Fate Creator

Chapter 304 Saving 2

Taikang, the owner of Yiyuan Xianfu, was well aware of the ability of the old man, and secretly felt happy for Long Ye and his son. Following the instructions of the old man Zhenlong, Taikang hurried out with the third prince in his arms.

Xiaorou's face was as calm as water, and her eyes flashed brightly. She saw Taikang go out. As soon as her body moved, she reached the door. After gently closing the door with her hands, she stood facing the door. At the same time, a white ribbon floated out of her spirit and then stamped fiercely on the door. After doing this, she quietly went to the chair and sat down, quietly looking at the old man Zhenlong.

The old man Zhenlong smiled and nodded. The old man looked solemn and frowned. Looking at Long Ye, who was no longer like a human, the old man sighed repeatedly.

"Master, the apprentice is unfilial!" Zhenlong's heart was desolate and deeply blamed himself. In an instant, his face was several times older than before. Standing by the bed, thinking about his eyes getting wet, and old tears flowed down the wrinkles.

At this moment, afraid of his granddaughter's jokes, the old man Zhenlong quickly waved his hands to cover up his gaffe.

With his hands waving, several white gas overflowed from his body, and then quickly rushed into Long Ye's body. Xiaorou was surprised to see her grandfather's body overflowing with white gas, which was the source of the old man's vitality. Although these sources of life are nothing to Grandpa, Grandpa can use the source of vitality to save him. It can be seen that the relationship between this person and Grandpa is not shallow, otherwise Grandpa will not use his own origin to save him!

"What exactly is his relationship with his grandfather?" Xiaorou thought about it internally. But now is not the time to get to the bottom of the question. In the face of major events, Xiaorou is still clear. Instead, this question was deeply pressed to the bottom of my heart.

"Oh!" The old man Zhenlong looked at Longye in surprise. What the hell is the problem?" I heard from the third prince that there is still half an hour before the three-day period. By the way, when you enter the source of life, you should be able to wake up Longye, or at least wake up Longye for a moment.

But now that he has entered the source of vitality, Long Ye has no sign of waking up.

The old man Zhenlong frowned more tightly and looked at Long Ye solemnly. A moment later, the old man waved his hands again, and this time he pulled out twice as much vitality from his body as before.

When these sources of vitality entered Long Ye's body, the old man's attention was focused, and at the same time, the spiritual silk also followed, tightly wrapped around Long Ye's body.

"So that's it!" After some investigation, the old man Zhenlong found that there were eight beads under Long Ye's body. Seven thumb-sized beads are bright yellow, while the other is slightly larger, shining a faint red light on the edge of the seven beads.

The old man Zhenlong's fingers and sword suddenly pointed forward to Long Ye's body. A white energy drill quickly came out of the old man's fingertips. Floating to Long Ye's body.

The energy is like auspicious clouds, moving away, seemingly slow but at an amazing speed. Almost at the moment of the old man's action, he rushed out and picked up Long Ye's body.

There is a yellow water stain under Long Ye's body, and eight beads curl up into a ball, quietly lying on the almost dry yellow water stains shining faintly.

"A soul and seven souls are separated from the body and curled up in the corpse water to survive! Alas!" The old man Zhenlong sighed, and a trace of relief appeared on his face.

"For good that this soul has not left you, and it is also your blessing, otherwise it is difficult for a fairy to save your life!" The old man looked at Long Ye's body and muttered to himself.

The soul seemed to perceive that it did not have a corpse as shelter. At this moment, suddenly the faint light on the soul bead lit up and turned into a streamer and fled out. At the same time, the seven spirits around it rose up in an instant and turned into seven streamers to escape around.

"Since you guarded until the last moment, don't give up easily!" A fine light flashed in the old man's eyes, and his face suddenly became solemn.

In the lightning, the sword pointed like the wind and shouted at the eight beads that fled everywhere. In an instant, the eight beads quietly suspended in mid-air. Surrounded by a mass of white fog, they can't move for half an inch.

"Let you run away, do I still have the face to see him?" The old man Zhenlong smiled softly, and his eyes were full of light.

Xiaorou saw the beads flying, stood up and looked at Grandpa nervously. Her breathing also became rapid, and she was afraid of any mistake, which made the bead run away. When she saw the eight beads quietly in the white fog, she breathed a long sigh of relief and then sat in the chair with relief.

The old man Zhenlong was waiting for Longye's body to recover a little and put these eight beads into his body. This soul abandoned Long Ye's body, which shows that Long Ye's body has dried up. After the yellow water stain is completely dried, the eight beads may weather under him with Long Ye's body.

Now the old man Zhenlong can wait for Long Ye's body to recover, so that his soul can enter his body at ease. Otherwise, this body can't stand the rejection of one soul and seven souls, and rushing into it will be counterproductive.

The source of vitality is coiled all over Long Ye's body and turns into a trickle that moistens the meridians of Long Ye's body. After a while, the vitality of the old man gradually faded, and in a moment it had completely disappeared. At the same time, Long Ye's body seemed to be filled with water and quickly swelled up.

Looking at Long Ye's rapid recovery, the old man Zhenlong smiled happily.

Suddenly, the old man Zhenlong pointed to the beads with blue light, and then pulled to Long Ye's eyebrows. In the white fog, the beads turned into a soul have turned into the appearance of Long Ye. He did not see Long Ye's body, but ran desperately in the fog to escape from here. But in any case, you can't take half a step away from the clouds.

In his consciousness, Longye's body has no reason for him to continue to survive. A hurricane circled around him, and he tried his best to resist the old man Zhenlong.

The fog rotated between Long Ye's eyebrows and could not enter his eyebrows for a long time. This made the old man Zhenlong sweat on his forehead. The force is too strong, and this person's soul can't stand it. It's too small to enter the eyebrows. The old man Zhenlong was in a dilemma, and he saw that the man's soul actually weathered himself to resist fate.

The old man Zhenlong's face tightened and his heart was stunned. A stream of blood spewed out from the opening, and at the same time, his left hand quickly clicked to his granddaughter Xiaorou.

A yellow gas came out of Xiaorou's body and instantly entered the clouds. This yellow gas comes from St. Tizi. Its function is to nourish the mind.

As soon as the yellow gas entered the clouds, the hurricane stopped spinning and then disappeared. The eyes of the people who were struggling to escape gradually became clear. Following the old man Zhenlong, he obediently entered Long Ye's eyebrows.