu Yi reached out to catch it and held it in the palm of his hand.

Suddenly, there were bursts of heat in the palm of his hand. Liu Yi opened his palm in surprise and looked at the mulberry tree in his hand. The piece of mulberry tree gradually melted and slowly converged to the middle, forming a dazzling round bead for a moment.

"This..." Liu Yi looked at the golden round bead in surprise and thought inside. After a long time, Liu Yi was surprised: "Is it the essence of the sun?"

"With it, there will be much more chance to find the Jiupan God Bow." Liu Yi's eyes were shining and his heart was excited.

"Boom! Boom!"

At this moment, there was a huge sound outside the cloud bracelet. Liu Yi was very nervous when he thought that the golden toad was still outside. He hurriedly put the golden ball into his arms, ran his heart, and came out of the cloud bracelet.

Liu Yi opened his eyes, looked at the mountain in the distance, and said solemnly, "What's wrong over there? Why is there such a big movement?"

The golden toad didn't know why the mountain changed so much. His big eyes turned around and held the minibus and meditated, "I don't know why, but I vaguely heard the sound of dragon singing just now."

"Real?" Hearing this, Liu Yi was surprised, and his face was more dignified. He said lightly, "Anyway, the wheel is not so calm. You will know when you see the white bones all over the ground. Let's go to the mulberry tree, find the Jiupan god bow as soon as possible, and leave here if we find us." After Liu Yi looked up at the resounding mountains, he stopped paying attention and walked along his own mountains.

"Oh, by the way, brother, have you found the Dayang Sutra?" Liu Yi and Jin Toad walked for a long time, and Jin Toad suddenly asked.

"I have found it, and I have almost mastered it now. I must have the strength to fight for those who are stronger than me." Liu Yi smiled and his face was full of pride.

This is not Liu Yi bragging, but Liu Yi felt the breadth and depth of the Great Yang Sutra and the terrible fighting power after cultivation. That's why Liu Yi said so.

"Isn't it that you have been in the cloud bracelet for so long? I'm a little anxious to wait. The golden toad smiled, and the big eyes turned drippingly.

"I haven't stayed much time, isn't it just for a while?"

"Wait a while?" Jin Toad rolled his eyes and said, "You have been in for three days. If I hadn't been afraid of disturbing you, I would have wanted to go in and call you." Now that San Dong's whereabouts are unknown, who knows if they will attack us in the dark?

"What?" Liu Yi was shocked to hear that Jin Toad had been in for two days. Standing on the mountain, Liu Yi was stunned for a long time, and his heart could not calm down for a long time.

"What's wrong with me? I can't stop my good luck!" Liu Yi now knows the role of the cloud bracelet. This bracelet can not only be used as a warehouse to store some rare things, but also the space of the cylinder is a good place to cultivate. One hour of practice is worth several days outside. How can such an unbelievable thing make Liu Yi not excited?

Liu Yi stood still for a long time, just a giggle. This puzzled the golden toad.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh." Liu Yi shook his head violently and smiled, "It's nothing. I was just distracted just now."

Liu Yi smiled helplessly and slowly moved forward, approaching the mulberry tree.

Along the mountain range, Liu Yi and the golden toad felt breathless, and the black fog on the ground was as dark as ink, rolling layer by layer.

The power of pure yang burned all over Liu Yi, driving away the haze under his feet and sweeping out a small area to get himself in. This is also to be on the safe and not to step into some traps.

After walking for an hour, Liu Yi looked up at the mulberry tree and muttered, "When can we get to the end!"

Fee the pressure rolling on the mulberry tree, and Liu Yi felt tired.