Mishu's evil life

Chapter 68 Partnership

As usual, the two bought vegetables together. Situ Yin carefully carried out Mi Shu's "tutorial" yesterday. Although it still looks like it is not pinched, the spirit of learning is still commendable. It also looks a little like bargaining with the hawker. Mi Shu stood aside, looking like a "child to teach" .

Why is the feeling of buying vegetables together and going home together so much like that between husband and wife?

Thinking of this, Mi Shu was shocked and quickly waved this obscene mind. She just felt that such a life was really ordinary happiness. If Xie Junjie had not betrayed himself, if they had married, would she and his beloved him also have such ordinary happiness, hand in hand? Buy vegetables together, walk home together, cook together, nest on the sofa and watch TV together. The room is full of warmth and love.

Just thinking like this, her heart is inexplicably a little sour. After all, she can't let him go.

Today's dinner, Mishu rushed to make it by herself for the first time. Although her cooking skills were not as good as Situ Yin, she was also good at the entrance. Situ Yin helped her in the kitchen and was pushed out by Mi Shu. Finally, she was afraid that he was bored and ran to clean up the house for herself, which led to the last Dianfen time to happen again. I specially checked whether my clothes were taken in, and my room was in a mess, so I was busy in the kitchen at ease.

In his spare time, Mishu found that Situ Yin was still in a daze facing the fan for a long time.

Maybe it's been too long since I cooked. The good ingredients were stir-fried by her so that I couldn't see the raw materials. Mishu said awkwardly,

"Hehe, it doesn't look good, but the taste is still good."

The facial paralysis was still expressionless. Mishu laughed sulkingly. The two sat down for dinner. Mishu put what she had been trying to say on the table and told him what she thought. Situ Yin was stunned.


"I always eat and drink for nothing, I will have indigestion and can't sleep."

"I like cooking, but with a pair of chopsticks." Situ Yin's voice was very calm.

"But I don't think it's good..." Mi Shu pressed his hands on his knees and seriously put down his chopsticks.

"Look, you like cooking. I like to eat the dishes you cook. Isn't it appropriate to work together?"

Situ Yin looked hesitant. His eyes returned to the plate of fried minced tofu made by Mishu and fell into silence again with his chopsticks.


"If you don't let me pay for it, I won't eat free food in the future." Mishu stood up and resisted a hunger strike.


The facial paralysis was finally a little moved and reached out to pull Mishu.

"You have the final say."

Mi Shuqi won and immediately turned back and sat down. To be honest, although she is not thick enough to eat white food every day, she really wants to give up this good dish, which is still a test of her character and backbone.

has determined the policy, and the next step is to discuss the details. The two raised their chopsticks to discuss a big plan.

"Can I pay you 600 yuan a month?" Mishu put a piece of potato into his mouth and frowned.

"Two hundred is enough."

"The price is so expensive now, how can 200 be enough! It's not that I don't know the market.

"That's more than 600."

"Five, one point can't be less!" Mishu showed the momentum of bargaining with the hawker and refused to let go.

"You have the final say." Situ Yin had no choice but to compromise.

So Situyin should give Mishu 500 for rent, and Mishu should give Situyin 500 yuan for food. In this way, it happens that there is no arrears. From now on, he has become a real co-tenant.

************ dividing line********

When she got up the next day, Mishu found that the room was shrouded in a faint white light. She looked carefully and found that the space-time ring was shining. It seemed that the old man Yax finally summoned her. She hadn't gone to the Moonland for two days. Presumably the old man thought she was lazy and didn't practice magic well, right? Otherwise, how could he disappear for so many days and summon himself again?

After two days of free life, it was time to overcome the barrier of advanced magic, ate the nutritious breakfast made by Situ Yin, found a reason to go out, turned into the secluded alley, manipulated his thoughts and drove to the Moonland.

Yax, who hadn't seen for a long time, really stayed at the entrance of the transmission array. When he saw Mishu, his face was full of wrinkles and excited.

"Xiaomi, you are here..."

Mishu was cold and cruel. The old man taught her magic when he was happy. When he was unhappy, he disappeared. When he called for him, he went. He was extremely wronged. He curled his mouth and had no good breath.

"Do I dare not come to your old call for the great space magic mentor?"

Yax recognized the girl's anger and quickly smiled with her.

"Woth, it's not that I don't care about you. The Pope's will has to follow, we are doing it for you..."

Mishu didn't say anything, but just greeted the ancestors of the broken pope who had never met before in his heart. He must be a true tyrant in ancient China.

"Although I haven't supervised you from time to time recently, I'm still very clear about your every move. Girl, you are also diligent and talented, and you really didn't let us down." Yax said to Mishu with relief.

So you are still secretly monitoring yourself? Aren't you just afraid of being lazy? Do you think it's okay to say something nice? Although they are indeed gifted...

Such a naked praise was not moved by her. Yax smiled and continued to ask,

"I heard that you have conquered the advanced magic barrier in a short period of time, right?"

Speaking of this, Mishu's heart was blocked. She clearly felt that her blood was unblocked. Why couldn't she use advanced magic?

"Where can I conquer it? I still have seven or six tips for advanced magic."

Yax was surprised,

"It's so powerful that it's 80 to 90 percent?"

Mishu rolled his eyes. Why is there no humor in this falling moon country? He simply said helplessly,

"Is it okay to know nothing..."

A drop of sweat slipped down Yax's wrinkled face, or cold sweat...

Mishu probably told Yax about what she had experienced in the past few days, especially everything that happened to Atlantis. She met a green monster and the siege of wolves, and then got out of danger. Casa was injured. She gave him drugged blood, and then drank a bowl of Juroone's soup, and felt that all the obstructions in her body were smooth. .

Yax listened carefully. His wrinkled forehead became more and more wrinkled. First, he scolded her for going to such a dangerous place as Atlantis without authorization, and then brushed her long silver-white beard and asked her thoughtfully.

"Do you know the name of the bowl of soup you drank..."

"Blood essence soup." Mishu replied without hesitation. She remembered the last time he told him when he used that damn air transmission.

Although Yax had expected it, he was still shocked to hear Mi Shu say it himself. His eyes flashed and he muttered,

"This guy is so anxious to prove something, in case..."