Fate is supreme

Chapter 164, Pan Mingyue is angry

Jingning didn't care about anything else. She hurried through the crowd to find Deacon Pan. Damingbao Pavilion has a rule that if customers cut out a thousand drops of century-old stone milk, they must report to Deacon Pan. Deacon Pan should personally confirm whether there is any problem in this process.

It has already passed 2,000 drops of century stone milk, and they have cut out a thousand-year stone milk, but they forgot to report it to Deacon Pan, which... is a big violation of the store rules.

At the moment when Jingning invited Deacon Pan, the stalactite area was full of people and exclaimed.

It's really amazing. Thirty-three drops of millennium stone milk were cut out in a stalactite worth 300,000 yuan. Nima... That's a thousand-year stone milk is not a hundred-old stone milk. The value of 33 drops of millennium stone milk has reached 330 million yuan, which is also the purchase price of Daming Treasure Pavilion.

Now if these 33 drops of millennium stone milk are sold, the price will definitely exceed 4 million yuan.

"Hey, little brother, do you sell stone milk this millennium? If you sell it, my brother will take all four million yuan!" A chubby middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes shouted outside the stone-cutting area.

"Bah! Fatty Su, you are too unnatural. The quality of these 33 drops of millennial stone milk is very good. If you receive 4 million yuan, you can sell it for 420,000 yuan. Who are you lying to? Hey, little brother, I'll pay 420,000 yuan!"

"Brother, I'll buy it for our young master, and I'll pay 4.5 million yuan..."

"I will pay 600,000..."

"I will pay 4.63 million..."

Looking at more and more people shouting for prices, Shu Nan quickly came to Mu Yun's side: "This gentleman, can you sell these thousand-year-old stone milk to our Damingbao Pavilion? Don't worry, our Daming Pavilion will definitely give you a satisfactory price.

Unconsciously, Shu Nan changed his title from a handsome man to a prince.

Mu Yun frowned: "Isn't there still three stones that haven't been cut? Let's cut it first!"

"Okay!" Seeing that Mu Yun did not refuse himself at the first time, Shu Nan was in a good mood and hurried to maintain order and asked everyone not to make noise.


In the realm of fate, Mu Yun's soul emitted a fluctuation of laughter and was very happy. He cut 33 drops of thousand-year-old stone milk and more than 170 drops of century-old stone milk in the first stone milk.

This stone is still the smallest piece of the millennium stone milk. Judging from the halo, the stalactite now cut by the stone cutter is about 130 drops of millennium stone milk and more than 200 drops of century stone milk.

And although the last piece is not as good as the one cut now, it is not much different.

This time he made a lot of money.

"What? Why didn't you report early?" Pan Mingyue's face was gloomy, staring at Jingning, and he couldn't wait to eat Jingning, "Let's go! Let's go and have a look first!"

took a fierce look at Jingning. Pan Mingyue, wearing a red cheongsam, twisted her buttocks and rushed out. Jingning quickly followed.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Pan Mingyue asked about the situation as she walked.

Jingning dared not hide it and described it from beginning to end.

Pan Mingyue's eyes suddenly shrank: "Master! This is a master!"

It's really terrible to let people follow his ideas.

When Pan Mingyue came to the stalactite area, she saw a sea of customers surrounding the stalactite area, and there were bursts of exclamation and digital sounds in the stalactite area.

"One hundred and three...one hundred and four...one hundred and ten...one hundred and twenty-three..."

"Nima... This broken stone actually cut 123 drops of thousand-year-old stone milk..."

A earth-shaking applause broke out in the field.

Pan Mingyue's face was ugly for a while, and the stalactite containing thousand-year-old stone milk was cut out, and her five-star deacon was not present. This was her dereliction of duty and stared at Jingning fiercely. Pan Mingyue got into the crowd.

"Hey, what are you squeezing?" The person in front shouted, but when she saw that it was Pan Mingyue, she immediately smiled and hurriedly made way. Soon a road to the stone-cutting area rippled out like water waves. Pan Mingyue adjusted her mood and could not let the customer see that she was unhappy at all.

Huh? Mu Yun?" Seeing the familiar back, Pan Mingyue was stunned and immediately widened her eyes. After confirming that it was indeed Mu Yun, she couldn't help smiling bitterly. Why did this guy come to fight the autumn wind again?

Last time, she cut more than 100 million worth of stone milk in the stalactite warehouse, and also cut out ten thousand years of stone milk. She made up her mind that she must not let Mu Yun cut stones in the future. How can this be cut stones? This is robbery!

It costs millions of yuan to cut out stone milk worth more than 100 million yuan. Although their Damingbao Pavilion is rich, it can't stand this kind of tossing method.

"Well, not bad. These 15 stones cut 227 drops of thousand-year-old stone milk and 318 drops of 100-year-old stone milk, worth nearly 30 million yuan!" Mu Yun smiled happily.

"Hey, little brother, more than 200 drops of millennium stone milk, can you sell me some? My bid is absolutely high. How about 150,000 yuan a drop?

"Two hundred drops of thousand-year-old stone milk! Brother, as long as you sell it all to me, I will give you a drop of 200,000 yuan!"

"Hmm! I'll pay 210,000 yuan!"

"I'm out..."

"Okay, everyone, be quiet and don't make any noise!" Pan Mingyue's eyes swept away, and the noisy hall suddenly quieted down.

"Sister Mingyue?" Mu Yun looked at Pan Mingyue awkwardly.

Pan Mingyue stared at Mu Yun and glanced at the people, "These people are all for you. You send them away first."

Pan Mingyue secretly spread the voice.

Pan Mingyue also has the cultivation of the master realm, and her mind is compressed into a line to convey information to him.

Mu Yun hesitated, nodded, waved his hand to everyone with a smile and said, "Uncles and brothers, I am also an immortal. I am at a critical juncture. This thousand-year-old stone milk is reserved for me. If you don't sell it, don't think about it."

"Well, everyone, since this gentleman doesn't sell it, let's all break up!" Pan Mingyue came out at the right time to maintain the scene. Everyone looked at Mu Yun, sighed, knew that he had nothing to do with the millennium stone milk, and shook their heads and walked away.

"Hmm! Son of a bitch, come with me!" Pan Mingyue stared at Mu Yun and spread the voice.

Mu Yun touched the back of his head, put away all the stone milk, and followed Pan Mingyue. Jing Ning looked at the two people who left in a stunned way, bit his lips, and followed closely.

"Hey, beauty, what are you doing with me?" Mu Yun said dissatisfiedly.

"I...you..." Jing Ning was speechless for a moment and thought for a moment, "I still have your stone milk here. I'll give it back to you."

"No, leave more for yourself." Mu Yun waved his hand and thought about how to appease Pan Mingyue. How could he care about the extra 50 drops of 100-year-old stone milk?

Jingning was stunned. The value of the extra 50 drops of 100-year-old stone milk was more than 100,000 yuan. Did he give it to himself?

Looking at Mu Yun, who had already gone, Jing Ning was at a loss for a moment, and finally gritted her teeth and turned back to the stalactite area.