Mi Tian Ji

Chapter 63: Gathering Array

Shen Linfeng stood still and thought about it, but the fainted little monkey not far away had already snored and looked extremely sleepy.

Shen Linfeng smiled and walked over to lift the little monkey. Although there are many things happening tonight, at least the little monkey has progressed to a monster as he wished.

As long as it becomes a monster, the little monkey will not only increase its life limit and its own strength in a very short time, but also the little monkey's strength will usher in a new leap with its advanced monster.

The original intelligence of monkeys is no less than that of ordinary human children. If they increase, they will inevitably become smarter.

If that's true, Shen Linfeng intends to teach the mind of the barbarism to the little monkey. With the cooperation of the hegemony formula, the speed of the little beast's cultivation of the hegemony formula in the future will inevitably be much faster.

Turning around and looking at the bedroom that had long been destroyed and turned into ruins, Shen Linfeng had another headache.

Originally, he was glad that he didn't have to build a house after owning these houses, but he didn't expect that one room would be destroyed without living overnight. It seems that he will have to find a way to repair it tomorrow.

"Jin Li, do you know what kind of monster Xiaohei belongs to?" Shen Linfeng took the little monkey to the other side of the courtyard. His heart suddenly moved and asked Jin Li.

When he saw the appearance of the little monkey, he began to think about what kind of monster the little monkey was. After thinking about it, the appearance of the little monkey did not seem to match those he had read in the books, so he had no choice but to ask Jinci.

It is not surprising that Shen Linfeng would do this. Jin Li was once the owner of the Northern Ming Demon Palace and was a monster itself. There is no doubt that the clarity of the types of monsters is far better than Shen Linfeng. This kind of thing is naturally far better than asking her to search for classics randomly.

"I can't answer your question. There are nearly 100 kinds of ape monsters I have seen, and none of them seem to be the same as the little guy in your hand." Jin Li was silent for a moment, but the final answer surprised Shen Linfeng.

"No, you didn't lie to me on purpose, did you? Didn't you say that you are the owner of the Northern Ning Demon Palace? How can you not even recognize an ordinary monster? Shen Linfeng didn't believe what Jin Li said when he heard the words.

As an old monster that has lived for more than a thousand years, Jinli is also a monster. There is no reason why you can't even tell what a small monster is. Shen Linfeng's intuitive golden beaver was still angry with what happened at the spirit grabbing conference, so he deliberately concealed it and did not tell himself.

"Why should I deceive you about such a trivial matter? If you don't believe in me, why do you have to ask me? If you have the ability, take your time to find it. Hearing Shen Linfeng's skeptical attitude towards himself, Jin Li immediately said in an angry tone.

"Don't... Don't do this. I'm not doubting you, but the answer you just said is so strange that I can't accept it for a moment." Seeing that the golden beaver had a furious trend again, Shen Linfeng quickly softened and then said, "Isn't Xiaohei a monster?"

"No, this little guy has indeed become an advanced monster. This can't be hidden from my eyes. The demonic spirit emanating from his body is the best proof." Jin Li once again denied Shen Linfeng's speculation.

"Is there any demonic spirit? But why do I think it's no different from before?" Opening the door and entering the house, Shen Linfeng cleaned Shi** casually, sat down and looked at the little monkey next to him, and then said slowly.

"This little guy has just advanced to a monster, and his demonic spirit is still very weak. You will naturally find it after a long time." Jin Li said.

The demon spirit contained in the monster is similar to the mana of the monk, and the degree of strength and weakness increases with the promotion of the level of the monster. Like a little monkey, which has just advanced to a first-level monster, the weakness of its body is almost negligible. If you don't have the intention to check it, it is difficult to detect it. When the monster advances to the metamorphosis period, it can completely restrain the demon spirit on its body. As long as it can not be released, the advanced monster that survives the transformation disaster does not look any different from ordinary monks.

"But I still don't understand. In your capacity, I'm afraid there are few kinds of monsters in the cultivation world that you don't know, right? Besides, Xiaohei doesn't look like a special monster. Shen Linfeng no longer entangled in boring issues such as demonic spirit, and continued to ask Jin Li about his doubts.

"Well, what do you know? With the degree of knowledge and cultivation in front of you, I can only tell you that the world of cultivation is far from what you can imagine. The world of cultivation you are seeing now is just the tip of the iceberg of the whole world of cultivation. In the real world of cultivation, not to mention the Taixu Gate, even the whole Jin Dynasty is just a drop in the ocean. Jin Li was very angry with Shen Linfeng's words and said with a sneer.

"What, even the Jin Dynasty is only a drop in the sea of the world of cultivation? What you said is too exaggerated. In my opinion, the world of cultivation is not as big as you think. Shen Linfeng shook his head and felt that Jin Li's words were exaggerated.

There are already so many sects and monks in a Tianqi mountain range in Qingyu County. The number of monks and large and small sects in the whole Jin Dynasty is unimaginable. How can such a huge existence be as worthless as Jin Li said?

It is not surprising that Shen Linfeng had such an idea at this time. Until many years later, Shen Linfeng, who really stepped into the world of cultivation, talked to Jin Li about what he thought in those years, which would still provoke Jin Li to ridicule and ridicule.

Exaggeration? I have already seen the great Jin by saying this. When you understand the vastness of the world of cultivation in the future, you will feel that this is true. Seeing that Shen Linfeng looked like he didn't believe it even if he was beaten to death, Jin Li said.

"Maybe." Shen Linfeng said no more. With his cultivation that he has just entered the seventh floor of Yunling Realm, it is still too early to talk about these things. Not to mention the whole world of cultivation, even the 64 counties of the Dajin Dynasty are unable to travel.

As soon as Shen Linfeng's voice fell, countless information suddenly appeared in his mind, all of which were monsters he had never seen before.

"These are all the monsters I know so far. Take your time to check them by yourself, and you will know whether I have deceived you or not." Jin Li said, and then he was completely quiet.

Shen Linfeng didn't say anything more. He began to look for these huge strange information given by Jin Li in his mind.

There are nearly 10,000 kinds of monsters in the memory of the golden beaver passed on to him, most of which are some strange-looking low-level monsters, including some high-level monsters.

About a quarter of an hour, Shen Linfeng finally ended this kind of search like looking for a needle in a haystack.

He looked through the monsters in the memory of the golden beaver, especially comparing the appearance of those ape monsters with the little monkey. As a result, as the golden beaver said, he did not find a monster that matched the appearance and characteristics of the little monkey.

"Bad boy, I advise you to die. There are more than a million kinds of monsters in the world of cultivation, and it is not so easy to find them, not to mention that there are a small and half of the mutant monsters, which is even more unimaginable. Jinli's voice sounded again: "But although I don't know what kind of monster this little guy belongs to, I can vaguely feel that the blood inside this little guy is no less powerful than this palace. It should have the bloodline of some ancient demon."

The so-called demon spirit is actually the true spirit mentioned by practitioners, which is a powerful existence at the top of the pyramid of the whole cultivation world.

"Well, maybe there is no chance now, maybe we will know when the chance comes." Shen Linfeng was silent for a moment and then said, with a sense of self-comfort in his tone.

"What's the opportunity? If a good little Taoist priest doesn't do it, do you also want to be a bald donkey? Somehow, the golden beaver suddenly became furious.

Shen Linfeng didn't understand where he had offended this aunt, so he simply stopped talking.

He brushed the storage bracelet, took out the things in the storage bracelet, piled them on the stone ** and began to look at them one by one.

Although these things given to Shen Linfeng by Jiuye Zhenren don't look very precious and even a little shabby, everything here is priceless. In particular, four of them record Jiuye Zhenren's qi and alchemy, as well as the jade slips of cultivation experience and perception over the years.

If these things can be completely digested and absorbed, Shen Linfeng's future cultivation road will definitely be much easier than other ordinary disciples.

"Oh, I didn't expect that Master Jiuye was also a fan of the way of array, and he still had a lot of understanding of the way of array." Shen Linfeng took a jade slip again. When he sinked his mind into it, he suddenly said to himself with a surprised face.

What is recorded in the jade slip in Shen Linfeng's hand is some insights of Jiuye Zhenren's way of the array. It includes some skills of arraying and some unique insights into the way of array. Jiuye Zhenren recorded a brief introduction about the way of formation in this jade slip. Some of Shen Linfeng had heard similar things in Li Yuan's mouth, but most of them were never heard of or knew.

Judging from the records in this jade slip, Jiuye Zhenren is not only as simple as loving the way of array. Shen Linfeng can even conclude that Jiuye Zhen's attainments in the way of array are absolutely higher than Li Yuan.

Shen Linfeng's inference is by no means groundless. Shen Linfeng, who has studied the way of array for nearly five years, also has a deep understanding of the way of array. Even Li Yuan often praises his extraordinary talent in the way of array.

Although many of the introductions in this jade slip left by Jiuye Zhenren are not well understood by Shen Linfeng at present, the part he can understand is enough to open his eyes. Even a short sentence in some places immediately solves his doubts buried in the bottom of his heart for a long time, and Mao Se suddenly opened up.

"With what is recorded in this jade slip, I don't have to bother Brother Li often." Shen Linfeng thought of it secretly with excitement.

Then, Shen Linfeng picked up another jade Jane.

When he saw the content of the jade slip, his eyes suddenly rolled round, and his mouth could not be closed after opening for a long time, and the degree of surprise was much better than before.

What is recorded in this jade slip is nothing else, but some strange arrays, especially the first and second arrays that surprised Shen Linfeng the most.

The first array is called Juling array. The array materials used are not array flags and arrays, but spiritual stones engraved with special array lines after being specially refined.

As the name implies, after the array is arranged, it can condense the aura within more than ten miles or even hundreds of miles around the array, so that the spiritual power in the array can reach a terrible level.

This is only one of the reasons why Shen Linfeng was surprised, and the other reason is that the spiritual stones arranged with the spiritual array will automatically fill the spiritual power as the spiritual array is used. In time, a lower spiritual stone may become a medium spiritual stone under the nourishment of the spiritual array, and it is not impossible to become a superior spiritual stone.

This kind of magic array that can also advance spiritual stones is almost unheard of in the world of cultivation.

Shen Linfeng dared not imagine how much shock it would bring to the cultivation world if this spiritual array spread out.