Fate is supreme

Chapter 247, Women's Change

In front of the magnificent Longde Hall, there is silence and bleakness.

On the wide martial arts arena, the statue of Emperor Longde emits a soft light, which is deep and far away.

Near the door of the Longde Hall, a pile of minced meat emitted a stench, and the dark flesh and blood stuck to the ground, showing that a life had passed away here.

Mu Sangzi has dressed and waited quietly with Li Ku.

Waiting for Mu Yun who fell into a coma.

Three days after that night, Mu Yun has not been awake. According to Li Ku, Mu Yun absorbed the power of the furnace in her body and could not be fully digested for a while, and his physical function had not recovered, which made him unable to wake up.

However, it will not take more than five days.

She and Li Ku guarded Mu Yun's side and waited for Mu Yun to wake up.

In her spare time, she vented her resentment and bombarded Luo Kui's body to pieces.

But it is difficult to dispel her hatred.

Three days is enough to calm her heart, and the whole person calms down and begins to think about her gains and losses.

She suffered heavy losses this time.

"My loss is too great... My chastity, everything I have been destroyed..." Mu Sangzi's heart was bleeding.

She has been like jade for more than 200 years. Once her virginity was taken away, her whole spiritual world collapsed. The world was gray in her eyes without any color.

She hates the teenager in front of her.

It was this teenager who took everything from her.

From the moment she was born, she was selected as the tripod furnace by her family. From that moment on, her life was destined that she could only be a foil, and she could only do her best to store the power of the tripod furnace and accumulate strength for her master.

For more than 200 years, she has been familiar with this kind of life, and even fell in love with her master Li Ziluo.

But she also understands that her existence is to give. When she gives the power of the furnace to achieve Li Ziluo, her life will end and her life will also end.

She and Li Ziluo are also doomed to become husband and wife.

But she doesn't care.

It is a happy thing to be able to give everything for your beloved.

She has also been immersed in this happiness and can't extricate herself.

But because of Luo Kui's madness, because of Luo Kui's revenge, she was broken by Mu Yun, and the power of the furnace was absorbed cleanly.

She doesn't know why she didn't die, and even her cultivation has been upgraded to two levels, reaching the perfection of a generation of masters.

The elemental force in her body has been completely transformed into a liquid state. Even in the depths of Xianfu, the core area of the liquid elemental force has crystallized, that is, the elemental force has begun to change towards the solid state.

When the original force in her body is completely condensed into a solid state, her cultivation will naturally reach the perfection of a generation of masters.

The person who should have died did not die, but the cultivation that should have been abolished did not disappear. Instead, it has improved a lot. This impact makes her unable to adapt.

No, she dares not adapt.

She is afraid!

She is afraid that once she adapts to this change, it means that she is completely isolated from her previous life and she will never go back.

Is she who can't go back to the past, or is she the real girl?

Musanzi expressed deep doubts.

What frightened her was that what happened that night came out of her mind from time to time, and the ecstasy often flowed in her heart, making her confused.

What puzzled her most was that she first realized that her body had been broken, and she wanted to kill Mu Yun immediately, but now this idea has gone further and further away from her, and she is even frightened by her original thoughts.

She doesn't want to see Mu Yun die.

This...how is this possible?

She found that she didn't know herself at all.

"Is I still me? Am I still Mu Sangzi? I'm not Musangzi, and who am I?"

Mu Sangzi often asked herself, even torture. She tortured her heart and why she became what she is now.

But she soon found that these problems were becoming more and more complicated, and she became more and more unpredictable.

This transformation really made her very uncomfortable and overwhelmed her.

"Sangzi, he is about to wake up. Do you remember what I said to you?" Li Ku's hoarse voice sounded faintly.

Mu Sangzi recovered from his dull expression and nodded mechanically.

Li Ku said, "That's good! I'm wronged to you!"

Mu Sangzi shook his head.

Her body was broken, and the power of the furnace was absorbed cleanly, which made Mu Yun. Although she didn't know what level Mu Yun could reach, she would not be much worse.

The power of the tripod furnace stored in her body is close to success. In a few years, Li Ziluo can break through to the level of the golden elixir saint in one fell swoop from the great perfection of the earth, which is enough to show the power of the tripod furnace contained in her body.

In any case, she has to find a way to put Mu Yun on the Li family and let him serve the Li family.

Three days ago, she agreed to Li Ku happily and without any hesitation.

But now, she finds herself regretting it.

In her heart, she even hates the Li family. Why does the Li family want Mu Yun to serve them?

Is it because Mu Yun occupied her body? Captured the power of the furnace in her body?

Of course, as soon as this idea emerged, it was suppressed by her. She dared not continue to think about it. She was afraid that she would be farther and farther away from the Li family.

Her mood is very contradictory and complicated.

"Anyway, our Li family will get the Longde Fairy Mansion! This is the only key for my Li family to be strong!" Li Ku's face was wrinkled and shouted in a low voice.

Mu Sangzi nodded. She found that she was very impatient to listen to these things now. She wanted to accompany Mu Yun and ignore these trivial things.

"After a woman is **, she always misses her first man?" Mu Sangzi thought silently in his heart.


In Muyun's body, two weak flames are disillusioned and close to each other. A cluster of flames appear milky white, emitting soft light, full of the taste of grandeur, broad, benevolence, truth, goodness and beauty. The other cluster of flames presents a demonic red, like a blooming red lotus, full of evil, destruction, A violent atmosphere.

Two clusters of flames represent two extremes, but now they represent two extremes, and the flames full of contradictions blend with each other and turn into a source of mysterious power.

Milky white is integrated with the evil red, and the red light is bright.

As this mysterious force continued to circulate in his meridians, his whole breath became calm.

If someone looks at Muyun's meridians at this time, they will find that the circulation in his meridians is not an ordinary power, but a milky white airflow with a round smell.

It's just like life.