Fate Creator

Chapter 249 separately

Qingshu pressed Taiji with both hands to evolve the five elements of escape. Suddenly, wisps of cyan airflow emerged from his body. The cyan airflow itself shook inside and went up to the top of his head, and red stripes appeared between his eyebrows.

Sirius was not far away. When he saw the Qingqi rushing out of his body, he was shocked by the empty hunting. He couldn't help shrink his pupils, turned to narrow his eyes slightly, and said lightly, "It's really rare for the wolf master to master the five elements of escape to such an extent without demonization." In a flash, the wolf suddenly laughed loudly: "It's really immeable to play the axe in front of me." After saying that, the body suddenly appeared with the same airflow as the Qingshu. Moreover, the airflow of the wolf is more blue and more colorful than that of Qingshu.

Two arrays appeared in front of the wolf and the young book at the same time. Five stream lights rotated quickly in the array, and wisps of wild air invaded the void and spread around the wind.

When the array in front of the wolf was formed, it shouted loudly, and the map rotated like a windmill and ran to the Qingshu. A faint blue channel cut through the void and roared with breath. At the edge of the array, the pattern is like a knife.

Facing the array of the wolf, Qingshu's face showed a trace of shock. At this moment, he couldn't think much about it. Qingshu shouted angrily, pushed his hands straight out, and pushed out the array in front of him.

The two arrays are of average size, but different colors, and they hit each other in an instant. A dazzling light swept through the place, making the people around him unable to open their eyes.

There was a bang, stirring up fire all over the sky. When the map of the ground wolf collapsed, it had gradually blurred. But its speed did not decrease, and it ran to the Qingshu.

"It's not good!" Liu Yi couldn't help screaming, turned into a streamer and ran straight to Qingshu. At the same time, he gathered Yuanli in his hand and threw out the five elements.


The two energies hit each other and dissipated in the void after the explosion, leaving only Qingshu staring at the wolf.

"I lost!" Qingshu said helplessly.

The wolf staggered without looking back. He slowly walked to Sirius and said lightly, "Brother, let's go!"

"Wait!" Qingshu hurriedly shouted, "Since I lost, I will fulfill my promise and I will go with you."

"Don't force yourself!" The wolf looked at the green book with a smile.

After meditating for a moment, Qingshu looked at the wolf and nodded.

"Haha!" Sirius laughed and said, "Brothers, what are you waiting for? Why don't you welcome the wolf master?"

"Oh..." Suddenly, all the wolves in the four fields looked up and roared at the sky, and the inspiring voice echoed in the sky for a long time. At this time, Liu Yi looked at the Qingshu with a smile and was very excited.

Liu Yi walked to Qingshu and whispered, "Brother Qingshu, there is nothing wrong with your choice this time. It takes strength to protect others. Don't worry, we can meet again in the future."

There was no expression on Qingshu's face. He was solemn and said solemnly, "Promise me that life is the most important under any circumstances."


"Okay!" Qingshu patted Liu Yi on the shoulder with a smile and said, "I didn't expect to be separated as soon as we met, but this is also for a longer time in the future. Goodbye, everyone." Qingshu waved his hand, and then walked to Sirius without looking back.

Sirius turned his head, looked at Liu Yi and others waving, and suddenly turned his head and ran to the forest quickly. Qingshu also ran with Sirius. After a moment, his body jumped on the back of the black wolf.

Looking at the fading back of Qingshu, Liu Yi's waved hands stopped abruptly, and then hung down weakly, took a deep breath and said, "Let's go too!" Now this endless plain is impossible to walk. Let's take the road of Magic Dragon Valley.

"I hope to see you next time, it will be when you shine brilliantly. Bless you, brother. Liu Yi silently blessed the young book from the bottom of his heart.

At this time, the sky was getting darker and darker, and the dusk sun emitted a soft light, shining warmly on several people.

After a while, Liu Yi and everyone came to the edge of the Dragon Valley.

"Be careful!" Looking at the array entering the Magic Dragon Valley, Liu Yi told several people behind him.

At the moment when several figures entered the valley, the map was shining, and the dazzling light gradually covered everyone's figures.

A hot breath instantly surrounded Liu Yi and others. On the dry land, cracks crisscrossed, and several burnt trees fell across the ground full of cracks.

"Be careful, everyone. It's not easy here." A deep valley extends into the distance. But it is dotted with red light on the grain.

The third prince looked here and nodded solemnly.

Everyone knows that the danger here is not lower than the territory of the Scorpion King that day. If it hadn't been for Liu Yi's map, it would not have been marked here with a red pen.

After an hour, everyone turned a corner and continued to walk in.

"Why is it so quiet here? There is nothing." Shangguan Qing couldn't help but be puzzled. It is said that it is very dangerous here, but there is still no movement, which has to make Shangguan Qing suspicious.

"The quieter it is, the more terrible it is." Liu Yi stared at the front and said solemnly.

A moment later, a black figure appeared in the passage of the deep valley. The gray sky, the pale red light, can only see the black human figure.

"Be careful!" Shangguan Qing pointed to the front.

Now everyone can see the shadow. After all, in this deep valley, the shadow is too prominent because it is two feet tall. It's hard not to see.

The third prince looked solemnly. He looked ahead and said in surprise, "We are not far from him. Why didn't he notice it?" What's more, our movement is not small.

"I'll go and have a look." After saying that, the third prince strode forward, holding a three-foot sword in his hand.

Liu Yi wanted to stop it, but it was too late and the third prince had already walked over.

"Be careful!" Shangguan Qing put his hands on his mouth, forming a horn-shaped shape, and shouted in a low voice.

The third prince turned his head, looked at the two people behind him and the golden toad with a smile, and shouted in a suppressed voice, "Don't worry, I will be careful."

Looking at the third prince tiptoe forward, Liu Yi and Shangguan Qing were also short of breath. After all, here, the risk factor is very high, and he may stay here forever if he is not careful.

After a while, the third prince ran back in a hurry and said with a smile, "Why do I think it's a stone statue? Don't worry!"

"stone statue?" Liu Yi and Shangguan Qing looked at each other.

"Why are there stone statues here?" Liu Yi did not act immediately, but meditated. The third prince looked at Liu Yi's serious appearance and couldn't help laughing and said, "What's the matter? There are stone statues in many places. The role of stone statues is either repressive or carved by later generations to commemorate the sages."

"Is it that simple? Why do I feel that the stone statue here is very strange!" Liu Yi couldn't figure out why there were stone statues in this dangerous place.

"Let's go and have a look!" Liu Yi waved his hand and approached the stone statue.