Fate Creator

Chapter 228 Great Disapse

The array formed by the chain shines strangely. Small demon texts flow on it like small snakes, constantly flowing from the surrounding huge pillars to the center, and then falling on the ancient tomb below.

The chain that was gradually red is now dark and unspeakably strange. Seeing this fire cloud evil god and the green dragon messenger suddenly operated their power and pushed out with both hands. Yuanli turned into a golden light through his hands and poured into the energy light mass in the center of the array.

"Qinglong, if you don't contribute, then you and I can only suffer for nothing today." The fire cloud evil god's face was cold and he said angrily.

The green dragon messenger was stunned and turned to laugh, "How do you know that I didn't try my best!? This seal is not so easy to deal with. How about you and me working hard and breaking it in one fell swoop!?

"Hmm!" The fire cloud evil god couldn't help snorting when he heard the words of the green dragon messenger and said, "Don't talk nonsense. Break the seal first!" After saying that, after shouting, the body suddenly flew up. At the same time, his hands kept imprinting. The lotus flowers were blooming beside him, and the dazzling light shone from the lotus flower to the center of the seal.

The Qinglong messenger saw that the fire cloud was real, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and the cold light flashed in his eyes. He pointed to the golden coffin under him with one hand like a sword. A wisp of yellow streamer quickly rotated from the finger of the green dragon messenger and ran to the golden coffin under him. When the stream light rushed to the golden coffin, it expanded like a cobweb and disappeared into the golden coffin.


A crisp sound, as if a door had been opened, and the golden dazzling light gushed out of the cracks in the open golden coffin. It immediately swept through the place and quickly spread around.

The golden light cut away the darkness and smeared the bright colors here. The fire cloud evil god's pupils were wrinkled, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at the golden light shining in the gap. He secretly sighed that the green dragon messenger's cultivation was as profound as himself.

And several people in the distance suddenly felt a chill in their hearts and frowned. Even the corpse of the corpse Ji clan was too virtual to face this, and he was secretly surprised that the green dragon messenger was supernatural.

For the expression of the fire cloud evil god, the green dragon messenger looked in his eyes, and the smile at the corners of his mouth became stronger. In a moment, his body suddenly stood up, slapped on the golden coffin, and then rose up in an instant.


The golden coffin cover rotated and flew up, and a golden light flew from the inside to the sky. As soon as the golden light came out, the breath of terror swept all over the world, freezing here in an instant, and the chill came out in everyone's hearts.

The golden light is so white and dazzling that people can't look at it. After flying out of the golden coffin, it suspended at a high altitude for a moment and rushed directly to the center of the array formed by the chain.

The strong energy turned over the void, the sound of burning buzzed, and the horrible energy spread and opened the void at the same time. The golden light was simple and direct, without fancy, and fell from the sky with a bang.


The golden light hit the eyes of the array, like a sharp sword passing through it. The horrible energy is unparalleled, directly breaking the connected chain inch by inch and falling to the ground. After that, the golden light slammed into the golden coffin. When the golden light gradually weakened and restrained in the golden coffin, the coffin lid rotating in mid-air covered the golden coffin just right. All this was done in lightning and lightning, which was jaw-dropping.

The fire cloud evil god hooked the nineyang god fire, burned the fire lotus and the golden light of the green dragon messenger to break the chain array. The horrible energy swept everywhere, making the corpse Taixu and others retreat repeatedly until a safe place stopped. Such horrible energy made everyone pale and frightened.

When the fire cloud evil god saw the golden light, his face also changed, and he faintly felt that the golden light was extraordinary. It is by no means a vulgar thing in the zombie hall.

"Is it a power puppet? But this golden light is quite different from the power puppet, which is really unpredictable. Could it be..." Thinking of this, the fire cloud evil god really can't imagine it.

Each of the four messengers of the Zombie Hall carried a golden coffin, and the golden coffin was full of puppets. And these puppets are all dead practitioners. The key to strength depends on the level of the dead practitioners and their physique.

If it is the best practitioners, the messengers holding the bodies of these practitioners can completely refine a superb puppet. These puppets, like the messengers of the Zombie Hall, will continue to enhance their cultivation, which is closely related to the holders. However, these puppet levels are very simple, only four, copper, gold, holy and emperor. The higher you go, the more powerful it is. Whether it is secret or physical, it can stand alone. And the puppet of the Qinglong messenger just now should have almost entered the holy level. I really can't imagine the puppet fire cloud evil god of such a level.

When the green dragon messenger saw the slightly changed face of the fire cloud evil god, he couldn't help smiling and said brightly, "Fire cloud evil god, it's almost dawn. Do you want to wait for the demons in the fog forest to get a piece of the pie?"

After Qinglong's reminder, the fire cloud evil god smiled: "It's not too late. Let's do it!" After saying that, the body kept moving and divided into two separate bodies. Each split is like a real person, and people can't see any difference.

The three figures occupied three directions, and a fireman appeared in the middle of his eyebrows. As soon as the fireman came out, he merged together, and then turned into a red hammer and smashed the ancient tomb fiercely.

Seeing that the fire cloud evil god broke the tomb, the corpse Taixu and others approached here so that they could get some treasures.


The huge red hammer smashed down with a bang, making the ancient tomb suddenly crack several cracks, and three hammers in a row to collapse the ancient tomb.

With a bang, the ancient tomb was smashed open by a hammer, and all kinds of glow rushed to all directions. Looking at all kinds of glow flashing, the corpse Taixu and others have long been unable to hold back, and their bodies suddenly flew up. Everyone's palms were slightly bent to form claws and stretched out to all kinds of glows.

The green dragon messenger and the fire cloud evil god are as stable as Mount Tai. Their eyes flashed and swept away all kinds of glow. As the glow of the ancient tomb became scarce, their faces showed a look of surprise, and their eyebrows frowned slightly.

"It seems that there is nothing we need here. This ancient tomb is fake." The fire cloud evil god did not move at the edge of the broken ancient tomb and said in a low voice, "I didn't expect to be busy with such a lot of effort. That's all!" After saying that, his body disappeared in place.

The Qinglong messenger was unwilling. After waiting for a moment, he didn't find anything. After shaking his head and sighing, he got up and jumped on the golden coffin, turned into a streamer and went far away, and left here. The corpse Taixu used yellow spring water to break the tomb, but he didn't expect it to be a fake tomb. Although it was a little lost, the corpse was still a little relieved.