Mishu's evil life

Chapter 10 Death

That is to say, if you want to go in and save Casa, you must first break through the ghost gate.


Mishu cursed in a low voice, and at this moment, Casa has turned into an arrow with flames, rushing towards the thief of Rasha Kingdom, with irresistible power, as if he would die with the enemy.

The flesh and blood of the flame arrow was about to pierce the enemy's heart, and sooner or later, just as the flame wings were about to attack the black magician, with the end of the black magician's spell, Casa's unmistakable target suddenly shifted, and Mishu didn't even see what was happening. What? The magicians obviously did not move, but it seemed that they had taken a step back as a whole, and it seemed that the ground suddenly extended a distance and avoided Casa's attack.

And Casa's speed was extremely fast, and he didn't expect it to be empty at all. He didn't even have time to react, and he didn't have time to adjust the direction, so he hit the ground with a huge impact force...

Mishu took a breath and screamed, "Casa!"

Unfortunately, the people in the shield would not hear her voice at all, and she could only watch Casasheng hit the ground and roll out a few meters away. The sand burst, the smoke and dust rose, and a sunken track was left in the place where his body crossed. Mishu's heart was suddenly drawn together, and it was too late to see if Casa did something. Suddenly, a shadow pierced the sky, like a sharp arrow shooting at Casa. The terrible power was a breathless shock. Mishu saw the clear figure and couldn't help but be shocked--

That mysterious and unpredictable man!

He jumped up from the horse. His fierce momentum cut through the sky, and his blue hair flew with the wind. His figure came out of the smoke and swept towards Casa at a high speed. Casa on the ground was obviously seriously injured. Originally, he had just escaped from death and was beginning to recover from a serious illness, and because of the huge impulse, he hit the ground and dragged him out. After a long distance and being seriously injured again, the flame wings have long disappeared without strength support. At this moment, he lay on the ground weakly and moved his body ** to prove that he was still alive.

So of course, he couldn't know that the extremely murderous figure behind him was flying towards him. Mi Shu shouted, "No!" Casa, get away! Hurry up!" Tears of fear filled my eyes, and my feet kept stepping on the invisible shield that was completely invisible but could not be broken through anyway.

The black figure went straight to Casa. Casa instinctively turned over, his forehead and cheeks were scratched, and the corners of his mouth were soaked with bright red blood. His clothes were also worn out several times. His knees and elbows were bent, and his chest were all flesh and blood were blurred. The blood stains mixed with dust. His heart was shocked and he had no strength all over his body. He looked The breath of death came.

The man rushed to Casa's front and easily lifted Casa, who was too weak to stand. Casa was paralyzed all over and his head by the man. His toes were off the ground. Casa's face was blue and his whole body was soaked with blood in many places, but there was no fear in his eyes. Instead, he stared fiercely in front of him fiercely. This man.

The man raised his head slightly and stared at the man in his hand who could easily end his life. There was an extremely complex look in his eyes, as if with exploration, hatred, pain and struggle. But the next second, his sky-blue eyes shot bloodthirsty murderous intent, and the other hand gently pressed Casa's chest, as if the beating heart was being held in his claws at the moment, pinched out a bloody fog with a little force.

Mi Shu was so scared that she forgot to breathe. At this moment, the elegant and beautiful man who seemed to be as blasphemerable as a fairy in white seemed to suddenly become a messenger of hell, an inhuman killer, and his white face without any trace of blood was chilling and gloomy. And murderous.

He stared at Casa without blinking, and his cold voice came out of his mouth, but it seemed to say it to others in a faraway place.

"Dog thief comes out! Your precious son is now in my hands. If you don't come out, I will dig out his heart and make your efforts for more than 20 years!"

Juroene Red?! Is his target actually Casa's father? Did Red offend him to make him angry with his son Casa and force Red out with Casa's life?

Casa spit blood on him, snorted coldly, and was not afraid of death at all. Mishu's throat tightened, fearing that Casa's move would anger him. He really dug out Casa's heart. Whether Red would appear or not, even if there was 99 percent hope, she did not dare to gamble, let alone watch this with her own eyes. When the curtain happened, she must save him!

What about the magic fog? As long as there is a glimmer of hope that she can pass through the magic fog to save Casa with her own life and save the whole falling moon country, she will not give up!

So Mishu changed his direction and flew to the territory of the Moonland.

The man just elegantly erased the blood stains on his face, and suddenly laughed wildly, and the laughter was full of hatred.

"Haha, dog thief, dog thief, you are really cruel enough. You can not only kill your favorite woman with your own hands, but you can even ignore your own life and death. Your reputation and status are really more important than anything else. Who can be more conscienceless than you!"

After saying that, he threw Casa on the ground fiercely and turned away. Casa fell heavily on the ground. A large stream of red blood gushed out of his mouth and nose, and the smell of fishy sweetness suddenly spread. He did not stop. He forcibly raised his anger and condensed magic. The man suddenly turned around with a murderous spirit, and his fierce and terrible eyes reflected anger. The palm turned up, and a black smoke immediately appeared in his hand, and then pushed it out. The black smoke stabbed Casa like a sharp blade. This action was done in one go, simply powerful, and the speed was so fast that people could not even react.

The black blade-like smoke pierced Casa's body. Casa fell back, and there were bursts of colic in his body. The black smoke hit his meridians with scars. He took a deep breath, his body twitched, and another mouthful of red blood gushed out. It was difficult to breathe. His handsome face was pale and crisp at this moment. Weak.

Suddenly, a loud noise cut through the sky, a little like the roar of a beast, and a little like a huge wave rolling. The space that was originally blocked by the huge black magic fog and looked a little depressing and dark suddenly lit up. The legion of mages of Rasha looked at the opposite voice one after another. Casa was just seriously injured and was preparing to go back to the team. The man among them also turned around in surprise, and even Casa, who was lying on the ground with scars, couldn't help raising his head and looking over.

Everyone was stunned by the scene they saw in front of them-

The huge black magic fog that originally blocked between the two teams, the black fog with the horrible power that devours everything, now seems to have been split from the middle by a knife and split into two halves...

How can there be such a sharp and indestructible weapon in the world? Even if there is, it is impossible to split the illusory fog. No matter how powerful the magic weapon is, it will fall softly on the fog, not to mention the magic fog that can devouring everything. Question mark

Look at the magic fog like a warcraft that just raised its claws like a blood basin. After being split, it suddenly became like a pool of black fog, which quickly shrank and finally turned into a wisp of black smoke and flew into the air and flew in the direction of Rasha Kingdom.

And this is not the most surprising thing for everyone. What surprised Rasha and Luoyue at the same time was the position where the magic fog was just now, a magic wand with dazzling light in his hand, exuding unstoppable anger and murderous... woman!

Mishu held the water god blessing magic battle in both hands and maintained the posture after destroying the magic fog like a broken bamboo. At this moment, her eyes were full of scarlet blood, as if she had incarnated as a killer only for killing.

Seeing with her own eyes, Casa's life was in danger and suddenly stimulated Mishu's nerves. She had just stood in front of the magic fog with a big mouth, as if she had been suddenly possessed by the God of War. She unconsciously took out the water god blessing magic wagon given to her by the Pope. Suddenly, there was a dazzling white light all over her body. She gathered together. Waving the magic fog, such an extraordinary magical power occurred.


Crazy collection, sad.