Mishu's evil life

Chapter 7 Magic Mist

Everyone looked at the black fog presented by the eyes of the sky and talked about it one after another,

"I have never seen such a strange black fog in my life, and it is not even recorded in the books of dark magic."

"Rasha is cruel and proficient in the art of escape. I'm afraid it's some dark magic developed by those beasts."

"No matter what it is, we must find a way to clear this black fog, otherwise it will just waste magic, lose physical strength, and attack and can't attack. If it goes on like this, in case of the enemy attacks, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to resist..."

Mishu carefully observed the huge black fog and devours the magic of the attack of the lunar mage team without pressure. Every time it absorbs a certain amount of damage, its size will be bigger, like a bottomless hole that never knows fullness, specializing in magic as a food. The more Mishu looks at it, the more strange it is, and the more he looks, the more heart becomes. Shocking, frowning and thinking for a moment, suddenly the tip of the heart trembled, a strong sense of fear subconsciously shouted,

"Stop! Let them stop!"

Everyone was puzzled by her sudden violent reaction. Yax quickly asked, "What's wrong with you, girl?"

Mishu seemed to have lost the ability to express, but the determined answer and consequences in her heart made her feel like she was being scratched by claws, and her head was hot. The only thought was to rush out to stop them!

So she really rushed out of the earth wall boundary as if she was suddenly possessed by a ghost. There was only one thought in her mind, as if an irreparable tragedy would happen one second later...

Just after running two steps away, I didn't know whether the boundary of the unearthed wall had been, so I was pulled back by a strong force. Mishu seemed to be crazy and kept saying, "Stop!" Hurry up and let them stop!"

When Yax saw her like this, he said a spell in his mouth, and then a very penetrating sound wave seemed to penetrate Mishu's ear with a long and profound echo, and then Mishu suddenly woke up, but still pulled Yax excitedly.

"Grandpa Yax, stop them quickly and stop attacking the black fog with magic! The black fog is a demon summoned by the people of Rasha. It swallows up all the magic that attacks it and stores it in its stomach. So many powerful magics only need to spit out all at once to raze the whole sunset country to the ground!"

It must be like this. According to her observation, coupled with the similar plots of the American science fiction blockbuster she has seen, the magicians of Rasha have not attacked for a long time, but only used this black fog to defend. In fact, they simply take defense as the attack, storing all the most powerful magic of the magicians and stored them intact. In its black fog, the black fog is getting stronger and stronger, proving that the more damage they absorb, the more magic they store. At that time, they can completely destroy the falling moon country without any effort!

How much magic has the black fog demon absorbed? After so many days of stalemate, the power has accumulated together, which is simply unimaginable...

The people of Rasha are really sinister and cunning, and their methods are vicious. They even came up with such a dirty method and invented such an evil magic, which is so chilling!

Everyone present was horrified, and their faces became frightening and gloomy in an instant, but Juroene Red calmly asked Mishu,

"How do you know that this black fog has such a terrible power? Are you sure?"

She is not 100% sure, but she thinks it must be so, but how should she explain it? They don't even know what the movie is, let alone what a science fiction movie is.

"I believe in the girl. Anyway, now we must stop them and stop attacking the black fog." Yax said in a low voice.

Everyone agreed, and Yax added, "We will definitely be found by the thief when we go out rashly. Now that everyone's vitality has not been adjusted yet, how can we inform them?"

Mishu was surprised and said, "Grandpa Yax, don't you know how to transmit sound through the air?"

I didn't expect Yax to be more surprised, "Air transmission? I won't." Then he looked ashamed, "I'm old and incompetent, and I haven't experienced the mysterious magic of spreading sound through the air."

How can it be? Mishu became more and more strange. She clearly remembered that once when she was practicing magic, Yax talked to her with voice transmission. At that time, she told him that she had drunk blood essence soup. Later, when he learned about it, he still showed surprise when he knew it. At that time, she only thought he was old. He didn't take it to heart, but now he actually says that he can't transmit sound from the air at all?!

"I have a way!" Red said in a low voice, and then crossed his thumb and index finger to his mouth, and Dantian blew a loud whistle.

Now that the enemy is facing, Mishu no longer thinks much about it. Soon, there is a sharp cry from the sky, and then a powerful reconnaissance eagle appears overhead, hovering the wings of the stigators in the distance. Then Red said to it, "Tell Casa to stop attacking."

After detecting the eagle got the order, it chirped and incited its broad wings to fly towards the place of the Falling Moon National Team.

This must be Juroene Red's pet, which is really in line with his heroic, wise and calm temperament.

Everyone looked at the eye of the sky again. Casa received the news of the reconnaissance eagle and ordered everyone to stop the attack. The colorful magic suddenly disappeared. The battlefield was much quieter, and he could only hear the black fog seem to be a heavy humming.

When the mages of Rasha State saw that the Luyue Kingdom had stopped attacking, they rarely showed a slightly stunned expression on their gloomy faces, and then listened to the voice of a leading magician who laughed,

"It turns out that the power of the moon country is nothing more than that. Did you admit defeat so soon?"

His voice is hollow and makes people stand upside down, which is really a bit like the ghost sound from hell, but what makes Mishu suddenly stiff is--

He is using the air transmission!

The two battlefields are several kilometers apart. If it is a normal sound, it is impossible for the other party to hear it, and he seems to use magic. He can only move his mouth to transmit the sound to such a long distance...

"Haha," the voice laughed, "It seems that you have not reached the extreme stupidity. You can see the power of our great magic fog, but now you have found that it is too late. The magic absorbed by the magic fog is enough to destroy you sanctimonous hypocrites! Haha..."

Sure enough... Sure enough, she guessed it right. When the Thieves of Rasha saw that the other party saw through their tricks, they simply confessed. The elders in the earth wall boundary were shocked and nervous one after another. Obviously, they knew that since such a long battle, the magicians of the Luoyue Kingdom had used it. The number of magic is indeed huge, and each magic is the most powerful magic of the mages who are eager to protect the country, and if it is really rebounded all at once, how serious the consequences will be...

However, Mishu noticed that although the Rasha people said so, they did not take the next step and did not start the magic fog to cause devastating damage.

"It turned out that I was really hit by the Mi girl. What should I do now? Is my falling moon country really going to perish today..." Yax was worried and his wrinkled face could not hide his despair.

"Damn it, I don't believe that evil can win over righteousness with this kind of evil move! I'm going out to fight with him!" A veteran rushed out excitedly and was immediately stopped by Red, "Do you think it's not messy enough now! Going out now is just to die for nothing!"

The impulsive elder was obviously afraid of Red's identity. Although he was furious, he had to come back.

Red continued calmly, "Now the most important thing is to find a way to resolve this disaster."

Seeing that the situation was so critical, even the elders were helpless, and Mishu was also quite depressed. Thanks to her bearing the name of the savior, now she is in trouble in the moon country. In the face of life and death, she can't do anything for the moon country. Instead, she stays in this safe earth wall boundary and watches the abominable Rasha Kingdom. There is nothing we can do about the life and death of the Moon Kingdom.

It doesn't matter, since she is so incompetent as the savior, let her coexist with the Falling Moon Kingdom! He also tried his best to get closer to the identity of the savior.

She closed her eyes in pain, and an image of a person suddenly flashed in her mind. The man's face was strangely ugly, his eyes were empty and gloomy, his back was crutches, and he looked very fierce.

How did you suddenly think of her? The old witch, who doesn't even have bones left now.

A sudden flash of light flashed in his head, and suddenly ignited a flame of hope.
