Fate Creator

Chapter 312 Jumping Buddha's Dharma Subdit

After Bai Xue began to sacrifice and devouring ancient insects, she was covered by the Zhenlong old man's Zhenlong chessboard. At this moment, she doesn't know where it is. When thinking about it, Huo Ran thought of using the master's Dharma to deal with the old man Zhenlong. As the head of the flying dragon, Bai Xue, be careful. He also met the old man Zhenlong when he was on the ice field, but at that time he was still one of the black and white.

In the ice field, he witnessed countless deaths and injuries, all of which were done by the old man Zhenlong. Make sure that there is no mistake. He used the master's appearance to deter the old man and wanted to scare him away. Helpless, the old man Zhenlong saw through his plan.

So in the first time, Bai Xue thought of using the lightning of the spiritual silk to deal with the old man Zhenlong. In fact, he didn't know the purpose of the master ghost teaching this Dharma. Although this Dharma is only a virtual body, it is equivalent to the cultivation of four people. It's just that the energy consumption is a little bigger.

In the best time, no action against the old man Zhenlong has been missed. In the last time, this method has come to the end of the crossbow. At this moment, Bai Xue thought for a moment and wanted to remove this law and resist with her own cultivation.

When the idea flashed, the voice shouted, "Fal!"

In the void, the golden old man galloped forward quickly. At the same time, his spirit dispersed and watched every move behind him.

Swirling, he found that the black fog was quickly restrained, and the cracks on the lotus platform were dense.

"Would you like to take back the law?" The old man Zhenlong sneered in his heart and suddenly stopped. Instead, he suspended on the void and looked at the black fog not far away.

"Kka!" The lotus platform broke into powder and burst into yellow gas and drilled into the rapidly restrained black fog above. In an instant, the black fog and the lotus platform disappeared at the same time. The figure of the jumping Buddha appeared in front of the old man Zhenlong.

The originally plump skin shrank rapidly and recovered as usual in an instant. The eyebrows of the jumping Buddha unexpectedly cracked a gap, and a rune gushed out of the gap.

This rune gathered in the gap, from which countless small black whiskers stretched out, which covered his whole head. A fine light flashed in the eyes of the jumping Buddha. Suddenly, a black light came out.

The old man Zhenlong was shocked and couldn't help wondering: "Why is this Dharma so special?"

"Jinglong, you are not dead yet! It seems that you are really good at it!" There was an evil smile on the corners of the Buddha's mouth. He suspended on the void, and a rosary appeared in his hand.

"It turns out that this method is different from the mystery, and there is a split in it!" The old man Zhenlong was amazed. But then he smiled: "A split is so rampant. Not to mention this split, even if you come here, I will make you come back."

"Arrogant boy!" The happy Buddha smiled contemptuously. His hands suddenly pulled the rosary in his hand and broke the silk thread in an instant. Suddenly, the rosary became larger and shaped like a futon. The dark light flashed above.

The old man Zhenlong was shocked and quickly retreated. I want to go!" The jumping Buddha laughed loudly, and the flowers under his feet led the rosary to roar and follow closely.

Bai Xue and his brothers cut off Yuanli and suddenly regained their clarity. Looking up blankly at the figure who closely followed the old man Zhenlong, he was shocked.

"I didn't expect the master's cultivation to be so good!" Bai Xue exclaimed. Then he said in a low voice, "Chasing!" After saying that, he moved and quickly turned into a streamer and followed closely. At this moment, Aoki, Lanyan and Heijin came to their senses and hurriedly approached Bai Xue.

At this moment, in the height of the void. A chessboard unfolded quietly. The red line squirmed on the chessboard. Inside, two black insects turned into lightning and shuttled back and forth.

The red line forms a huge ball, and the tentacles swing from above. At this moment, two black lightnings inside turned into a sharp shot, trying to cut open the ball.

"Boom!" An explosion came from inside. Huo Ran collided with two red lightnings while devouring ancient insects. After the collision, the two stand apart.

Two devouring ancient insects squeaked and roared forward. In front of him, two identical devouring ancient insects also roared. However, the body color of these two bugs is not black, but pure red.

Spinning, two red lightning and black lightning ran together, hitting layers of sparks in the ball.

About half a cup of tea, the black devouring ancient insect gradually stopped and was constantly hit by the red ancient insect. The color of the body is also gradually fading.

Red lightning flashed thousands of times in the ball. Two black devouring ancient insects are quietly winding inside at this moment, motionless. Let the red devouring ancient insects beat.

After a while, the red lightning stopped. Two red devouring ancient insects roared loudly, and gradually the red body shrank inward. Instead, it turned into two red pieces. With a swimmer, he drilled into the body of the ball formed by the red line.

The ball that originally wrapped two ancient insects was quietly spread out at this moment, and then extended everywhere. Finally, it was engraved on the chessboard.

"Wo!" The two devouring ancient insects moved and turned into two streamers and quickly rushed out of the chessboard and ran down.

The unfolded red lines trembled, trying to trap the ancient insects. However, it's too late now. The bodies of the two fraudulently devouring ancient insects overflowed with silky black gas, and their speed suddenly increased several times.

The chessboard quietly watched the two devouring ancient insects escape. After a moment, it turned into a streamer and fell.

The white snow ran in the walk, and the spirit fluctuated. Huo Ran looked up at the sky and saw two black stream lights coming quickly, and he couldn't help but feel big in his heart.

"For good that you didn't die!" Bai Xue's eyebrows shrugged and quickly turned up. In an instant, two black streamer lights rushed to Bai Xue and quickly penetrated into his eyebrows.

Perceiving that the ancient insect was injured, Bai Xue was angry. Huo Ran turned his head and looked at the two Mercedes-Benz figures in front of him.

"I won't let you go!" Bai Xue's eyes were as red as blood, and her body moved into a streamer and quickly went down.

The old man Zhenlong was shocked while running. I didn't expect that the split of jumping Buddha was so strong. When I was thinking about how to deal with it, I suddenly felt a familiar breath coming in front of me.

"Jinglong chessboard!" He was surprised to see the chessboard. He quickly divided a wisp of spirit into the chessboard, and then was disappointed. Due to carelessness, this chessboard was played by two devouring ancient insects. But for a while, the devouring ancient insect will not move. Thinking of this, the old man Zhenlong felt a little comfort in his heart.

He held his right hand forward, and the chessboard suddenly appeared in his hand.

Then, the old man Zhenlong opened his mouth and spit out a stream of blood on the chessboard and said, "Heaven and earth are the game, and everything is a son. Open the chessboard!"