Fate Creator

Chapter 257 Crack

Time is very tight now, and Liu Yi doesn't want to waste time on his lips and tongue. Between his eyebrows, Liu Yi fiddled with the rune paper back and forth. A moment later, a set of rune paper was separated and put aside. Then Liu Yi began to look for the stroke combination of the font and prepare to find the arrangement of the next word.

And Shangguan Qing stroked on the ground with his hand. Only the third prince stood there and didn't know what to do. The third prince didn't understand the busy work of the two.

"Are these rune papers a word?" The third prince pointed to some runes and paper that Liu Yi put aside.

Liu Yi smiled without looking back and said, "Of course, these are the keywords for export. Maybe we can find the clues for export through these fonts?"

The third prince scratched his head and shook his head after a long time. Shangguan Qing smiled at the understanding of the third prince: "You will know what's going on later."

"Okay!" Liu Yi put the last piece of the rune and said, "It's done!"

Shangguan Qing smiled and looked at the third prince and said, "I'm fine too!"

After the combination, the words of these yellow rune paper also appear. Looking at the third prince who still didn't understand, Shangguan Qing smiled and said, "The word that this set of rune paper can be composed of is a 'good' word. The other two groups are two 'mouth' words. Although the last word is a little more stroked, it has also been cracked, that is, a 'dragon' word. Shangguan Qing folded the runes one by one and pressed them together, and the glyphs could be seen vaguely. Obviously, it was the words she said.

Liu Yi didn't say a word and bowed his head to meditate. According to the layout of these strokes, there is no difference in these fonts, so which of them is the exit clue?

Shangguan Qing put the rune paper together and began to meditate. "Good mouth dragon." Shangguan Qing read these words, but he couldn't find the intersection at all after reading these words?

"Good mouth dragon!?" The third prince repeated this sentence, but in any case, he could not see a clue from these fonts. It is impossible to see where the road is from these words.

Liu Yi's face became more and more solemn, and he thought that he had no clue now. The mouth is combined into a reply, which means that the words on these runes can make us go back!" Liu Yi said to himself.

"So how to explain this word 'good'?" Liu Yi muttered to himself and thought hard.

Shangguan Qing also looked solemn and said, "Listen to you, this word 'good' can definitely be taken apart, so it can be designated as a woman."

"Woman returns to the dragon?" Liu Yi looked at Shangguan Qing in surprise.

"What woman returns to the dragon?" The third prince is confused. These are simply a mystery for himself, but if these puzzles are not solved, they can't go back. Think about it!" The third prince knew that he could not understand what these words meant, so he simply took out the water bag he brought and drank it.

Shangguan Qing and Liu Yi looked at each other in con'ssing faces, and the helplessness of these words could be seen from each other's faces.

"I want to drink too!" The golden toad saw the third prince drinking water and shouting for it, and rudely stretched out his long tongue.

"Don't worry, wait until I finish drinking." The third prince gently brushed the golden toad's long tongue with one hand, and then raised his neck to pour water.

The golden toad's long tongue was bounced away, and he was unwilling to drink water. Although the golden toad is a demon that has lived for many years, its cultivation and IQ are limited for some reason, and now it is a childlike.

Liu Yi and Shangguan Qing looked down at these fonts and struggled to understand. At this time, the third prince and the golden toad quarreled over the water. Shangguan Qing listened to the screams of the golden toad and couldn't help frowning: "What time is it now? Are you still thinking about fighting for water to drink? What's it? Don't you know what's noisy?" Shangguan Qing shouted angrily at the third prince and the golden toad.

The third prince and the golden toad looked at each other and stood there.

"I know!" Liu Yi suddenly patted his head and said, "I finally know what this means."

Shangguan Qingxi said, "What do you mean? Say it quickly!"

At this moment, even the two people who competed for water also looked at Liu Yi.

"Actually, this is very simple. You just said that the word 'good' can be disassembled into women." Liu Yi looked at Shangguan Qing and said, "Then this mouth can't be understood as a static mouth. It should be understood as shouting, shouting and saying. What about the third prince and the golden toad just now? Liu Yi looked at the third prince and the golden toad with a smile.

"You mean, the woman opens her mouth to speak!" Shangguan Qing looked at Liu Yi. When he saw Liu Yi nodded, Shangguan Qing was overjoyed.

turned around and began to meditate again, "But what about this dragon character?"

"This dragon character is where we are now - Magic Dragon Valley."

"The woman shouted in the Magic Dragon Valley!" Shangguan Qing looked at Liu Yi with a smile.

The third prince came to his senses at this moment and hurriedly said, "Call me that young girl!" After saying that, he quickly threw the water bag to the golden toad.

"Good!" Shangguan Qing faced the stone phalanx just now and shouted, "Magic-Dragon-Valley!"

"It doesn't work?" Seeing that Shangguan Qing shouted, there was still no change here. The third prince looked at Shangguan Qing and Liu Yi in surprise.

Liu Yi scratched his head helplessly: "Isn't that what we thought?"

"Who said that?" The golden toad burped, and his little paws pointed to the yellow rune on one side and said, "Look!"

As several people looked at the rune paper, they found that the rune paper divided into several parts began to slowly aggregate together. Several people were overjoyed to see these changes.

The slowly aggregated yellow rune paper floats and rotates in front of several people. With the acceleration of rotation, a round column-shaped yellow light curtain appeared in front of several people.

"It seems that these are our exports." Liu Yi smiled and looked at the columnar light curtain in front of him.

Shangguan Qing nodded and then stepped into the light curtain. Then Liu Yi, the third prince and the golden toad walked into the curtain one by one.

When several people fully entered, the yellow light curtain gradually blurred, and then turned into several yellow streamers and fell into the dust.


The dust of the disintegrated stone statue on the ground is churning, and several bright spots slowly rise from the dust. The piles up higher and higher. After a while, the stone statues recovered as before and arranged neatly into a square array. It's still as usual, as if no one has been here, and it's still lonely and cold.

Outside a transmission array in the ancient world, the void was shining, and several illusory shadows gradually condensed. This is Liu Yi and others.

"Finally came out!" Shangguan Qing smiled.

Liu Yi smiled, but his eyes looked into the distance. Since separating with Ben Huairen and Jiang Hu, Liu Yi agreed with them and met here, but he didn't find any sign of them after looking at them for a long time. I can't help but feel a little disappointed.