Fate is supreme

Chapter 530, Tracking and Anti-Tracking

Unconsciously, Mu Yun came to the vast martial arts arena. Under the cover of the night, the martial arts arena was gloomy and looked like a dormant beast.

He walked slowly to the center of the martial arts arena, sat cross-legged, and immediately entered the ground like an old monk, breathing and spitting, and falling into practice.

The night is getting deeper and deeper. Perhaps because of the cloud covering, there is no star in the sky, which means that there is no light at all.

For practitioners, darkness is not terrible, and there is nothing without light. Yuanshen can replace the eyes to see the surrounding movement.

The motogami constantly emits fluctuations and constantly receives fluctuations from everywhere. These fluctuations pour into his motoshin, forming a clear picture in his mind. With the fine adjustment of the fluctuations, the picture will also change accordingly.

Mu Yun suddenly got up and twisted his body continuously. In three breaths, his speed had reached the limit he could reach. His high-speed moving body rubbed against the air and made a slight explosion sound, and his whole body seemed to disappear in the dark night.


A sad scream resounded on the empty martial arts arena. In a short time, in the corner of the martial arts arena, Mu Yun returned to the same place with a dark shadow. With a thump, the shadow fell heavily on the ground. He struggled a few times to get up, but his arms were crushed and he did not support him with strength.

"Who sent you here?" Mu Yun asked in a flat tone.

The shadow was silent, and Mu Yun saw his hesitation.

"Humph..." Mu Yun stepped on him, and the shadow screamed sadly. His back was crushed, his whole body began to become numb, and then his lower body was unconscious.

"Hmm?" A smell came, and Mu Yun quickly closed his whole body to breathe. When he inspected the house, he found that the sneak attacker with the vener of the earth had been poisoned and died without breath.

With a heavy cold hum, Mu Yun kicked the sneaker into the air and exploded. The sneaker turned into a firelight and turned into flying ashes in the blink of an eye.

Standing on the martial arts arena, Mu Yun's face was cold and he dealt with a sneaker, which did not seem to solve the problem. His observation and magic showed that there were other people spying on him secretly.

"Looking for death..." He spewed out with horrible murder in his heart and went out again. A quarter of an hour later, there were nine breathless corpses lying under his feet, all of whom committed suicide by taking poison. Mu Yun did not stop them from committing suicide except for crushing their arms or leg joints at the beginning.

However, looking at the nine bodies, his face became solemn. He was not worried that the owner of the nine bodies would trouble him, but that he felt that there was another person spying secretly, but he could not lock the position of the other party. Even if you use the magic power to observe Qi, you can't do it.

After thinking about it, he quickly disposed of the nine bodies and continued to practice on the martial arts arena as if nothing had happened.

After dawn, he returned to King Jing's Mansion and found that the people who secretly peeped on him did not follow him, which made him relieved.

"So many people spy on you?" King Jing ate breakfast, listened to Mu Yun's narration, put down his bowls and chopsticks, stared at Mu Yun with a solemn face, and said, "Didn't you ask the origin of these people?"

"No! I can't ask!" Mu Yun shook his head. He still had some ways to force confessions, but he knew it was useless. These people had undergone special training and it was impossible to get information from them.

"It seems that your identity has been exposed!" King Jing sighed.

"I also have this feeling!" Mu Yun nodded and said, "But this is a matter of time. If it is exposed, it will be exposed!" Now what I want to know is why they follow me? What do they want to do?"

"The enemy is dark, and the situation is really against us!" King Jing gently patted the table and muttered, "It seems that we need to find a way!"

"This is natural..." Mu Yun rolled his eyes and said, "I'm going to set up a protective array. Do you have any rune masters who are good at?"

"This is a good way!" King Jing nodded and said, "I'm looking for someone!" But it's agreed that the price may not be low. You have to be mentally prepared!"

"I understand!" Mu Yun nodded.

"In addition, I think you can ask Li Qinglan for help. If you want to investigate the purpose of these people, Jinyiwei is definitely the best candidate. If you and I can't ask, the brocade guard will be different! They are good at this..." King Jing said.

"This... Let's talk about it later!" Mu Yun's heart is timid, and he hasn't thought about his relationship with Li Qinglan. It's not wise to always provoke Li Qinglan at this time.

"Hey... Li Qinglan is Li Can's beloved baby. It seems that you still look down on him when they like you?"

"Are you full?"

"What do you mean?"

"Hmm... Go to the rune master when you are full!"

"...that's not enough..."

Three days later, King Jing found a rune master and several rune masters to arrange a large array for Mufu. After meeting several masters, Mu Yun left the imperial capital alone and flew in an empty boat.

Sure enough, shortly after he left the city, he was followed again, and there were more than one or two strokes.

After flying 3,000 miles, the imperial capital could no longer be found. Mu Yun slowly landed the airflow ship in a primitive jungle, put away the airflow ship, disappeared into the jungle like a cheetah, and restrained his breath. Whether it was the breath of the primordial spirit or the body breath, it was restrained to the extreme.

Unless he is an extraordinary and powerful immortal, it is impossible to find him.

An hour after Mu Yun disappeared, there were many uninvited guests in the jungle. These people checked the location of Mu Yun's landing on the airship, and then searched for Mu Yun's whereabouts in the jungle. Even if they met each other, they were very tacitly separated.

The sky gradually faded, and the originally dark primitive jungle completely lost its light, but these uninvited guests are still carefully searching for Mu Yun's whereabouts.

There is a very hidden hole under a thick tree. At this time, Mu Yun closed his eyes in the cave. After entering the jungle, he wandered around the jungle for more than an hour, and then hid in the cave, waiting for the night to come.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and a cold smile hung on the corners of his lips. He restrained his breath and did not use the genshin, but he did not stop watching the magic power. At this time, three feet away from the thick tree, two breaths of life are coming towards the tree.

Although you can't see the two people clearly, it is enough to know that someone is close to him.

Obviously, the two did not know that Mu Yun was at their feet. After confirming that there was no danger around them, they put their bodies on the trees, back to back to each other, complaining about where Mu Yun had gone.

"Where on earth did this guy go?" A man in black asked bitterly, "We haven't found it for so long. Won't he have left?"

"Who knows! This guy seems to have disappeared!" My companions are also in a bad mood.

"We have been looking for him for most of the day and haven't found any trace of him. He will definitely restrain his breath, otherwise he will never find a trace with the ability of the two of us!" The man in black said with determination.

"I think so too. But it's useless to say this now. We still have to continue to search. The companion said.

"What is the identity of this Mu Yun? Why are there so many forces staring at it? Have we met three groups of people today? Although I don't know them, I still judge from the breath of them that they come from the Lingwang, the Xu family and the Liu family.

"Humph...who knows? But it doesn't seem to be a good bird. Think about it... These three groups are still what we met, and there may be many that we haven't met."

"It seems that Mu Yun's identity is absolutely not simple!"

"Why do you worry about that idleness? Isn't that what we care about? Our task now is to find him and continue to follow him.

"also..." The man in black suddenly said a word, and then closed his mouth. It was not that he didn't want to speak, but that he couldn't speak, because one of his heads had been cut off, and he couldn't even if he wanted to speak.

seemed to notice the strangeness of his companion, and another man in black rushed out vigilantly, but he had not rushed out far, and he also felt as if he were flying in the sky and lost all his strength.

Mu Yun threw their bodies into the hole, carefully disposed of the scene, and then sank into the dark.

Half an hour later, a agile man searched, and soon found the hole in the ground, examined the bodies of the two, and then more carefully tracked in the direction of Mu Yun's departure.

In the dark night, in this primitive jungle, the identity of the tracker and the tracker is not unchanged. Just like now, Mu Yun incarnates a dark elf, and the tracker tracks his people, and solves these people after listening to some news.

With his current strength, he can kill the other party quietly.

But nothing is absolute, just like now, the middle-aged man he is tracking, he is not confident that he can kill with one blow, because this middle-aged man is a golden elixir saint in a perfect state.

And this person is already the thirteenth force he encountered. What makes him speechless is that it seems that the super family valves in the imperial capital have sent people to follow him, and in addition to determining the forces to which these people belong, other information he has received is very limited.

When he met the golden saint, he suddenly had an idea that the people who had been killed before were all venerable people of the earth. Perhaps because of their strength, the information they knew was limited, and at the same time, these earth venerable people did not spare their lives.

But the Jindan saints should be different. The Jindan saints belong to the top of the family and the real backbone. They should know a lot about it, and they... cherish their lives.

Thinking of this, he carefully followed the middle-aged man and looked for an opportunity to defeat the enemy.