Mishu's evil life

Chapter 13 Split

I didn't expect this water god blessing magic battle to be so powerful, completely beyond my own expectations. Such treasures, coupled with the magical achievements of Yorkshire's predecessors, must be like a tiger with wings and no one can beat them.

Mishu's victory in the first battle greatly inspired the momentum of the soldiers of the Falling Moon Kingdom. The mages of the Falling Moon Kingdom are like a rainbow, and several magic mentor-level elders also participated in it. For a while, the situation in the Falling Moon Kingdom was very good. The black magicians did not have magic fog to resist. In addition, the power of the blessing of the water god made their team chaotic and people's hearts Panicked.

It seems that the chance of winning the falling moon country is still very high. Mi Shu's heart is suddenly full of hope, but she knows that the soldiers should avoid arrogance, especially on the battlefield. She does not dare to neglect the war strategy of Chinese heroes - to capture the king first, with the status of the count, if If you can capture or kill him alive, you must be more sure to win the war with fewer casualties.

In the red-eyed crowd, Mishu's eyes searched for the trace of the target. The man, who was softer than the moonlight but with deadly danger, had now sat back on his black horse, stood outside the war, and looked elegantly and calmly at a life-and-death battle in front of him. He didn't even frown, as if blood was flying. He was used to it at all, and it seemed that what he saw in front of him was just an ordinary scenery, and there seemed to be a faint smile on the corners of his mouth. Somehow, that smile actually made Mishu feel hairy...

What on earth is this man's heart made of? It's okay to be fierce and cruel to the enemy. Is it still so indifferent to stand by when you watch your compatriots die and suffer?

Mishu jumped up, grasped the magic wrest in her hand, and quickly flew towards the indifferent man. There was only one thought in her mind - she wanted to kill him! Must kill him! Only in this way can we really win and defend the moonfall country.

It only needs... All people need to unite, concentrate their thoughts, and exert the power of the blessing of the water god to the extreme. The shadow of the sword of light pierces his chest, and she succeeds! But why does her heart hurt again when she thinks of that picture, thinking that she is going to take his life, the bright red color of his chest and his pale and melancholy face?

Why is there a sad voice in my heart shouting "No...No!"?

No! I must kill him!

No! You can't hurt him!

The two voices fought fiercely in her mind. Mishu's head was about to explode. She shouted, "Ah!" The blessing of the god of water in his hand emitted an extremely dazzling white light with the explosion of all his power, and a sharp sword shadow stabbed the man like an arrow from the string...

She is going to kill him! This idea finally defeated the voice that came out of nowhere. For all the people of the Falling Moon Kingdom, in order to complete her mission and change her fate, she must kill him!

As soon as the light sword comes out, the gods and demons are unimpeded.

Mi slowly opened his eyes, and the light sword stabbed out at a very fast speed, flew far away, and returned to the divine battle. In that place, there was only the dark horse left. Where is the trace of that man?

I swept around and never saw his figure. Could it be stabbed by a powerful light sword?

When I was wondering, a soft voice suddenly came from my ear,

"Are you looking for me?"

Mi Shu turned around in horror and took a big step back. She didn't know when the hateful man came behind her. The most hateful thing is... He just whispered to her and spoke. I don't know if it was intentional. His cold lips seemed to be close to her earlobe, and the breath he spit out swept over her ears. , which made her itchy.

"You! ..." Mishu pointed at him angrily and angrily, and her whole face turned red to the back of her ears, and she couldn't wait to cut this damn man with thousands of knives!

And the count smiled more when he saw Mishu's red cheeks, and his blue ice eyes flashed with a fingering light in the moonlight.

Mishu, who was so angry, waved the magic sword in his hand and launched another sharp light sword at him. The man flashed and disappeared. For a moment, he patted her on the back from behind.

In the face of this naked provocation, Mishu completely stormed away, and another lightsaber was shot out and dodged by him again. Mishu's eyes showed murderous anger and kept firing lightsabers at him, and every time he dodged without exception...

He seemed to be able to accurately predict the direction of her next attack, and then dodged the attack before the lightsaber shot out at an alarming speed. Mishu became more and more annoyed, which lasted for nearly five minutes. Even if the magic did not dry up, he had no strength. The speed began to slow down and slower, and finally simply gave up.

I stood there gasping, his chest heaved violently, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and stared at the monster with a pair of eyes--

Meow! Where did this guy come from? He has such a lightning speed, and he can't attack him without a trace.

Although the pervert still has the beaten smile on his face, his face is obviously a little tired, deliberately preventing fatigue from being too obvious, for fear that she will see through most of the flaws he has consumed most of his magic and then kill him, quietly pulling off the switch on the ordinary metal ring ring on his finger, revealing A black gem-like thing is actually a magic crystal, inlaid on a ring, like a black gem diamond ring.

He looked at her and smiled vaguely.

"It seems that you are indeed the person we are looking for."

Mishu didn't have time to swear to respond to him. Suddenly, she heard a loud noise on the battlefield not far away, and the ground was also trembling. She hurried to see what had happened on the battlefield. After seeing it clearly, she was scared to take a breather by the horrible picture!

Five black magic stood together in a strange formation. The wand in their hands danced, their mouths quickly chanted spells, and then shouted in unison, "The most powerful broken bone demons and black giants in hell, please enjoy your food, carnival!" A mass of black smoke appeared, with the smoke Dissipated, suddenly there were two more... monsters on the battlefield!

One is tall and the other is short. The other is short. A huge machete is carried on the shoulder, full of jagged teeth, and the body is full of bone spurs. A scarlet one-eyed must be a broken bone demon. The tall and majestic monster must be a black giant.

Mishu sweated coldly. The monster that only appeared in science fiction blockbusters was really in front of him, feeling the breath of danger and death.

The soldiers of Luoyue Kingdom couldn't help but be shocked when they saw these two horrible monsters, and there was deep fear in their eyes. Mishu heard Yax's uneasy voice and said,

"I actually activated the summoning of hell, but I didn't expect that the power of black magic had been practiced so horrible and evil."

The black magic that even Yax would fear must be very powerful and difficult to deal with. I didn't expect that the Rasha thief still had this hand. No wonder the pervert just now did not panic when he saw that his country was at a disadvantage. It turned out that there was a killer mace.

Everyone was still shocked in public, and the broken bone demon had already danced his sword. The knife came like a light curtain and split into a mage in the Falling Moon Kingdom. He couldn't dodge it. Unexpectedly, his head was cut short by the knife, and his flesh and blood flew across. Mishu saw a living person's head cut off in the blink of an eye, and his face turned pale with fear. , almost fainted, and the broken bone demon then chopped out several bright knife light. Fortunately, Yax reacted quickly and quickly built a wind barrier to block the knife light. The wind barrier hindered the attack of the knife light, but the knife light itself was extremely sharp and seemed to penetrate the barrier. The invisible barrier had a slight spatial distortion. Seeing the situation, Yax quickly recited a spell to deepen the defense of the barrier. The knife light finally couldn't overcome it, and it broke an inch and turned into a little starlight.

Mishu just breathed a sigh of relief, but saw the black giant pounding the ground with his fists. Suddenly, the earth cracked and there was a loud noise. The ground raised layers of earth waves, roaring like a beast and drowned all the mages of the Falling Moon Kingdom...