Mi Tian Ji

Chapter 10: Washing and Cutting the Mearrow

Back to his residence, Shen Linfeng took out the animal skin and was extremely excited.

This skin depicts these dozen simple pictures of lines, each of which depicts a naked man with more than a dozen strange postures, which looks extremely mysterious.

Shen Linfeng sat on the stone bed and looked at the first layer of the formula of the bully formula. He looked back and forth several times. After confirming that he had memorized the formula well, he put the animal skin aside.

After sitting for half an hour, when his physical and mental state reached its peak, Shen Linfeng began to practice according to the method recorded in the first layer of the hegemony formula.

According to the appearance drawn by the picture, Shen Linfeng put on a strange posture, and at the same time, he began to silently run the first layer of formula of hegemony in his heart. From afar, Shen Linfeng's whole body seemed to be distorted at this time. If he hadn't studied martial arts with Uncle Lin since he was a child, his body would have been extremely flexible, and he would not have been able to do this.

After about half a quarter of an hour, Shen Linfeng's body began to change, and his skin slowly turned red.

But this is just a superficial phenomenon. If someone can see through Shen Linfeng's skin, they can see that the blood in Shen Linfeng's body is flowing several times faster than usual. While the blood accelerates, Shen Linfeng's skin also has bursts of sharp pain.

With the passage of time, this tear-like pain has not disappeared, but became more intense. Shen Linfeng grinned with this pain, but he did not give up. Since he chose this skill before, he was ready to bear all the pain.

In the severe pain, a grain of soybean-sized sweat mixed with black dirt slowly oozed out of Shen Linfeng's body. These black dirt are the dirt deposited in Shen Linfeng's body over the years.

After all, Shen Linfeng is just a ten-year-old child. Even if he is much stronger than an ordinary child, he finally fainted under this far-human tolerable pain.

When Shen Linfeng fainted, his body still maintained that strange posture.

Time passed slowly, and the sky outside had gradually darkened. Under the dim light from the night stone, more and more black dirt oozed from Shen Linfeng's body, making the whole room filled with a strange smell.

At this time, the door was quietly pushed open, and a chubby little head poked out from the door. It was a little fat man Zhang Zixu.

"I didn't expect this little guy to succeed in washing the scriptures and cutting marrow like this." Turn a blind eye to the strange smell in the room. Zhang Zixu, a little fat man, glanced at Shen Linfeng of Shi**, and his face flashed with surprise and muttered to himself.

At this time, Zhang Zixu, a little fat man, doesn't look like a ten-year-old child at all. When he speaks, he looks old, as if he is an old monster who has lived for many years.

After talking to himself, the little fat man Zhang Zixu dodged into the room.

At this time, Shen Linfeng's skin color has returned to normal. But if you look carefully, you will find that Shen Linfeng's skin has become as smooth as jade, and there is an unknown dark golden aura wandering on this jade-like skin.

"Forget it, I'll just help you again." Little fat Zhang Zi said to himself.

In his words, a small purple jade bottle appeared in his hand, and then poured out a black elixir from his thumb.

At the entrance of the elixir, it immediately turned into an extremely pure medicine in Shen Linfeng's mouth and integrated into his limbs and bones.

The whole process has been completed in an instant.

Then, Xiao Pang rushed to Shen Linfeng's body a little. A spiritual light flashed, and the unknown auras that had been wandering on Shen Linfeng's body slowly sank into his body and finally formed countless dark golden spots and lines on the bones of his whole body.

Shen Linfeng, who was sleeping, knew nothing about what the little fat man Zhang Zixu did.

The next morning, Shen Linfeng slowly woke up.

As soon as he woke up, he smelled a strange smell in the room, which was disgusting.

Being choked by this strange smell, Shen Linfeng, who had just woken up, almost fainted again.

Soon, Shen Linfeng found that the source of these strange smells was on himself.

"Did I actually have been washed and cut down?" Looking at the dark and sticky dirt that covered his whole body and emitted a disgusting smell, Shen Linfeng immediately came up with the information that Tian Chenzi left in his mind.

The washing of the scriptures and cutting the marrow is a necessary stage for practitioners to go through from the spiritual realm to the spiritual whirlpool.

By taking the foundation elixir, the practitioners of the spiritual realm will eliminate the dirt in the body when they advance to the spiritual spiral realm and reach the kind of innate body in the mother's womb again. Only with the innate body can practitioners better sense the aura of heaven and earth and get twice the result with half the effort.

After washing his body with the water in the room, Shen Linfeng found the changes on his skin. He was slightly surprised and naturally blamed all this on the bully formula.

"Huh? What is this?" Shen Linfeng sat in Shi**'s internal vision of the situation, and suddenly found that there was a dark gray monument lying quietly in Dantian, and immediately made a sound.

This monument is only a few inches in size and is dark gray, surrounded by a faint layer of gray fog. From this monument, Shen Linfeng felt an extremely familiar atmosphere.

"Mountains and seas." Shen Linfeng didn't understand what the monument was. After observing it again for a while, he stopped paying attention and wanted to ask him when Tian Chenzi came back.

After changing into clean clothes, Shen Linfeng felt that he was much more relaxed. At this time, he felt that his body was in excellent physical condition, with endless strength, and even effortlessly walked through the mountain road with invisible gravity when going up the mountain.

Although he thought so, Shen Linfeng was not stupid enough to run down the mountain to try.

" Shen Linfeng." Throwing the stinky clothes out of the house, Shen Linfeng was about to turn around and go back to the house when a familiar voice came from behind. Chen Jingyi came.

"Sister Chen, what can I do for you?" Seeing Chen Jingyi, Shen Linfeng was a little surprised, but he still asked calmly.

"Can't come to see you if you have nothing to do?" Chen Jingyi is not angry. Wrinkled his nose, raised his hand with a fire bomb, and turned the stinky clothes Shen Linfeng threw outside the house into ashes.

"Senior Chen joked, you are a busy person. How can you come to me if you have nothing to do?" Shen Linfeng smiled and looked attentive.

"Ouch, I won't tease you. Brother Li asked me to find a disciple to help him. Are you interested?" Somehow, seeing Shen Linfeng's appearance of being far away from her, Chen Jingyi was a little unhappy, but she still restrained her face.

Brother Li mentioned in Chen Jingyi's mouth is naturally the alien disciple Li Yuan in Taixu, who does not like to practice but only like to study the way of array. Li Yuan has a high status in Taixu Gate and often receives care and rewards from the elders, which is far from comparable to ordinary brothers.

"This is not very good. I've just started, and I don't know anything yet. It won't help if I go there." Shen Linfeng didn't know who Brother Li was in Chen Jingyi's mouth. Now he just wanted to quietly practice the hegemony, so his face appeared.

"Are you really not going? Brother Li's achievements in the way of formation are extraordinary. If you can learn some fur skills from him, it is much more useful than practicing randomly all day long. Chen Jingyi saw this and her eyes turned to follow the good way.

After a cup of tea time, Chen Jingyi drove a spiritual weapon and took Shen Linfeng to a small valley shrouded in thick fog.

Shen Linfeng finally became interested in the way of formation mentioned by Chen Jingyi and then came here.

"The whole valley here has been arranged by Brother Li with an extremely powerful magic array. You will follow me honestly when you go in later." Chen Jingyi reminded Shen Linfeng.

Then he touched out a passing note, a spiritual formula was played, and the passing note plunged into the thick fog of the valley.

After a while, the thick fog that originally enveloped the valley suddenly rolled, and a straight downward passage was separated from it.

Seeing this, Chen Jingyi immediately urged the spiritual weapon under her feet and flew into the channel with Shen Linfeng. When the two entered, the thick fog rolled again and healed together silently.

The two fell to the ground and saw a thick fog rolling around them, and they could only see a distance of two feet away.

Shen Linfeng looked at it a few times, but did not see the so-called Brother Li.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps around, accompanied by the sound of Jin Ge's collision.

Eighteen armored men in gold armor, holding huge swords, and expressionless faces appeared around the two. A cold murderous atmosphere gradually diffused, making Shen Linfeng's pupils shrink.

"Don't leave me too far for a while, otherwise I can't protect you." It seemed that he had expected this situation, and there was an extra seven-color practice in his hand, and he said to Shen Linfeng with a wry smile.

"I will protect myself." Shen Linfeng said lightly.

"Well, you said it yourself. Don't come to me when you are unlucky." Although Chen Jingyi already has the early cultivation of the spiritual whirlpool, in the final analysis, she is just a thirteen-four-year-old girl. Hearing Shen Linfeng's words, she immediately turned her head away.

Before Shen Linfeng could make an excuse to say anything, the two felt a cold wind on their faces at the same time, and the eighteen golden swordsmen around them moved with their swords at the same time. Seeing this, both of them were energetic at the same time and dared not be careless at all.

Shen Linfeng's feet moved, and his whole body rushed to one of the golden swordsmen like an arrow from the string. Seeing this, the golden swordsman split a sword with an expressionless face. The speed of the giant sword was extremely fast, and even made a harsh sound in the air. The giant sword cut Shen Linfeng's body and split Shen Linfeng's body in half without any effort, but it was just a shadow.

After experiencing the hegemonic formula of washing and cutting the marrow, Shen Linfeng's body has reached another level. He can actually bring out the remnants of his light skills, which is undoubtedly different from yesterday when he had not washed the marrow.

When the giant sword of the golden armored swordsman split Shen Linfeng's shadow in half, Shen Linfeng himself had already relied on his young body and came behind the golden armored swordsman.

"Bang" Shen Linfeng's palm lined up on the back of the golden armored swordsman, and a chaotic atmosphere gushed out of his palm.

"Idiot, these are all puppets. How can you be moved?" Not far away, Chen Jingyi saw Shen Linfeng's behavior and immediately said angrily.

But the next moment, Chen Jingyi saw an extra hole in the place where the golden armor swordsman had been patted by Shen Linfeng. There was a gray fog rolling in the hole, and the gray fog hole was also expanding.

"How can you... do it? How did you do it?" Chen Jingyi's eyes widened and couldn't believe what she saw in front of her.